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Harlot O'Scara

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I don't agree with what they're doing but neither do I think Mitch should be dragging it through the courts. Its a stupid waste of legal resources and its overly controlling. They haven't stolen personal bits of her property from him. It's just dregs and debris. The court of public opinion will judge them. They're a pair of desperate ghouls and so are the people buying.
I think Mitch is just annoyed that somebody other than him is making money from Amy.
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Around 2005 I was sitting outside a restaurant in Camden with a friend and Amy came along with her friend and sat right by us. She seemed drunk and was crying, and then her dad came and picked her up in his cab.

I adored her first album, didn’t mind the second one but it irked me that the production had ripped off 60s music so much.

i heard she had died early as my husband works for a newspaper and was getting word. I felt so affected by her death; I’ve been similarly troubled and recognised myself in her struggles and heartache. Those photos of her body being brought out really got me- somehow you could really tell it was her and that haunted me for a long time.
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I wonder about her relationship with Mark Ronson. He obviously cared about her, made a record with her that is a future classic and seemed to bring out the best in her talent and writing. The record also made his career as well I think. As a friend I don’t think he had much influence over her especially with the drugs and alcohol and husband choices but it must be hard for him to think of how the third album could have been. When she sang with Tony Bennett she seemed so happy in the film. I remember watching it and being so sad for her friends and so cross with her dad. Her father and husband manipulated and abused her.

After writing Rehab she should have been put in rehab. The tortured artist trope should be dispensed with, Adele writes soulful songs and is perfectly happy with her life.
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I just read the entire book Tyler wrote. I used to think “if I would have known her, I could have saved her or done something to help”. I no longer think I could have done anything. It was a sad and depressing read of her and the lucozade crack pipe. Blake went to jail and she carried on and got worse and worse. I dont think she got the help she needed, but I dont know that she was willing to be helped either.
so sad all around.
The saddest part of the film Amy is when of her friend’s recounts her their memory of the night Amy won the Grammy for Back To Black.

Despite receiving the highest accolade in music and performing in front of an audience of some of the biggest and most respected names in the industry, Amy turned to her friend and said ‘this is just no fun without drugs’.
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Sam Taylor-Wood would know all about toxic relationships as she groomed her husband when he starred in one of her films when he was 18 and she was 41.
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I wanted to say something about this but didn't want to barge in there with no skin in the game. Solidarity with you @VielleFemme and all jews being made to feel like barely tolerated guests in their own country. That the queen of the London music scene was a proud Jew should make you and yours proud. (Also we'd pretty please love to hear more about slightly knowing Amy if/when you feel safe to do so on here.
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People tend to think that Amy's unreliable attitude to performing on stage and missing gigs only began in the Back To Black period. It happened during the Frank period, but only on gigs in Europe. Sometimes she'd turn up absolutely hammered and incapable of going on stage. Her management 19 were pretty adept at covering this up and her relatively low media profile ensured that it was kept quiet.

Of course, her subsequent management saw the PR "benefit" of an act spiralling out of control and chose to ride with it...
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I used to see her out in Soho a lot in the Frank era. She was just over 5 ft but quite curvy - really attractive. Then I passed her around there about two months before Rehab was released. The change in her physically was so extreme. And her management and PR company then exploited her "fuck up" status to the max.

I was never much a fan of her voice - way too affected. But there's no doubt that she made direct relatable lyric writing popular again - I think people forget that there weren't really many other female solo acts at the time being so honest in their songwriting. And we see how it certainly set a trend that still resonates which Adele and Lily Allen ran with, though not necessarily in a calculating way - well, not Adele, anyway...

I saw her live over the years thanks to mates in the business. I have to say that most times, she was shambolic. And even worse, most of the audience seemed to love her for that towards the end and even encouraged it through their tacit approval via exhortations and applause.

To be honest, it seemed likely that things weren't going to end well seeing her just before Rehab came out...
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Chatty Member
Can’t believe it’s been ten years 😔

I wasn’t keen on this new documentary at all. Loved seeing the previously unseen footage and photographs (what a beautiful girl she was, stunning) but that was all. Felt like a bit of a PR exercise to clear the family and I don’t think it’s done them any favours. That’s not to say I don’t feel for them, it must have been absolutely awful watching it all at that time and of course they will never get over her death. And it’s absolutely true that addicts can only help themselves. But to me it felt like they were really trying to hammer that point, insisting on how good a family they were; but in my mind there is no doubt that Amy had daddy issues, with him leaving the family home in the way he did, not spending time with her, and mum not being more firm. Children need boundaries and she was never given any nor disciplined; her mum herself said in the Asif doc that she wasn’t strong enough to stand up to her and Amy herself said her mum was too soft and she should be tougher on her. She also said herself that her dad was never there for any of those important bits like when her and her brother were acting up.

Amy didn’t organise the gigs herself or have any involvement in that side of things; so I don’t buy it that Mitch and her manager didn’t make her do them. They could have been cancelled and that would have been that. Even if she wanted to do them, they could have insisted upon her not by cancelling as looking out for her well-being. I still believe 100% that she was pressured into performing when she wasn’t well.

Didn’t get good vibes or sincerity from these other “friends”. Who were they? Naomi was her stylist and it would seem that she’s trying to make more of their relationship than it really was. Very easy to claim. Seen she has a book coming out this year on Amy’s birthday, so cashing in on her.

I really get the strong impression that Catriona was a hanger-on who is trying to claim they shared this deep and profound friendship. The only photos of them together are when Amy was at her worst and they were out on the sauce. Enjoying and encouraging the party lifestyle that was so harmful to Amy doesn’t really tally up with being so concerned about same. Amy seemed very sociable and made easy friendships with people, so just because they spent some time partying together doesn’t mean anything IMO. I don’t buy it.

Thought it was a disgrace how she said they slept together too. It was so disrespectful. And implying that Amy was mentally battling with her confusion over her sexuality and that was a factor in her downfall. The only person who could confirm or deny if they slept together is Amy and she’s not here; I call BS. The fact her parents allowed this to be included shows some desperation on their part. Even if it were true, it’s a private matter that has been disclosed without Amy’s consent, it’s so disrespectful. The last piece of her privacy disclosed, and under her parents watch. Zero benefit for Amy for this to be public knowledge, yet this girl was almost boasting about it for her own ends. She knew fine rightly that it was a scandalous revelation and is now acting all pious and faux shock that it was commented on by journos. She knew exactly what she was doing.

Honestly, none of them said anything we didn’t already know. Their saying that the Asif doc didn’t do her justice and painted her as a caricature wasn’t true at all in my view- I think that doc really did do her justice and it was very much on her side. I believe the accounts given by her true friends on there - Juliette, Lauren, Nick, Tyler. None of them had any involvement with this new doc which in my opinion is telling of its credibility.
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I see the statue of Amy Winehouse in Camden has had a Palestinian flag placed over her Star of David necklace, I can't link the article it's on the BBC website.
I'm not going to get into a discussion about the politics of that region as its way to complicated and most people really don't know as much as they think they do but that is a provocative act and unnecessary.
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I recently read both of Mitch’s and Janis’s book and the difference between them was so striking.

Mitch constantly trying to defend his behaviour and whatnot, only seemed focused on getting her back to work in her lowest moments.

Janis’s book was written so much better and had much more about her childhood (assuming because Mitch was barely there?) that showed that probably, sadly, she was always going to run into these problems. If it wasn’t Blake, it would probably have been someone else.

Her mum also wrote that Amy had told her quite a few years before Blake that she had tried smoking Heroin but her mum questioned how much of that was true.

I adore her music and I’m just so sad she experienced so much pain and sadness in her short life.
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Amy always scared me, dont know why but I thought she was so hard. Its only now im older that I realise what a talent she was and is much missed. I have wondered how amazing an Amy and Adele or Lady Gaga collab would have been! 😻
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I see the statue of Amy Winehouse in Camden has had a Palestinian flag placed over her Star of David necklace, I can't link the article it's on the BBC website.
That is disgusting.
The sticker has been removed

It is very problematic and Amy was a down to earth North London girl and probably never gave the government of Israel a second thought, this is nothing to do with the war on gaza its a blatant hatred of Jews and no one can convince me otherwise.
I've seen a bit of casual antisemitism in London over the last few months. The sad thing is that it's coming from teenagers.
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Really? some harrowing parts?
I wanted to always blame Blake. I still do to a degree, but her constant drug use even on her own, when Blake was in prison. I had always thought it was a thing she did just with him. But it wasnt, she was well and truly a severe addict with an eating disorder and all sorts. I feel so badly that she was so alone and without people who were really committed to taking care of her. Tyler was trying tough love at the end when she died. I wonder if everyone was as concerned with her surviving, as they were with her making them money, if things could have been any different.
When I went to the exhibit of her things at the Jewish Museum in Camden I couldnt believe how tiny all the clothes were. She was skeletal at points in her life. Her body just couldnt take any more.
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Well-known member
That is disgusting.

I've seen a bit of casual antisemitism in London over the last few months. The sad thing is that it's coming from teenagers.
It just shows you how an ideology can suck people in, the most depressing thing about this is when the young kids are questioned about what their marching about they can't answer, infact it's cringe to watch.
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I was re-watching the film ‘Amy’ about her the other night. It mentioned that Rehab was written about an attempt to get her into rehab pre-Blake and pre-drugs to deal with her alcoholism. It was alcohol that liked her, she hadn’t taken drugs in a long time, and also the bulimia pre-dated him too.

Plus it’s easy for the press to point fingers at him when I remember how dreadfully the press hounded Amy, which definitely added to her problems, distracts from their role.

I think the thing with Blake is that a lot of people don’t realise he and his brother went through a lot and had a fucked up childhood. So if you’re pointing fingers of blame, someone fucked him up too.

I dunno. He did his rehab in the city I live in and I used to see him around a lot in the period around Amy’s death. He was a bit of a sad, pitiful and lonely character with a boatload of issues, not the demon he’s sometimes made out to be.
Nope, sorry. Not buying into it about poor Blake. He fucked Amy about, and was bad news from square one. Then when he had totally ruined her, he moved on to his next victim and did the same shit. And added a kiddie to the mix that time He is a waster, and never has dealt with any of his own problems and has projected them onto everyone else he can.
Everyone has problems, its how they work through them and deal with them that counts. There were many factors with Amy, of course-not even mentioning the eating disorder too. But Blake? Fucking waste of carbon. STILL.
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