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Remember folks. Alice only ever abuses people who deserve it. And that was from her own mouth. Her own words. Her own twitter account.

Alice Evans is a proven Abuser with a three year Domestic Violence Restraining Order out against her husband and his then girlfriend.

The judge wanted to give her a five year Domestic Violence Restraining Order. And it was only due to the kindness of one of her victims, presumably for the children’s sake that it was three years instead.

read the court documents.
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What has happened for her to go off kilter like this? Obviously a DM article coming along. Is the premiere of BB4 happening this week? It's weird, even for Alice as she admits this information came out last month. So she is eally going to the police over sock accounts which she has dozens of, plus the ones hosted by her Texan BFF. First mention in awhile about support, so the eviction is happening soon, maybe.
I do almost feel sorry her, as all this effort has come to naught! She has alienated lots of people, she rarely gets support in the DM comments these days. Her eldest daughter looks like homeless person because her mother buys second hand crap on Ebay, including shoes wear. Did the photos posted earlier send her over the edge , her lie revealed?
I suspect the “no spousal support” comment might actually have an element of truth to it this time! Didn’t their current arrangement come to an end at the end of April?

If so… serves you right Malice! 👏👏
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Anyway, my new Alice favourite

*puts videos of Ella freaking out on her IG* -> tattle's fault

*circulates over an alt a video of Ella recording herself verbally abusing her dad* -> tattle's fault

*calls the paps regulary on her kids* -> tattle's fault

*posts the most upsetting papshot of her kids on her own IG* -> tattle's fault

*admits to have deliberately upsetted her daughters with the divorce news and false existence issues blamed on the father, and similar" -> tattle's fault

*lets her daughter hack the father's IG based on lies, whose behavior then gets publicly exposed" -> tattle's fault

*posts messages of her daughter to her dad that exposes her as unreasonable/entitled" -> tattle's fault

*constantly posts about how much Ioan hates the kids or how proud she is that Ella is rebelling" -> tattle's fault

Sometimes she is putting the blame on Ioan or the evil press (that is in her pocket) instead, but the theme is always the same: she deliberately exploits and upsets her kids, and then gaslights them and everyone into thinking that someone else did it and she is their rock that protects them. We would know almost nothing about the kids if it wasnt for her, even Ioan was very careful in his filings to not say too much and only did it once he had no other choice.
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"The allegations are unfounded" 😂
Link to 7000+ pages of evidence of abuse (screenshots of Alice's own words):
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“I need social media for work”.


“I need deliveroo to feed my babeez”.

“I need to live in Beverley hills to “ - actually I give up there, I have no idea.
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These people draw the funniest conclusions

- he is a lot more private on IG. he hardly posted Alice either.
- any loved up gushy post he makes will be weaponised more because "it hurts the kids"
- as an aside it's not even true. for his standards he posts Bianca a lot
- Ioan hasnt aged the past years, he stopped wearing make up and to dye his hair. I bet because he has a partner now who doesnt put him down
- even if he has "aged"...what's so bad about it? As an aside it would be down to divorce stress more than anything
- what can be seen though is that he looks more genuine happy than he did with Alice. it was Alice that took pics of him being grumpy (by this minions logic Alice was insecure? I agree)
- yes, he is realizing what he got himself marrying Alice
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Chatty Member
From Bianca's post on IG I think there's already an investigation ongoing. I think Alice is trying to cause a backlash against Bianca and make her ms flare. Alice is so insidious saying that she'll go to the police tomorrow, when Alice knows that she's the one under investigation.
This latest is another shot across the bows to Ioan a kind of pay me or else you'll see what else I'm capable of. We all see you Alice 👀
Hi Alice, if you go tomorrow say hi to Detective Lapkin. I believe you know her.
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She’s just such a truly disappointing individual. Honestly what a waste of a life. I remember her banging on about how she would do ANYTHING to keep Gloria in the kids lives. She’s doing and has done FA. 2 cons in YEARS. She’s got 80k followers. She could be blasting monet or herbalife or whatever else people do these days. She could have kept her kids in their schools. She could probably even have kept their old home if she’d actually got out of bed and made a plan and divorced amicably. I’m not surprised she’s angry. I hope she’s getting what she wants from all this because people can send their love and show support all they want but ultimately she’s completely destroyed the lives of her 2 kids and it’s only going to get worse. I just can’t get my head round this level of denial when you have children that DEPEND on you
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"Your bully?" The person exposing Alice's abuse whose throat you threatened to slit, Marcia?

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Mad Betty

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I knew a fellow a minute or two and he died. Never have I talked to him again.

Here, let me cry these tears of sadness publicly and in writing to express my deepest unconsolable grief for someone I once briefly knew and unimaginable sadness for his family I never met.

I did this for my own step sibling, the child of the stepmother I so loathe, the child my own father helped to raise, the child I also only knew for a minute or two. It matters not that I used her tragic death against my own father and his devil wife to wound them deep in their own grief. My never ending kindness erases all that. Promise.

I shall tag everyone I also briefly knew for a minute or two when I worked on that little film so long ago, to remind them I'm still an actress -ish.

To them I ask please ignore my previous rantings where I posted screenshots from a gossip site you've never heard of nor visited. I might be a little obsessed with targeting people who I feel dislike me or refuse to believe I'm the kindest person on earth who wouldn't harm a fly. I'm trying to find new hobbies.

PS: Please ignore anything you've read about the DVRO. It's all lies.

PPS: I'm not a bully. Just because I threaten people, make them feel unsafe, and ask others to help me, doesn't make me unkind. Ask anyone!

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Playing catching up, but the lies this time are off the scale.
New readers, FYI:
1. No one here has ever ever said they would take photos of her or her children or throw anything at her house.
2. No one has ever commented on the her children’s sexuality or anything of the like. Never. We don’t do that. Unlike her followers we treat them as children and unlike their mother we respect them.
3. She won’t sue anyone. Do you wanna know why? Because there is proof of her abuse, so it’s not libel. Proof consists of her own text messages, emails (that appear in publicly available court documents) and her own SM posts.
4. We don’t contact her employers. In fact, there are many recent posts here suggesting that even people outside this site shouldn’t be doing that as it harms her children first.
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I don't know about the rest of you. But I was provoked by Alice's constant lies, defamation, and abuse of innocent people. It's Alice's fault that I enjoy calling out her lies and inconsistencies. Her horrid behavior of tearing down women for their looks has caused me to post her photos and memes about her looks. She gives so much to work with.
Alice will understand this excuse, cause she used it too.

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The abuse of Bianca when they all started calling her Quagmire really triggered me. They were like playground bullies picking on the weak one. The fact that Alice knew Ella was one of them doing this is just unbelievable. What a mother she is. Whatever she thinks about Bianca, she should not be allowing or maybe even encouraging her daughter to behave like that. BTW Alice since you read on here and like my posts, I am not on any SM, I have never commented on any of your posts and I would never allow my teenage daughter to bully a disabled adult online (not that she ever would because she has been raised right). As for the obsession with doxxing people, I couldn’t care less if you know my identity, hell I even use part of my real name on here. My profile picture is my beautiful boy and I live in Yorkshire if you want to pop in for a cuppa. Oh and the obsession with finding out where people work and calling their bosses just confirms you did this to your ex husband. What a loon, biting the hand that feeds you and your ‘babies’.
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