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I am sorry, but this is ridiculous. Saying “the truth” about Ali, is lack of empathy? The guy made email for his wife, says 10% to be dedicated to dating, left medicine in the middle of pandemic and you say I am not having empathy towards him

clearly xD

This is what was said earlier - current generations have huge problem that society doesn’t have to embrace their mental limitations.
If you are blind you need to adjust yourself to be able to function in the society. If you are in the spectrum you need to understand that you may HURT people and clearly is not understanding that at all.

but hey, it’s ok to to be ASD, to have no compassion, no empathy, to say “the hardest truth” because you were born this way and you can’t change it right?

And when someone calls this out he/she is hateful xD

But Ali can like redpill stuff and it’s ok xD

so I may not “embrace” his spectrum
You do realise that autism =/ having no empathy, or being a redpill guy.

I'm not saying Ali should get a free pass if he's autistic. I'm saying he's a shitty guy regardless, and autism does not have anything to do with it. It might make things a bit more difficult in terms of social interaction etc but that's it. That's literally it. I don't think we need a label for him outside of being a shitty, privileged, self-obsessed person. And that wouldn't change even if he turned out to actually be ASD. It's like saying he's a bad person because he wears glasses. Doesn't make sense.
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As I said before in this thread there are not a lot of girls in the UK on dating apps that are going to jump at the chance of being with a bloke that proudly says he only wants to spend 10% of his time with you.
10% is double than Musk's time spent on Neuralink. Should be enough for a girlfriend /s

Ali isn't a millionaire, nor is he 'famous' except in his niche online.

Go back in this thread to March (start here:, and my post here has lots of links with background on the sorts of twitter accounts he followed) and you'll discover why some tattlers think Ali has 'incel vibes'. I also call BS on there actually being that many women in his DMs...
Okay, I skimmed those pages in the past but I missed those posts.

You know, when you are completely clueless on how dating works and you search online, you find two kinds of resources: Hussey's and Renecello's type, wanting you to grow into a nice person and yada yada... or "red pill" stuff. The latter is the one that do provide you with a scheme for relationships, something you can apply analytical reasoning to, and I can totally see why Ali is drawn to them.

I would not call him incel, still, maybe red-pilled. As Ravenclawboi replied to one of your posts, I too hope he will realize the dangers intrinsic to those theories and part from them.
He is much egotistic and has little-to-none emotional intelligence, but he's not a bad person.
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I’m just so confused by this whole set up and how it’s making money.

When I think of Ali I think of nothingness. Empty words. Nothing of value. Yet he talks about this “business” as though it’s something super special.

Am I missing something?! How does a charisma-free bore who regurgitates corporate buzzwords require a team of 20 and a £150k a year studio? Where is the money coming from?!
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Wait he's definitely not doing medicine now?
In his last update video he said he spoke to a CEO or something and he was like how much passion are you really giving to it, what's that 2 days a week giving back to you and it sounded like he decided to give it up because his heart wasn't really in it.

It's probably better for the NHS he leaves also. Don't want me ot my family practised on by some out of touch spoiled rich kid doing it part time because he thinks it makes his coding more interesting.
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It's all fake, if he didn't care about numbers he wouldn't continue hiring people constantly and pumping out "courses" and outsourcing his entire life. Also he wouldn't post his repurposed content on every single social media platform that exists. Someone is paid to post, write and distribute all this crap, so clearly he's following some metrics. It doesn't just randomly end up on tiktok, instagram, linkedin, twitter, youtube community, newsletter, blog, creatorpreneur whatever the fuck. Someone who is truly good at what they do usually picks one or two platforms and masters it. The clown just spams everyone everywhere with the same crap.

This fucker is trying to gaslight his audience (and maybe himself) with stuff that just isn't true. Other youtubers act like normal people and don't flood the internet with an endless stream of rehashed garbage and they also don't post these long "honest" rants about how they fear falling into irrelevancy. It's nothing more than bait for fanboys to unleash their undying love and support and act as public social proof for people that might not be so deep into this cult. Either that or his numerous friends-for-hire aren't fulfilling the emotional support part of their job.
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I think a lot of the self-help books he reads and listens to (on fast forward!) have repetitive information too. I feel like I've seen multiple videos on the same apps, and definitely one too many videos on Notion #sponsored.
I like the production quality of his videos, and do enjoy productivity content, but his feels quite repetitive. There's a lot of busy work involved too. Lots of wasted time setting up systems, rather than just doing stuff (if that makes sense?)

Not to mention a lot of the YouTube productivity content buys into the idea we must always be busy and productive etc etc. Which I don't love.
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i can't believe I'm typing this rn but this dude forgot it was Sheen's birthday and went on a trip with his friends. holy hell. that's hilarious yet tragic. he gifted her a canon m50 to make up for it. lmao.

btw, she also mentioned she's leaving in august. i'm really looking forward to watching her solo vlogs!! but yeah wish she'd rethink the voiceover style vlogs.
Ctfu what an inconsiderate friend. Glad to see she had a nice weekend though. Voiceover style vlogs are boring really. Clearly she is taking inspo from people like Elizabeth and Ali but it is not a particularly engaging style.

I hope he gets into medicine again. Like, properly, full-time. Or maybe into a career related to facilitating access to medical treatments or breaking down how the healthcare system works. Something worthwhile that isn't just a random guy making a lot of money for no purpose in particular.

A lot of productivity youtubers seem to be really productive as they create content about being productive, as they make money off of talking about making money, or use their fancy laptop to edit a video about a fancy desktop pc. It seems circular and just so depressing. A long-term project might be a book about being productive. Then comes the productivity content about writing a book. As a PhD student/TA, this just seems... dreadful? Where is this going? And as someone quite invested into social justice movements, what good is it doing?
The medical stuff is what is most interesting honestly versus the entrepreneur stuff. It'll be interesting to see what people like KharmaMedic do when their time training is up and if they go down the entrepreneur and productivity route too. He has always seemed way more into medicine than Ali ever has been.

The productivity people are just far too invested in their own thing. They think that everyone's got to have a Notion, got to take notes, got to have an expensive mic, and got to edit videos. It's just not particularly useful at this point, it's not practical or interesting. Who tf at a normal every day job is bringing their iPad and taking notes. It's all mega focused towards "side hustle" and out of work stuff that they all seem to have forgotten that the majority of people do not edit videos for a living and we have actual jobs. Some productivity content geared towards being productive (or should I say more efficient) in an actual 9-5 office job would be so much more useful.
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What such a bullshit thing to say, people get burnout even when working a job they love!!! Burn out affects all areas of life!! What an idiot
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He's done a fucking jazz piano course. Bet he does not have any music grades at all and you'd be betteer spending your Skillshare membership on a few weeks actual piano lessons with a proper teacher.

Probably is so deluded that he thinks he is actually providing value wiith all his little tidbits of "genius" that he's sharing on Twitter and putting out on his course selling platforms.
It's all a bunch of intellectual masturbation really. People who just follow inspirational accounts retweeting and liking his stuff like it means something. "🔥🔥🔥 BRO"-types.
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He reminds me of the ex beauty blogger shameless maya, her channel went crazy with subscribers, high views, and she moved to LA from Canada, set up a team to do everything and now shes broke and somewhere in the Swedish countryside with a guy 10 years younger than her who she married during the pandemic and now has a baby with

She burnt through her cash and had videos towards the end about being broke and getting rid of her team. She very much reminds me of Ali.
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Call me thick but I just realised that in his how much I earned video the dollar signs are waaaay bigger on the right and small on the left as a doctor. Clearly he’s checking out for the cash, it’s just a perk he’s not working in the pandemic. Based on other videos he’s done like why he’s donating 10% of his earnings to charity for life (wonder if he still does this?) he seems highly logical. Kind of reminded me of a friend who isn’t naturally very empathetic and is much more goals-orientated/ambitious. The kind of person who saw me crying once and just went “r u crying” 😂 and the offered very practical solutions to my problem. I honestly can’t imagine Ali being a listening ear but I’m probably projecting there

also, taken together, his last video titles are super clickbaity. I don’t like the use of capitals 👀
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I guess he has given up all pretense of being a doctor now apart from when he can market himself as a doctor for the prestige and making people think he is an authority.

I've watched the video. All it has shown me that I think Ali is actually terrible with money. He might be making a lot of money but he is also spaffing so much money away on business savings? Like he's paying $6000 a month for COACHING for his employees which I guess is admirable but also that's the cost of paying 3 people a month at like a $30k annual salary?

I bet he's a shit boss too. Someone so obsessed with productivity and also paying for food for their employees when they're working late gives me big "Please put in more than your contracted hours, because we're supplying pizza" vibes.

Also notice how he is once again doing it in DOLLARS despite living in the UK and trading in GBP. Why is he doing this? Hmm I wonder.
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Even if you ignored Ali as a person and just focused on the toxic productivity element of his channel he's problematic af.
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She is stunning but looks boring as a brick. Wonder when she will quit medicine to go work in his "business".
Dunno about stunning, she's cute I'll give her that. Although her choices in men instantly cancel out the physical appeal.

On another note, she does (did?) yoga so suddenly the clown is into acroyoga. Probably saw other Instagram couples doing it so obviously it's step one of building a vloggable relationship. She's into Mandarin so now suddenly he's learning Mandarin. The jokes just write themselves. The clown is applying his idiotic frameworks and goofy philosophy to building a relationship according to what youtube couples do in public and on IG.

It's baby's first Lego set.

Funniest part is he's kept her hidden for months and keeps alluding to doing a "reveal" video. Fandom truly is a mental disease if people are on the edge of their seats waiting to find out who Ali Abdaal's girlfriend is... Like a kid bragging to his schoolmates that he touched some girl's tits for the first time. Remember this guy is almost 30 years old. Holy shit.
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They are a bunch of privileged middle class guys who have been stuck in grammar school/Oxbridge/tech bro bubbles for so long that these basic concepts are completely new for them.
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There is a hilarious new video with his brother where his brother is talking about being in a relationship and Ali is like "But what would you compare the feeling of being in love to" and there's this huge silence.

Poor Ali has clearly never been in love and starts comparing it to picking who he wanted to live with at uni
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