First time poster … long time reader. I really had high hopes for this girl. I noticed to change of tides after the divorce. I still have her the benefit of the doubt. When I really started noticing how selfish and narcissistic she was, was once I started paying hundreds out of pocket to start an IVF journey.
I am 40 and want a child so badly. I am paying out for than I have bc he dr says this is my last chance. After this I will have to use a donor egg. And if that is what I have to do so be it. But I pray I can do this with my own. Pray a lot !!!
this girl has 3 incredibly beautiful children and just neglects them. How I wish I could have a baby the inexpensive way and not be paying this back for a very long time and she has it…3!!! This hairstylist doesn’t even brush her daughters hair for a family photo. WTF.
i think my hormones are starting to get the best of me bc I def went into the bathroom at work today (I do accounting at a CPA firm… I picked the wrong time to start this process). But I just look at how long I’ve wanted a baby and there are 3 perfect ones that never had a real chance. All those “ connections” she has and all those kids get are some clothes to take pictures. My heart just feels for them. I pray someone intervenes and steps up for them because this world is cruel they need the support of their family especially their mom and dad. Sorry guys rant over.
when I seen you ladies rally for Michelle who know one really knows, I knew it would be safe to post. You are amazing women ♥♥♥
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I know psycho big-T reads here so I’ll share these comments which did not age well 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 eat your words saddies and Big-T!



“eVerYtHiNg iS pLaNnEd!”…

STFU get a fucking job and you won’t have time for all this calculations little teenager bullshit! God she irks me so bad!!
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Thank you @Simiauci for the new thread!!! You did a great job, no recap from me required ❤

Also, I just wanna make sure this photo stays current in the thread 😂 I believe this is @maggiefish11 edit. Filter Glitch. That lip job looks god-awful. And the nose looks like that SpongeBob meme:


As for her twisting the narrative and saying people bully her - yes what that person said was not nice & it was uncalled for... BUT BITCH DON'T BE THE SPOKESPERSON FOR ANTI-BULLYING WHEN YOU'VE SAID/DONE WAY WORSE TO OTHERS, YOU HYPOCRITICAL HIPPOPOTAMUS. Just because you have a fat friend doesn't mean you don't fat-shame by photoshopping your pictures & thinking the majority of your ✨real✨ followers believe that you fit into junior size medium jeans, and your junior prom dress, and the blue dress from Jerseylicious days.. you're a fucking phoney. Please miss me with this "oh poor me, I get bullied. I get called fat. Wah wah wah" You're 34 fucking years old with TWO daughters who are watching you make an absolute buffoon out of yourself by being so self-absorbed and conceited. Who gives a flying fuck if you can fit into a Justice kids jacket you stupid bitch. What did you make the kids for lunch? What ASL have you learned? I can't with this idiot, seriously. She is so manipulative and ignorant.
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So I just briefly scanned the last thread and jotted down some notes. This will be nothing like @SmotPoker29 :love: amazing recaps but wanted to follow the tattle rules

  • tracy had a girls nite at her favorite Mexicans restaurant, she claimed it was after hours but we saw other customers in videos. she wore her infamous crop top and leggings and acted a fool and should be embarrassed by the way she dances. trashy posted a selfie but forgot to edit the shadows, where we saw her true size 🐄
  • crabby patty started selling covid tests on his IG 🦀
  • Trashy posted mr crabs on the matching family page and Corey just found it funny
  • too many screenshots to count of trash bag commenting on facetune bobbys instagram, insecure much? 🤡
  • our new friend Marcela was promoting the hell out of the lashes for Tracy.. yet she claimed to be vegan while wearing mink lashes. after receiving much hate, she went on a tangent her on IG stories, claimed she's her own kind of vegan and the vegan police can go elsewhere :rolleyes:
  • tracy showed us a latex dress she was wearing at daddy maloneys house and we all envisioned Ross from Friends in his leather pants 😂
  • GV Corey posted some shady ig stories, saying he can do everything with keeping a neat house and pays his bills and women only bring sexual activities to relationship, and about stinky ladies with a piercing is an onion ring.. but then showered his little gf with love on his posts...
  • ashley posted about getting a mommy makeover
  • sammy and julie hung out on NYE
  • Tracy pretended she was staying home for the holiday, bc it was HER WEEKEND but then rushed to get dressed to meet prince crabby for a midnight kiss... her timeline was completely off and we determined it was a lie
  • Corey 🌶 created a new nickname for crabby - Crab Rangoon
  • Hippo Whale did a top 9 pictures for 2021 and Skylar and Jayden were missing from it... yet she still posted it
  • Lorenzo posted an unfiltered picture of tracy and it was removed the next day.. luckily we got our screenshots
  • trashy made spaghetti and clams and we heard her mom in the background telling her to take out the trash to get rid of the smell
  • TRex posted an IG story of julian, saying my baby at school and later in the day, posted about virtual learning. one of our tattlers looked up the school and they were virtual this week. recycling pictures again!
  • @Gigi0380 made a tracker for her mom and nonmom activities ♥
  • and tons of photoshop fails
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Alrighty, whose ready for the November breakdown of how many days “26/30” had the kids?!?! To add, ok it was her bday in the month so let’s say she had an extra 2-3 days of no kids, so should have had them 23-24/30 days, right?!
Drum roll please....


So at least 18/30 days she did NOT have the kids. This does not include the questionable days where maybe they were/maybe they weren’t with her or days where maybe she had a kid or two for an hour or two.
So, tell us again what an amazing, full time, present in the moment, 26/30 days of the month mother you are big T?!?! 🙄
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WARNING - Do not look directly at picture before going to bed. Nightmares are made of this. But if I have to see this - so do yall!!!

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And this is how a birthday message should be written. I am so happy that the kids have the love and support from the Eps.
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Did anyone else catch taras story yesterday where she checks Jayden for twerking and says you know I don’t like that…and we all know where she gets that from! Tara really is the best motherly role model to those kids
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Hello All, first time poster, long time reader. I never comment but couldn’t pass this opportunity up. I’m a nurse and work in a hospital. The gown Tray is wearing in her woe is me hospital picture, is reserved for our biggest patients. There are different patterns for different sizes, that pattern is for our patients who won’t fit into any other sized gowns. 🤣
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I was thinking the same thing. Expect a weeks worth of posts about the significance of arrows.

Okay this is better, I guess?
She’s probably going to say she recently found out that she’s part Native American and her great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother was Sacagawea and this is her way of honoring her.
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So, I decided to search again for the child support judgment that some other tattlers once found (it was dated 11/2020 and was for about $15k, which Corey owed/owes her, def not the amount she's claiming he owes her).

Anyway, since she's always so responsible, found this from January 2, 2023. Seems that she was driving an unregistered vehicle and failed to pay / appear for the fine.


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This is the last thing you see before Tracy comes to suck the life force out of you. Beware, she demands your money, your babysitting services, all of your energy and time, constant attention and reassurance she is beautiful and amazing, and your consent to be filmed and photographed doing EVERYTHING. You must agree or else she’ll rElEAsE YoUr SeCrETs



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