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Ahem…a read:

You BIG mad because we pulled a Tracy on your ass. This bitch has a well-documented history of violence and bullying. Your slow ass literally records everything so we come with receipts thanks to YOU, our biggest tattle fan! You’re a has-been D-list celebrity on tv for 5 minutes who can’t afford a publicist to clean up your act so you try to persuade the court of public opinion by playing victim. You have zero integrity, zero character, zero personality. All you have to offer is tight wigs and $3 tuna-smelling leggings. You’re so weak that posting on IG makes your simpleton ass feel superior over a fuckin thread of educated women! I don’t know any 35 yr olds who sit on IG and doesn’t get paid for it. Babieee you are a dime a dozen and little Joey will have you replaced faster than your next botched lip injection. I hope he’s smart enough to pull out because you’re on the prowl for your next meal ticket. You don’t have a clothing line, you drop ship. You’re not going to anyone’s bank because you can’t keep the minimum balance in an account. Your kids looking like they’re straight from a refugee camp while you drinking “good wine”. Bitch that ain’t a flex! Show me your kids are bathed. Show me you working on a business plan. Show me you cleaning your fucking house. Take your borrowed SUV with your tired eyebrows and Pucci bags back to your Section 8 apartment and shut the fuck up you dusty ass dummy. You are a loser with loser behavior.

Your Idols
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- I wouldn’t put it past her to spend 2 grand plus on herself for pictures. Regardless of how long she’s known Marla, they’re not besties like that. Tracy would never admit it because she wants everyone to believe she’s so powerful that she doesn’t have to do actually do anything.

- I don’t expect anybody’s house to be immaculate, but for someone who does not work, does not have babies under 2, isn’t taking care of an older parent and spends most of her days getting procedures and what not, I would expect them to have a tidy house.

- It’s not a flex that YOU AS THE PARENT are compromising safety because your 7 year old said they don’t want the bar there.

- According to her, she went as Jess…. The problem she didn’t expect was that photoshop and all, that’s one of her best looks and just proof that if she didn’t dress the terrible way she does now, she could actually look decent.

- She’s so stuck on painting some odd narrative that the kids need a playroom…. She literally did the room like that To look like a selfless mom on IG. We all know the kids are probably rarely allowed in there but all it does is make Tracy look very immature.

- Her mom was never an interior designer… she has a degree in food and service administration… Tracy lies about the oddest damn things .
Sky: "Mom i dont want to wear a seatbelt anymore"
Big T: "Ok. Whatever you decide is best for you at 7 is what we will do"
Commenter: "You are such an amazing mom. You dont let anyone tell you what is best for you kids! Sky knows what she wants and that shows how great a mother you are"
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Thank you @remi85 for that awesome recap.....without further ado.......

Where to begin 🤔 with that Hey sis it's me again👏....let me roll up my sleeves with this one it's a good one. Due to her local plastic surgery hero she literally looks like she went through the garbage disposal with this one, you know you went to a chop shop when you have to edit the so called after pic. So in my geico fisherman voice ohhhhhhh Farkas you gotta be quicker than that with the wrong photo reveal upload. When you have to photoshop the belly button, hip dips, even the scar lord I'm gonna light a candle for you sis cause that magical underwear blending into the skin ain't it sis🤌 the left picture is what they uploaded first and Trashy probably shit her pants so it was deleted and the right is the new edited version. I have never seen a more unprofessional place than this chop shop that plays insta games with going public then private. You remember all the nasty shit you did in your life Trashy? This is your karma ten fold and btw all of your saddies and us super jealous with our men in your DmS loved and enjoyed the JoJo party you threw got Jayden in fact it was so good we barely noticed it happened!


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WHAT DID SHE SAY for the love of god lol. I pray someone has a screen record also
I caught alittle that she was saying that tracy promotes other people and businesses but not one where her name is on it and also how she is marking down all Tracy’s stuff to get rid of it all. She said she needs a real business woman to collab with and basically she screwed her over and she won’t stand for it !
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My messages so far:

“When are you going to admit you are not a single mother? You are the big sister. As a REAL single mom, my kids are our first. They attend extracurricular activities, we take solo vacays, and I don’t need a court ordered chaperone to be alone with them. I also dress appropriately with them.🙄

“When will you admit that your last name is Maloney?”

“How much did you pay for your botched tits? Now imagine investing that amount into your kids.”

“Imagine spending all this “Instagram” time teaching your DEAF son sign language. Only a trashtastic moron like you thinks a child can learn only one language at a time. You need therapy.”

What else can I send? This is fun!
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🤣 hi Leia 👋🏻 thanks for bringing attention to us and bringing more people to see the light. Love ya BaBiE GiRL ❤
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Hey random question. Do any of the OG tattlers remember Tracy suffering from terrible allergies last year and the year before. That's why she never took the kids out because it would aggravate her allergies and cause her to have an asthma attack.

What ever happened to her allergies and asthma? Pollen has been extremely high recently in NJ and my husband has relied on his asthma pump daily. I haven't heard this bitch mention it yet. Did her magically Sicilian blood cure allergies and asthma??
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I’ll shit on where SHE lives. I’m not shitting on other people who live in affordable housing and truly need it. I’m shitting on a person who portrays a lifestyle trying to make herself look better than everyone else. She flaunts this false narrative that she’s privileged and looks down on everyone else. Like our “normal lives” are beneath her. Fuck her. I hope this humbles the shit out of her.
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Finally shows how she’s been living for the past year….
It’s funny how she’s making Julian her new shining child by posting videos with him often yet he’s barely wearing his ears and we’ve never seen even a smidge of a conversation in sign language between mother and son. He’s still aggressive, clumsy and 1000% academically behind; I’d be shocked if he knew to count to ten. If he can’t speak, sign, or hear half the time cause he barely has his ears on how is he supposed to develop? He may never advance to have anything more than a Walmart greeter as a job at this rate.

Jayden is so obnoxiously loud. I get she’s loud because she’s ignored but she needs parenting badly. I used to work as a daycare teacher and trust me when I say all her teachers can’t Stand her nor Tracy for being a shit mom and not parenting her nor barely brushing her hair half the time. She’s the type of kid that hits another kid and when the teacher turns around and catches her she lies and plays the whiney BUT SHE STARTED ITTTT.

Skylar is 7 going on 17 wanting to be like mommy. The crop tops, makeup, selfies, inappropriate poses, I agree w the other tattler that I can see her being a teen mom however I’m sure Tracy would force her to have an abortion since Tbag knows first hand how kids can ruin your life (her opinion).

I know these are harsh comments I want to make sure I add none of these behaviours I’m blaming on the kids, they all stem from having a whore mom and an absent lazy dad. I’m just blunt and call em how I see em though I pray and hope for a miracle for each of them. Each child has their own special qualities that can blossom when watered but between being shuffled amongst 4 households a week, zero discipline, zero activities and encouragement for learning snitches get stitches and fighting back- They really fucked up those kids futures.
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I don’t know if it’s just me, but clubbing on a Sunday afternoon seems so lame to me. What are you doing? I’m all for a brunch with friends, but dressing like a skank and clubbing at 2 in the afternoon at the age of 34 is just pathetic to me. I don’t know, that’s just my opinion.
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She must be BOTHERED today! Second post about us. I think we’re doing something right 👏🏻 👏🏻 (lol - I had too)
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I mean nobody cares what I think but here’s my opinion on taking it up the ass… Big T- listen here.

1.No- it’s painful and dirty (from what I’ve heard)
2. Why would you let anyone have that much power over you? I love my boyfriend and want to marry him but he will never ever get the opportunity to do that to me. Men love to throw things back at us in the heat of the moment.
3. be independent (just putting that out there)

Big T for the love of God- having 3 somes, taking it up the butt, A1 BJS, etc etc aren’t keeping anyone. Are you listening? Have some respect for yourself, your daughters are watching



I believe everyone likes different things in bed whether they be risqué or vanilla. Everyone is entitled to enjoy sex and like certain fetishes. However, I think airing your dirty laundry out in public is immature and hoe behavior. It should be only between you and your partner who you trust. Talking about butt plugs on the air or putting up a vibrator post on your “influencer” profile that has photos of your children is completely unnecessary and totally uncalled for. And btw taking it anally isn’t giving someone the power if you both enjoy it.
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