Those Vegan Guys Gossip Forum

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  1. Winners_Song

    Those Vegan Guys #5 Clearly Marked Narcissist

    Helloooo M’Luvs and welcome to another thread for Those Vegan Guys Paul and Jason. Well done to @Flowerstar68 for suggesting this thread title from my comment which had the most likes in our last thread. I have shortened it, hope that’s ok. A recap of recent TVG content: :sick: More culinary...
  2. Northern northener

    Those Vegan Guys #4 Sniff, Slurp, Beg, Repeat

    A new thread for you hope that's okay with you all. Well done @Winners_Song for getting the most votes for title Recap Paul's finally got a job working within the care services after losing his job and tribunal with ageuk. The Vegan Queens have been busy but after 2 people made a complaint...
  3. ChineseAlan

    Those Vegan Guys #3 Clearly Marked bully. Manipulative twits, no prizes for guessing, it's those vegan gits

    Thread 3. Well done to @wumbhi tahaza for the title win! 🏆 Following on from thread 2. Quick recap. Paul’s still a beggy arsehole, Jason is still an enabler and they’re still eating their processed...
  4. ChineseAlan

    Those Vegan Guys #2 Beggy vegan twits. Tinned soup and chips

    Well done to Miss LDN for the thread title win 🥇 Thread 2. Let’s go……It would be rude not to, Karen!
  5. Winners_Song

    Those Vegan Guys

    Paul and Jason are the creators of the YouTube channel “Those Vegan Guys”. A married couple in Manchester, UK. Recently they’ve become more annoying and as such deserve their own thread! Join us ✌🏼 edit to add: to save you watching the weekly meals vlog, here’s some of Paul’s special...