
VIP Member
To be fair, if my Dad had a yacht in the sun (in a country I’m legally entitled to travel to)and I could comfortably and safely transport my family to it (by private jet) after 10 weeks in lockdown in the UK - I would do it. I’m sure they have the money and access to have themselves and their staff tested and not put anyone at excess risk (going to the supermarket is still a risk but all who can are doing it).
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I know people will think I'm mad but I'm genuinely not jealous of her lifestyle. Yes of course I'd love to be rich and not having money worries. But I crave routine and order, and so do children. I love my house and feeling part of my community.
Yes I love holidays - but because they are a break from normal life. it would be lovely to be rich enough not to work and to really do whatever we wanted, but I'd still not choose to live like Tamara. And I certainly wouldn't go to Disney that often. I'd like to think, if I was as rich as her, I would be a philanthropist. I think she should be genuinely ashamed at all the single-use PJs, balloons, decorations etc she uses.
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Jay, "was exposed as a cocaine dealer - before being banned from the city for insider trading" got engaged to Tamara 6 weeks after their first date . loves Gstaad and hangs out with Mr. E, his father in law', knows what side his bread is buttered on.

Sam "ex used car salesman and friend of Jay, after P's 1st marriage broke down pursued her via Jay , wanted a piece of what Jay had, Petra fell for it, everything Petra owns is now 'theirs' according to him. Hates Gstaad, ergo hates his father in law who owns Gstaad.

Both uneducated and ugly, living off of their father in law's trust funds, sadly Petra in a major stupor from lack of food or prescription drugs, Sam happy she is so out of it, plays happy Daddy with his wifes kids. Tamara only interested in her offspring and doesnt care where Jay is as long as the kids are with her and he turns up every now and then for a staged family photo.
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Chatty Member
Genuinely don't believe Tamara or Petra are happy. It's ironic given the abundance of 'things' & money, yet still so empty. It's almost as though you can see the nothingness in their lives. They have it all, yet they have nothing.

I don't think I'm conveying my thoughts properly. They both seem sad and troubled. (even with the smiles Tamara posts) it doesn't seem sincere. Given their rants on social media blasting strangers for what they deem unacceptable, it shows the ripples and chaos that must be happening to which they never speak about. Apologies if I make little to no sense.
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New member
What I witnessed on Sam Palmers instagram last night was beyond laughable. Fancy asking the public via insta for a 100k monthly rental when you are supposed to be pretending to be an Estate agent (or as he calls it - High net worth realtor) Does Sam think actual realtors in California are watching his insta stories? No they aren’t, but I know who is.

I first met Bernie’s wife about 6 years ago at a hotel in Abu Dhabi. Let me tell you she is very sophisticated and she loves and dotes on Bernie. Sam’s insta post last night of him bragging how much of Petra’s money he wants to spend is such a security risk. Because the wrong type of people see these posts and get angry. Fabiana can’t stand Sam but she puts on a good act for Petra’s sake. Petra is extremely stubborn and will bolt when family put to much pressure on her so they all tread carefully around Petra. Once Sam gets her back to LA he will once again be pulling her strings. But her dad and Fabiana want her and the kids in Gstaad for the foreseeable. They said Petra should never have sold Spelling Manor, that was all Sam’s idea (Sam was jealous she used to live there with stunt, who he hates with a vengeance)

The girls mum Slavica told Tamara years ago not to marry Jay Rutland. This caused a slight rift but nothing too dramatic. Until however shortly after Sofia was born and I forget exactly when but Rutland was up in court on drugs charges and because of this Slavica then told Tamara to divorce Jay Rutland. Well Tamara took great offence at this. The problem is both Petra & Tamara hate being controlled by their parents, even though they are, and will always be controlled by their parents. Sam is currently treading in some dangerous waters here.
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Bernie, what's your pet hate?

"My daughter's marrying free loading cunts. Then said cunts parading around using my fucking money, pretending it's theirs and having no fucking class"
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I think Tamara comes across as lovely, but hearing who her father is you realise why her and her sister have ended up with the total losers they have, who live off both of them, their current and previous partners.

Sam posted about selling Petra's house in London, 'WE have had some amazing offers, but WE will only sell it if WE get a massive offer' he has been with her a wet day and previously was a used car salesman, its HER house. .
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Won’t you have a cup

Well-known member
Poor old Tamara! Face like a potato and still trying to be a socialite.

She once got a job presenting Formula 1 coverage on telly. By her own efforts, you understand. Not because her father, Bernie Ecclestone, set up and owned F1. No. Tamara got the job all on her own. In fact, it was HARDER for Tamara than it would have been for anyone else. Because she had to contend with prejudice about her privileged background, you see.

She appeared to see no flaw in her argument. She had studied at the LSE, she claimed (as if!! Maybe Bernie paid them to let her in) so she deserved the opportunities her father handed to her, she reckoned.

Funny how neither she nor her sister ever seem to look happy.
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Chatty Member
I always feel something is lacking in the marriage... I can’t give an example but it just feels like they have no chemistry. And I don’t see her having another child due to her devotion to Fifi.
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The breast milk for Riri eye infection. Peddling such a dangerous myth that breast milk will cure eye infections. Firstly riri is not a newborn. She has an active infection. Breast milk is sometimes recommended in NEWBORNS who have gunky eyes NOT an active infection like conjunctivitis that requires proper treatment. And actually the science is that it’s not more effective than an opthalmic solution and it’s probably the regular flushing and massage that clears it up.

She probably needs antibiotics like chloramphenicol and symptoms be eased in hours. Don’t leave your child’s eyesight at the mercy of an old wives tale that applies to newborns anyway. It’s not going to hurt her eyes applying the milk but breast milk won’t clean up proper infections. Newborn gunky eyes are rarely infected and that’s why recommended then.

this is coming from a pro breast feeder who fed my first for almost 4 years and is feeding my 2nd still. I’m not anti boob but I’m pro science.
The whole ‘Riri and Fifi’ thing really gives me the ick.
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Now with photo evidence
FFS. Trick or treating doesn't 'make you down to earth' and especially not on one of the most expensive roads in London. Also sharing the photo is tacky. What world is he living in. He just wants to show that he 'knows the Royals well'.
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Beverley Macker

VIP Member
Fucking arse licker, I assume Putins helping him hide his wealth?
I’d like to see them all cancelled, perhaps Tamara can stop ruining the planet with her obsessive private jet use and ridiculous landfill tat and get a job as a TA or something. Jay can always fall back on his career selling cocaine out of pub car parks in Essex.
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I always feel something is lacking in the marriage... I can’t give an example but it just feels like they have no chemistry. And I don’t see her having another child due to her devotion to Fifi.
She's said some comments which gave me the impression they are having trouble conceiving.

I do think they spoil Sophia too much (hate the "Fifi" nickname, sounds like a dog's name to me); and give her some unreliazable/unrealistic expectations in and of life.
Isn't it crushing when you're a kid, slowly grow up and realize some of the lies your parents told you, like turns out Santa isn't real and other stuff like that.
Here we have Sophia, who's made to believe that mermaids are real, unicorns are real, Disney characters are real, santa's real as well as his home in the North Pole and so so much more.
Sophia living in a gilded cage as above said is spot on and once she grows up I think she'll spin a bit, as spoilt (rich) kids so often do.

I think it's dumb to holiday anywhere abroad right now, but to leave the minute they could and show it off so much is in such poor taste and the way they (esp Jay) are handling it is even worse. I usually never begrudge these uber-rich people their luxuries and life, but this holiday and its showing off is in such poor taste that I have barely any words for it.

Petra is extremely emaciated and the blonde hair, slug lips and Sharpie eyebrows make her look really weird.
She always looks miserable, Tamara comes across as happier, but who knows.
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Chatty Member
Is that a stupid question? I’d be intrigued to know
She could have easily answered with how proud she is of her dad, his hard work, commitment to succeed and looks forward to instilling his work ethic with her kids. (granted I just slapped together a bs answer) but nonetheless, it would have looked better than her 'haters' gonna hate reply. Just makes her look like a schmuck imo.
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Chatty Member
Jay Rutland criticising H&M for being money hungry is beyond parody 🤣🤣🤣

He’s a two-bit Essex wide boy who got very lucky. He’d do well to remember that as I suspect that luck will run out at some point.
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Active member
The amount of time this family spends apart is crazy. Jay has been in Gstaad since half term having boys ski trips, playing padel and prancing around his gallery. Meanwhile Tamara ignored Fifi’s school’s term dates to jet into NYC for a few days. Now Jay is hosting his 43rd birthday extravaganza in Gstaad which includes a very Crohns friendly cheese based meal at a fondue restaurant. Fifi has been pulled out of school again to dress in another age appropriate mini dress and take her annual photo with her grandmother that she never sees. RiRi meanwhile is hanging out with the children’s entertainers that are on speed dial to be flown around the world for a random birthday and Tamara has her boobs out whilst posting inspirational international women’s day posts about how her girls will ‘shatter any glass ceiling’. Sure they will, sure they will….
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I watched her programme she had for one season and Jay was so keen to have a second child and she was not..he’s very strange though isn’t he a convicted for something to do with drugs?
Yeah he was in the paper years ago supplying drugs to his sister‘s (Jo Wheatley who won GBBO) best friend Jesse Wallace aka Kat Slater. All very Essex/Murky. Also his brother-in-law got sent down for laundering drug money. No wonder Bernie can’t stand Jay.

I feel sorry for the child she is bringing up, poor little mite doesn't stand a chance, living in a gilded cage.

Tamara has never done a hard days work in her life, sound familiar?
That kid is so spoilt. Fancy showing off in the middle of a pandemic. There are families struggling to eat let alone jet off to Croatia. Must admit there are nicer places to go. Good old Bernie lending out his yacht petrara, whatever it’s called ffs.

I watched her programme she had for one season and Jay was so keen to have a second child and she was not..he’s very strange though isn’t he a convicted for something to do with drugs?
He’s a flash little runt with no taste in art. His eyes are too close together and he makes Tom cruise look tall!!
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