Long time lurker šŸ‘€ šŸæ first time commentingā€¦but I love this thread. I first came across Tally in lockdown when I came across her dancing videos and thought they were actually a piss take. Iā€™ve followed her since and think sheā€™s peddling a crock of shit to people who clearly have more money than sense?! I wonder WTF they actually talk about in these sessions?! This ā€˜intuitiveā€™ stuff is just bollocks that just gets twisted to suit a narrative on a given day. ā€œI ate an apple today - Iā€™m so brainwashed by diet cultureā€ and then another day ā€œI ate an apple today - Iā€™m really leaning into what my body is cravingā€. And donā€™t get me started on what counts as intuitive movement. Jesus Christ. I get up off the sofa to walk to the biscuit cupboard.
Iā€™m just stunned people pay good money to listen to this utter self-serving bollocks.
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Does anyone else find Tally just seems so lazy and dull? I see other influencers who have similar lifestyles of ā€œworkingā€ at home (essentially looking after their dog and doing a bit of content creation) yet they still seem a bit sparky, energised, have funny anecdotes or interesting things to fill their time with. Tally honestly just looks like she smells like old farts and lolls about all day. Sheā€™s just got such low, flat, stale energy even watching her stories makes me feel demotivated. Itā€™s like everything is such a slog and she wallows around all day waiting for Jack to come home so they can eat pizza on the sofa together. Bet thereā€™s crumbs everywhere in her house.
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This is not a good look on her. The hair is too short for her face size now and that dress is the wrong length and her tummy hangs. And those shoes need the šŸ—‘ šŸ˜±šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Yep, you nailed it.

I think the unfortunate thing about Tally is that (imho) you can really tell that sheā€™s not meant to be that size. I think you can really tell that she over eats. And I think thatā€™s partly why she always looks worse than her curvy living friend, who is honouring her natural figure and dressing it well. And looking a million times better for it. Tally just has flab.

And now I'm going to hell. Hopefully see some other Tattlers there šŸ™šŸ¤ž
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Continuing the thread for Tally - the intuitive eater who thinks you should never blame yourself if your clothes donā€™t fit you, and that going shopping counts as a workout šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ unfortunately her style has gone the same way as her diet (downwards) and sheā€™s started to look like Jackā€™s grandma rather than his glowing bride to be. Basically - we fancy Jack - Jack, if youā€™re reading this, you deserve better!
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You just cannot get that endorphin flow if you just do nothing or do a snailā€™s ā€œworkoutā€.
this!!! I cannot physically work out or exercise any more and Iā€™ve not experienced that endorphin rush since then. At all. Not even close. itā€™s been years and honestly it really gets to me because I have no outlet when Iā€™m stressed, I just sit and stew over stuff. I canā€™t do anything really - a walk in a wheelchair on the pavement is not the same as going for a brisk walk, seeing lovely views and getting your heart rate up on a weekend. I have no strength or stamina either so canā€™t weight lift, dance, or do any kind of intuitive movement that I loved - but itā€™s one of the rare cases where exercise isnā€™t the answer and doesnā€™t help even though Iā€™d do anything to feel the way I felt after a workout. it made me feel amazing and there is nothing that replaces it.

intuitive movement for me if I could exercise again would be: not forcing myself to go on a run in the pissing rain; not running at all tbh because I hated it; not forcing myself to the 5am class because it was the one that burnt the most calories; incorporating exercise into my daily life like bike rides or country walks; doing classes Iā€™m not good at but enjoy like yoga or dance or boxing; and little things like taking the stairs and not driving to the shop and walking home from work if I miss the bus.

sorry for the woe is me but Iā€™m currently having a bad mental health day and I wish I could take it out on some heavy deadlifts with my angry playlist and a big stomp in the woods to hear birds not traffic šŸ„² I donā€™t mind being in a wheelchair at all - but itā€™s only being able to walk 20m at the pace of an 85 year old that is depressing
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This has pissed me off. Okay Tally, we get it, you eat what you want and rest when you need to. But all this pic says to me is that itā€™s a Monday and you are privileged enough to be sat on your arse doing sod all while most of us are working despite period pain or working from home whilst feeling under the weather.
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What I donā€™t understand about this ā€œintuitiveā€ movement is what youā€™re meant to do when youā€™re like me and almost always do not want to exercise? If I was to ā€œhonour my bodyā€ Iā€™d never bloody move but actually getting of my arse and going to the class or getting the run in is by far the best thing for me. Same with my diet, I am naturally a takeaway and crisps lover, I have to force myself to eat veg but I do it because I know I have to; if I was to eat intuitively Iā€™d be double the size and massively unhealthy. Itā€™s fascinating what these influencers have managed to create a market for e.g. telling overweight people they can stay overweight, eat shit and not move and itā€™s perfectly fine.
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Let's remember here Tally that you and Jack actively chose to bring Dave into your lives whilst planning a wedding.
Everything else in this list - building a business (working), going to therapy and trying to have an active social life are, to the rest of us just what being an adult consists of. Oh! and lots of us do all of the above,and more, whilst also finding time to train regularly, raise children, care for elderly relatives and even volunteer to help out those who are really in the poo!
The fact that THIS is your post for today, the sum of your work/job is quite frankly why I and others struggle to take you seriously.


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DM Me Hun

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Iā€™m a believer of each to their own. If Tally wants to gorge on food and do very little exercise and label it as ā€œintuitiveā€ because it makes her feel better then whatever. The thing that really pisses me off is how sheā€™s labelled this as healthy and is selling this absolute bullshit to other women. She is not healthy. She is eating far more food than she needs and sheā€™s struggling with basic movements. She thinks sheā€™s found freedom from dieting but sheā€™s just gone right to the other end of the spectrum, where there is zero balance or discipline. She is still very much in the all or nothing headspace. All of this ā€œmy body told me to relax today, my body wanted an entire chocolate cake today.ā€ Oh shut up and stop making excuses. Admit youā€™ve massively let yourself go and stop scamming vulnerable women.
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Back in the gym because .. its gifted = free!
God these bloody influencers infuriate me. šŸ˜”
I was just about the say the same thing! I am a member of the same local DL and pay Ā£230 per month, Iā€™m sorry this is just gross. I will be emailing them about this.

I can barely get my kid in the crĆØche there, itā€™s too over subscribed and yet they gift her membership!!!!
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Tally: gets engaged and tries to build a brand over not dieting for your wedding
Also Tally: immediately starts spending all her time with orthorexic over exerciser Zanny long legs and doing crazy hikes when ā€˜on holidayā€™.
Something ainā€™t adding up for me.
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Her relationship with food is STILL disordered.

Going from from one extreme to the other - overthinking and under eating, to not thinking at all about what sheā€™s putting in her body and overindulging everyday, is NOT healthy.
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