Former Tally follower here and I’m ashamed to admit I got a bit sucked in by it all at one point. I know this sounds dramatic but I think she actually promotes disordered eating and becoming unhealthy, as was said above, to validate her own feelings and her overeating. I’m now recovering from the damage that she did to me by following her (I take full responsibility by the way) but I do feel her messaging is dangerous. I’m now realising it’s actually okay to want to lose some weight as long as it’s in a healthy way. I’m walking most nights after dinner with my partner and we are going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week, eating healthy balanced foods with the odd treat and I feel so much better! My sleep is better, my work and relationships are better and honestly I’m so glad to have seen the light. A treat is fine now and then but loading yourself with unnecessary calories on a daily basis is unhealthy and I’m sick of hearing people say being overweight isn’t dangerous! I’m sorry but it is!! I was listening to a podcast with Chloe Madeley and she was saying it’s a very inverted view to think that nobody else in the world can lose weight healthily, just because you can’t. I think that’s Tally’s problem - she wasn’t able to do it healthily so thinks nobody should. She needs some help to get the balance right, she is walking into a world of health problems. The problem is how does she do a u-turn on it all now?
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i think the intuitive eating movement became quite popular last year(?) and it is actually a very easy movement to monetise. you don't have to believe in any of it and literally spin any moment in your life to say 'oh this is what i needed please unlearn bad behaviours!'

i think this is becoming really obvious in her content. before she would post more gym focused things and lean less into the morality of exercise and food but since she's gained weight and lost some engagement (i assume) the obvious answer is body positivity/intuitive eating. it's so frustrating because this is so common with this brand of influencers and they don't post anything of actual help, saying that food is not 'good' or 'bad' is the most basic introduction to people and it does not help anyone deconstruct anything about the diet industry, it's a cheap cash grab that aims at a vulnerable market (people that are unhappy with themselves and fat people), and there's no uplifting of any fat voices, any intuitive eating or joyful exercise accounts or any male voices in the space (except her podcast of course, which is still on the surface and serves HER specifically).

this always makes me so incredibly angry because it always comes after people gain weight, when they were smaller they would not really engage in this content because it wouldn't be the most profitable. what it shows is once it affects you, you have to care about it. she has not had empathy for people unhappy about themselves until that became her.

people do not hear to leave some carrots if they're not hungry!! they need inclusive gymwear, accessible exercising, easy balanced meals, an understanding of food, extremely basic cooking tutorials, different gym sessions based on time/access, how to know if exercise is joyful or not! tally saying how she didn't finish some food or she sat on the sofa because she was tired is so insulting and not helpful at all, but to people not in the space they'll think she's inspiring and helpful when she's tainting the movement from what it's meant to be. people do not have the luxury to go to bed when they feel tired, people do not have the money to always leave food - how do we manage this?

apologies for the rant, i hate rich influencers who solely profit off a movement that is not intended to serve them while giving no real advice or action to help the people it's meant to serve.
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Imagine publicly posting that the hardest thing you have to do today is play with a puppy and do one instagram post. Like she actually posted that with no awareness of how that comes across. Absolute moron
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I've been following Tally for AGES. Since she was a skinny gym bunny before she even met Jack. My god what has happened. While I absolutely appreciate the fact that her early days were not healthy for her, WHY does she think that everyone that exercises is disordered? What is she trying to preach now? Because to someone who has followed her for a long time, it looks like that in healing herself from her old issues, she has a new disordered form of eating. One that has caused her to gain a huge amount of weight in a short space of time. She looks so unhealthy. So awful and grey. And I'm not talking about her weight here. Her skintone is off. Her weight distribution is so unhealthy looking, all around the mid section.

I haven't commented till today but the morning sleep thing really really got to me. I work out early most mornings. I have children who need to get to school and a full time (real) job. My evenings are spent making dinners, doing household chores and spending time with my family. I like to train for events both running and functional stuff and this takes time and dedication. But I bloody love it. My morning workout sets my day up so well. I feel so positive and strong after it. And the improvements that i have seen to my fitness and performance make me love it even more. I want to be better and the morning is the only time that I can dedicate to improving.

By her reasoning, its not really worth it (her exact words) because i could spend more time in bed.

She needs to stop and think about her messaging. Because right now she is looking like someone who has gained a whole heap of weight and is now actively discouraging people to exercise so they become like her. She claims to be fixed but I seriously beg to differ. This bullshit about everything being 'movement' is a crock of shit. She has become lazy and totally lost track of reality over the past year. Her days are filled with nothing and it shows in her messaging.
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Jesus Christ, they literally act like Surrey is in Timbuktu. Tally saying she wasn’t sure how a reformer Pilates class would be “outside of London”. Literally give me strength lord
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I am about to say the worst thing I think I’ve ever said about another woman.

For context, I am almost forty and I’ve struggled with eating disorders and body image issues for most of my adult life. I am very aware that my opinion is likely incredibly skewed by my own mental health problems.

I am incredibly underweight but if this is what happens if I let myself eat intuitively, move intuitively, and abandon all restriction, then you will pry my calorie counting app out of my cold dead hands.

I really have to admire her confidence, her ability to value herself beyond her appearance. Because honestly, the possibility that I might end up like that, going from one extreme to another, is one of the reasons I am so terrified of relinquishing control.

I don’t think she’s helping anyone right now.
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DM Me Hun

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So the gym is an evil place created by Satan himself where women will 100% end up ruining their lives with eating/exercise/body image issues if they step foot in one….but not if it’s David Lloyd and someone else is paying 👍🏻👍🏻 Operation lose weight for the wedding and pretend it wasn’t planned is underway.
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The fact that she’s said now it’s September she’s getting back into a work routine but then put ‘wedding admin’ and ‘spin playlist’ into her work schedule for today shows how little work she actually has going on and how much these influencers doss about but think they have actual careers 😂
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Every week she’s expanding. Yet also today trying to con more people into paying for her shitty unqualified advice. And intuitive eating doesn’t mean you need a bag of Haribo for the journey Tally. You’d be better with a fucking Mars Bar.
"Road tripping" from Surrey to Hastings...LOL. It's about 1h30min. There's no need for any snacks in that time 🤣
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if I had recorded this story, I probably wouldn’t post it but hey that’s just me.
She says not to fall foul of January and it being full of body transformation/fitness/health messaging but then says January is her busiest time. She’s just as bad as them, pouncing on vulnerable overweight women. She just words it differently.
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Farmer Sam

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I hate this post. Whilst I don’t in any way endorse or suggest someone should encourage disordered training or eating in a bid to be super lean (Altho let’s face it, most of these influencers made their initial money from just that) it is not necessary to eat anything you fancy, gain fat around your middle (which as a female isn’t the best plan especially longer term) and class wedding dress shopping as intuitive movement. There IS middle ground!!! I used to train a LOT. I qualified as a PT, was very strong and lean and actually loved being that way. Was it sustainable as I got older and my life plans changed to be quite that lean and quite that fit!!? No. But I still exercise, I hike, I eat a balanced diet, I invest in my health as I don’t want diabetes, female related health issues now I’m over 40, etc etc. Tally as she is now is just as disordered IMO.


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DM Me Hun

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If I’d just put loads of effort into losing some weight and getting healthier (because not all weight loss = disorders, Tally, and it is not a negative thing for everyone) and I noticeably looked better and felt amazing and then one of my friends randomly said to me “you’re such a calming presence” I’d wonder if they were ok in the head.
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Do you know why I’m so frustrated with Tally? Because I partially (and I say partially because I KNOW it isn’t her fault and I’m a grown woman) blame her for my weight gain and now I feel rubbish and horrible and I binge eat and I am so out of control with food. Of course I don’t really blame her, but I find it so frustrating that she just changes the narrative to suit what mood she’s in. I am now in a position where I have loads of fat around my middle and I KNOW it’s unhealthy yet she continues to peddle this message that it isn’t. My skin actually looks a bit like hers too lol, ie bloated, unhealthy etc and all along I’ve been feeling like ‘well I shouldn’t want to do anything about it, I just have to learn to love myself’. How have I even fallen for this? Anyway I’m now starting the binge eating recovery process and I want to have a BALANCED diet and move in a healthy way. I’ve been listening to Emma Storey-Gordon who is great and Emilia Thompson who she works with. I fully recommend them to anyone in the same position. Don’t know the point of this, am just fed up of her now. Have to unfollow I think.
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Long time lurker 👀 🍿 first time commenting…but I love this thread. I first came across Tally in lockdown when I came across her dancing videos and thought they were actually a piss take. I’ve followed her since and think she’s peddling a crock of shit to people who clearly have more money than sense?! I wonder WTF they actually talk about in these sessions?! This ‘intuitive’ stuff is just bollocks that just gets twisted to suit a narrative on a given day. “I ate an apple today - I’m so brainwashed by diet culture” and then another day “I ate an apple today - I’m really leaning into what my body is craving”. And don’t get me started on what counts as intuitive movement. Jesus Christ. I get up off the sofa to walk to the biscuit cupboard.
I’m just stunned people pay good money to listen to this utter self-serving bollocks.
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