
VIP Member
I wonder how many who donated are reading here and now feel they have been scammed.
Sadly the heat between the threads means people are intimidated to post on here.
Nobody should feel daft as tbh it seems to have rolled on with nobody truly questioning it.
That's the problem when you make an echo chamber.
No one should feel intimidated to post on this thread, on the KP thread or any other. People have a right to post their opinions even if they go against the prevailing narrative of a thread
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I think we are ok to have opinions on KH, the legitimacy of his gfm and his pie throwing, show off of a girlfriend. This is his thread after all. The one we are always told to go to if we don’t have anything favourable to say. Yet you come here all angry face trying to shut us down here too?

It’s so confusing knowing where we can discuss it, I’m assuming your two faced comment that you deleted was aimed at me. I will continue to post on both threads as I have opinions on both of them. I can think KP is an abhorrent, law breaking, child neglecting criminal and think kh is dirty, cheating, arsehole spreading, TT beggar at the same time. There is no rule on picking sides on a thread is there? Kh / KP are linked in a current court battle so there is going to be a cross over of posting to the people that are interested in discussing both of them.
I've never got why anonymous people accuse anonymous people of being two faced! I'm sick to death of saying it now....its a gossip forum....we are GOSSIPING about people we don't know !! Policing these threads is becoming ridiculous now!! Can't mention K or M over there unless you're blowing sunshine up their arses......can't talk about them here without being 2 faced!! People are taking this far too seriously now!! 😒 ffs man such a wonderful dad that if his kids google his name the first thing they will see is him lying over the dining table with his arsehole on show!!
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Let me be clear. Boris is gross!
But he has the gift of the gab and is educated and well travelled (though utterly useless at running anything) he is a journalist by trade.
I imagine he has banter.

Kieran has/had a 6 pack, that’s pretty much it!

Id rather shag a fat, Tory, sweaty Boris, than the preening himbo with a turnip stuck up his jacksie.
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Bull***t Buster

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Is anyone else not that shocked by the revelations? So basically then as suspected KH DID send the pie gate video to one of his bits on the side for sympathy. The guy is a slime ball, a huge walking ick! I actually feel sorry for the poster and all the other women he has promised the world to and deceived. He very clearly has a big problem with infidelity. Is he a sex addict? I’m not sure! Is he a sleazy arsehole? Absolutely! Do I think he loves his kids? Absolutely! Do I think he is a good dad? I don’t know anymore! I truly think he could do a lot better by those kids than he has been doing. 🤔
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That was already discussed here when it happened. It's nothing new. These were 2 new posters, one sounded unhinged if I remember rightly. They came they went. What is being discussed here is the legitimacy of long standing members who are now being questioned and posts being raked through. It's like a witch hunt!

I'm not defensive😁
it was discussed here when it happened and also those same 2 posters have been discussed at length on the KP thread for several threads. There is literally no difference.

Lots of new members that have tea have been chased off the thread, ridiculed and had pile ons from multiple posters. I had tea during slapgate, a friend worked as an editor at the Sun. When I gave my tea I was aggressively shouted down by Angelic, told I was talking nonsense and she knew better. Thus Ending me sharing any tea in the future. More recently, a member posted tea on JJ and KP’s whereabouts in Leigh as well as other tidbits, they made one claim about an holiday that wasn’t correct at the time and since then haven’t posted as they too were piled on. I knew they were telling the truth about the other bit of info as I live in the local area.

Lots of posters on the KP thread pullup old posts, old articles, discuss the legitimacy of posters and look at inconsistencies. That’s alright over there bit similar posts here are seen as ‘horrible’ and a ‘witch hunt’. Come on? Surely you can see the hypocrisy? Witch hunt is a bit of a reach and more than a bit dramatic imo.
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That picture is very different from say page 3 modelling.
So hes on only fans showing his bum hole to strangers, even after the uproar from that terrible photo 😳

Mrs B I know your trying to see the best in people but 😳
Working as cabin crew and a personal trainer don't immediately scream intelligence to me but perhaps I'm being too harsh. Ive worked a manual unskilled as such job all my life but now working my way up degree level - and its hard hard work.
Why bother doing that when you can show your bum hole on only fans for money ..... Appears to be the attitude here.
I know its speculation, but some of the comments on the video suggested they are the recipients state funded financial help - if this is true, a 16k lump sum I think would stoo that help. It is surprising just how much you can earn and still claim help.
I know people said that video has nothing to do with BA and shouldn't be brought to thier attention BUT can you imagine the potential for comments towards her when shes working. Even if no 'reports' the video, multiple people she works with will no doubt have talked about it and bought it to thier attention that way.
Well I work as cabin crew, and your comment has really upset me. I work so hard to give my child nice things and to show him what hard work is, especially when I set my alarm at 2 am some mornings and do 16 hour days.
I may not be Einstein but I'm no fool and always did well at school, but I just enjoyed travelling and fell into aviation.
But I agree, the pair of them want something for nothing. How can they accept the money and then she can go on social media bragging about the expensive things she's had?
Kieran could have raised the money himself, If instead of shoving things up it, he got up off his arse and actaully worked a decent day's slog!
He could have even got a second job. My tesco delivery driver was telling me he was worling it as his second job because he was raising money for his son to be a pilot. The pair of them are just grifters!.
I used to think MP and KH were ok, but all 3 adults in this sorry tale aren't fit to be parents. Those poor kids.
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I’ve just caught up on the skanks thread and I’m actually laughing that some people are saying they don’t want you bringing up KH/MH on there because it’s a thread for the skank?…

You can certainly bring up Peter Andre, Alex Reid, Carl woods etc but not Saint Kieran.
Why? They were are all involved with the skank?

Imagine going on the goodman sisters thread but you can’t talk about Kyle walker? 🙄😂

You also can’t bring up ‘pudding gate’ because it happened 2 years ago but you can bring up anything else that happened even 10 years ago.

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Don’t really get how people can say the allegations have nothing to do with the kids when he is introducing them to woman.. the arguments also have everything to do with the kids who have to live with it. Quite frankly if it was the other way round and about KP the kids would absolutely be dragged into it🙄
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I have always been very Team K&M, as I despite Kipper, but if you're going for custody of two young children I think taking a step back - a very big step back - from OF's type behaviour would be an absolute given.

I am not judging how someone makes money but, come on, this is custody of children.

Maybe I'm being too frigid and prudish but I don't think I am.

At present I think both sides need to sort themselves out before they can be allowed to any privileges.
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No reasonable, honest person thinks it’s bad to be asked for proof that everything is kosher when begging for donations.
Exactly this. When the love of my life died two years ago me and his sister did a gofundme to raise money to dedicate an acre of woodland in his name. As soon as it hit our target we closed the GFM. Nobody had questioned what we were doing with the money but we posted a receipt from The Woodland Trust anyway, it just seemed the natural thing to do.

When people started questioning Kieran's GFM the person setting it up could quite easily have asked Kieran for some invoices/receipts from the law firm being used and that would immediately have allayed any concerns. They could have blacked out the law firm's details if necessary. The fact that ZERO proof was given as to where that £16k went is shady AF in my humble opinion.
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I’ve watched it 🙁 and I can’t believe so many people on Skankys thread are making excuses for MP 🤯 ie is the video doctored, kids can be challenging, was the plate thrown at Bunny or the bed, it’s a fake account, etc… seriously stop fucking point scoring. The is about the kids and only the kids
And for me it’s when little Jett says ‘I hate this house’ which makes me feel like this wasn’t a one off 😔
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Kieran Hayler sounds like the biggest slime ball known to womankind. I don’t rate Michelle one bit and won’t get over the pie video but in terms of her relationship the woman needs to run for the hills. He is pathetic and gross. And we all now know for sure that he did in fact is that video to get in someone’s knickers. What a wrong’un he is.
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Just to say I've followed the KP thread for years - the cliquiness, group-think, thread favourites and thread policing is nothing new.
I rarely post on there because there's usually some nasty reply from someone who twists what you're saying or doesn't know what they're talking about 🤷‍♀️
And so paranoid - any new poster is assumed to be a flying monkey and hounded of the thread, soon it will literally be an echo chamber.
I can’t read it. As in, I can’t understand it. They use so many abbreviations and nicknames that even the wiki is unreadable.

I *gasp* don’t hate KP though, so it’s not for me, I get that. I think the continual repetition of the same relationship pattern over and over again is due to genuine unresolved trauma in her early years. I also think her first marriage was incredibly damaging, and I don’t think any of her husbands/partners have been nice people. Having multiple children is another sign of this (‘at least they’ll love me’), and I think it’s all really bloody sad. As time goes on I think it’s very likely she’ll die too young, either accidentally or she’ll take her own life. I know she’s 45ish, but I don’t think she’s been able to emotionally develop past the age where a lot of this trauma happened. Do I think everything she does is appropriate and excusable? No, of course not. But I do think I understand why. The right therapist will be able to unpick it all, but it takes years!

Thank you for reading, I’m more than ready for people to disagree but I’m hoping not in the way they would in the other thread!
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Chatty Member
Oh deary me!! Well I am gonna say it...he is a fuckin shit dad if he is carrying on like that and involving his children in his seedy life!! Just coz all this supposedly happened 2 years ago doesn't mean for one minute that things have changed and they are a happy little family now!! We see what they want us to see....not what really goes on behind closed doors!!! Even the manager knew what they were like!! She will just be in it for her cut of any earnings she brings him!! He is a fucking cretin and I honestly can not believe some people still think its all about KP!! He will be rubbing his grubby little mits thinking he is getting away with all of this because some folk think it's a vendetta against him !! Shit shit person!! Once again those poor kids 😢
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It's no where near squalid, cramped yes.
I saw a huge pile of board games, pretty dresses hung up on a clothes rail. A family picture on the wall.
Compare to now, large damp empty rooms, wallpaper hanging off walls. No toys. They just have ipads, phones.
Lots of pictures of mother dearest around her house...even on cups...topless🤦‍♀️

My last post as I'm ready for bed. Early start. X
Letting your hatred you blind you again. I thought the pudding gate rumour was a nasty lie made up by kipper. Having seen the video its abuse. Who the fuck throws pudding at a 7 year old child and gets it all over their bedding. She didn't even immediately apologise and clean up. It's a 7 year old! Imagine how she might behave with a sulky 13 year old. She's the adult she should know better. I'm not defending either I don't fucking know them . I'm saying it as I see it. Kipper should be in prison and spineless KH should have thrown MP out. I would never forgive someone if they did that to my child.
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Ladies you're all getting ever so slightly carried away on here. Can I just say I'm not very pleased that I'm getting a mention in this so called scam. You need to be careful what you're saying. I hope there will be some heartfelt apologies when the truth comes out.
Howling at the irony here!
You have shared the GFM link though no?
Why does anyone need to be careful what they’re saying?
What do you want apologies for?
So many questions!

Here’s a few more:

Who is Sam Davis?
Why hasn’t KH acknowledged the GFM?
Why has it been frozen if it’s all supposedly above board?

Just like as happened with the Ashley Cain GFM, you beg for money, you can expect to be questioned..
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I think my last post over there will be my last post over there. Unwatched. Uninterested now. Talk about being made to feel unwelcome and ostracised for having a difference of opinion. Fucking tunnel vision whale crap. It's like some grown women have lost their marbles and peripheral vision over a philandering anus flasher.

Aye, so this octopus is migrating over if you'll have me, haha! 🐙🐙

I don't understand how the discussion surrounding him and the GFM is now untouchable - when it never was before. So, in that theory, Carl, Peter, Emily, Boyd, etc. must never be discussed going forward, right?

I live here now - and on Eastenders (which gets filthy at the weekend when it's not on) and on Neighbours (because I just like it).
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