
VIP Member
I think this is quite plausible, they could also be 'staying together for the kids' - neither might want to force a broken home on A. Plus looks like KH is V's father figure and M might not want to put V through the trauma of losing that. I also wonder are they afraid to lose face if they split because they might (wrongly) feel KP had 'won' and would be gloating.

Most women would be gone I think if their partner had done what's being alleged with the video. I know people have their own reasons for staying though, I've seen people being treated like shit in relationships, some stay some don't.
First post over here from the KFP thread

Michelle knew what he was like from the get go, The guy has been a stripper and play-gay for years
I Agree most women would be gone, but then most women wouldn’t go near him in the first place with his sex worker history and his Ex, so as much as she comes across as yummy mummy I think there’s more to her than she lets on.

The GFM, I never donated as it seemed strange to me that it could be legit being promoted on a anonymous platform That was a Red flag for me but didn’t question it as I wasn’t donating, it does seem very suspicious 🤨 especially now it’s all been shut down when F4J claims KH said it was a scam and questioned from social media and the Video And Then the Women Scorned came out of the woodwork,
Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Actually one of those women and that’s why KH is keeping quiet on it or it could be some elaborate scam and He / MP is involved
I really really feel it’s a Shame that Two threads have evolved and theres a need for them because some people don’t want to listen to others opinions
It’s all relevant and if you don’t agree scroll on by

As for 🐰 and ✈ I personally think they would be better off with KH’s mother, I don’t think being on only fans and being a parent equates to a good family environment no matter how KH conceals it and protects them, But That is what He is ( when some shows you Who they are Believe them)
I feel for them but I’ve lost heart because they are caught between two nests of vipers no matter what way you look at it
Hello to all you KH Tattlers, I have no Sides and appreciate Both Threads, insights and opinions
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Thread suggestion.

Michelle's on video acting unstable
While Kierans spread Eagle on the family dining table. 🥀
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I like and follow the Kate Price threads but don't post there too much. I was never happy with the fundraiser. I initially came to this site for the Jack Monroe threads so I am wise to scammers. At the very least it's a grift - if the the money is going where they say it is, this is allowing them to have luxuries they otherwise couldn't afford with this ongoing battle. Such as the Louboutins and what looks like a fur coat. If that's the case, they are within their rights but it's pretty crass when you're begging from strangers.

Also, we have no idea who Kieran and Michelle are behind closed doors - Katie Price is terrible and Bunny and Jett were evidently better off with their dad at least in terms of basic needs being met like food, schooling, etc. But we don't know them or the family at all so I am cautious about interfering in the lives of total strangers.

The above poster's theory that a certain regular KP thread poster is Michelle herself sounds bang on the money. This poster is always outright soliciting donations, and tempting the paypigs that it's soon! The kids are nearly back! Just keep pushing and we'll get there! Things are going in the right direction! And you're helping so much! They're so grateful! Yet the kids have been away from Kieran for about 18 months now. The excuse is that Kieran is doing everything by the book. It makes more sense that he's actually not doing everything in his power.

There was a lot of bitching on the last KP thread about two-faced posters and thinking that some dual thread members deserve to get in trouble. But you really can't give unpopular opinions on there (I have seen this on other threads by the way, and even on other forums) and it's unspoken forum culture to not behave disruptively against the main ethos of a thread by appearing contrary. It's seen as disrespectful. But it seems that's no longer the case, because keeping it to this thread is now two-faced and shit-stirring! The one good thing is that I'm now aware there are active threads on Kieran, I had never found them before and assumed they were dead.

It's unbelievable how Kieran and Michelle's fans have totally lost their minds now that Michelle has been exposed as not a total saint. I had noticed the black and white good vs evil on there before, literally anyone who Katie is against is treated as the second coming and it's not the done thing to criticise them at all. That includes Peter Andre and his wife, and Kieran and Michelle. People act like they're faultless. And now Carl Woods. They used to think he was evil and complicit (or even participant) in child neglect/abuse and Katie's crimes, and they didn't believe he even liked her and was just with her for his own nefarious benefits. Now the moment he's publicly turned against her, they think he was a lovestruck puppy manipulated by her and are even saying he's handsome, and he's being treated as a Professor Snape style turns-out-to-be-a-goodie type of character.

Meanwhile anyone associated with Katie Price is treated as pure evil and worthy of contempt. Most notably her new boyfriend is being ripped to shreds as ugly, gormless and unmanly - mainly because there's no evidence (yet) of any wrongdoing or controversy whatsoever, so all there is to attack is his appearance. FWIW I think he's totally normal looking.

Now that Michelle has been seen exhibiting distinctly un-Jesus-like behaviour, her fans have gone into overdrive to justify what she has done, inventing things with zero evidence. It's the kid's fault; everyone does it sometimes; it wasn't that bad; the video is fake and edited; Michelle would have apologised afterwards; it's a set-up by Katie Price and her cronies; the real wrongdoer is whoever leaked the video and are fully deserving of criminal punishment.

The victim blaming of the children for Michelle's bad behaviour is horrific. All kinds of scenarios are being invented - based on poster's own experiences of throwing food in anger - for what the kids supposedly did to provoke Michelle to throw the pudding at 7 year old Bunny on her bed. The thing is we have zero evidence the kids did anything wrong at all (and even if they did, they don't deserve that, especially as children with a traumatic background).

I do concur that the video is not enough to determine that Michelle is abusive, but at the same time we actually have no evidence to definitively say that this was not abuse and you could just as easily invent scenarios to make the short video tie in with child abuse. For example, Bunny blaming Jett is classic for how abusers make kids scapegoat each other. Jett saying he's starving could be seen that food is being weaponised by withholding it. Jett saying he hates this house fits that this a longer-term problem making him unhappy, rather than a one-off incident. The kids running scared into their room shows they are intimidated by Michelle.

The evidence fits that - as the leaker stated - Kieran filmed this himself and sent it to an affair partner. We know he likely did have an affair, and none of Katie or her pals would have access to the kids' bedroom in Kieran and Michelle's house. This is almost completely ignored by K&M fans. If Kieran has set up CCTV in his house, that would imply he wanted to catch something - and catch it he did. So it makes sense that this is beyond a one-off incident of a mum at the end of her tether.

Also I totally understand why an ally of Katie's would leak this. The same desperation to help these poor children that has led mugs to parting with £16,000 to get them back to Kieran, could also lead to someone who truly believes Katie to prevent these children going back to him if they believe that Michelle is abusive.

Imagine you have a friend and she's about to lose her kids to the dad and stepmum she says are abusive - and she has CCTV proof to back it up. You can understand them doing anything to try to save those children. I actually think it's the right thing to do because their neglect and misery has already been broadcast to the world from one side (so what's so bad about one more video?), and this shows that things are not all rosy on the other side and it might be a frying pan and fire situation. There is a public fundraiser that is supposed to be directly influencing the outcome of these children's custody, so people need to know the whole story.

I'm another one who believes all of the Fathers4Justice allegations. They are nuts and a horrible organisation, but they have been going a very long time and wouldn't risk saying something that they ultimately can't prove. I also think they are experiencing the same desperation to rescue the children that we all feel. It's enough to drive you to despair. Imagine knowing that small children have been subjected to sexual abuse by Katie Price, and having to watch and know that absolutely nothing is being done about it. I wouldn't do it myself, but I understand how someone can conclude that violating children's privacy by revealing their sexual abuse is the lesser evil than not doing everything in your power to stop them being sexually abused. They were totally wrong to do it but I understand how they came to that point. Then knowing that their dad is actually fine with leaving them with her 50% of the time, yet is happily benefitting from an ongoing fundraiser for full custody. I can see why F4J lost their shit.

On the note of sexual abuse, given these accusations I think it's doubly wrong that Kieran continues to do very public sex work. I'm not going to be politically correct about it, sex work is not normal work. These are already children who have a terrible role model in their mother in terms of work ethic, and who are growing up allegedly having their boundaries obliterated by her. Now on top of that, they're got their dad shoving dildos up his arse and sucking the juice off for money. What kind of message is that sending to his children? Jett will secondary school age in September. There's no way they won't see these clips at some point, and be bullied for it. For this alone Kieran is selfish and not a good dad. He should just get a normal job. I think Kieran enjoys the ego trip of men finding him sexy too much.

So glad to get all this off my chest!
They would need to investigate to see if it was a scam. We reported one that supposedly was set up to benefit one of our charity fundraisers and never received a penny. GFM were not interested, nor were the police.
There's no chance of that unfortunately. One only needs to peruse the Jack Monroe threads to see that the police and media have zero interest in this type of fraud. Jack Monroe has scammed tens of thousands of pounds in this manner, and hundreds of thousands from other types of fraud.

I think the media are loathe to expose people they have supported for many years, because it shows them up as inaccurate fools and untrustworthy news sources. Meanwhile, the police simply do not bother to prosecute or investigate the majority of crimes, and charity fundraising scams are no exception.
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While it’s wrong how easy it is to set up fake accounts, the irony of him saying about ‘a sick arsehole’ (a word he should never use after seeing his OF 😂) using a video of his 2 year old online. If he and her didn’t splash that said 2 year old all over social media, people wouldn’t have a clue what he looked like, let alone be able to use his image 😡 Another reason to keep your kids off of Instagram and Tiktok but of course then the whole ‘perfect family’ narrative can’t be used.
What kind of sick arsehole shares a vid of his kids in distress with a 3rd party to get sex and sympathy?
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It’s one thing to have a difference of opinions but it’s really not on Coming for each other
I post on both threads but I’ve seen more vitriol and hate on this one for other posters recently and posting on the other thread literally to cause arguments
Bit sad Trolling other posters on a gossip forum
the KP thread is pure ‘ you can’t sit with us vibes’ . Posters bowing down to those at the top table. Posters with an opposing view are ridiculed and piled on. They are told to come here if they haven’t got anything nice to say then people come ‘over to the dark side’ and tell people to ‘see themselves out’ and drop excessive angry faces. I will continue to post on both threads. I choose to post more on this one, not because my views on KH out weigh my views on KP but because this one is friendlier, more open to varied discussion and my posts aren’t highlighted in bold and cut / copy and pasted and pulled apart.

I have the same views on KP as the majority of the KP thread but I still think KH is an absolute beg. It doesn’t take much to be better parent than KP but just because KH meets their basic needs doesn’t mean he’s is the best it means him and his mum are the only other family option To keep them out of the over stretched care system. Any dad that shags about, makes allowances for a volatile girlfriend, does gay for pay and begs on TT ain’t winning no dad of the year award from me. 🤦🏼‍♀️🫠
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WOW, that's some statement. Shocking. Saying 'THOSE THAT DONATED DON'T ACTUALLY CARE ! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I donated & not out of spite for KP. I know her & I know Kieran. She has NEVER been a fit mother. Liked them all as babies, publicity, money earners etc. Once a new DICK come's along, that's her priority. Those kids were well cared for & loved with Kieran. Best see yourself out.....

I think we are ok to have opinions on KH, the legitimacy of his gfm and his pie throwing, show off of a girlfriend. This is his thread after all. The one we are always told to go to if we don’t have anything favourable to say. Yet you come here all angry face trying to shut us down here too?

It’s so confusing knowing where we can discuss it, I’m assuming your two faced comment that you deleted was aimed at me. I will continue to post on both threads as I have opinions on both of them. I can think KP is an abhorrent, law breaking, child neglecting criminal and think kh is dirty, cheating, arsehole spreading, TT beggar at the same time. There is no rule on picking sides on a thread is there? Kh / KP are linked in a current court battle so there is going to be a cross over of posting to the people that are interested in discussing both of them.
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Look there are ways of looking at this.

Since J&B were born Katie has had at least 3-4 different partners, all of which volatile, KH has had one LTR which apparently is rocky but no one really knows. During this time KP has also been to rehab multiple times and got into all kinds of trouble with the law.

KP is in the position to be fun mom. She is reckless with money, buys them ponies and quad bikes, clothes, nails, make up, no rules, no bedtimes, any pet they want they can have, as much food and sweets as they like and even no pesky seatbelt in cars. They can go make TikTok’s and get filmed showing off, go on last min hols missing school and play in all her make up and free crap she gets gifted.

KH has far less money, a baby, a more mundane life and is about school, homework, rules, behaviour and also he’s had to help them navigate periods where their mother has been entirely absent from their lives (of her own doing). KH and MP have done all the heavy lifting, all the dentist appts, vaccinations, homework, tantrums, birthday parties, making costumes - the whole lot of admin that comes with parenting.

KP has chosen to miss all their birthdays and first days of school. She isn’t even allowed to go to school so she can’t go to parents evenings or plays. She’s also put them at risk but they are too little to know or understand. She’s been on drugs with them in the house, left them with people they don’t really know (she left them with KB to go out to shag Charles).

It is not shocking that B&J idolise their ‘fun mom’ and for little kids it’s exciting finally being with her. She has probably easily been able to turn them that Mp is bossy and daddy is boring and ‘took them away from mummy’ and life will be more exciting. She can erase all her own bad choices by blaming KH and Mp for them all. This is what she does. She is a sociopath

The boring side of parenting is very hard. I’m a single mother and I’ve had to do 90% of everything. Sometimes it’s hard on you mentally. I have some empathy for a woman who has been raising these non bio kids in the public eye, against a lot of shit thrown at her. She may have snapped and made a bad choice that she’s paying for now, KH must be so devastated.

It will all end badly. KP is too selfish and cruel to be a decent mother.
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I really don’t like the division that’s occurring between this and the KP thread. I think everyone involved on each thread believes that KP is a weapons grade arsehole so I can‘t understand where all this sniping has come from. surely everyone is allowed an opinion and we are all adult enough to present rational counter arguments or just ignore. Why does it have to be a them and us?

I will fully admit that since videogate my attitude has completely changed and my eyes have been opened and I’ve been forced to confront my own black/white thinking. Ive never visited this thread til a couple of days ago and it has removed some scales from my eyes if I’m honest. I’ve been on Tattle since 2020 and have spent a lot of time on the KP thread - there are some amazing posters on there and I’ve enjoyed it for the large majority of the time. I don’t get and really dislike the perceived hierarchy and the sycophancy towards some posters. Some of the forelock tugging around certain members really grates on me. C’mon, I mean, we are all randoms on an internet forum, I could state that I’m the Queen of Lichtenstein and I fart glitter - how could anyone disprove it? I’ve had far too much gin tonight and I don’t actually know what my point is but I just don’t like what’s happening on here and over there over the last few days.
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Since that Kieran webpage has came out there seems to be quite a few people still going on saying..

‘oh but this was all 2 years ago’
‘she’s just a woman scorned’
‘why would she record messages’
‘KP and bent social worker are behind it’

That doesn’t matter!!.. what matters is KH used a video of his children getting an Apple pie lashed at them by the stepmother for sympathy so he could dip his dirty dick in other places!!!

To me that is not something a good parent would do whatever way you look at it.

Them poor kids need some stability, protecting, a lot of care and a loving household, if KH has them back then I really hope they have some support in place with the children because they have been messed up as it is living with KP.
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Right, I have a confession. I donated (just once, a small amount) because I felt it was a charitable act to give to someone in need. I quickly came to my senses and now feel foolish. I have contacted GFM to ask for a refund and have stated my reasons to be that I am concerned about the legitimacy of the campaign. They’ve logged my request, told me to contact the organiser and get back to them with their response. I won’t hold my breath about getting a reply from ‘Sam Davis’ but who knows?.

I will probably be persona non grata on t’other thread now which I’ll be sad about as I’ve been a long-standing contributor and have enjoyed it but after the piegate debacle the scales fell away and my thoughts and principles about some issues do not align with the majority sadly.
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I have no dog in this race.
I don’t like KP and I’m not overly fond of KH or MP either.
As far as I’m concerned they can all get on and do their worst but at least keep the kids out of it and safe.
Well that’s a bit of a pipe dream isn’t it 🙄
I think (know) KP is a drug addled nutter.
I think (know) Kieran’s not half as saintly as he would have us believe.
But leaving all that aside, here’s what bothers me.
This GFM for Kieran.
The GFM that he didn’t set up.
The GFM that he was so surprised by and apparently ever so grateful for yet no one has ever heard those particular words leave his lips.
Those particular words were only ever heard second hand from the organiser of the GFM who is apparently unknown to the vast majority of those who were being asked to contribute.
The vast majority being on Tattle.
In fact, I have to ask myself where else is this organiser appealing for donations?
Most GFMs appeal on multiple platforms.
Why only Tattle?
I’ve never set up a GFM for anyone or anything but if I felt I had to I sure as hell wouldn’t only be doing it on Tattle. I’d want to spread it as far and wide as I possibly could.
What’s stopping Kieran thanking donors with a personal message? Why are all the grateful thanks coming from the anonymous Sam?
Kieran has a big enough platform to shove in a ten second thank you.
Like I said, I have no dog in this race but I do think it’s all just a bit odd.
My opinion only but what a shitshow.
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The group name suggestions are killing me 🤣

Seeing as so many of us have originated from the KP thread and with pudding gate, I’m throwing my hat in the ring with The Desserters
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Have a friend who works with M. By all
accounts on stop overs all she does is get massages, facials and sun bathes and never has any interest in sightseeing or doing anything remotely cultural unless it involves a market where there are good quality fake handbags etc.She is happy to put up with K’s antics so she can continue this ‘glamourous’ style whilst he looks after V and Apollo. Most partner’s would not have the flexibility with their jobs to do this so she is very happy with this arrangement. They are staying rent free in K’s Nan’s house so she doesn’t have to worry about a mortgage. In the area houses are very hard to come by never mind the cost so she is happy to turn a blind eye to all the cheating. She would struggle with her cabin crew salary to get a big enough place for herself, V and Apollo. Apparently the show boating about V’s academic achievements are not just for IG but is always boasting about him. She is obsessed with him becoming a pilot and doesn’t really get that most boys are into planes at that age and it doesn’t necessarily mean they will all become pilots when they are older! As for the Polly woman, totally believe her account of things. Feel sorry for her been taken in by him. However, am shocked as she seems like a well educated and articulate woman and somebody who is totally out of his league. He always comes across as a weasel so its truly mind boggling the spell that he casts over all these women.
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Why the fuck has he taken a photo of Michelle packing her bag? Obviously she’s not packing to leave but more likely packing for work and he’s manipulated it to seem like he’s finally getting rid of her! With his infant son in shot. The man is a fucking pig.
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Thank you for having a polite reply about this 🥰🥰 I actually agree with what you say about her. I suppose what my post was trying to say that despite how I feel about her, I suppose I feel sad for what could have been for her. I don't even know if that makes sense.
It's like when I watch I am a killer on Netflix, of course I feel sorry for the victims but then, at times I also have empathy for the perpetrators. Does it mean they've not done wrong? Of course not and they should pay.
I'm not eloquent enough to even try and explain how I feel other than I find the situation so sad all round.
But thanks so much for being so nice to me in your reply and I love that we can all have balanced and polite responses. X
I'm the same. Occasionally, I feel fleeting glimmers of empathy for bad people. Empathy, but not sympathy. To use a more extreme example,
I followed/am following the Lucy Letby case, and sometimes I thought, damn, look what you threw away. She was so fortunate and had everything she wanted in life - and she pissed it away to sabotage babies for fun. She's a bit thick from what I saw, and I don't think she has the brain power to analyse her actions or understand why she did what she did. She must be severely fucked up, even if she doesn't outwardly show it. I have suspicions about her mum. But then I think of the hundreds of lives she's ruined or ended to satisfy her psychopathic, narcissistic compulsions, and the empathy is over.

Likewise with Katie Price, she's had a mighty fall from success which must be hugely painful for a narcissist, as losing your looks must be when you're so vain. She cannot be happy to have needlessly destroyed herself with surgery and drugs the way she has.

I also think she's a bit thick to have failed to grow or sustain her riches. I don't believe the businesswoman hype for a second; it was her agents and managers who were the real business people, she was just the product. Similarly, I don't think she has the brain power to understand herself or her situation, and with a dearth of empathy and morals, she has no inherent desire to change.

The one thing that people with personality disorders have in common is rigidity of thinking: they are unable to change their thought processes so they struggle to learn from their mistakes, or logic their way out of them. This is why Katie (who I truly believe has diagnosable narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders) plays out the same script over and over again that happened to work when she was younger: new egg, sell the story, get papped, have a baybee and sell the story, get more surgery and sell the story, etc etc. Getting fake boobs catapulted her career, so she's attached to the fake image as a positive, and cannot move away from it. She doubles and quadruples down. She's unable to adapt to a new role now she's middle aged. She could have gone down the respected businesswoman route once she aged out of glamour, if she had two brain cells to rub together.

Not to be grim, but I think she will go the way of Pete Burns. She won't make it out of her 50's if she doesn't have a radical lifestyle change. Cocaine is damaging for the heart and she thinks she can keep at it like she's 20. Her swollen thick belly is a sign of excessive visceral fat, which doubles the risk of heart disease. Excessive alcohol consumption also causes heart disease. She keeps going under general anaesthetic (with dodgy and unethical plastic surgeons), which is more risky when you've got heart problems, and they probably won't even know she's at risk.

She even looks like Pete Burns, and with her lips filled with scar tissue and continually getting injected with muck in filthy environments, she risks infecting her lips like him.

I'm not wishing harm or death on her at all, I just don't see how she can keep getting away with her extremely dangerous lifestyle. I do have empathy because I think she's actually extremely vulnerable, and has little capacity to change.

There's a lot of "perfect victim" thinking going on on the other thread, but bad people are just as likely to be victimised as good people. Being horrible doesn't exempt you from vulnerability. It's possible for all the main players in this saga to be villains and victims at the same time.
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Couldn't give a shit about KP, KH, MP or any women he's been pounding - those poor kids need to be put into care and quickly. Between Kipper getting off her tits 24/7 and bringing home whichever penis she happens to be chowing down on to be their latest Daddy and Kieran flashing his anal cavity on OF and Michelle being a nasty cunt, those kids are being let down and it's a fucking shitshow.
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My 2p worth...

Michelle is a cunt. There, I said it. Those two kids were already traumatised having grown up with KP, and god only knows what they'd seen and experienced growing up in the MM. We don't know the half of it but I bet Michelle does. I'm no child psychologist but I'd guess that traumatised kids are more likely to play up and exhibit challenging behaviours which is why Michelle should have been extra patient and understanding with them, not shouting "here's your fucking pudding" and throwing it at Bunny, making her cry.

It doesn't matter what events had preceded this video, I don't care if they were ripping down the curtains and flinging shit at her, Michelle is an adult and should have controlled her emotions. I get that J&B might be difficult children due to their prior experiences at the hands of the cunt that is KP but that does NOT excuse throwing things at them and angrily swearing at them. It's indefensible IMHO. That video makes for very disturbing viewing.

Those poor kids have been failed by every adult in their lives. KP for a mother, CW the horrible 'stepdad', KH shoving things up his arse for money and the pictures easily accessible on the internet and MP who cannot control her temper, throwing things at them. What a fucking shit show.
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I don’t think he is a good dad despite his cheating I think he’s a selfish dad. Running round the village getting his dick wet. Rowing infront of the kids, having women turn up at his door. yes the kids were appropriately dressed and yes they went to school. That’s Basic shit. Albeit basic stuff KP didn’t do. He might be the better option than KP but better doesn’t mean best! He should have given those kids a drama free, safe, stable home away from KP and he didn’t. KP failed those kids but so did he. They went from one massively unstable unsafe home to another unhappy home full of tension and rows. Both children and impressionable ages where the relationships they witness shape what they allow when they are older.

here’s only hoping that if he has been awarded custody that he stops thinking with his dick and puts those kids first. Absolute wet wipes the lot of em.
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I like that we have been able to have a reasonable discussion on this thread about it. No one is hollering or accession anyone of anything. Things are balanced between suspicion and belief and no one is being bullied.
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