Kerrie Baker Gossip Forum

View most liked Kerrie Baker posts on tattle
  1. Louise1609

    Kerrie Essex #7 You Know You've Hit Rock Bottom When Even Katie Price Thinks You're rotten

    New thread people! --- Following on from old thread....
  2. Louise1609

    Kerrie Essex #6 Up the duff selling her muff, should'a done It up the hum

    New thread ignore other one Old one x
  3. Louise1609

    Kerrie Essex #5 Dog uses props to finish the job her boyfriend Danny is the biggest fanny

    Welcome to our 5th post all!
  4. Louise1609

    Kerrie Baker #4 Even More Faker. Rather Do TT/OF Than Be With Her Kids. Sells Her Knickers 4 The Highest Bids

    Thanks to @Edunn for the new title 🤗
  5. Louise1609

    KerrieEssex #3 Not A Very Good Mum Now Has Piles Coz She Takes It Up The Bum

    Thanks to @Edunn for new title Last thread was going to be locked as it reached the limit. New thread now active
  6. Louise1609

    Kerrie Essex Baker #2 Kerrie Baker The Massive Arse Faker

    #NEW THREAD Let's continue tattle life family 😉🤗
  7. B

    Kerrie Essex Baker

    What’s people’s opinions on this girl ?