Scotch Mist

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New thread for those who admire ❤ JK for her wonderful books, charitable work and for standing up for the rights of women.
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As a Jew, I fucking hate it when people accuse JK of anti-semitism just because they hate her and want to discredit her. There’s plenty of actual anti-semitism around, and Jewish people don’t appreciate it being bandied around as a weapon like this.
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I’m a lesbian and I have no issues whatsoever with trans people. I do however have issues with men who still have penises and have no intention of undergoing genital surgery but still identify as women. Some insist that they should be allowed into women only spaces such as changing rooms and public toilets, and that if they go to prison they should go to a women’s prison. Several self-identified trans women have sexually assaulted or raped women prisoners whilst in jail.

They also believe that lesbians who won’t sleep with them are transphobic and have attacked and harassed women who don‘t agree with them.

These are the types that JK Rowling has issues with.
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I feel really sorry for JK, she hasn't said anything offensive and she's literally just giving her own opinion that includes her concerns (which are on medical and ethical grounds). It's sad to me that such an amazing author has been the victim of all the 'cancel culture' going around.
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No ones rights are being taken away. No one is proposing to take womans rights away. It's just a strawman argument
Firstly you don't understand what a strawman is or you would not have used it in this case
Few points
I am a man
Transwoman are men just the same as myself

One of the most common arguments used by trans activists is that under the equality act what trans people are asking for is covered here. Stonewall has also used this argument and it has proven to be case where certain areas can be exempt.

Rape/refuge centres for woman are allowed to be exempt from the equalities act when it comes to hiring staff and who it allows in. The reason for this is to give woman an area where they can heal from trauma without the presence of any men. Numerous studies have shown that the presence of a male bodied person can retrigger trauma and/or stop healing. Sadly lots of these spaces are being opened up to anyone that identifies as a woman which is taking woman's rights away. Predators know these spaces contain vulnerable woman so will happily self ID to allow them access to new victims.

Prisons which house woman the majority of whom have either been subject to sexual abuse as a child or an adult by men. By allowing men to self identify as woman this takes woman's rights away and endangers them to rape. We already have the case of Karen White and the home office is subject to another civil case brought by a woman due to the sexual attack by a man pretending to be a woman. In this case the man has been allowed to keep his anonymity. The % of trans prisoners that are sex offenders are higher than the general population. This is because predators are using self ID as it allows them more access to carry out attacks as well as potentially get them a reduced sentence.

There really is so many areas where woman's rights and also there equality is being eroded

Woman's sports - where trans woman are competing and in some cases dominating the field. The usual argument will be used in that the use of drugs to reduce testosterone lessens what they could do as a man, That is complete and utter crap and furthermore the IOC has ruled that testosterone levels do not need to be lowered in future but the ultimate decision lies with each sport. Trans women have competed and either won or taken places away from woman in cycling, swimming, tennis, football, archery, weightlifting, track and field. MMA ( there are probably more sports). However what there is not is a single incidence of a trans men competing against men. Renee Richards who compteted as man in his 20's had male to female sex reassignment surgery and fought to compete in the woman's LTA when she was in her 40's. She got the same/better results than when she was a male and 20 years younger. They stated that had they had the surgery in their early 20's and went on to play in the woman's tour that they would have dominated the field.

You could go on and on where woman's rights are being eroded.....woman's health (which already drags behind mens) where gay woman are being pressured into dating AGP men. As a man although I do not date I guarantee if I did no one would be forcing me or criticising me if I refused to date trans woman as a straight guy.

Trans people already have the same humans rights are everyone else and despite their lies are not being murdered in the street because of JKR or being murdered at all in the Uk ( none in the last 3 years and something like 12 in the last 14 years) whilst something like 148 woman have been murdered this year in the UK (apologies if I got that figure incorrect). They are not at risk of suicide more than other groups despite tying to continually use a discredited report where 7 trans people where questioned. Incidentally its guys like me in their 40s that are most likely to commit suicide.

We are at the absurd situation where Police in Scotland (as well as England) are allowing self ID of alleged rapists as woman, insisting that they are addressed by their preferred pronouns including by the accuser (potential victim) before being sent to a woman's prison if found guilty. JK Rowling states " the penised individual who raped who is a woman" and is then herself subject to a torrid of abuse including rape and death threats.

if you are the type of person who either attacks JKR or does not criticise it you are a sorry excuse for a human.
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You can call yourself whatever you like, I don’t care. But you can’t argue with biology. If you have a penis then you are not a woman.
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YES i would feel safe, there is no reason to feel threatened, tell me what could possibly happen? chances are you probably have already used a female toilet which a trans person has used as well and you didn’t even notice, people already judge them a lot for unfortunately being born in the wrong body and now they can’t even use their toilet because their body doesn’t match? (pretending a female born with a male body) that persons mentality is of the gender they truly are so i think the chances of your privacy being destroyed? is very low. Your telling me the safety of a toilet is based on the people who go in there? There are past criminals who have probably used a public toilet same time as you, should we ban all criminals and send them to a different toilet because perhaps they can’t be trusted? No.
For me it’s not just about toilets.

I, of course, do believe trans people have rights. I recognise they are a marginalised group. I believe that gender is a social construct.

i will also say this; women have difficulty entering public spaces. From catcalling, to being groped, to being abused - all of this behaviour stems from the public sphere historically being the Male domain, something that is still present in the psyche of people today. We have had to fight and negotiate for our place in this public sphere - to be able to walk down the street in a skirt and not have it be commented upon. To be able to walk alone at night. By virtue of being born with a specific set of genitalia, women have been removed from certain privileges. We continue to fight for these.

There is also the fact that, statistically, the vast vast majority of women have been sexually harassed or assaulted in the UK. I’d go so far to say that every single woman in the U.K. has experienced a form of harassment or assault at some point, ranging from unwanted advances in a pub, to someone grabbing your bum, to full on attacks. It is prevalent. I include myself among this statistic, as does JK.

I also do not see trans women as being a threat or as being perpetrators of this abuse at all. Most I’ve known are gentle souls with more empathy than most. This isn’t about these people being abusive.

for me the issue is this; women have carefully negotiated their place in the public sphere. If we - as a society - deem any people who are biologically Male AND decide they identify as the gender female, should have access to these spaces, it removes arenas that have been ringfenced for biological/cis women and it opens our public spheres to anyone who claims they are a woman. It’s opens our protected rights and spaces to exploitation.

we have had the vote for just a hundred years, compared to thousands of years of oppression. Until relatively recently, a woman was property of her male relatives or husband with few legal rights. It is mind numbing, just how recent this state of affairs was.

it isn’t about if I mind a trans woman in a bathroom; it’s about minding if a trans woman can use female only gym areas, women’s only swimming sessions, designated women’s sporting events, women’s changing rooms, women’s domestic abuse facilities, women’s health facilities and so on.

in worst case scenarios, women who have been subject to abuse from men (I volunteered in a charity supporting these women) sometimes find they cannot feel safe or secure in the presence of men. To state that any biological Male should have access to these women’s spaces based on their gender identity alone, is an idea worthy of discussion at the very least. No one should have TERF yelled at them over it.
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I think transphobic is too strong a word for how a lot of women are feeling. I’m happy to be polite and use female pronouns for someone who feels they are a woman despite biologically not being one. I’m happy to pretend I can’t see the stubble or the wig or the ill fitting clothes on the people who do not pass well. Why would I want to hurt someone who is clearly mentally unwell?

But there’s a line to be drawn when women are losing their rights. When women can’t compete in sports without biologically male people being allowed to join in. When women can’t use a changing room knowing there are no penises present. When women can’t access a rape support group because visibly biological males are allowed to attend. When lesbians are called TERFs for not wanting to have sex with a penis.

JK might be a shit stirrer but at least there’s someone publicly saying the things a lot of women are thinking.
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See, I see things as the other way around. TRAs constantly scream about genitals. They demand to know if a straight woman is only attracted to a penis, or a lesbian only attracted to a vagina. Genitals are not the only part of the make up of someone's sex. Your entire physical makeup is what makes you a woman or a man, not liking makeup or high heels or any of that other superficial bullshit. Trans people are the ultimate "victims" screaming yet again that everyone wants them dead, calling women disgusting vulgar names. The aggression you see them spout towards women (never men) is appalling. As soon as someone challenges a TRA, THEY victimise THEMSELVES. Nobody wants them dead, just not everyone wants to go along with their delusions and for some reason they think they're the same thing.

I also don't get the term TERF because believing some men are just as much women as biological women is faaaar more radical then believing the opposite.
The trans sense of entitlement really reminds me of er...male entitlement actually. Entitled to women’s spaces and women’s bodies.

Fuck off with that shit.
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Also, she isn't wrong because biologically it is women who get periods, not "people." You can't argue science. The people that are, are extreme.
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Scotch Mist

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The extreme trans activists like to bully women who don't agree with their views and aren't really doing themselves any favours.

It's typical these days to accuse people of 'hate' just because they don't agree with someone else's opinion. It's very aggressive and JK hasn't said at any time that people can't identify and live their lives as they choose.

Women have the right to say that biological sex isn't an illusion. I've also noticed that women who have transitioned to men don't appear to be as aggressive in their insistence that everyone should fall in line with their views.
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There is quite a divide in the gay community about trans people. The thing I object to is that under current law any man can say that he identifies as a woman, and demand to be allowed in women only spaces. How can that be right?

Women only spaces are there to protect women from the potential threat of male sexual violence in circumstances where they might feel vulnerable. Being partly clothed in a changing room for example, or in locker room showers. How many women on here feel comfortable with 100% biological males (because that’s what some of them are) in those conditions?
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I'm not a robot

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I can't see a lot of this thread anymore because I've blocked most people who post here, but I do sometimes read the few posts I can still see....I am interested in hearing when each of you began to be radicalized but I don't think you see yourself that way. Most transphobes (since you don't want to be called Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminists, right?) see themselves as victims and defenders of feminism and sex, and act as if they're just being "gender-critical". The whole ideology is so flimsy (like religious extremism) that I don't want to discuss anything, tbh. The only thing that gives me comfort is to know that you're a minority and that history shows you're on the losing side. People like you had to give up on racial segregation, you tried to ban lesbians from bathrooms, you try try try...but I'm glad you won't succeed in your hateful crusade. You're not feminists, you hate women and define a person's character and identity by their genitals. That is...sad and in a way disgusting, but I don't wish ill on any of you. Have a nice weekend! :)

You could not be more wrong. I was brought up in an environment where you didn't judge others by anything other than their behaviour. We had men wearing make-up, with 'feminine' hair and clothing, they self-identified as new romantics and we idolised them! I myself was a tomboy and still am. That doesn't change the fact that I was born with female genitalia. I understand that some people are not happy with the body they are born with, and believe they should be supported with counselling, medication and operations when necessary. I do not agree with people being able to self-identify without being supported properly by the medical profession. When they genuinely feel this way, I would think they are glad of medical support.

I definitely do not agree that people who self identify as female, put on make-up and a skirt, should then be able to participate in female competitions, or access women only spaces. Someone with a penis does not belong in a womens refuge.
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Fabulous title @Falkor !

Today's Guardian article was very much a welcome surprise.

I think on the last thread the discussion was about lesbians being called transphobic for not wanting to date a tw.

How did we get to a point where "genital preference" (so reductive) is 'transphobic'.

Funny how it's always the women who get the short end of the stick.

As JK Rowling says; "‘Feminazi’, ‘TERF’, ‘bitch’, ‘witch’. Times change. Woman-hate is eternal."
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Every woman I know has been harassed, sexually abused or physically assaulted solely because they’re female.

Yet a TiM will spin them being called a male into a murder and violence issue.
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Trouble with the online world is Twitter is an echo chamber for activists and does not necessarily reflect the wider public, everything seems to be an extreme pile-on. One example is before the last government election, if you believed Twitter it was likely to be a Labour landslide but evidently the reality was not the same and I remember the disappointment and disbelief on Twitter the next day. Often opinions that are strong on social media are just far more concentrated than if you extrapolate it to the general population.

I beleive that anyone who wants to transition, can, and should, but I do object to womens' safe spaces being compromised by the few people who happen to have male sex organs and in some cases aggressively insist on doing so. Misogyny is real and is very hateful. I think going forward public buildings need to have more single stall unisex toilets facilities alongside male only or female only facilities so that every one can have a choice they deem safe. I do not hate anyone for what gender they perceive themselves, but I want a womens only toilet. But if I said this on Twitter there would be an onslaught. Women should be able to keep the spaces such as single sex changing facilities. It seems on twitter you can't have mutually reasonable and open discussions. If you don't pander to the activist party line then apparently you are evil in their eyes for saying something like "I feel safer in single sex toilet".

Personally, I will always use peoples' preferred pronouns, I will respect peoples' right to dress and present however they wish. I would petition for adjacently available single stall unisex toilet facilities for the comfort and safety of all. But I would also expect people fo undersrand that for many women, single sex couselling groups, changing rooms, hospital wards etc should not be given up. From the dawn of time women have typically been physically smaller in build and disenfranchised compared to males. Many women can feel inherently unsafe in public situations. I hate that a lot of activists disregard any legitimate fears women might have, without actually listening and empathising.

I am not homophobic and I empathise that life must very hard for non binary and trans people too. It is a very sensitive topic and I wish everyone would be calmer and dicsuss kindly. Perhaps one day soon we can come to an acceptible way of providing safe spaces for everyone, not at anyones' expense.

TLDR; it is in my view possible to agree with JK Rowling whilst being emapthetic to all, including trans people. Women should not lose their identity in the process, or safe spaces, but society must move forward and consider how to provide for everyone. Compassion for all sides, and not misogyny, is needed.
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I said this at the end of the last thread, but still think its relevant!

I dont think its JK Rowling who is falling victim to an anti trans tunnel vision though. Trans issues arent actually the only issue she talks about, she is also still writing other books, and involved in further Hogwarts films....isnt there a new one out with Dumbledore happily coming out as Gay in it? Its Fantastic Beasts 3. The Secrets of Dumbledore.

Let alone the whole Strike TV series and new books!

Sadly because she is one of the few people willing and with the platform to say anything....maybe yes she is being used to promote or illustrate a pre conceived tunnel vision.....from anyone ....who has stopped reading or refering to all the actual facts.

However.... if you accept that a resolution to the issue of transgenderism is unlikely and difficult to find.... maybe you should also be able to realise why some people become so defensive! Some Women are feeling massively threatened........, as well as having to face abuse and dismissal from work and careers and police harrassment, just for their (legitmate) gender beliefs. so maybe these feelings also need to be addressed, as well as those of transgender individuals!
She talks about woman's rights
She advocates for trans rights especially those of children
She points out the lunacy of referring to woman rapists by Police Scotland. In England in 6 years there where 432 woman labelled as rapists
She receives violent threats from men
She receives rape threats from men
She receives death threats from men

She is not a victim and she is not following an anti trans even do that she would have to be anti trans something she has never been despite the outcry that she is largely from men. I myself as a man support the stance JK has taken in support of Woman's rights.
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A lot of what we now call 'trans women' don't want a third space, they want access to the female space for their own validation. This is the problem with the trans umbrella being so broad, it includes cross dressers and fetishists and we're deemed bigots if we call that out because 'trans women are women!'
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