
VIP Member
Invasive Questions:

Is the Mac Rapist paying for your wedding?

What budget did Mac Rapey give you for your wedding?

Is your da bringing his boyfriend to your wedding?

Are all of Grays kids getting a role in the wedding?

How long are you fucking off on honeymoon for even though you never leave Harry?

Do you ever get a break?

Who’s fella is Aoife bringing to the wedding as her date?

Will you be supplying rape alarms as favours?

How many different ways are you going to advertise Conors whiskey?

Is the amazing Terzo and his new nashers going to be providing the entertainment?

Is Tony going to wear a slim fit hand fitted hugo boss suit?

He he walking you down the aisle or is he none to plussed?
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I feel for erin 100% and actually applaud her honesty…her life is dominated by Harrys needs and she knows she wont be around for ever to care for him…autism is an epidemic and for so long its been swept under the carpet, even tho erin can afford therapies she still can really get any significant help for harry and the future is so uncertain for her family…anyone who comments negatively doesnt understand what erin and terry are going through…autism acceptance is a bullshit cop out and people jeed to wake up to how soul destroying this is for the kids and their families…especially in ireland where there are absolutely no supports available….
I have two kids with autism. Both high functioning but I've had to come to terms with the fact my son will probably always be living with me and won't have the independence his peers have. It's hard but I refuse to look at my child as a problem. I've accepted his diagnosis and we make the best of it, wishing things were different doesn't help him and it doesn't make things easier.

I know I'm saying that as a parent of a child who is verbal, who can toilet and so on. I know the additional issues it brings can feel insurmountable but Erin is so lucky to have the bank of Conor to help her. The type of support she has access to is a pipe dream for most families and instead of her "poor me" rants she should read the room and appreciate how fortunate she is.

If she wants to be an advocate for autism she needs to actually advocate. Use her profile to raise awareness, campaign for better support etc. Instead all she does is moan about how crap her life is while in the next post talk about renting a yacht for her hens in St Tropez!!!! She has zero self awareness and no respect for that poor boys dignity.
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Incoming rant but when is the last time she said something positive about her son. Yes we know she loves him and wants the best for him but has she ever actually spoke about his lovely qualities as an autistic child?!

It's constant doom and gloom, always crying, always comparing. Being honest when my daughter was first diagnosed I was sad and felt hopeless but you soon snap out of that and accept the child you've been given. Erin is still grieving for the child she didn't get 6 years later and is now openly speaking about her child like he's a burden. Everything she talks about is about how HER life is effected by it all. I'm sick of these types of parents their children deserve privacy and not have their parents crying to thousands of people about how life isn't what they'd hoped because they have an autistic child.
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Regardless of what we think of her and her family…she is more than entitled to feel her feelings which are totally valid, the autism spectrum is so vast and its bizarre that people with HFA and people on the severe end like Harry are all ‘labelled’ the same, yes many pol with autism have fully functioning lives but its very clear that poor Harry is on the severe end and struggles in so many ways, this must be heartbreaking for erin and terry and sometimes this toxic positivity of ‘just be grateful for what you have’ can be insulting and dismissive…the poor woman would give her left arm to hear her son say ‘mammy’ never mind the physical harm he may do to himself, until youve walked a mile in someones shoes i think its really unfair and horrible for people so troll her for being honest about her situation….
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Erin babes girls left school and 16 to have babies at 16, have no help and struggle so bad. These same girls could also have being given autism diagnoses for their children and cancer diagnoses and other serious life limiting/changing diagnoses. Older women have being through the same. Being 16 and leaving school to go into hairdressing is not that uncommon esp around your age group. You had your mother on hand to raise your daughter. It’s like being a young mother was your main flex until you became an autism mother. Saying a part of you died when your beautiful son was diagnosed is abit far. We all loose some of our identity when we become mothers as this is our new life.

Snap the fuck out of it, yeah it’s good to see a woman succeed in business but let’s face it you got this through your brother, no one is doubting you work hard. Just stop with the pity me post you have so much more than most families. Like uggg it’s ridiculous at this stage
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Chatty Member
I think shes trying to show everyone how hard life is with Autism, but is going the wrong way about it. Kids who haven't got Autism might shit and wee on household items but a good parent doesn't wip their phones out and record these accidents.
I'm not gonna lie , life with a SN child is hard but you change your norm and what you are used to and live in their norm. That becomes your new life. Erin can't accept that. She wants a "Perfect" life. She wants what her friends have, she's a show off. Wants to live a glitz and glam party lifestyle aka fake insta life.
If she just sat back and looked at Harry, he'll show her the world in a different way. He'll show her what life is about but she needs to accept his needs and Autism first
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That's because she skipped the queue for her dog. Also admitted her scummy brother pays for Harrys private therapy. Hardly the typical special needs mam she tries to portray. He is in a school that has a waiting list and gets collected and dropped everyday. Has a cleaner and doesnt cook! She barely works and when she does she acts like she's burnt out and takes to the bed! How anyone can admire that is beyond me. I'd love to see her trying to hold down a proper job, with no support and other children to look after. She would totally sicken you.
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I’m sorry now for getting a bit OTT here (I work in pharma/medical). Bloating tablets DO NOT make you lose weight
Showing pics from back in September to now means absolutely nothing. She might as well have taken one straight out of the bed and then 8pm at night, just because it’s weeks apart and she’s ‘skinnier’ is not down to fucking bloating tablets. She’s a con artist it’s an ad she’s getting paid for, she should be ashamed of herself for trying to insinuate they are making her lose weight when she clearly said she lost a stone after getting her teeth out.
things like this really boil my blood cause there is vulnerable women who struggle with weight and would trust this sham artist and part with their hard earned cash only to find de blaring tablets will make you fart all day not lose weight
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She's a twisted scummy tramp crying into her phone cos Harry can't go to a parade all because she missing the session that's all it is with her she should be so grateful for that little boy a new pair of green pjs dome goodies and a movie day is what that little boy probably prefers peace and quiet while my autistic child who can very much speak thank god who is 11 constantly tells me she wants to never wake up again she's so depressed of being bullied for being different etc won't get into much detail but I've giving absolutely everything up to mind my child keep her safe do the things she likes as long as I know she's safe and alive (sorry for the rant but my Jesus she doesn't know how handy she has it)
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Let's be Frank here. She lost the stone from starving herself after dental surgery. She has low iron and high cholesterol so she is not healthy. A terrible influence on vulnerable women who want to lose a few pounds. A middle aged woman restricting her calories to the detriment of her health is pathetic and very wrong. She doesn't cook so what does she live on? Cup o soups? No thanks I respect my body too much for that.
All those vitamins she's on is nothing but a scam more fool her. Then again she's not the sharpest tool in the box.
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I have two ASD children and nothing she says resonates with me at all. I don't begrudge Harry anything at all, he is a gorgeous boy and if Conor can fund his therapy or whatever then that is brilliant. But she talks like she's the average parent, check your fucking privilege Erin! You have so much more than most parents could dream of and you still complain. What would she know about waiting lists, lack of school places etc?? She has no problem dragging that child around the place, upsetting his routine all so she can top up her tan or get her treatments or whatever. As if most ASD parents would put their child through that. She makes me sick.
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