
VIP Member
He's had a history of well-paid jobs over the last decade, not to mention that in addition to the GB News show he has a Mail Online column (or at least had, since there hasn't been a new one following his return from holiday). Asking ordinary people to chip in, as well as acquaintances he hasn't contacted for years, takes some audacity.
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Chatty Member
This is all really confusing. If Dan hasn’t done any of this and isn’t this Martin Branning alias…then surely he would straightforward state that. His lack of response on that makes him look guilty.

In his tv response, he mentions doing vague things but nothing illegal…and basically accused others of a witch-hunt…implying it was wrong and unfair to attack him if indeed nothing crossed the line into illegality. Yet…look how he treated Philip Schofield..who it appears also did nothing that crossed the legal line. Look how he treated Johnny Depp, who had no police charges against him yet Dan made himself judge and jury both moral and legal as the things he was accused of wild have been illegal. Look how he treated Huw Edwards, again unclear whether anything illegal happened, you then have Caroline Flack…who had been arrested but the criminal proceedings hadn’t gone through and the victim was wanting charges dropped. He has a long history of writing articles about people who haven’t had any proven wrongdoing…other than by journalistic investigation standards, often moral standards as well, rather than legal.

So why, as a tv presenter and as journalist who likes to put his photo on his articles, and as someone with a public presence on social media…does he think it is different for him? If there are accusations…whether they are true/false, illegal/immoral…why shouldn’t they get published by the media in exactly the same way he has been doing to other people for the last decade?

You’ve also got the hounding of the Sussex’s. I don’t have much sympathy for them…but Dan’s own constant commentary on them has been excessive…he doesn’t just do it when they have a tv show or a book released etc, he has been at them when there is literally nothing new to report…he just wants to stoke that fire of hatred towards them as they are good for clickbait. The majority of the time the Sussex’s are keeping by themselves out of public view unless they are releasing some illadvised tv/book, which they then should expect whatever criticism that attracts…but why was he writing/tweeting about them on such a constant, almost daily, basis?

The fundraiser also doesn’t make sense, he will have been earning five figure salaries at the newspapers and tv studio. If he has no money that surely only adds weight to the accusation that he’s been paying large sums for these videos or for NDAs. Either that, or he has done it as a PR exercise to try to show how many members of the public are on his side…which I think has backfired. It’s also not clear what legal action is being taken, so what is the money actually for? Defence fees because some of this apparently has been reported to the police? Defamation action taken by Dan himself? Threat letters to try to silence his accusers?

His ‘dark forces’ relating it to GB News was also a fail, he’s trying to tap into their viewership loyalty and get them behind him thinking it is actually an attack on the channel. Yet the ‘evidence’ that is coming out relates to before that channel even existed…and the guardian and byeline refer to investigating this alias before that channel existed as well.

The facts as I see it. Martin Branning and the emails and videos all exist…seems like there are too many people reporting this alias for it to be fake. The question is…how did Dan’s ex-boyfriend get hold of all this..found behind a washing machine etc…if it’s not Dan, then someone, including maybe the ex, has done a very good job of setting him up. Then we have the rape claim from Kev, someone who went to jail for blackmail so not a reliable witness…yet he’s putting it out publicly and not afraid of the consequences…as of yet it’s unclear how Kev profits from this, and it’s all a bit of a co-incidence that he is saying all this at the same time as the other stuff coming out…something co-ordinated may be going on.

Is Dan guilty? I’m not sure, but actually I don’t think it matters…he’s getting a taste of what he has been doing to other people for years…so he deserves it either way!
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Guys I went to sleep last night, then got up this morning, by Dan's standards does that mean I am now "woke"?
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Chatty Member
This feels like it has no steam, other than crazies on twitter. If it was a big story broke by somewhere reputable if would have led to articles elsewhere in all the anti Murdoch and anti gb news publications. But tumbleweed so far.
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VIP Member
It's crazy. Because this whole thing is more tribalistic than recent scandals, I believe GB News haven't suspended Dan (yet) out of principle. It's become a stand off between the anti-woke brigade and leftie warriors/Sussex squad. They don't want to look 'defeated'.

But this isn't a matter of picking sides at all, it's about doing what's right. The bare bones of it have nothing to do with Dan or anyone else's politics. It's about misconduct, bad behaviour and possible criminal activity.
I'm not sure how soliciting dick pics can be woven into an anti-woke narrative. But if anyone can do it, Dan can. :LOL:
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Chatty Member
I noticed in his GB news statement, he said that they were lies, but also said "I've made some mistakes in the past, but I've grown emotionally." So he's hedging his bets, not saying which bits are lies and which are true.
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Its the shameless way he talks about his superstar panel, dying of cringe. Then random people like Jim McDonald from corrie, or even worse, Jim Davidson. 😶
The best is when he calls the guy who played Jim McDonald Jim instead of his actual real name 🤣
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RJF 2.0

Well-known member
In a way, you almost can’t blame him for attempting to crowdfund a legal challenge because GB News viewers are hardly the brightest and the terminally online ones (always with a union flag in their name and a mention in the bio about how they don’t like “woke” people) seem the thickest.

They’ll swallow any old conspiracy that flies their way so it’s no wonder that many of them fully believe that the “deep state” are trying to take down a TV host on a satellite channel with 100k viewers on a good evening. A fool and his money are easily parted.
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Lets be honest GBN is full to the brim of odious cretins like Dan Wootten, they won't take him off air. They are anti-cancel culture. They will probably promote him!
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I think he carries around a lot of guilt about what happened to Caroline.He knows he didn't treat her well and it probably weighs on him.
If you watch the stories he has added of “memories” of him and Caroline though... they’re very telling. She wasn’t happy. I think she was really unwell for years and he doesn’t seem well himself so I don’t think they were a great combination. She needed an older guy who had experience and was grounded rather than going for these young party guys.
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