
VIP Member
I've been on tattle for years but this is my first post. I work for a brand and at one point Charlotte was up for a deal that would have paid her 5 figures regularly. There were some that raised concerns and swayed others away from using her. Last week someone else that was in favour of her replied to the whole team saying good job we didn't give her the work due to her behaviour and tattle thread! Trust us tattle is used more and more to determine if someone is a safe pair of hands for reputable brands (I don't work for one of those tat places that give anyone trashy any deal and also don't pay well!). She's cutting her own nose off to spite her face with her behaviour 🤦‍♀️
My company uses tattle to help determine who we partner with, too. It’s a really useful resource.
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This is creeping me out - I must have left some comment I've now forgotten about on IG and and I got abuse on my IG accounts (I have more than one for freelance work reasons) plus nasty DM.

Shows what kind of minions she has. She's now posted a story that includes my name from IG - I'd better see if IG can take it down for violating my privacy.
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As a professional in the child safeguarding/protection field, I have to say calling social services is very far fetched. What I will say is yes I definitely don’t agree with the way she parents on a personal level, however she wouldn’t even meet the threshold to be monitored or have statutory involvement - all that would be said is that there are voluntary teams there available to support. However due to the reports it would be taking time from a social worker, who I will say are more than rushed off their feet to investigate it.

If people think her parenting is what qualifies for statutory involvement then you are unaware of how bad ALOT of children have it in the UK - which may be a good thing for you as it is beyond your imagination how some children live and it is deeply disturbing. Please think about this before you continuously report because her parenting doesn’t align with your own personal views.
Thank you for your input I am also a health professional albeit a retired one but I find it quite concerning that you think it’s “far fetched” that ss have been called.
I would ask you to read her Wiki and see if you change your opinion regarding the childrens safety.
I am more than aware of how some children live in shocking conditions and fully respect that social workers have a crazy workload, but I do feel this person needs educated on basic parenting especially regarding safety around the home.
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It's a certain kinda person thats supports chazzas nonsense isn't it.
They should have a collective name like the LLL brigade ( live laugh love brigade) on Marcus Mitchell's thread.
Chazza fans tend to:
- Have a house with a faux fire wall
- pull off bags from the back of a lorry as real designer gear
- meet the man of their dreams which is a relationship of convenience and post extravagant soppy posts and screenshots of their " amazing relationship". Could also be a " done with men , just me and the kids from now on" too.
- post on all social media when they've cleaned their house
- have extravagant pregnant announcement videos, complete with a gigantic gender reveal and then an additional baby shower that no one even wants to be at , they just go for the drink.
- have a house that's black& white with sparkly grey picture frames "becoz im obsessed with a bit of sparkle" .
- owns a mug that says " but first"
- loves having a "hair date"as a "me day " off as a full time mummy
Have I missed anything?
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Chazza and Noah watching Blankety Blank, whilst Pobs on the phone trying to sort out a cheap wank
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The thing is people can laugh and say “oh isn’t he sweet” whilst he’s still a toddler. But that phase of life for him is rapidly running out and he’s soon going to be just a child, the cute aspect people won’t see as much. But the longer you let him walk around planes tapping random passengers and grabbing peoples hair, the harder it’s going to be to get him to stop doing that when he’s 4/5 and people just find it disgusting and bad parenting. That’s all it is, lazy. And you can just imagine their reaction if someone complained but I 100% would, maybe I’m just boring or what. But if I’m starting my holiday & trying to relax on the plane and some little brat behind is YANKING MY HAIR I’m saying something either to the flight attendants or the parents. They’re a joke.

Just watched the last couple of frames with the sound on, Nowahhhh (with his pants half falling down half pulled up his leg) is wandering about the plane tapping on some random child in the back who he clearly doesn’t know, and clearly doesn’t want to know him either. He’s literally sitting trying not to look up hoping he’ll go away. And what’s Mother of the year Charlotte doing? Recording him and going “what you doinnnnnnn”. How’s about you get off your lazy arse and go to your child, pick him up and tell him you can’t wander round planes as you wish and that it’s dangerous and naughty, and interact with him and keep him in his seat and away from other passengers. Fucks sake man.
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Can I just say as a family of 4 we go to Benidorm every year in the winter when all the oldies go just for some winter sun and I can 💯 say what we do it’s more classy than what chava is showing in the Maldives we go to authentic tapas (yes it exists in Benidorm!) we spend endless days at the beach digging holes mainly and walk miles with lots of pit stops (beer and milkshake stops!) Benidorm for 2adults 2kids all inclusive one week feb £1500 she’s cocked up big time they even have kids club and little rooms near the evening entertainment they can go to and have face paint and do play doh etc Benidorm gets a bad rep but I’m actually a decent human and love it if you seek out crap you’ll find it otherwise it’s like most Spanish / infiltrated English resorts.
Also the jealousy Jesus Christ I just couldn’t if someone fancied my husband I’d be like crack on love you can wash his skiddy pants and put up with his snoring live your best life 😂✌🏼
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i was thinking about safeguarding children in general (because it’s part of my job) as i was skimming through the threads and wiki and i definitely think that what’s-his-name the arsehole flasher needs his hard drive checked, especially after the 11 weeks old comment he made. people who are into dark shit with kids like to drip feed odd comments here and there and do odd things here and there to see who laughs and isn’t alarmed by it in order to escalate things further. if the people around him don’t see a problem with it it just encourages their sick nature because they know they can get away with worse things because the little things didn’t ring any alarm bells.

i’m not making specific accusations. i’m just saying he needs an eye on him. i don’t trust that fucker and the parents around him would do well to be alert to his disgusting comments and jokes.
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“I don’t know how these people have the time” the irony when she spends a huge chunk of her day chatting shit into her phone (while ignoring the kids)
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This is a cross post from something I’ve talked about on here before but watching what poor little Noah has been subjected to recently has made it relevant again. On the subject of SS involvement with Noah - there is so many children (I was once one of them) that are being failed because they’re not deemed ‘neglected/abused’ enough for intervention. I have been this child, I’m a 29 year old woman now and I’m still having therapy. There are so many different forms of abuse and neglect, as a child I was always dressed ok and fed relatively ok, I did get smacked but I wasn’t beaten by my mum - but she did drag me from pub to pub, new man to new man. Party to party. I had to watch her destroy herself along with which ever man was around at the time. I was the one who had to pick up the pieces. Call an ambulance when I got home from school and found her half dead from another suicide attempt.

Charlotte reminds me of my mum - I’m not suggesting she doesn’t love Noah, I know my mum loved me too. But that is the absolute bare minimum of what she should be doing as a mum. Her and Matt’s needs come first and Noah just gets taken along for the ride, it’s actually quite painful to watch. That boy deserves so much better. There’s 1 million people watching this child be neglected and it blows my mind how this can even happen.

Charlotte I know you read here - take it from me, a woman of 29 with three kids of her own who still has panic attacks and PTSD. If you do not change your behaviour now, you WILL traumatise your child and cause massive amounts of damage that will seep into every aspect of his life as he tries to navigate himself into a functioning adult.

Fake over the top parties, clothes and holidays will never ever be enough, sort yourself out before it’s too late. Fyi - myself and my four siblings have absolutely zero contact with my mum now and that will never change, is that something you can live with?
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The thing is, celebs saying this site is just trolls. NO, this site calls out bullshit from these so called celebs that people follow. And they can’t handle that! I’m sick of these so called celebs selling shite, scamming people, making up lies, then crying about this site because they’ve been found out and make us look the bad guys!
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I’m not surprised she gets pissed every night tbh. Would take me a litre of vodka to let that ugly cunt anywhere near my vagina
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‘Maybe I should come off insta and stop showing Noah and Jude’

YES. THAT IS OBVIOUSLY WHAT YOU SHOULD DO. But you never will because then your only content will be wobbling your fat gut, gurning and tanning Thursdehs.

I’m honestly hot with rage at her woe is me, rubbing her face, ‘I’m doing my best, I’m so confused, that horrible website’. She’s absolutely unhinged.😡😡
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Did she just call herself an embryo thumb ? Wow! She really doesn't how any sense of what is appropriate does she ?
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