
Well-known member
Ahhh my beautiful tattle friends……I have had to cancel my trip to NY next week 😔. I am just gutted to put it mildly. I can’t get travel insurance……refused by every provider as I have had cancer treatment within the past 12 months. I know it’s nothing compared to what so many are going through right now. I just can’t take the risk of travelling in case I need medical assistance over there and the US health system is the toughest. At least when I travel to the EU I have my E111 card but I would have zero cover in the US.
The amazing Aer Lingus are arranging a full refund so at least that’s something positive.
So now when I get out of this bloody funk I’m in I will arrange my next bucket list tick.
B xx 💕💕
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Catching up on the last few days and trying to get my head around it.
On Wednesday 114k people are informed with snots and tears that Shannen has found a lump ,prayers candles are needed. She goes off to St James the centre of excellence in blood disorders to meet her team and arrives with a packed bag as she was told to do.

Less than 24 hours later she informs us that a "Reg" had a good feel and its nothing to worry about. Her consultant who she named to 114k instagram followers was not on duty that day. Here's my issue whose Reg did she see? Was it a reg on rotation? Was it a 1st year a 2nd year ect? St James have 6 consultants who are all experts in their fields of blood disorders which cross over multiple diseases. There was definitely one of those on duty.

114k followers have now been told by her that if you present to The Centre of Excellence with a lump after relapsing multiple times a good feel is all thats required. She has so many followers who are going through the cancer process or even going through the transplant journey and this is the story she's telling. How reassured are her transplant followers today? How does St James feel today that 114k people have been informed of this tale .

We have this week watched a young child go through the horrors of relapse and surgery with dignity and Grace. We have seen bowelbabe use every ounce of strength she has to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and we've seen Vicky who the women of Ireland can never repay just bask with pleasure with the wind in her face by the sea. We have also watched last night Shannen looking to purchase a fake handbag.

@Missymeister I'm thinking of you all the time. I'm praying for you. I'm sending all my positive energy your way
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We lost a child to cancer. We had a go fund me organised. It never reached anything like the amounts she had and I accounted for every penny. It’s such an incredibly expensive time when your child is sick. I was very very grateful for it. Meant I could spend time with my child which was so so precious without worrying about money.

We are literally only back on our feet now though years later. The go fund me covered travel and the like. We did not profit and there was no money extra. We still were broken from it financially never mind our hearts.

I do still donate to local causes. But I’m much more wary of bigger ones like hers was where I’d have no connection. Like an eejit I did donate too but what can I say I took her to be more honourable than she is.
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A young woman fighting for her life, losing her identity, worrying about her daughter and future, lost fertility & probably forced into early menopause amongst countless other issues as well as probably not having a great prognosis....
Give her a break ffs! 😐
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Okay- so this is beyond random. I’m going to Coldplay on the 24th of August in Glasgow. My partner can’t get the time off work anymore, so I’ve got a spare seated ticket. I’m not well myself, so standing isn’t an option. You are welcome to come with me. I’ve booked return flights-flying out morning of the concert and back next evening, so allow for touristy bits in Glasgow. Just needs a name change on Ryanair. Let me know. I’m still going- they’ve been on my bucket list for ever, but if I could help you- I’d be more than happy to.
OMG are you for real?!!!!
im bawling here……… I would be just honoured to go with you. And we can tick our bucket list together 💕💕

I’ve no idea how such kindness happens but this page is beyond epic.
How do I get in touch with you @elli-94 ? You are truly the kindest person and my heart is fit to burst 💕💕💕
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So looking at the stories in her car - she basically said that “we” - meaning her, Barry and her family “don’t care” and that “it doesn’t bother us” in regards to people messaging them about the GFM and she explicitly said she doesn’t care about people messaging her.

What kind of rearing did he have that her parents are not absolutely mortified about being messaged about her scamming with the GFM 👎🏻

This is all only gaining traction so please everyone keep messaging her connections and brands she works with until this one has no other choice but to do the right thing and donate what she hasn’t spent the GFM me on eyelashes and facials and nights out to a deserving cause.

Shannen do you not get it - this is going to follow you around for life unless you right your wrongs,

Next thread title - Shannen Joyce, scammer - her legacy is being the reason the people of IRELAND will never donate to a Go Fund Me again
Next thread title - Shannen Joyce, don't ask about the money or I'll block you honey! The money's all mine cos I'm such a little swine!
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You've never went to a funeral as a day out?
Have to say I've never gone to a funeral as a day out. I usually go to mourn and offer my condolences. I've also never gone to a funeral of someone I've only met once or twice. And funny enough I've never gone to a funeral and tagged meself having cocktails there. I could be weird though 🤷‍♂️🙄
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Am I reading that right @Missymeister

I am in utter shock, she got almost 200 GRAND from strangers, that thought they were donating to help with fucking CANCER TREATMENT. It turns out, she didn't need it, and her attitude?

Ah well, the money is mine. I can do whatever I want with it.

Fuck, that, SHIT. Shannen, if you are reading this which I know you are - I am going to make it my fucking mission to expose you, you disgusting piece of garbage. You are the lowest of the low.
Adrian Kennedy got back to me at the start of the week, and I was having second thoughts. I'm emailing back now.
I'd appreciate if you guys would call in once we have an air date.

This CRETIN needs to be exposed.

I'm fucking shocked.
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@Missymeister hope you're doing okay xx
Thx for all the love and concern. I haven’t been on here or much social media the past couple of weeks. I had radiotherapy and it honestly knocked the crap out of me…… it was torture. I’m done with it for good now…… my quality of life is more important to me. It set me back so much but I’m slowly getting my mojo back.
Just so heartwarming to know you are all thinking of me. Tea Spill messaged me to say a few of you had asked after me.
Love hugs and good vibes to you all my Tattle bitches!! 💕💕💕💕

I’ve just posted a comment under that disgusting RSVP shit show of a story……yet again I’ll say it……fuck off Shannen 😠
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Remind me is she same cow that asked for non stop prayers before scans and hospital appointments. Portraying the pathetic sick person suited when it helped reign in the euros. Karma
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€175k is a lot of money to not be accountable for. What was the money intended for?
So Barry wouldn’t have to work (Barry is still working odd jobs as self employed and on PUP. Baz if you read this you’ll know this is fact as you work with my husband. Yes it’s me, Tara. I’m no liar I’m not a secret nameless troll)
For accommodation in dublin (HSE accommodation is free, Shannon wanted luxury ‘for all the family’ we still have no update on this)
Costs of travel ? (Got a new car for journeys to dublin, has had maybe 2 trips to dublin since and the dad has driven his car both times)
Rent ? (They are already getting rent allowance, Shannon is on illness benefit and he’s on PUP and doing odd jobs.
Treatment ? (treatment is all free, she has inferred other alternative treatments for when this is over but as usual she’s probably just lying )

basically in summary, nobody knows and she seems to think it’s ok not to ever refer to it.
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Teaspills story today is making me so sad and angry. How can people start messaging Brenda nasty messages and her in the process of treatment. Shannen 100% knew what she was doing the manipulative witch. Is there no media that could run a story with Brenda to get her side out there, publicly show Ireland what this one has done and reveal her true colours. I'm just gobsmacked at the audacity of these imbeciles and devastated Brenda is on the receiving end of abuse, all through Shannens making whilst she sits on watching no doubt with her smirk fully fixed to her face.
Thank you @Mel33. I’m just home from treatment and I’m just trying to focus on all the positive messages and not the nasty ones. I told my oncology nurse the whole story and she is urging me to go public. Std said that so many patients have had GFM set up under the guise that they need the money for treatment when in fact as we all know ALL Oncology treatment in this country except very rare treatments are 100% covered by the HSE. She said Shannen was the talk of various nurses and doctors not only in James but also when her GFM hit such a high figure in other units too.
I would 100% be prepared to go public but unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any in the media with the balls to cover my story. So for now I’m just content that me telling my story has raised so many eyebrows and still unanswered questions unfortunately.
But I will not entertain anymore trolling or abusive messages. Tea Spill has asked me to forward her every nasty messsge I get so she will put it on her page………and I fully intend to.
But for now I’m going to rest up and I’ll be chatting to the beautiful lady later about our arrangements for Coldplay……OMG I’m just so feckin excited
Raise one for us too Ladies and we shall expect receipts for every purchase 🤣
Hahaha @TikToc I will issue everyone with a detailed breakdown of how I spend the amazing €600 I received from you legends. This made me laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Do want to hear a funny story! I got anxiety so bad one time I had to go into the shower in my clothes, jacket the whole lot and lie there in cold water until my hubby found me. Another hilarious story. I can often be found hiding under the bed or in a tiny cupboard crippled in fear 😂😂😂 oh I’m laughing so hard at all the funny stories! Like the time I disassociated and ended up only able to eat baby food cos my anxiety and trauma said not today this month ! Or when I was screaming one day ripping my throat off as I thought I was dying and my hubby had to fully slap me, get me to the doctors and I tried to jump from the moving car and then I threw up all over the doc and had to be sedated! Oh the laughs I have had. Now that’s fucking anxiety. And don’t get me wrong I’ve just had the shits from a bit of worry or a bit of fast breathing but do not come on shannen and tell us people that are barely alive only thanks to meds that a walk will cure us.
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Lads, this is serious post.

Can ye all light a candle for Shannen Bulman Joyce. It is clear that her covid/cancer brain is in full swing. She can't remember what fuel the car we bought her takes. She is 14 months post transplant and has forgotten to donate the left over money she doesn't need from the GFM to other people who are in need of some genuine financial support.

I'm so happy to see that she spent €101 on fuel for the car we bought her, to get her to Dublin, via an 8 hour park in Kent train station with €30 for parking, and then another €60-€70 on a first class return ticket. My heart really goes out to her - I hope she had enough spending money for a nice coffee and some online shopping for good measure. I hope we are treated to a haul really soon.

Thinking of buying one of those church candles with 500 hrs burning time - have you a discount code I could use for it Shannen? Asking for a blocked follower.
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It's hilarious all these absolute MUGS on Insta, trying to defend her and make out she's the victim of some huge conspiracy theory witch hunt.
I know the majority of them read on here, so let me break it down for you....in literally the simplest way possible.

  • Shannen became sick
  • A Go Fund Me was organised, set at 10k, to help Shannen pay for treatment and the expenses that go with this
  • People rallied for Shannen, donated, wished her well. Shannen's fundraiser reached 170k+
  • It later developed that much of her treatment and costs associated with the treatment had been covered by various different means - so what happens to all the money raised?
  • Shannen vowed to donate the fundraiser money, or "play it forward", in her own words...to someone else going through cancer - after she was given the all clear, which in my understanding - was 17/18 months ago
I can wholeheartedly say with conviction, that every single person that donated to her fund, donated in good faith with the understanding the money would be used for medical expenses. Shannen seems to think, and has stated on many occasions that "the money is hers to do what she pleases with, and it's nobody else's business". She even informed us that "nearly everyone that donated doesn't care what I do with the money"

Again, going back to my above point - I can wholeheartedly say that if you were to go back to all the people that donated, and asked if they're OK with their money being used for "whatever she see's fit"...majority would have an issue with this.
Shannen not only vowed to donate a large portion of the money to good causes, but she also vowed to post how the money was spent - promising it was used in line with what the fundraiser was originally started for - medical purposes.
In the last 24 hours, she couldn't help herself snapping back online saying she paid for her recent haul from the garden centre with money from the Go Fund Me, something she quickly deleted. Whether it's true or not - it show's how brazen, flippant and unbothered she is about anything.

Shannen is now doing what she does best. Playing the victim. She thrives on pity and making out like everyone is out to get her. She calls out the "troll" or "bully" card whenever a person dares try to hold her accountable. Many people that personally donated to her fund have been blocked for simply asking how their donations have been spent. I'm sorry but if a total stranger donated money to me out of the kindness of their heart, I would have no objections whatsoever in showing whatever receipts they wanted - along with a boat load of gratitude....but not our Shannen - BLOCK!
The reason Shannen made a half arsed, bullshit apology to @Missymeister is to protect her "brand". To uphold the sweet little Cork girl with the big brown eyes and pixie hair image. However, that image - the mask - is starting to slip.

People have every right to question Shannen. They have right to hold her accountable. Nobody is out to "get" Shannen, people want honest, truthful, upfront answers. I've said it many times on here, but if Shannen had nothing to hide - if she felt no guilt or remorse about what she's done, she would post receipts. She would rub it in everyone's face, our faces! She would prove to us all that she has a clear conscience. I know I would!

But she won't....because she can't!
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Obtaining money by deception is fraud no matter what she says, yes she was sick but I feel she definitely overplayed the prognosis and treatment plan, knowing full well she had a very treatable cancer. Funds raised in this case were excessive and nothing like what was going to be needed.
GFM should automatically close when original target is reached. I too had donated and don’t think it should now be hers to do as she pleases, she might want a long hard think if she spends it now and does have an unfortunate relapse what happens you couldn’t very well raise that kind of money again!
I now am now much less likely to donate to a GFM, at one point during lockdown we had to take a step back the donations were coming to a significant outgoing every week between go fund me campaigns, charity on line/zoom quizzes etc and things like the Late Late show appeals, I fully understand usual streams of fundraising were not available but we were on reduced income. I now only donate to causes personally known to me or that I feel strongly about.
I will add though if a child is seriously ill please remember it’s unlikely the parents can continue to work and bills still have to be paid along with childcare for the siblings etc, parking in hospitals is extortionate so even if treatment is paid for there are still not insignificant costs with no income protection. Shannen seems to have massive support from her family she should count her blessings and move on with her life, most people I know that have recovered now live healthy lifestyles and seize each day not layabout thinking how they can keep money that’s not morally theirs.
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