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Can I just say how much of a breath of fresh air chels is to follow she seems to have come out of this awful shit situation with dignity and is just living her best life!
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All my thoughts are with the poor victim of jail with there being an article potentially coming out tomorrow. It's gonna bring up alot of trauma for her bless her ❤ I really hope she's okay and has all the support and love around her that she needs
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Chelsea is being very smart in what she’s posting tbf… she hasn’t mentioned Ash so when Ash starts giving her shit over it, that’s her defence, I didn’t mention you at all, I mentioned the woman who had been sending me abusive messages, I have the right to do that’ 🤷🏻‍♀️ I fucking love karma it always always comes knocking 😊

Edited to add…. Ash will HATE that we are all cheering Chelsea on on HER thread baaahahaha carry on cunts 💫
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In my efforts to find Steve, I have found Oscar.
Sorry are you sending that article to people and children on fb from a burner account?
If that is the case then that is way too far! This doesn't involve her family and it should not involve her children. Rule one on tattle don't take it off tattle. Public forums are different to private FB.
This is proper getting weird.
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I'm so proud of her
God I need to sit down, it's all the drama mick xx


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Jesus there’s a lot to be made eh?? I’m working 60 hour weeks as a single mum to keep bills paid and food on the table. Wrecked. Then there’s these idiots.
like I say, I’m not 100%. I might head to google but surely that’s an extortionate amount to be earning whilst there’s single parents in B&B’s with nothing that are waiting for properties. 💔
Don’t let the likes of her make you feel like shit. You’re not selling your soul, disregarding your children’s privacy to thousands of people. There is a lot to be said for an honest living 🩷
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Making content and posting publicly on TT FB insta etc to share awareness of the whole situation, the bullying, the relationship, the fact ash in her own video laughs how she committed domestic violence against her ex husband by hitting him etc, that is one thing

I don't agree with spamming the family and certainly not children. Oscar shouldn't even be on Facebook etc

Ash is going to make out she's a victim, she has with her husband, Chels and now Gail and it's all in her own words. She chose to make videos, posts and stories knowing everything online is recorded. Even lives are not magic disappearing videos, how does she think criminals are caught 👀 everything online has a footprint. Look hard enough you can find almost anything. She shares the vast majority of evidence all in one place on sites - her profile

Her family aren't going to publicly say, yeah she's a twat, she was laughing and making money being with Gayle and they lapped it up in swanky bars and hotels. They probably know she's guilty and behind closed doors are probably just as ashamed. The family have also benefited from that money, even the in laws she paid to take out with luxury cars etc

Ash had extra help with an agent, her agent failed. James failed as a 'friend' and bigged it up too. Ash failed ultimately, if you get into a relationship eventually you would want it to progress to meeting the kids etc, there's even AI software you can use to search faces, hence why your phone and social media can correctly guess a face when you go to tag them. Data is everywhere

I really hope this shines a light on the real victims, how careful people need to be going into relationships, especially if you have children. How society has such low morals that they think it's okay to defend all this behaviour, the toxic following Ash built and the lifestyle. Ash's 'statement' she shared in a 24 hr story, not a post for people to see any time. She hoped it will all go away after 24hrs

Honestly I feel so saddened and angry that again sexual abuse etc just seems like it's accepted by so many. That Ash trying to just worm away from it all is basically saying all this behaviour is okay and it already started to show when she told everyone proudly how Oscar was suspended from school for bullying and she saw nothing wrong with it.

Let's help share awareness about the whole situation, but also the background checks people can do, anti bullying etc. Tattle doesn't need to be seen just as a shitty gossip site if it can help victims of these people

(sorry essay. Late night rambling and thoughts whirling)
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Pepto bismol

That was after she laughed in his face on live because the way he said vitamin. Even the comments were saying he's saying vitamin, but ash just kept laughing and going 'what?'
That’s right… I came straight here for a rant after all that as I couldn’t believe what I’d watched. Horrible cunt. This is what I posted….


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Imagine being embarrassed by your ex sharing her addiction story online because you don't want your kids hearing about it but now your current (or ex, who knows) gf has been exposed as such as well known predator. But oh no, she's "zen".
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New thread suggestion:

‘Obviously Ash didn’t know, don’t be silly, she was ‘oblivious’ to her girlfriend being a sex offender with a plastic Willy.’ It took me all day to think of this. I’m proud of myself. #tattlefirsts.
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Bet ash has read here today that a newspaper article now has hold of the info! So she’s getting her mutual friend to fire more shots. Havnt they learnt yet that they’re going to get added to the wowee folder? 😂 go on chels your on fire 👏🏽

ps carla (the circle planner) is probs only chirping up cos she doesn’t want ash to get cancelled cos then she would have no one to promote her shit basic diary
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Obviously had to search this name on Facebook because I'm nosey, which lead me to Gary's profile loads of photos of her on there, she looked so different when she was younger and girly. Gail- the woman of many faces 😂
Oh shit, this was on his page too, I've put her name in Google and theres some really dark stuff. If you want to know - put her name (as it says in article) in Google. I don't feel comfortable sharing it on here. Trigger warning - sexual assault
Omg!!!!! I remember reading about that years ago!!!!!!! What a scummy cunttttttttttt

For anyone who can't find the article,

"Gail *** (surname, which she's now changed her surname according to her gym documents) convicted in September 2015 and sentenced to eight years, only to be freed on appeal last autumn.

A jury found her guilty of three counts of sexual assault by penetration at a retrial at Manchester crown court."

She made the person wear a blindfold when meeting and wore a plastic penis in order to dupe the person into penetrative intercourse."

Go ash, you know how to pick them!!!!!!
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Sooooo, Ash is saying Gail deceived her. Hmmmm if that's true you'll be speaking to the police won't you Ash because you've been deceived by a sex offender with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order. I bet my house Ash doesn't report Gail to the police!!!!!!!
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