Convenient her ITS contract "ended" the exact date all this news broke.. and they've deleted all trace of her.. definitely not just an end of contract situation lol
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How DARE Ash tell people to mind their own buisness re Phillip Scofield!!!

He groomed that child from when he was 10 years old in my opinion.

Grooming is when a person builds a relationship with a child or young person so they can manipulate them into doing sexual things.

Just because Scoffield doesn't see it as grooming doesn't mean anything.

He befriended a 10 Yr old boy, followed him on several social media accounts for years, got him special work experience at itv, got him a paid job at itv, got him lots of privileges at itv & when he was an adult, he had sex with him in an itv dressing room. That's 100% grooming in my opinion.

He hasn't been convicted in a court of law but people are allowed to discuss the issue. It's disgusting behaviour that warrants people calling him out.

Ash suddenly getting all cocky telling people it is wrong to discuss it is pathetic! Imagine if someone did that to her son! We'd never hear the end of it! Because it's wrong!

Scofield threatening suicide is yet more of his controlling behaviour & him desperately trying and failing to control the narrative.

A flagship TV host grooming a child is a massive story. He strategically mentioned Caroline Flack and suicide to make people stop talking about his behaviour. He's the one who's lied, deceived his loved ones & his audience.

Ash has made herself look a real tit by trying to shut this conversation down. Who does she think she is!

A TV host grooming a child via itv will be talked about for years despite Ash's silly pathetic protest!

Anything Schofield does to himself is because he has absolutely humiliated himself, his family and his friends AND HE GROOMED a child in my opinion.

The incidious man's behaviour and his behaviour alone is why people are discussing it. Its behaviour that went on right in front of everyone. The young man in question was groomed from such a young age, that he probably doesn't even realise how badly he was groomed himself, he probably thought he was lucky to have a famous TV host as a friend. That's how groomers operate!

Ash needs to take her condemnation of people who discuss such behaviour and realise she's playing right into schofields hands by encouraging people to silence his disgusting behaviour!
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I can't believe Ash let a sex offender harass Chels, let her around her children and then has the nerve to blame tattle. She said she put herself into the dating scene but she said she had an affair on live. Honestly I think she knows deep down this is going to social services and she has a lot of work to do and she is the sole reason for that. Always blaming someone else, explain to your kids why you put yourself above them, Ash. The only people who have seemed to worry about them are tattle!
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I don’t agree with the fines either, but if she doesn’t pay, they do take you to court. Shell then end up in jail, but maybe she’s hoping to meet her next girlfriend…
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came over from the ptwm thread and spent the last few days catching up and WOW!

Totally agree with everyone else that says Ash knew beforehand. However, given how sick in the head Gee is, I can't see her being happy about being thrown under the bus like that so I am VERY interested to see how that plays out. Hoping she comes with receipts confirming that Ash did know.
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I’m not going to go into it too much 1. As most of you have probably ignored me anyway so it won’t be seen. 2. It’s clear many people don’t give a crap lol.

But people must be Ash’s family and friends because they seem to know a lot of factual evidence the rest of us dont. That know for a fact she knew everything from day dot. I’ve seen people comment not caring if she has a mental breakdown. Regardless who she is and what she’s done there are certain things I wouldn’t wish on anyone but that’s just me.
Again for people who are interested, I don’t excuse any of the behaviour or justify any her actions but I don’t know all the facts so can only comment on things I do know. I’m just concerned for her children even if they don’t read here directly you can guarantee their peers will have or have seen the TikTok’s and kids can be brutal. Their mums not been much of a support lately she always seems to be out or away so they may already be feeling a certain type of way as it is in regards there. Again if you don’t like it feel free to press “ignore”
I don't think any of us would specifically wish a breakdown on anyone.

But let's say Ash didn't know about Gail. Never knew at any stage. Found out purely thanks to Tattle.
If she then has a breakdown because of the stress of having dated a sex offender, that's not our fault. In fact, we've done her a favour, we've alerted her to a predator she'd failed to spot.
Discovering that about someone IF you had no idea would certainly be stressful and upsetting but not caused by us.

Alternatively, she did know - whether Gail told her, or she found out, or a bit of both. She chose to continue in that relationship, knowing the risks to herself and more importantly to her kids if it came out.
It could have been made public any number of ways.
If she has a breakdown for being found out, then really thats on her, and her response is one of regret for her own actions. Or being found out for those actions.
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Hello people. Been on Tattle a while but I don’t normally comment. I’m more of a lurker. Anyway, fully in the ‘gay scene’ in Manchester and I can tell you that none of us know Gayle/Gail. I’ve seen people comment that Ash must’ve known because we all did. But I don’t think G would dare come down Canal Street or be in any online groups, meet ups etc. Just want to clear that up.
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Married to a guy I was friends with. She caught him cheating. She keyed cunt on his car bonnet (company car) and then keyed cunt on all his mates’ cars because they stayed friends with him during the divorce.

Accused people (falsely) of sexually molestering her children, accusations borne out of spite. Cut tiny holes on every single item of clothing her ex husband wore, small holes only noticeable when you put the clothes on.

Began an online hate campaign against her enemies with fake accounts and online slander and abuse calling some of the guys homosexual and stuff online when they weren’t. She stopped my friend seeing his children over the next 8 years (court cases blah blah) then accused him of not wanting to see the kids publicly which isn’t true. Harassing her ex husband’s new wife and constant threats, msgs and abuse and uses her online platform to still continually slag off her ex husband. She’s truly a very scary and very evil person.

A kind of trivial matter but I was broken down on an A-road in Essex and waiting by my car. She saw me and purposely drove back around the roundabout and back to where I was just so she could roll down the window and yell “Hahahahah” out the window at me while I was next to my broken down car. My friend told me about it and said he was in the passengers side absolutely begging her not to do it and she did it anyway.
Trivial matter but that illustrates just how warped and nasty this girl is.

Also, a big sorry to keep you waiting on the goss lol

Edit: also all the body positivity just makes me laugh because when I put on some weight when I was younger she used to yell fatty at me across the local bar in front of everyone and constantly ridicule me about my own weight gain

Edit 2: I’m sure she’ll read this and kickstart a new hate campaign against me like the last one wasn’t terrifying enough 🤨
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If ash can jump on her stories within minutes of chels posting about the break up to call Chels an abuser, a narcissist, to spill her very personal and private addiction to opioids etc then she can definitely come on her story with the same anger and disgust that her partner is a sex offender. We all know she reads here every minute of the day, not only that word was spreading fast and can guarantee others messaged her about it. There’s no way in hell you’d record yourself out shopping then high as a kite if you “had no idea”
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If the owner of ashandgaylelifestories on TT is on here, can you do a video, with the response to love honey and tag them and hashtag it up. That way if lovehoney is searched it should hopefully appear!
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I went adulting for a few hours and came back to GOLD from our Chels and you lot!!
I'm supposed to be doing dry Feb because dry Jan was a write off. But fuck it...Chinese ordered and glass of wine in hand.

Chels you absolute beauty! Deserve every bit of vindication you feel. Ash was VILE about Chels - fucked her over with the unit/her business. Embarrassed her in front of 1000s of people.
I know it's what Ash wants but it infuriates me she's just carrying on like nothing has happened. The arrogance of it! Alright for her to try and ruin people but expects not to be called out on her bullshit.
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So she’s landed Gail in it then by saying she didn’t know? She’s subject to a SOPO and Ash has children, she should have known. The SOPO officer still needs to keep track of these people and make safeguarding referrals. I’d be questioning why Gail never let Ash know of her offences


That’s only if ash is been truthful about it
Surely Gayles gonna be in the shit then. Either way one of them is fucked BIG time

Not being funny though, if we found her via snippets of info how the hell if you were in a relationship with the person for over half a year are we really to believe she didn’t know? The name Gayle is hardly fucking run of the mill for the under 80 year olds….
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I see what you are saying but don’t you think this all lays with Ash? Ash is the reason her children are having to see this! If she didn’t date a rapist, they wouldn’t be seeing this. And if they are reading here I hope they know it’s okay to speak up on their true feelings if school or social services are involved. It will help to speak up, you don’t have to put up with her heinous behaviour just because she’s your mother… it’s not how mothers are supposed to treat their kids. If you’re fed up of this life, say it and they will sort it. You can get yourself a better life!
Agreed, tbh if she'd not chosen to make her money via social media this wouldn't all be public knowledge. If she was just Ashleigh from Harlow dating a sex offender, a few people locally might know about it and comment/ give her shit to her face but that would be it.

If you choose to make every aspect of your life and you children's lives public, you can't then try and keep certain things quiet and be all upset when people find out.
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The smugness coming from her page right now says everything- it just proves she knew. As any sane human would feel utterly violated if they suddenly found out their very recent ex partner was a sex offender.

Unfortunately, she probably attracts a certain type of follower on the whole, a bit like Hinch, a demographic that doesn’t have the brain power to question, ever.
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The “be kind” term gets bandied about a lot and it’s normally always aimed at women to shut them up if they dare to go against any given narrative. It’s been co-opted by a lot of influencers who equate followers asking valid questions about their content and ethics to being splashed on the front pages of the tabloids for allegedly smacking your boyf across the head with a lamp.

Caroline Flack was a troubled woman who largely managed to hide her chaotic lifestyle and choices until she couldn’t. It was tragic but her near beatification after her passing is not helpful nor accurate of who she was.

It infuriates me that people like Ash can go around calling every fucker they come across a cunt, encourage pile ons, doxx people, but expect everyone else to “be kind” when the fuck up.
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Wow!!! 😱😱😱

I came here last night from seeing it mentioned on the KP thread, with a little help from a fellow troll 😘 on who everyone was I spent all night and this morning catching up 😂
(This twat needs a wiki!)

What a fucking shit show!! But the Gail reveal has to be one of the best and shocking uncovering I’ve seen on this site!…
Well done to whoever found that out! 👏

This rapist lover needs bringing down!! and that other creature needs to be back behind bars.
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Of course Gail was using her for clout. Anyone with even a modicum of intelligence could have worked that one out.
There’s something even darker about Gail as well - the flagrant way she’s positioned herself online - the thirst trap videos - the hiding in plain sight all the while conducting a campaign of digital harassment against Chelsea - changing her last name but not her first or middle. She was using Ash for clout, that much is obvious, but the outrageous hubris of her, it is horrifying.
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Imagine having to spend 10 mins brainstorming words to block like "sex offender" "sex register" "rapist" "GAYLE" before you go live.

You'd think that would be sobering enough to make you want to address the issue but obviously not.
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