Becki Jones Wiki

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  • Welcome to the Wiki page of Becki Jones!

    About Becki

    Becki Jones is a TikToker aged 31, who lives at home with her Mum and Dad in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, UK. Becki has over 600k followers on TikTok, however, the majority of followers seem to be “hate” commenters who drive up Becki’s engagement. As a result, she gets the odd brand deal or advert to do but appears to be quickly dropped when businesses work out she isn’t “influential” in the sense they want her to be.

    Becki has always been work-shy. Prior to her “large” TikTok following, she worked 2 days per week, term times only, with a degree in Childhood and Youth Professional Studies that she got a 2:2 in. She later took a level 3 vocational qualification in early years care and in 2022, Becki left her part time job claiming that she wished to work in a nursery setting. She has since made no mention of job hunting, stating she “lost her drive for it” and now prefers to make a couple of hundred pounds a month from her dead end “TikTok career“ which allows her to eat her way along the fast track to disability benefits. Her parents' house is conveniently already fitted out for this, as her Dad is disabled and has a stairlift and other mobility aids at home.

    She has an obvious ED / junk food addiction which is fully enabled by her parents. She preaches to her audience that no one should restrict themselves and that eating the way she does is fine. She admits that she’s a smoker, & tries to pass it off as not being a big deal.

    Becki also loves to “dance”. These videos are often high on engagement from the trolls. Becki has the dancing skills of a potatum but still continues to post videos of herself “dancing”. We use the term loosely as her feet do not move. We think this is another part of her obsession with Paige who does Morris dancing every Sunday (just incase you didn’t know, Becki absolutely loves being an auntum).

    She claims not to care about trolls and hate comments, but makes regular pity party videums in which she tearfully martyrs herself by addressing the hate saying she’s strong and can take it because TikTok is her career and she’ll never stop. This naturally drives up the validation comments.

    She recently stated that her 5 year plan was to continue growing as a person, & to be a kids TV presenter. She embarked on a very brief ”weight loss journey” in 2021, on which she lost a grand total of about 5lbs before giving up & blaming the pressure of social media for her failure. Since then, she has denied that she was ever on a weight loss journey, claiming it was “ little lifestyle changes”

    Despite her claims, she has steadily piled on weight whilst employing heavy duty filters to try to make herself appear slimmer. She made a videum strongly denying the use of any slimming filters despite it being glaringly obvious. She recently appeared in a couple of podcasts, to which she couldn’t apply filters. The absolute size of her was shocking yet she blamed camera angles for making her look huge.

    Most of Becki's content revolves around eating 3000+ calories a day with zero nutritional value and obsessing over her 15 year old niece, Paige. Beckis food intake consists of processed unhealthy junk, she rarely eats fresh fruit or veg; and every meal has to be infused with butter, sugar and white bread. She cannot even eat porridge without adding huge servings spoons of Nutella or choc chips. She rarely drinks water, and is addicted to full sugar cowwwwk, which she guzzles by the can from the minute she wakes up (early afternoon) till late at night. She eats most of her meals in her bedroom. It is probable that she uses her dad's stairlift to transport herself and her trays of food up there.

    Despite having passed a childhood degree course, Becki has clearly forgotten all her safeguarding training; and regularly uses her small nieces and nephews for content on her platform, which largely attracts hate and trolls.

    She has no life of her own, but tags along like a giant toddler with her mum / sister everywhere that they take her nieces and nephews. There is always junk food involved in these outings, with her taking every opportunity to stuff herself and her younger relatives with highly processed, high sugar, high fat, high salt crap.

    Becki is 5’5, morbidly obese and a smoker who also vapes. She has visibly bad skin, lots of fillings, missing teeth, jaundiced skin round her eyes, a buffalo hump of fat on her back and a tyre where her neck should be, eyes that are being swallowed by the fat on her face, badly swollen feet & hands, gets red, sweaty & out of breath walking a few paces, gets back ache from carrying a bag from store exit to (her mums) car, snores really badly, always feels tired, but claims that at a recent health check, her GP said she is “perfectly fit and healthy”.

    She has a dog who looks like the most tortured soul we've ever seen, he is named after the love of Becki's life Olly Murs, but we prefer to call him Rickets. #FreeRickets

    Becki loves adding random “m” sounds at the end of words, E.g oreganum for oregano and her intro for most of her videos is “hi everywum”

    She often takes it upon herself to reeeview junk food items, but is incapable of actually describing flavours / textures, leaving the viewer no more enlightened. Everything is “ so so good” or amazin or bluuuddy lovely or “my fave”

    Around 20% of her following are people who engage with her positively, most of these people appear deluded and a bit thick. Claiming it is “normal” to eat processed takeaways 7 times a week and saying 1000 calories for a meal is “normal”. Any sane person commenting with even any kind and helpful information is shot down by the same few followers.

    Becki also went through a phase of trying to “make things happen” like just another treat merch and mcflerry gate. This was when she mispronounced McFlurry for McFlerry and then proceeded to drag it out for around a year. The majority of the comments on the mcflerry videos are negative.

    Becki has terrible hygiene and seems to pride herself on this. She often goes live on Tiktok with greasy hair and food stuck in her teeth. When someone commented On her visibly greasy hair once during a live she replied she didn’t need to wash it as she had “done it a few days ago” 🤢.

    Becki seems to have peaked at the age of 12 & has not matured emotionally since then. She still uses her school days as a reference point including her claim that she excelled at sports. She also does not take very helpful advice about her skincare. Consistent with being mentally 12, Becki will use skincare whose target audience is about 13. She says she has “rossius” (rosacea) but lots of us think it’s just her skin screaming for nutritious food, hydration & appropriate skincare.

    Becki went on a trip to New York in 2017 with her mum & has made it her entire personality alongside eating junk non stop & being a “dance Aunty”

    Occasionally, Becki will bite back to trolls and claim they are “jealous” of her. What of, we are yet to find out. Other ludicrous claims from Becki are:

    Outrageous claims from Beckatron

    Her WIEIADs videums are very inaccurate. If we are to believe them, she would be in calorie deficit for her size, and losing weight. Becki strongly denies this and apparently she defies the laws of thermodynamics. To maintain a 25 stone frame takes a considerable amount of calories.

    Claiming to know how to budget meals due to working in a deprived area 2 days per week (job since quit as she enjoys being called a unit every day)

    Says we should “love our imperfections” then hides her chins with numerous objects during lives and videos and only wears the same leggings and tops. Also filters the life out of herself.

    Claims to be a “foodie” yet we have never seen her eat any quality food. She will be visibly aroused eating a kebab or a Big Mac.

    Claiming she has a fear of choking but then shovelling in large spoonfuls of food.

    Claims she doesn’t like biting down with front teeth then videos herself taking large bites out of hard food (eg Easter eggs) with front teeth.

    Her “best friend” is never seen on her videos but we believe it to be Declan, an ex-mod.

    Becki’s “hate” of trolls

    Despite her engagement being from trolls and this being what boosts her TikTok pocket money, Becki loves to post videos of herself crying every few weeks, pretending she is impacted by the trolls.

    Tattlers see through this routine and recognise she does this to try and up her positive engagement - when this declines again, another crying video comes out.

    Becki knows that the engagement is from hate. She ignores helpful advice in her comments such as filtering out words, or only allowing followers to comment - this would filter out many accounts who don’t follow her (her following is 400+ but her views are high but engagement low, obviously people gawping at her strange life.) It would then be easier to sift through the followers who have followed to troll. Other strategies could include spending a set amount of time each day blocking accounts that have been on her profile for over a year. However, Becki refuses to do any of these things, and insists TikTok is her "job."

    Becki makes pocket money on TikTok from being roasted and has no self respect. Any person who did would adopt these ideas so they could still do their videos but also protect their mental health. Unfortunately, this woman is manipulative and knows without her trolls she is nothing but takes advantage of the few kind souls that follow her by putting on crocodile tears when she wants positive attention.

    Becki style icon moments 💫

    Dresses like a frump, mainly leggings with a high necked marquee over the top. On special occasions, she upgrades to Bon Marche dresses and gets her hair & makeup done in the style of John Travolta in Hairspray.

    Alternates between two necklaces; a Claire’s chain which is too small for her and a piece of string with a Harry Potter symbol.

    Wears fake market stall Crocs with everything because her feet are like giant blocks of cheddar & she can no longer tie her own laces.

    Wore a 1996 style child’s hair band till it disintegrated because it was filthy (probably)

    Wears sunglasses even in -10 weather conditions on top of her head.

    Wore a rugby top tucked into a bon marche pleated skirt from 1976.

    Has not heard of an underwired bra.

    Becki family tree

    Becki lives at home with her mum Cath and dad Ian. Ian is younger than Cath and is her second husband. Becki has four much older half-siblings, and several niecums and nephewms:
    • Rachel - claims to be 41, believed to be closer to 90. Mum to Paige, Reece, and Tyler, who are all teenagers. 15-year-old Paige is the target of Becki's obsession, and the only one of Rachel's children who will agree to appear on Becki's social media.

    • John - Becki's older brother and the father of her youngest niecums, Willow and Nancy.

    • Two other older sisters - one of whom is the mother of Becki's adult niece Leah. Leah has two children, Becki's great-niecum Porscha and great-nephewm Parker. Becki's parents are Porscha and Parker's great-grandparents.

    Becki's extended family includes:
    • An aunt that they visit “in London” but is actually near Guildford.
    • Nan, dead.
    • Olly "Rickets", taxidermy dog (see below), undead
    • Derek, pigeon

    Jeremy Kyle Jones

    Becki and her family definitely would fit in on Jeremy Kyle. Here are some chavvy as hell incidents:

    Becki's chav sister, Rachel, filming her very poorly Nan and posting it to Instagram on a public account. Lots reported it and it was gone. Next day, motor mouth Rachel comes on swearing, saying it didn’t get taken down, the story just expired. She did not seem to have a brain cell to utilise to consider it’s undignified and disgusting.

    Becki filming herself in hospital with her poorly Nan. Conversations can be heard in the background from other people, this could be other visitors or staff. Either way, it’s a confidential environment and most hospitals do not allow filming in wards.

    Paige’s mum has no concerns with her daughter dressing with arse cheeks and breasts out on TikTok. This has been going on since Paige was 13. She is clearly a child, and the saves on her videos are disturbing.

    Paige obsession/worrying behaviour around kids

    Becki makes a lot of TikTok content with Paige and has an obvious fixation with her. She follows Paige to her hobbies and will often talk about her off topic. On a live once, someone asked something about grapes and Becki randomly said Paige likes grapes. She will often share irrelevant details about Paige on videos when no one asked. Before Becki passed her driving test, she would often mention "taking" Paige to various places, when in reality she didn't take her anywhere, as she didn't drive.

    When making videos, Paige will deliberately troll Becki by winding her up and filming her from unflattering angles. We believe Paige puts up with her to gain followers, and because Becki pays for a lot of things for her.

    Becki demonstrates a serious lack of boundaries around Paige, here are some examples:
    • She has shared a bed with Paige at least twice. While staying in a caravan, Becki insisted on sharing with Paige even though there was another bed available. If Paige had to share, it should have been with her teenage friend who was also with them. At Tokfest 2024 Becki booked a hotel room where she (it's not 100% clear from the video) either shared a double bed with Paige or put two twin beds together

    • On multiple occasions Becki has house-sat for Rachel's family when they were on holiday. When she does, Becki will sleep in Paige's bed (once sleeping nude) and use her makeup and toiletries

    • Becki has effectively taken over Paige's dance hobby and pays for Paige's classes. She talks to some of Paige's friends from dancing and makes excuses to spend time around them

    • She leaves likes and comments on all Paige's social media posts, including when Paige is on holiday etc. - making it clear Becki's watching. Some of the comments are quite disturbing, like this one.

    • She often takes Paige out for treats or junk food etc. just the two of them. This encourages Paige to follow her aunt's unhealthy eating habits, and comes across as bribing her to spend time with Becki. Becki rarely invites her other niecums and nephewms out to do stuff, so it's obvious to everyone that she favours Paige

    • Making a very inappropriate "joke" about Paige on a video and then giggling, so it was clear exactly what she meant. Paige was only 13-14 when this video was taken!

    • Becki tried to do a TikTok trend with Paige that involves having a normal, mundane conversation with someone (your partner/sibling/friend etc.) while sitting grinning manically at them. In Becki's version she kept asking what Paige liked about her, and Paige became genuinely uncomfortable.

    • Repeatedly referring to Paige as her "best friend", inspiration, etc. Again, Paige is 15 and Becki's more than twice her age.

    • Generally acting like she is a same-age friend of Paige rather than an adult and her aunt

    If a man in his thirties behaved this way towards his teenage niece/nephew and posted it on his social media, serious questions would be asked. This is why, both here and on TikTok, you'll see comments about "checking her hard drive" or similar. Recently, Becki has started to show more interest in Porscha (who also dances), take her out for McDonalds, and feature her in videos more often. Since Paige is almost 16 and will not want Becki hanging around her much longer, we suspect Becki will then transfer her fixation over to Porscha.

    Another area of concern regarding Becki and children is how she uses the kids in her family for content and freely plasters their faces online. Apart from her oldest nephew, who is 18 (and has seemingly always refused to appear on her social media), all the others are too young to consent including Paige. Becki often turns off comments when Paige is featured in a video but not the other children, even though they are all much younger than Paige. She manages to cater to predators even when she doesn't show the kids on camera e.g. showing off a Primark "haul" of skimpy dancewear she bought for Paige and Porscha.

    It's evident that Becki aims her TikTok content at children/teenagers, as she often features her nieces and nephews, talks about media/hobbies children are interested in, talks in terms of school nights and school holidays etc. She never swears or discusses any topics that aren't child-friendly, and she only ever posts outside school hours. Normally she posts after school but during the holidays will post in the morning or during the day - bear in mind she doesn't have a job so there is no change to her own schedule.


    Rickets is Becki's "dog" Olly. There is extensive lore relating to Rickets. There is speculation that he was born in 1630, although some estimates put his birth date closer to 700BC. Rickets lived a long, hard life in London. In his youth Rickets found employment as a spy in the King's household until he was called upon to fight in the Civil Wars. Siding with the Parliamentarians, it is unclear to what extent Rickets played a role in the execution of Charles I, although he protests his innocence to this day. Rickets went on to survive both the Great Fire of London and the outbreak of bubonic plague in 1666. Rickets whereabouts during the 18th century are unknown, however he is found again in the 19th century in public health records. Rickets sadly succumbed to typhoid fever, tuberculosis and cholera in 1856 after which, his body was possessed by the spirit of a sickly Victorian boy (name unknown).

    We are currently unsure of how he came to be in the possession of The Bison in the Port, but we are confident he is being held against his will.

    Nicknames include:
    Pauline Fowler
    Pauline Growler
    The Victorian Boy

    Other people mentioned on Becki's threads

    and Zoe - Ostensible friends of Becki, in fact they only ever seem to show up when she has been gifted free meals - although maybe they are just trying to distance themselves from the criticism of Becki. Declan is/was a mod for her social media. He is gay but Becki has tried to clumsily hint that he is her boyfriend and/or that she had a man over when it was clearly Declan.

    Leah S. (RIP) - Another TikToker, who tragically passed away at a very young age. Grief tourist Becki attempted to cash in with monetised videos about their supposed friendship.

    Becki enablers

    Most positive comments on Becki's channel are from an army of enablers who will defend her even if she digested five tons of lard in one sitting. So far we’ve heard:

    Drinking full fat cola in the morning for breakfast is normal.
    Eating 0-1 portions of fruit and veg a day is standard.
    Yellow around the eyes is normal.
    Multiple takeaways per week is “normal” and everyone who says different is “jealous”.

    Becki also has gigantic portions when she cooks from home. On a chilli con carne video tattlers counted SIX large ladles of rice, around 300g of mince, 100g of cheese plus two thick slices of bread. Calorie intake for one day has often come in at 5k or more but this is “healthy”

    Top Enablers League Table August 2023
    1. Alex "Rumplestiltskin" Robson
    2. "Evenstar" 🖕
    3. Laura
    4. Sjas
    5. Raine
    6. JoDi

    Suitcase Sunday

    "Suitcase Sunday" is what we call it when Becki goes to dance rehearsals/competitions with Paige on some Sundays. She brings an individual giant bag of food for each of them and a huge, suitcase-sized bag full of more junk food for them to "share" (Becki eats most of it.) She films this and shows what's in the bags; typically the only remotely healthy food is some fruit she packs for Paige. Becki's mum Cath goes with them on some days, although she doesn't get a lunchbox. As of 2024, Porscha now goes regularly as well.

    A typical example of a "Suitcase Sunday" is a video where Becki packed:
    • For herself: two bags of French Fries cresp, chicken "skooers" (skewers), Pick Up chocolate biscuits, KitKats, Fridge Raiders chicken, Scotch eggs, another chocolate biscuit, chicken goujons, large tub of garlic dep, shop bought sandwiches, several cans of full fat cowwwek
    • For Paige: grapes, Pick Up, chicken skooers, Peperami, Fridge Raiders, Milkybar yoghurt, Dairylea Lunchables
    • For everyone (supposedly - including Cath): strawberries, Pringles, Jaffa Cakes, rice crackers, Quavers, more Pick Ups, breakfast biscuits, sandwiches, Coke, Frootee juice drink, salad cream dep, chicken goujons
    Remember, to her this is just a packed lunch. If you want to see Suitcase Sunday for yourself without scrolling through Becki's account, here's an old one.

    Fridge Raiders are always on the menu and usually Dairylea Lunchables and/or Dunkers. Paige's favourite sandwich is the Co-Op American Menu Southern Style Fried Chicken Wrap which Becki will often get for her. Becki's WIEIAD videos show that, in addition to all this food, she usually starts the day with a fried or McDonald's breakfast, & has an ice cream and/or hot chocolate during the dancing if available. She has also been known to scran portions of chips when the venue has a canteen. All of this gluttony is followed by a takeaway when she gets home, because “it’s been a busy day”

    Porscha now also gets her own bag of food and Becki will fill up the suitcase even more. If you're wondering why Paige/Porscha's own mums do not pack a healthier lunch for them, well, this is just another example of how Becki's family enables her. Becki felt it appropriate to tell the world that she brings anti-diarrhoea medicine for Paige at dancing, we question if eating so much junk during the day isn't the cause of any stomach problems they are having.

    Should you catch a Suitcase Sunday as it occurs, check off the bingo card:

    Becki declares it is "none of ya business!!" what she eats while watching her nieces at dancing, that the food is for four people (presumably including Cath), and it's meant to last all day. She spends about as long at the dancing as one would spend at work on a typical day. Becki admits she brought nowhere near this much food when she had a full time job (it seems she briefly worked full time with disabled students) but she gets bored and wants to eat all day. Apparently this makes more sense to her than, say, just bringing a book or her iPad.

    Becki FAQ

    Does she have a learning disability?

    No, she’s just fick.

    What does she actually weigh/what is her dress size?
    We don't know, and we'd prefer not to discuss this; it takes up a lot of thread space and causes arguments. Suffice it to say that Becki is morbidly obese with a dangerously unhealthy lifestyle.

    Can she drive?
    Yes, she passed her test in February 2023. The first thing she did was visit McDonalds drive froom. Prior to this, her mum and sister would ferry her around.

    Does she have kids?
    No. The kids she features are niecums and nephums.

    Does she have a job?
    She no work, only burger and chep. No seriously, she doesn’t, her deluded fans say TikTok is her job but with her followers and engagement she will not be earning anywhere near a living wage.

    Does Becki claim to use her TikTok as income?
    Becki is frequently asked what she does for a job and never responds. There are lots of online sources that show an account with her following and engagement would not be making a substantial amount. Becki can most likely afford her huge take away food bill due to living with her parents and she never shows herself with friends her own age/socialising/going on holiday.

    Does Becki have a boyfriend?
    No. Becki gets very embarrassed whenever anything slightly close to a penis is mentioned or when she is around men - even in a normal context like being in a shop. We therefore believe she is a virgin. Despite this, Becki has attempted to give the false impression that she was in a relationship such as clumsily "hinting" that she had spent a hotel stay with someone.

    What is the ClitBasher3000?
    The ClitBasher3000 is her massage gun. We first saw her sister's partner's one a year or two ago, when she borrowed it “for her sore legs." She now owns one; lore has it she burnt out the engine of his and blew the fuses, causing an extensive power cut that plunged her estate into darkness and stranded her dad halfway up the stairs on his stairlift for several hours.

    Who is Shiloh Blue?
    Becki said at one point that she wanted to name her future son Shiloh Blue - yes she was picking out baby names when she has never even been in a relationship.

    Does Becki naturally add a -m to words or does she do this deliberately?
    She does it naturally to some extent, but now deliberately exaggerates it because people make fun of it so much.

    What is that mark on her nose - is it from a CPAP machine?
    There is no evidence of her having a CPAP machine. We suspect the mark is where she wipes her nose by pushing it up, or from nose strips to help with snoring. If the mark were from a CPAP machine, there would likely be other marks on her face.

    Why do companies give Becki free food despite her obvious health issues?
    Again, we don't know - likely just because she will promote it (although she's not a great brand ambassador, and can only ever describe food as "amazin" or "soum good" etc.) Giving Becki vast quantities of free junk food is comparable to giving an obvious alcoholic cases of free booze, but her sponsors don't appear to consider this a problem.

    Is Becki really Paige's mother?
    No, they just have a strong family resemblance. By all appearances, Becki has never been in a relationship/had sex, and her family is evidently accepting of teenage Pregnancy - Becki's mum, one of her sisters, and niece Leah all had babies in their teens. Becki has zero sense of boundaries, and Rachel seemingly goes along with it so that she won't have to pay for Paige's dance lessons and drive her around.

    Why are you picking on Becki? She's so sweet and nice!
    We don't think it's very sweet and nice of Becki when she:
    • Uses the children in her family for content/engagement, frequently shows them on social media, and fails to safeguard them
    • Is rude, patronising, and dismissive towards her parents, with whom she lives rent-free
    • Uses her terminally ill father for content (and previously did the same with her grandmother)
    • Deliberately leaves up hateful comments about her father and Paige because it attracts engagement
    • Made monetised videos cashing in on someone's tragic passing
    • Shares incredibly lazy and half-arsed videos with zero effort put into them
    • Lies and selectively edits her videos
    • Uses others' recipes without credit
    • Demonstrates dangerous and irresponsible behaviour such as filming herself driving


    Becki Big Scoops
    Beefbeck Mountain
    Biffa Beck
    Auntie Dreamliner
    Becktimus Prime
    Buffalo Beck
    Big Chunks
    Jaundice Jones
    Yellow Submarine
    Pitta Tits
    Bekinator 3000 (for particularly calorie dense days, i.e 3000+)
    Becki Stobbart
    Bison Fury
    Becki NoNecki
    Jurassic Pork
    Guntasaurus Bex
    Cat Funt (coined by Becki herself who said this is what people call her)
    Heather (after the very overweight Heather on EastEnders, while Rachel is Shirley after Heather's best friend)
    Ting Tong - based on the Little Britain character with more than a passing resemblance to Becki.

    Other expressions used on the thread:
    Bisonettes = us. Also includes critics of Becki on other sites such as TikTok, and Reddit where there is a Becki sub.
    BDL = Becki Defence League or Bison Defence League, i.e. Becki's fans/enablers
    Garlic bed = Becki's bed / dining table as she eats most of her meals in bed.
    Scran/Scranning = Food/Eat/Eating
    Suitcase Sunday = When Becki spends all day Sunday at dance rehearsals or competitions with Paige, and brings an entire suitcase full of junk food (along with her and Paige each having their own bags of food) that she shows off on TikTok. See section
    Flabia, Scranmobile = Becki’s car

    Top comments on TikTok from her hate brigade

    Unit (usually with a 🔥 emoji)
    The cut is going to be insane
    Of course
    Hard day at work? (As becki does not work and shows herself getting up most days at 11am)
    Of course - usually in response to another take away video
    Tag me in parts 2 3 & 4 ( WIEIAD )
    Chernobyl breath / Hiroshima breath
    I can’t defend you anymore
    The toilet's getting nuked tonight
    Requests to see her running at full speed
    Comments about her yellow eyeshadow
    Miss Trunchbull
    Eddie Hall
    Nice healthy day as usual
    Neck reveal

    We do not take things off tattle here. As much as Becki is infuriating and gluttonous, we don’t troll her. This forum is for us to share our opinions about her, away from her social media pages. Becki can choose to not view this website.

    As well as nicknames we have phrases that describe her or life including:
    She no work she only burger and chep
    Marinating in her garlic bed
    Did someone get her cookies

    Nonsense food that makes no sense and Becki's fave foods

    You’ll never see lettuce on her McDonald’s burger because it’s too “fragrant”

    She doesn’t like sweets but will eat all the free ones
    Prawn cocktail crisps are too fishy. Proceeds to eat them by the packet

    Tuna is a “fear food” but proceeds to eat two tins of it drowned in mayonnaise and piled onto two huge jacket potatoes with butter and bread on the side.

    She doesn’t like much gravy on her roasts guys. Then proceeds to pour five ton of watery bisto over a roast dinner.

    Becki absolutely loves garlic bread, at one point we were sure she would turn into garlic bread.

    Weirdly obsessed with sour cream dep at McDonald’s to a point it’s a personality trait. Becki went full on Karen when McDonald’s dare to forget her sour cream dep once. Legend says the McDonald’s worker has been eaten by Becki as revenge.


    Becki has made herself not searchable although her Instagram is still there. She probably hasn’t blocked you

    Becki Glossary

    - chips. To be eaten with at least 2 meals a day.
    Pack of cresp - a bag of crisps, more than one crisp.
    Cowwk - Coca Cola (usually referred to as “ice cowld cowwk”)
    Marium Badescum - Mario Badescu skincare.
    Oreganum - oregano
    Paprikum - paprika
    Soum - how you and I would say 'so'
    Thum - 'them' as in "bloody love thum"
    Toum - 'too'
    Rossius - ‘rosacea’
    Mcflerrry - ‘McFlurry’
    Hi everywum - hi everyone, her intro to videos.
    Omnum - onion
    Garlic mayum - garlic Mayo
    Baslamic vinegar - balsamic vinegar
    Dep - any dip but mostly garlic dip
    Jacket potatums - Jacket potatoes
    Kwaysadillah/Queesahdilla/Queefadiller - quesadilla to normal people
    Tomatum - Tomato
    Guy-row - Gyro
    Ja-la-peno - for jalapeños, the j is silent it’s said with an h
    Costcoum - Costco
    Freee-arge - Frijj milkshake
    Sumbarine- submarine
    Planayshoccolay- Pain au chocolate
    Regrudge- Begrudge
    Bookermot- Bergamot
    Pepperoni - Peperami
    Home & Bargains - Home Bargains


    Do not show any usernames of minors. Please scribble out if shown.

    Screenshot showing Becki sharing her niece account on tt. At the time, Paige was 11-12. Not only was she not allowed an account, Becki was working with vulnerable people at the time so safeguarding trained but still did this when her account was a target of hate. Paige is now 15 but still frequently posts videos in very revealing clothes.


    Screen shots from her “not on a weight loss journey” account

