Kyle Pallo Wiki

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  • Kyle Pallo


    Kyle Pallo was born March 18, 1994 and grew up in Wisconsin near Saukville and Port Washington.

    Kyle started his YouTube channel on January 3, 2012. His channel id “elextrixs1” comes from an online gamer tag he was using at the time. Originally he used his channel as an outlet for creativity and his art.

    At some point his parents, with his sister Alexa, began taking regular Disney World vacations, eventually all becoming annual pass holders. Kyle has also done multiple Disney College Programs and worked for Disney World in various capacities, while daily vlogging for double income, before resigning and moving to YouTube as his sole source of income. Kyle lives in a house referred to by him, loved ones, fans, critics, and Google Maps as “The Pallonesian.”

    Kyle graduated from University of Wisconsin Milwaukee with a degree in marketing. He says that if he wasn't a YouTuber, he would be working in Chicago as a banker in "financing."

    When not vlogging, Kyle enjoys playing video games and washing his hair in the sink. Kyle loves Bieber so much he is "no homo" for him. Like many people Kyle surrounds himself with, he is also a Swiftie, despite being a registered Republican and avid Trump supporter.

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    Walt Disney World Positions Held

    • Wilderness Lodge bellhop
    • Hollywood Studios custodial
    • Hollywood Studios merchandise cashier
    • Haunted Mansion ride operations
    • On-call VIP Tour Guide

    Nicknames for Kyle Pallo

    • Stupid, worthless, no good, goddamn, freeloading son of a bitch. ********, big mouth, know-it-all, asshole, jerk, ugly, lazy, disrespectful
    • (my boy) Kp (how he writes his own name), KP, Kylie, oar boy
    • Cheap/mooch
    • chimpManzee
    • Dwarf, Dwarfy McGhee, Oar Dwarf
    • Grifty, Grifty the Dwarf
    • Homunculus, Neanderthal
    • Midgetman
    • Shortstuff, Shortstack
    • Shrimp (cocktail)
    • Squach
    • (little) Squirt
    • Tater (see The Potato Incident)

    Kyleism's And Other Kylecabulary

    Kyle is renowned for his misuse of the English language. Despite constant constructive criticism, Kyle refuses to correct himself, or even edit out the misuse, instead writing it off as "just his thing" and "how Kyle’s brain works." As such, an archive of his most favourite quotes can be found here.

    • 1.1- Used by big "Kyle brain" to describe eleven hundred dollars. 1.2 is $1,200, and so on. This is a system of convenience for Kyles based off Revenue=CPMxThousand.Hundred Views
    • Alerrr- How Kyle Says "Allure of the Seas"
    • Bayygs- Short "a"s b issue for Shortstuff
    • Booty-Butt- A term for a person's hindquarters that's totally normal when used by a 30 year old man
    • Concur - Used in lieu of "conquer." He "concurred" his fear of the ocean.
    • Consficate- to take away Kyle's contraband
    • Chugger- Kyle thinks if an alcoholic beverage tastes good, it must be chugged. Also his highest review rating.
    • Divulge- Sometimes used instead of indulge some times instead of devour
    • Drayygons
    • Escape Goat- Brain dysfunctioned form of "scape goat"
    • Expresso- Every time he says it, we just express "no"
    • Fuh-kaid- The way Kyle pronounces the word “facade.” It is unknown how he would pronounce it if it was spelled in the proper French way of “façade”
    • Ga Narly- gnarly dude
    • Gaving- What Kyle thinks is the past present participle of Give
    • Greasy- Used to describe the constant state of his hair, stolen by Kyle's sock puppets and often used before "mexican" as "the ultimate insult" to his critics
    • Gooer- Someone who knows a lot about something, something Kyle could never be.
    • Half a Benny- Kyle stupefied us all when he became the first person in history to refer to $50 as "half a Benny Frank."
    • Hatters- How Kyle spells haters that b mean to him online, now used mockingly as a neo-pronoun by said online critics, so hatters to the left
    • Heygrids- It's his magical rule breaking motorbike adventure
    • Holy Cammoli Sauce- This is assumed to mean “Holy Cannoli”, just much, much worse
    • Hunger Games- For whatever reason, Kyle is obsessed with comparing open spaces in buildings, nature sounds, and brownstone architecture to the Hunger Games.
    • Juicy- One of the only adjectives Kyle uses to describe food
    • Lahhhj- Kyle’s terrible mispronunciation of the word “lodge”… used extensively during his #hosted #fitcation stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge
    • LET’S GOOOOOO!!- Kyle’s failed attempt at making some sort of a catch phrase for himself that only succeeds in annoying everyone around him, especially Kevin Durliat.
    • Mace Wand-Ooh- Self proclaimed "big star wars fan" y'all
    • Mayygnet- used as a noun and in place of the adjective "magnetic"
    • Mine Strone Soup- It would only be more infuriating if he ordered it in MInnesota
    • More Luxury- Kyle’s way of saying the word “luxurious”, only because he can’t pronounce it correctly
    • Nummy
    • Oar- How Kyle says "our"
    • Oh My Atlanta- Extra Special's version of "Oh Mylanta."
    • Pitcher- For Picture
    • Reefs- Wreaths
    • Rejuviating- More well rested
    • Schnabby- Stolen from PMM, but mispronounced, this abomination is a combining of Shabby and Snazzy.
    • Supposably- used Pacifically
    • Swish Cheese- He just doesn't like it, it tastes like "crap"
    • Time B Issue- How Kyle explains away his laziness when questioned on not doing things [see Failed Business Ventures and Hobbies]. This has sparked various jokes of "[Insert Thing, Concept, or Social Construct] b issue."
    • Tread Meal- Since Kyle's lard booty-butt has never been on a treadmill, he has no clue how to pronounce it.
    • Trust- Kyle uses this like the Mandalorian uses "This is the way." But since onscreen Kyle is also a fictional character, we definitely can not trust.
    • Waygu- The only culture Kyle has ever experienced is World Showcase, no surprise he would mess up wagyu.
    • WOOOOOOOOO!!!!- The loud, obnoxious, ear piercing, hollering sound that comes out of Kyle’s mouth every time he rides any ride, regardless of intensity level, much to the annoyance of the viewer and especially the park-goer who has spent thousands of dollars on their Disney trip, only to have this moron scream in their ear and talk throughout the entire ride.

    Wall of Shame: The Stupidest Things Kyle Has Done

    Kyle himself is short in stature, but he has never been short on stupid things. Everyday of his life he captures himself doing or saying a handful of stupid things, this is a list of the absolute stupidest moments that like Kyle, need Special attention.

    • The DoleWhip Review:
      • Kyle went to Disney Springs to review 3 new flavors of DoleWhip: Lemon-Blue CookieDough, Pineapple, and Mango Habenaro. Kyle couldn't discern which flavor was pineapple and which was Lemon-Blue Cookie Dough despite there being a large pineapple chuck on one, and the other was the only containing blue coloured food. Our review of "The DoleWhip Review" is that it tastes like if milk, shame and stupidity were thrown in a blender.
    • Tape-Bounty-gate:
      • Shortly after buying his new house, Kyle and his parents embarked on several home "upgrades." One like such as was hanging a chandelier of mismatched parts his parents picked out, and the black electrical cord had to be spray painted white. Instead of spray painting it on the ground before hanging, like a logical person, the clown family decided to spray paint it after hanging. This required Kyle to show of his painter's taping prow-less. He took several pieces of printer paper and haphazardly taped them to the ceiling resembling the offspring of a scatter plot and a Rorshach test, and even included taping a sheet of bounty paper towel to the ceiling. Kyle didn't even manage to do this task correctly as there was still a large patch of ceiling uncovered by tape and paper.
    • Marinara Salad:
      • Kyle ordered a side salad and Italian sausage in DHS, where the cast member gave him a warm cup of marinara, he put it on the salad. He even paused to slightly question it before doing it, but tried it anyway.
    • No Forks Given:
      • Kyle had another brain lapse in DHS when he sat down to eat his meal and told viewers he didn't have a fork because they forgot to give him a fork. All the while his right hand was visible on camera, holding a fork. Kyle meant knife, but no effort to correct it was made live or in post.
    • Any Car Goo-ers Out There?:
      • Kyle had spent some time away from his crackerbox apartment-house on yet another pointless and boring trip and came back home to discover the battery was dead in his 15 year old Barbie Beemer that has only 20k miles on it. Kyle then gets concerned that he might have to buy a new car because apparently that’s what he feels is the logical solution to having a car with a dead battery.
    • Kyle's Legendary Self-Own
      • On Aug. 17, 2024, Kyle, on his Sockpuppet Celebration~King, got so salty and butthurt at the X hatters, including "missmychewie" whom he couldn't block directly, that he set this sockpuppet account (that's sole purpose is to "own the hatters") to private. This in effect blocked Kyle from himself. Later, after figuring out no one could see his drunken, angry rants, he backtracked and unprivatized the account.

    Failed Business Ventures and Hobbies

    Kyle has proclaimed that he was going to start many different business ventures [BV] or take up various hobbies [H] because he is a "[Insert Fad] guy now." In no particular order:
    • Gaming/Call of Duty Channel [BV]
    • Cooking Channel [BV]
    • Real Estate Agent [BV]
    • Real Estate Home Tour Videographer [BV]
    • Golf Channel [BV]
    • Regular Golfing [H]
    • Gambling Channel [BV]
    • Financial Advisor/Finance Channel [BV]
    • Weekly Live Stream [BV]
    • YouTube Shorts [BV]
    • Go back to college to study WW2 [H]

    Known Outfits

    Kyle has shown his closet scores of times, and despite having copious amounts of clothing, he only likes to wear a select few items. Critics have taken note and query if these items are washed between the short turn around times in frequency that he wears them.


    • 100 Thieves
    • Club 33 hat

    • Marvel Jersey [black and red]
    • WDW 71 Jersey [black w/red trim]
    • Walt Disney World Jersey [blue w/white pin stripes]
    • Iberostar Button Down
    • Superdry [black]
    • Superdry [white]
    • Club 33 shirt [too small]
    • Packer's Onesie
    • Peppermint stripe Onesie [matched with C aSey]
    • Pineapple Hawaiian Shirt [retired]

    • Lululemon shorts [black]

    • OnClouds [formerly white]
    • Allen Edmunds a.k.a. mommy-bought shoes [white]

    Family, Friends, and Other Cast

    Gerald Pallo

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    Born in 1949, “Gerry” is Kyle’s elderly father. He is often referred to as Ger, GerBear, DadDadDad, (the) Clown (with or without the emoji, but sometimes just the emoji), and ClownDad. Gerry currently works in custodial for St. John XXIII Catholic Parish in Port Washington, WI. He has also moonlit for years as a performance clown (hence the clown nicknames) and face painter. During his trips to Disney Parks, he likes to wear red clown noses (that he brings extras of and distributes) and play pranks on other guests (e.g. wearing a custom shirt that has a dog-toy-esque squeaker built into the chest that he covertly squeaks while waiting in line for a ride). Gerald is on Kyle's "Team" of online moderators, as he is one of the main commenters and moderators deleting comments on Kyle's videos and live streams. Kyle once told a story of how he and Gerald used to bring ziplock bags into the all you can eat Hoop-dee-doo Revue and smuggler ribs back to eat the next day in their room. In his spare time, he likes to build haunted houses in his garage, and eating popcorn.

    Susan Pallo

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    Often referred to by Kyle as “a Bitch” she has a trademark snarly face only a clown can love, as she is married to Gerald. She currently works for BMO near her Wisconsin home. She is often referred to as (the) Bank(er), Bank of Susan, Bank of Mom, Banker Mom, (the) Accountant, The Real Owner of the Pallonesian.

    Alexa Katherine Pallo

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    Alexa is Kyle’s sister, born to Gerald and Susan in 1992, she currently works as a nurse near her Wisconsin home. Alexa is a known Swiftie, having attended multiple shows on the Era’s Tour. She is a moderator for Kyle’s YouTube channel. In all of her spare (and maybe some at work) time, she scours the interwebs for criticisms of Kyle and flags them for removal or threatens to write letters to the forum they are posted on to be removed as “hate speech.” She has no comment on Kyle’s sockpuppet’s alleged racist hate posts. Alexa has her own sockpuppet X accounts, namely Farida (@Farida64967246), which has garnered her the nickname "Farlexa."


    Kyle has a brother, born to Gerald from a previous relationship. He is mucho older than el Kylito. He formerly was in the Air Force and currently resides in Wisconsin. He has two kids, a boy and a girl, and is married. Despite appearing in 1 or 2 vlogs, Kyle has consistently been seen being very condescending to his sister-in-law. Kyle’s nephew enjoys sports and is on many sports teams. Kyle’s-Brother’s kids also don’t watch Kyle’s vlogs. Kyle’s-Brother didn’t make the Pallo family Disney vacations as he was older, had a family of his own, and not related to Susan.


    Kyle’s-Other-Sister had never been mentioned before appearing in the background of one vlog, where Kyle asks his brother who that is, and has never been mentioned again.

    Casey Durliat

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    Casey (spelled C aSey by Kyle), orignally referred to as "White Nails" is Kyle’s allegedly romantically linked girl friend; while others refer to her as “the girl that lives with me(kyle)” and “Kyle’s (female) roommate” and sometimes “Rent-a-girlfriend.”

    She is more often named online as “Casey Discount” or “Discount Durliat” for Kyle’s repeated use of her cast member discount for food, drinks, merch, hotel rooms, cruise cabins, and anything Kyle can put in the vlog to personally monetize.

    She has also been referred to as “Discount Girl Friend” for her alleged but yet to be unproven role in a quid-pro-quo pay-to-play scheme
    • as the facilitator of discounted items for Kyle as well as
    • on-screen girlfriend and “Beard” and
    • live-in-mother
    in exchange for
    • fancy vacations
    • separate living quarters at the Pallonesian and
    • ………. not really much else.

    She is also called “Casey Doormat” for her continued inability to put down her foot and stand up for herself and constant apologizing when Kyle is being condescending/mean/hostile to her. She has been seen by viewers [Insert Screenshot] to have been cornered outside Soarin and reduced to tears by a yelling and irate Kyle as “the reason for his declining views.” Casey has a fear of Soarin allegedly from activation of her POTS, and had refused numerous times to ride Soarin and was constantly mocked by Kyle in the vlogs. Her POTS was also used as a side story in one vlog as needing medication from the store, yet no footage of her purchasing or in possession of said medication was shown.

    Casey’s mother also died when she was 8, which was used by Kyle outside Hoop-dee-doo to monetize sympathy, boost views, comments, and likes, bringing her to tears and then quickly discarded by Kyle.

    Casey works in wedding planning for Disney Fairytale Weddings. Before being introduced into the vlogs, Kyle had shared enough info to dox her identity. Casey also once scolded Kyle for filming her feet by saying, “No Free Feet” which Kyle told viewers they had to pay $20/month to see her feet, the incident has sparked numerous jokes and serious questions as to how someone that makes about $35k/yr affords the things she does without having a secret online footpic subscription service.

    Casey enjoys olives, bathbombs, and states tumblers "are her weakness."

    Casey has a sister Bri who is married to Kevin (whom Kyle has an unrequited man crush on) who are both airline flight attendants. Kevin allegedly took Bri’s last name in marriage. Kevin can be considered the most level headed, situationally aware voice of reason of anyone ever portrayed in Kyle’s home movies. He has stated in the vlog that Kyle’s over use of “LET’S GO” annoyed him.

    Casey’s father Tom works as a pilot, lives in North Carolina, has been shown from the ass up numerous times by Kyle, and currently disapproves of Kyle in his house [see Criticisms and Controversies]. Also Tom requires Kyle and Casey to keep the door open when in a room alone. When Kyle first met Tom, he wore his Allen Edmund mommy shoes to impress Tom.

    Casey also has a fame obsessed, Joanie Laurer Look-a-Like, and big titted cousin, Savanna. She currently works as a teacher and work out/cycling instructor in Chicagoland. She made her first appearance during Kyle and Kevin’s #Hosted #DisneyFitcation at Animal Kingdom in November 2023. She made another surprise appearance about a month later. During her first visit it was obvious Kyle was crushing on her while Casey supervised her and Kyle’s date. Kyle told viewers she was “hired” to be in the vlogs, and on multiple occasions Kyle gave her the camera to “take over the vlog.”

    During a dinner with two of her friends at Hoop-dee-doo, Kyle asked "Can I tell a story (the story was the ziplock bayyg incident)" Before he could tell the story, Casey quickly joking replied, "Well, you going to tell it anyway." Casey, with her friends, laughed at her joke, visibly irritating Kyle who "jokingly" pretended to leave the table, before sitting back down, then cutting the footage, resumming he said he had to use the restroom.

    Jonathan “JoJo” Crichton

    The purveyor of the YT channel JoJo’s World and former roommate of 3 years to Kyle. JoJo has over a million subs and is the most subscribed Disney related channel. After receiving his 1 million subscriber Gold Play button, Kyle became overwhelmed with jealousy, leading Kyle to attempt to purchase a house [see Controversies and Criticisms] which fell through, Kyle then moved out hastily at the last minute to his own apartment. Kyle’s old room is now sublet by JoJo to Jason “Show Me Love Jete” Jeter of Disney ban fame.

    JoJo and Kyle are current “Frenemies” and act nice on camera around one another while engaging in an online sock puppet dis battle. Kyle has called Jojo a “mole rat” and “homo” who is “in a gay relationship with Jete.”

    On cruises with JoJo, Kyle must have the beds separated.

    Nick “BabySheep”

    Nick is a friend of Kyle and Jojo. Nick is a fan favorite, very fit, usually shirtless, and a very fun personality. Nick has held numerous positions at the Disney and Universal parks, as well as other jobs including modeling. Nick has been on cruises with Kyle, however is generally only featured in vlogs from Volcano Bay (where Nick work/s/ed). Kyle has run into Nick while the latter was working as Prince Eric at the Magic Kingdom on numerous occasions. During these encounters Kyle likes to follow Nick around calling him a “Stud Muffin.” Despite having been in a hetero relationship, many viewers question if Nick is gay or bi. When around Nick, Kyle becomes extremely giddy, leading to many jokes about Kyle’s crush on Nick.

    Lora Radojevic

    Lora and Kyle are both from Wisconsin, both Attended University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and both were in the Disney College Program, where they ultimately met. Lora works as a VIP Tour Guide for WDW. Despite both stating they are “just friends” Kyle and Lora have shared many beds together on cruises, including during Kyle and Casey’s relationship. This bed situation has led to Lora being named “Hora” "F-Buddy" and “Old Reliable.” Lora is often noted for her uncanny resemblance to a Parrotfish. Some have noted that Lora has an amazing body, but a “butter face.” Kyle has focused on Lora’s ass many times in the vlogs over the years. As of April 23, 2024 is being threatened eviction from her apartment if Lora receives one more complaint in 12 months from neighbors based on office staff observing "excessive stomping noises primarily from the left side bedroom and bathroom enough to shake cabinets and wall hangings."

    Taylor De Muri

    Taylor hails from Australia, and met Kyle while both were working at Haunted Mansion. Taylor is a very carefree spirit who doesn’t do much hard planning, including when she came to America for a coast to coast Disney vacation and didn’t book hotel rooms for every night of her stay. Kyle has called her his best friend and cries every time she leaves.

    Samantha “Sam” Longton

    A former cast member of the Disney marketing team, she now runs her own marketing company. Her exact relationship and path to meeting Kyle is unclear. Some have speculated the two dated: they spent Valentine's day together and the two later went on a weekend vacation to Vero Beach, sharing a room together. Some have speculated that she was a handler for Kyle during his short period on the Disney Media list. Some have speculated that Kyle tries to use her to further his career on YouTube through Disney.

    Controversies and Criticisms

    Sock Puppet Accounts (Ongoing)

    Original Sock Puppet
    Around late 2022 to 2023, after the hurricane incident, Kyle Pallo was getting a ton of backlash on Twitter (now X). He'd often lash out in response and call everyone "jealous" who posted a critique about him.

    Later in 2023, after a drunken conversation with his sister Alexa, aka the Hulkster, during the Pallo family cruise Kyle stopped posting on his main X account and replying to any sort of criticism a new X account emerged to try and own the haters called @moose00051. Many people suspected this of being Kyle because of the same writing style, limited vocabulary, bad grammar, emoji usage of a tween girl, and overall immaturity.
    A month goes by of @moose00051 raging at Kyle's critics, until Kyle eventually returned to X, saying that he forgot he had a Twitter account.

    Second Sock Puppet
    Later, an account allegedly belonging to one of Kyle Pallo's high school classmates, appeared to warn Kyle to stop playing the victim about his "horrible high school experience" and start telling the truth. After a month of these warnings going ignored, someone private messaged them to obtain the details. The alleged classmate revealed their experience of Kyle in high school, including his hatred of anyone who isn't white, creepy obsession with trying to find a girlfriend and what she should look like and wear, and eventually getting caught hooking up with a 12 year old girl in a car. Kyle's sister tagged Kyle and told him that he needs to address this, and a few hours later a new account appears named @Maverick1Peter (Maverick is what he said he wanted to name his future son) to defend Kyle and claim the story is completely false.
    During the next 6 months period, @Maverick1Peter went through multiple username changes, including doxxing and stealing identities of his critics, and pretended to be 'Stijn Lories' who is a Dutch neo-Nazi.
    Just like Pallo himself, his sock puppets have a huge ego, are always praising himself and his "ocean blue eyes," trash other Disney vloggers including his "friend" JoJo for not getting as many views as him, post sexist/racist/homophobic rants, and thirst over Conservative/Right-Wing politically active brunettes such as @morgonnm.

    Many people, including Kyle's fans, have questioned him about the sock puppet accounts, and Kyle has never denied it or addressed it. Anyone who brings it up will be swiftly banned by him or his family.

    On March 1st 2024, during a livestream where Pallo was trying to get to 200k subscribers, dozens of viewers started questioning him in the chat. All mentions of the sock puppet accounts were quickly deleted by his sister Alexa. One user sent a $1.99 superchat asking when he is going to do a video with Morgonn, who is someone he has flirted with daily using his sock puppet for several months. Kyle gasped in surprise, refused to even read the name, and quickly ended the livestream after that. A few hours later the infamous @BasedPete13 sock puppet was permanently deleted.

    Sock Puppet using Stolen Identity
    He's regularly changing his username and deleting posts when he gets caught in lies or called out for being Kyle, but his username now is @GreasyMichele13 on X.

    Summary of Known Sock Puppets:
    @BasedPete13 (formerly @Maverick1Peter) [deleted after getting exposed on a livestream]
    @EricDupius74 [suspended by X]


    The Potato Incident (2017)

    One of Kyle's former girlfriends (Jacquelyn) posted to TikTok about a major incident that made her leave Kyle. One day Kyle comes home from work saying he is tired and asks her to make him dinner while he showers. She said that Kyle was hungry and so she puts the potatoes in the microwave to heat them up so he can eat quicker. Kyle comes out of the shower, and becomes irate that potatoes should be cooked in the oven, not the microwave, and then called her a "b*tch" and punched the wall. She also said there were numerous 'red flags' leading up to the incident including other signs of aggression, name-calling, making her pay for dates and telling her what she could or couldn't order when he paid, and Kyle would leave notes around the apartment for her to clean up his messes. As of 5/14/2024, Jacquelyn posted another Tik-Tok which revealed that Kyle Pallo walked away from their lease after the potato incident, leaving her unable to afford the payments.

    Covid Incident (2021)

    Hurricane Ian Incident (2022)

    Kyle Pallo took a last-minute staycation at Pop Century to "ride out the storm". To gleefully jump in puddles and shockingly proclaim he took the last meal from the quick service restaurant. Even though he only lives minutes away with his own transportation that he could have gone home to get food. Yet took the last meal that could have gone to an out-of-town guest.

    The Aulani Lei Incident (2022)

    Kyle Pallo was gifted a trip to Aulani by a supporter who paid thousands of dollars to fly him to Hawaii. After upgrading his flight to first class, he got wasted on the plane and disturbed other passengers by walking around drunk with his camera. When he arrived at the resort, he had a tantrum because the resort did not give him a lei. He spent the rest of the trip whining about not getting a lei, and how he gets a lei at the Polynesian but not at Aulani. Kyle continued to complain about it for 3 weeks after the trip on social media and in his vlogs. Some of his viewers called him spoiled and unappreciative.
    2023-04-28 05_22_33-Kyle ~ on Twitter_ _I find it crazy that the Polynesian at Disney World gi...png


    Norovirus (2023)

    Drank poop water in the Wisconsin Dells and got Norovirus, then proceeded to spread it around Disney property while filming himself at Blizzard Beach and Disney Springs while still sick.

    Universal Minions Mayhem (2023)

    During the media opening event at Universal Orlando for the Minions Mayhem ride. Signs were posted stating not to film inside the attraction. Content creators abide by Universal's rule on recording, yet Kyle Pallo decided to buck the trend and film anyway with his then-bestie JoJo (from the channel Jojo's World). Upon receiving back from his fans he neither didn't delete the portion of the video (like Jojo) or even apologise (again like Jojo).

    #Hosted #WDWFitcation (2023)

    In early November 2023, Kyle "had a Skype with Disney" and "negotiated" a 4 day #hosted stay with Kevin at Animal Kingdom Lodge and waddled his way through a 5k during runDisney weekend. There was great skepticism surrounding Kyle's telling of the event as many noted Disney does not use Skype, Disney does not hire influencers to market the event, there was a resounding absence online of the WDWFitcation hashtag, Kyle had never done a runDisney event nor ever provided any runDisney coverage, and why he brought along Kevin for this event over noted regular runner and friend Nick.

    Many speculated that if someone was paying Kyle for his services, it was a third party, and not Disney itself. It was also widely speculated that it was Kevin who was #hosted and brought Kyle along as a plus one (or Kyle weaseled his way into being the plus one over Kevin's wife, Bri, so Kyle would have content and could drum up views). Further speculation surrounded this event as it marked the debut of Casey's cousin Savanna, a cycling instructor in the Chicagoland area.

    Kyle doubled, if not tripled down, on social media and through sock puppets, that it was he who was the hosted party, not Kevin, and it was from Disney corporate itself and not a third party. This was also the event at which Kyle received his free "tread meal."

    Kyle Goes To Tom's NC house for Thanksgiving and Deletes the Vlogs (2023)

    Kyle repeatedly filmed in Tom's house and tried to get him on camera despite repeatedly being told by Tom and Casey that Tom did not want to be on camera. Kyle also trash talked Tom's neighbors giving out sensitive information on Tom and his wife's private feelings towards their neighbors. Kyle soon deleted the video and 5 others.

    This was also the vlog where Kyle, caught in a lie about a gift for C aSey that he never bought, had to purchase air pod maxes online and have them rush delivered to the closest Best Buy in North Carolina.

    $755,000 House, Still Cries In The Woods Over Medical Costs (Ongoing)

    On July 21, 2022 Kyle detailed how he bought his dream car, a "brand new" 2011 BMW 328i with 3,000 miles, that he paid $22,000 cash for on top of a Disney springs parking garage that Kyle brought Lora along to help with security, from fear of being robbed. The car has since been dubbed the "barbie beemer" and Kyle has been mocked for relying on Lora for muscle.

    On September 1, 2022 Kyle uploaded a vlog where he went for a walk in the Windemere Woods and talked about how his insurance wasn't going to cover Humira for his Ankylosing Spondylitis. He asked viewers to tell him what to do because he didn't know. This incident has been dubbed the eponymous "Crying In The Woods" vlog. Kyle has stated, over many different vlogs, various large amounts from for the the cost of Humira, from $4,000 to $6,000 per shot or per month, even though Kyle has also stated he only needs 1 shot every few months.

    However, on February 5, 2023 Kyle uploaded a vlog stating he bought a house, internet sleuths would later uncover the house was appraised and sold at over $700,000.Just 5 days later, Kyle would upload a vlog stating that he "lost his house" and wouldn't shut up about this until moving into the house he currently lives in. In the February 10th vlog, he brought in his real estate agent Mike to tell viewers how Kyle was "in the last step" and "lost the house" because their appraiser valued the house $70,000 lower than asking price; no second appraisal was done, and the sellers refused Kyle's offers, this has been dubbed "sellers b mean."

    At the start of 2024 Kyle Pallo bought a house in Celebration for $755,000 with a seller credit of $10,000.

    Kyle's vlogs have featured him flying first class, including to Disneyland, taking a VIP tour at WDW, and taking other expensive vacations. As of April 2024, he still has issues paying for his Humira. Viewers are aghast at how he has all this money, but can't afford the medicine or purchasing better insurance that will cover his medicine; many critics speculate that he can afford it, but is just grifting sympathy money from gullible stans.

    Playing House

    After Kyle bought his house, his girlfriend moved in with him. Since then, it has become evident to viewers that neither are full functioning adults, and are playing house. A long running series of jokes have been made about how he would overspend on novelty items, but wouldn't spend a few hundred dollars on dining room chairs. Kyle and Casey have hosted several people despite not having chairs, leading viewers to assume everyone ate standing up or on the couch. Casey had even picked out the chairs she wanted online, and were in the purchase cart, but Kyle couldn't be bothered to press confirm, for whatever reason. On July 13, 2024, this 6 month saga came to a close, as Kyle unveiled their new beige dining chairs.

    Casey has been criticized herself for her home decor decorating design, or lack there of. All of her design choices are from the color wheel of beige. It has been said she is "in her Beige ERA" and she is living in "50 Shades of Beige." She is also so bad at keeping plants alive, that her indoor plant decorations are fake.

    Kyle made a full time job out of a few hours of chores during the Curtain Hanging Fiasco of 2024 which also resulted in Painter's Tape-ocalypse 2: Neon Blue Boogaloo where Kyle marked all the walls and window frames with where the curtains were to be hung. Instead of simply taking a curtain rod and immediately hanging it, Kyle had to fuck around "for content" and pretend he was a pole vaulter. The children had such a hard time hanging a few curtains, the "curtains had to be tabled" for another day. Once the curtains were finally hung, they were of course, Beige.

    In an effort to own the "hatters" Kyle made a video of how they love beige and everything is beige, including cooking utensils and bowls.

    Phil's Testimony of Being Taken Advantage of by Kyle's Grifting

    Phil was an avid supporter and defender of Kyle Pallo. During the Covid lockdowns, Phil and Kyle exchanged numbers as a way for Kyle to grift from him. He regularly sent Kyle $100 PayPals (which he never received an acknowledgement or thank you from) and sent expensive gifts to his P.O. box that Kyle hinted at. During the Covid Incident (See Covid Incident) Phil texted and questioned Kyle why he lied about going to a party when he was sick with Covid. He was quickly banished by Kyle for daring to question him, and Phil's testimony can be read below:


    Kyle Takes Advantage of a Military Family


    Deleting comments and blocking users

    Kyle and his "team" (Gerald and Alexa) spend large swaths of the day deleting any comments (including constructive criticism) and blocking/shadow banning users, they view as negative to Kyle's image. These behaviors go beyond YouTube and extend to X and Instagram.

    Kyle's vlogs regularly receive thousands more dislikes than likes, referred to as getting/being "ratio-ed." Kyle claims he only gets "like 50" dislikes a video. Since YouTube deleted the dislike views, Alexa has claimed the browser add-on and dislike button restore apps are "way off" despite vast screenshots from many different people over many different browsers using different dislike button apps that all verify the same number and verify that compared to contemporaries, Kyle is the only one getting ratio-ed.

    Rather than take any of this as a sign that Kyle produces content that people don't like, the Pallos have doubled down that "it is only a few people making many fake accounts to slander and libel Kyle."

    Abandoned Patreon

    Kyle Pallo stopped updating his Patreon in October 2022 when he had 190 subscribers. What follows are dozens of lies & false promises to start updating it again "soon" while still collecting his subscriber's money and not providing any of the services that they signed up for in return.


    Dec 27, 2022 - Says he felt like he needed distance from certain things, including the paying fans who are the sole reason for him being able to live his "best life" as an unemployed "content creator."
    Jan 11, 2023 - Posts that he needs a break and relaxation time.
    Mar 2, 2023 - Posts that his Patreon is on the back burner.
    Jun 29, 2023 - Promises to start updating his Patreon again soon.
    Nov 15, 2023 - He removes all of the tier benefits (which include birthday shoutouts, exclusive content, etc.) after numerous complaints from fans asking for refunds and complaining about him not honoring his tier promises.
    Dec 31, 2023 - Posts that he's "thinking" of revamping his Patreon this year.
    Dec 31, 2023 - Posts a sneak peak of a design of his new tier. "It will be fun, trust," he says.
    Jan 1, 2024 - Posts another sneak peak for the new, limited edition tier.
    Jan 3, 2024 - Posts that he's still learning "how to track info thats needed to be able to run this effectively."

    As of today, 5 months later, there's been no further updates and Kyle's Patreon remains abandoned. But Kyle the Grifter continues to collect his fan's money while providing nothing in return. His Patreon lost 140 subscribers since December 2022. The current amount of subscribers is unknown since he made the number private after he got salty about Tattle posting his declining metrics every month.

    "Kyle Pays for Everything" And "Kyle Never Grifts or Asks for Money"

    Claims that Kyle pays for all of his expenses when his family is in town, as well as claiming he pays for Alexa have been propagated by both Kyle (through his main account and sock puppets) and Alexa on X , as well as both in a joint TikTok on Alexa's account.

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    Instead, it's always observed that Casey, Alexa, or Kyle's parents will pay for everything when he's with them.

    Viewers have noticed Alexa (or his parents) putting a credit/debit card back into her wallet at one of the claimed dinners as well as pointing out all the times Alexa has mobile ordered or paid, and Kyle claiming on screen that he will pay her back, despite no filmed evidence of said transaction. Viewers have also noticed in the regular "Staycation" segment that the TV said "Welcome Durliat Pallo Party." When this was pointed out on Tattle, all future "staycations" had the TV turned off to hide Kyle using C aSey's cast member discount for content to monetize on YouTube (a violation of Disney's Cast Member Discount Policy). A few times he has slipped up and shown something that on camera which confirms that Casey booked and paid for the room.
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    Viewers have consistently called out how Kyle points at, shows, or talks about something he wants, but doesn't want to pay for, then endlessly keeps bringing it up, until a viewer gifts it to him. Alexa has stated that Kyle is not grifting and never asks for money. No comment has been returned when asked why he still has an abandoned Patreon and keeps superchats on during live streams despite living in a $755,000 house and claiming through sock puppets that he makes $18 per one thousand views, as well as a screenshot of his YouTube analytics page being open on his phone showing he makes $20,000-36,000 per month.

    Homophobic/Racist/Creepy Tweets

    Kyle never cleaned up his older posts on X before he began his fake "innocent forever Disney kid" vlogging grift. In these posts ranging from 2013 to 2017, he calls his mom a b*tch, stalks & harasses underage girls, and shows his rampant racism and homophobia. They also include:
    • His obsession with Justin Bieber and The Bachelor
    • Hundreds of tweets tagging young girls and begging them to go on dates
    • Calling people "dumb Mexicans"
    This is believed to be Kyle's true personality behind his fake on-camera 'Disney kid' act. These tweets also match his same rhetoric and beliefs on his sock puppet account (See Sock Puppet Accounts Controversy).
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    Channel/Video Tags

    Kyle has stated he puts in so much effort into his 'art' (YouTube #deardiary videos). Working X amount of hours producing such quality content. To that extent, and to show you that this is true, please find below the tags he uses. Ahem.

