Adam the Woo Wiki

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  • WOOisms
      • "that's my pony" (referring to an airplane)
      • a [space] while
      • accessories (but pronounced "assessories")
      • alcove (as in a place Woo wrongly described where he took a photo at in Boston; "alleyway" may have been more accurate)
      • appropriate perspired (as in "I'm wearing an appropriate perspired..." Then even HE had to change his sentence bc he knew he made no sense )
      • appropriate t-shirt (bc all the residents of Celebration walk around in Celebration t-shirts all of the time, don't they? )
      • aroused (as in "The sun is fully aroused out there...")
      • astrewn (as in "He is astrewn with lights..." he = dinosaur)
      • beehive of activity
      • Chester Drawers
      • clothesless
      • commute (see above)
      • constantism (as in "...kind of feed into the constantism... I just made that word up.")
      • conundrum (as in "Now getting here after the fireworks is going to be quite the interesting conundrum post fireworks...")
      • cornucopia
      • cusp
      • devolved (as in "While I am a huge creature of habit and have devolved many 'traditions' on places I go...")
      • emulating (as in "Look at this, the five circles here are really emulating a lot of water...")
      • encompassed (as in “ media encompassed May the 4th celebrations”)
      • festooned
      • formulated (as in "the rain formulated on [his] camera lens")
      • gone by the wayside (as in "...I had a pixel that had gone by the wayside." Please look up what that phrase really means, Adam)
      • gotta (as in "gotta new camera" )
      • home base (as in "It's nice to have a home base thou. I call it my glorified storage shed." READ: A bedroom he rents in someone's house
      • homestead (as in "did some stuff around my homestead" )
      • hue
      • incarcerated (as in "the snack section is incarcerated...")
      • labyrinth
      • lackluster (as in "and I will say, this is definitely far more superior to EPCOT's coffeemaker; their coffeemaker...I don't wanna say it's lackluster but..." )
      • overload overload
      • permeating (as in “The sun is permeating out here” )
      • perused (as in " those are the three videos I watched - I perused through - to kind of see what to expect")
      • piping hot caffeinated beverage
      • plethora
      • posterity
      • practical
      • precipitating (as in "it is is precipitating" )
      • pylon
      • queue line (pick one or the other, David)
      • rechanged (when referring to how "The Little Mermaid" show at HS rechanged)
      • relic (as in: used waaaay too much )
      • routing
      • scrimmage
      • skyrise
      • spiel (but pronounced SPHiel)
      • stagnant (as in "It is a very slow-paced river, more stagnant then anything else. . . . . .even the ducks are stagnant...)
      • stanchions
      • teathered to the gym (spelled and used incorrectly by Adam)
      • tenure (as in "the tenure of my stay here" )
      • traverse (as in "...traverse a very short commute to Safety Harbor..." )
      • treasure trove
      • umbrella (but pronounced "UMbrella" )
      • vibe
      • wager (as in "Glad you are wagering on me")
    BONUS SECTION for Rambling Piles of Nonsensical Shit :poop:
    • "...people getting excited kind of like hiding there in the murky swampiness of that goo that is formulated on top..." (Vlog Posted July 9, 2023)
    • "I'm really feel like it's gotten to locked in and need to break it up a bit" (Pinned Comment Posted Sept 4, 2023)
    • "not not be each and every day..." (IG Story Posted Sept 5, 2023)
    • "The sun is fully aroused out there" (Vlog Posted Oct 4 2023)
    • "...deeming with excitement..." (Vlog Posted Nov 12, 2023; Woo describing how he felt being in line for an exhibit)
    • "and I have the sun silhouetted on my face, I'm inviting you to join me for some popcorn and whatever else the night unfolds into having" (Vlog posted Jan 20, 2024)
    WooPeat (noun): any episode of The Daily Woo where Adam does something (an activity, an event, a location) that he's already done many times before - sometime dozens of times!

    Adam's house:
    In November 2023 Adam closed on a 3br/2ba home in Celebration, Florida. There is no record of a mortgage, so it appears he bought the house with cash. The selling price was $539,000.

    Adam's DVC points:
    • Adam owns 150 DVC points at Riviera Resort
    • Adam owns 100 points at the Grand Floridian DVC Villas
    • Adam owns 250 points at the Aulani DVC resort
    • Adam owns 100* points at the Disneyland DVC Villas
    • So Adam owns a total of 600 DVC points. At an average of $200/pp, that's an investment of $120,000, probably closer to $130,000
    *this is a guess as he never actually mentions in the video when he buys into Disneyland Villas exactly how many points he bought.

    Adam's fancy golf cart:
    Shortly after moving in to his half million dollar home, Adam bought a golf cart to drive around Celebration and the wide sidewalks of Rt. 192 in Central Florida. The cost with the options was approximately $18,000.

    A recap on Adam's history and future prospects of leaving the USA for any reason:

    - in 2013 he visited Tijuana for 5 mins
    - he hasn't left the US since
    - he has stated he wants to the see Rays play in every away baseball stadium in MLB (including Toronto), but he hasn't managed to get there
    - he then stated he had no interest at all in going "overseas"
    - recently, after announcing 2024 is his last year of daily vlogging, he said he would be interested to do some things "overseas" in 2025 and beyond, like Disneyland Paris or a Disney cruise

    Don't expect Adam to be visiting the British Museum, The Louvre or the Prado Museum anytime soon.

    But the very first step is getting that passport so he can go see his beloved Rays in Toronto either May 17-19, 2024 or July 23-25, 2024. IF he manages to do that, maybe he really will visit Disneyland Paris or go on a Disney cruise in 2025 or 2026.

    Adam's Broken Promises and Unmet Goals of 2024:
    • shut down the Daily Woo at the end of 2024 because the channel had "run its course" and it was "kind of weighing down his shoulders" (He's continuing on with daily in 2025)
    • be the "fittest" he's ever been by his 50th birthday (fit is completely different than thin)
    • not do any sort of crash diet (he starves himself all day, drinking only coffee, then eats one questionable meal at night)
    • he would be using his home gym instead of joining a gym (he stopped working out in his home gym)
    • train for and run a half marathon, and that he was excited about it and thanked his buddy Tim Tracker for helping and supporting him with doing it (he no longer wants to do it, but feels he has to try - walking only- but isn't training at all)
    • build a new Woodio in his new house (postponed indefinitely)
    • start a video podcast and other new content that he would "pepper in" by mid-2024 that would "overshadow" the daily vlogs, and even if not successful would still be his "passion project" (postponed indefinitely)
    • said he has no interest in international travel (2025 will now be nothing but international travel the way he's talking)
    • said that if he was interested in international travel, it would be Disney parks and cruises (now says he wants to "see the world" and "see how many countries I can go to" and "get out of his comfort zone" and that his international travel will NOT be focused on Disney or theme parks)

    Adam's Thoughts in September 2024 on his 2025 International Travel:
    "Got the passport, there's 150ish countries that I can visit without even getting a visa, all I got to do is get on a plane, super simple, book a plane flight, go nestle into the countryside, learn a few things, get out of my comfort zone, oh I'm so excited!"