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Chatty Member
What is up with her top lip lately? It looks puffy and weird in a lot of her vids. I mean, she's looking pretty crappy overall, especially considering how good she looked with normal weight on her.



Chatty Member

This is the most Italian she’s ever “spoken” on camera, hard to believe she didn’t just Google translate 😉 she sounds so robotic and unnatural when speaking, it’s clearly to show off but she still can’t even get “buonsera” right.


VIP Member
Her voice is so shrill! "Oggi 'fachee-amo' un giro in centro! Cin cin! Sofie must be thrilled to have a guest since Emilio is never home. Like, ever. Lol. And re: Italian With Davide @moronglace I'm sure Sofie's passed her name onto some of her contacts. Bleah.
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Chatty Member
OMG her wounds look like tick bites and they are disgusting and she is not even eating food, that's why nothing is healing.
Oh god... those do look like tick bites!! She should really go see a doctor. And she's looking more skeletal and unhealthy by the day. And of course, no wonder nothing is healing.

Btw, we need more people in here!


Chatty Member
Hey @Qwerty333, glad to see this thread. I found a thread over at Gossip Bakery a while ago and it was my first time finding any discussion about Zoey online, and it was a relief because I too have noticed how she's gone off the rails, especially since the pandemic started.
If you don't mind, I'd like to share a post I made over at GB of the problematic stuff I compiled about Zoey's behavior.

I'd like to share here some of the issues I have found with her, since it's clear that she will not allow for the slightest bit of negativity under her videos. I realize that she is likely too deep down the rabbit hole to be reached, so I want to leave this for anyone who might be coming across her content.

Zoey has been making videos on Youtube for several years, and I originally found her through videos she made about Italy. Over time she began to post about the Law of Attraction and various things related to New Age spirituality. While her platform is not large, I still believe in her responsibility as an influencer- especially since she operates in the self-help sphere where impressionable folks seek guidance and truth.

After getting involved with Rythmia Life Advancement Center, where she did a series of videos on her experience with ayahuasca, she made the video: "SHE CURED CANCER WITH PLANTS". I was disappointed to see Zoey promoting Candice-Marie Fox's claims that she cured her advanced-stage (either 3 or 4) thyroid cancer by her (primarily pineapple-based) vegan diet. I found some information on Candice-Marie Fox that suggests she was actually cured by conventional therapy yet attributes her recovery to her diet.

I went to comment on Zoey's video saying that Fox's claims are misleading, but my comment was blocked. Since there was nothing I could do, I moved on, but from that moment I began to realize that Zoey moderates comments which she perceives as negative or challenging her beliefs. I noticed that her video on having a "Starseed awakening" gained negative attention a while back due to discussion of the Starseed cult on Reddit, and I saw how comments critical of these views were quickly removed.

In 2020, she began talking on her Youtube and IG account about the "documentary" Out of Shadows which promotes some QAnon-adjacent conspiracy.

Then she posted IG stories from Liz Crokin, redpillbabe, and some other right wing nutjobs talking about Obamagate, trafficking, and one in particular was a reference to Blackout Day being suspiciously timed: on the same day as, among other things, Hilary Clinton's supposed court appearance in which she was to testify for "some of the most heinous and treasonous crimes". Zoey was following Liz Crokin (who apparently is featured in Out of Shadows) and another account called Qthewakeup at the time she posted those stories. Doesn't look like she follows them anymore, however, and the Qthewakeup account has been deleted off the face of IG (good riddance).

She followed these posts with her own video "Addressing the Recent Events" which is still on Youtube.

Zoey says that she made these posts because "you wouldn't be able to ignore them... and not think that something is very wrong... I have been researching this for a very long time, I am no longer going to stay silent." She makes a brief, vague mention of the issue of racism "we all need to change to heal racism...", her first real mentioning of current events revolving around racism, except for the above post that casts suspicion on the motives of the Blackout Day demonstration.

Then she goes on to promote her life coaching business, and at the end of the video, she suggests her audience go watch Out of Shadows.

Weeks later Zoey posted a story linking to a post made by her trusted personal psychic Vivian Osal, which talks about child trafficking, urging followers to "do their research, (going) beyond the veneer of the mainstream media"... and "when someone is talking about child sex trafficking and the connection to the global lockdown, don’t call them conspiracy theorists!". The post uses both the "SavetheChildren" and "PizzaGate" hashtag.

Not being able to remain silent, I sent a message asking why she was supporting alt-right conspiracies and pleaded that she not let her fascination with conspiracy theories lead her to promoting this rhetoric. The next day, I was blocked.

Although she only intermittently shares this kind of stuff, I believe that Zoey's actions are not above scrutiny, and I worry about the effect that these ideas will have on her audience. I have no idea what happens in her various life coaching courses run by her and Lauren or what kind of message she could be spreading to her clients. She constantly preaches about "being the change in the world" and about "enlightenment" while then broadcasting alt-right-aligned conspiracy theories and not showing the maturity to entertain the idea that she may be spreading a message that has potential to do harm.

In her "Addressing the Recent Events" video, she says: "When we are curious, we are admitting to ourselves that we don't know everything. We should question everything.. educating ourselves empowers us to use our voice to stand up for the things in this world that aren't right." Now I am standing up for what I think is not right about her behavior.

Oh, and to an earlier poster who was doubting if she got the vaccine, she shared a meme in April of last year that says: "funny how we were raised to resist peer pressure and not experiment with drugs, and today we're beeing peer pressured into taking experimental drugs." with a picture of the COVID-19 vaccine.

I hope that my above screed comes across not as me slandering Zoey. Maybe she really does want to help people, but promoting pseudoscience and conspiracy theories is not going to help advance humanity. I do not have a problem with Zoey as a human being. I have a problem with these ideas and the mindset she has developed (no doubt through overexposure to toxic positivity, self-help material, etc.) which makes her incapable of considering anything that challenges her world views.

I'm attaching some of the QAnon-related stories Zoey shared on Instagram (the ones she refers to in her video "Addressing the recent events"). I know it's not solid proof, but you gotta believe me that she actually shared this stuff on her social media in around June of 2020. She doesn't seem to follow Liz Crokin or Heather Rest (who changed her IG handle) anymore, and the Q accounts she followed got deleted I'm sure, but that certainly doesn't tell me she has changed her mind about conspiracy. Her posting this stuff was kind of the tipping point for me of needing to denounce her BS, but at the time didn't have the platform to do so.

Again, I'm happy to have found this thread, and I hope we can keep it going.
I'm off to read the thread from the top!
