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All 4 of my pregnancies I went off food totally in the 2nd trimesters and had an intense craving for specific types of paper. It had to be recycled paper, corrugated card, old books and brown envelopes (I became a bit of a conisour and DWP ones were best). I was more excited about my Amazon parcels so I could eat the card. I also had to have my maternity notes replaced several times because I ate those too. My midwife with my youngest was fascinated by it and asked me all sorts, she said she hadn't looked after a lady with pica before. I ate a 20 year old copy of Colin Wilson's mammoth book of crime which in hindsight I was gutted about, it was my favourite book since I was a kid.

I also develop a craving so intense with my first it frustrated me and that was to eat work men. Gas engineers, plasterers, scaffholders... I could literally pour gravy on them and eat them. They smelt so appealing while I was pregnant, my ex father in law was a workman with a work van and he would let me sit in the work van after he finished work so I could relish the smell - that sweaty, leathery, plastery, dust smell with a hint of rolling tobacco really satisfied me in ways I couldnt explain. I am pretty sure my ex father in law thought I had some sort of fetish. But I promise it wasn't.

Waterloo underground station had an aroma that created the same intense feeling and like a mad woman went back a few times specifically just to sit there and relish the smell. I could of ate the station if I could.
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My mum when pregnant with me and then my sister it was bubbles, as in she would run herself a really bubbly bath, get in and eat the bubbles 😭😂😂

I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant with my second, and same with my first I have become obsessed with brushing my teeth 🤤 literally the thought makes my mouth water?! Could stand there for ages brushing them but have to try my hardest not to do it multiple times a day as my gums were getting sore and my tongue was a bit numb from the minty toothpaste 😂😂 Also loveeeee chewing gum at the moment too 😋 Very strange!!
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I ate paper during my daughters pregnancy, just loved the feel of it on my teeth. Also, freshly plastered walls - had to leave my friends new kitchen after wanting to lick the walls.
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I was just having this conversation with my friend who is 7 months pregnant and she confessed to me, she was eating SOIL.

Like. FROM THE GROUND and her doctor said it was fine but not to give in "too much". I'm gobsmacked. I googled it and apparently its normal?

I'm very curious. If you have kids, what were your weirdest pregnancy cravings? Or did anyone you know have any weird cravings?
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I know what you mean about the paper. It couldn’t be run of the mill paper, I liked the sugar paper type stuff. It was SO good 😊
For me it seemed to be compressed, recycled fayre 🤣 where you could tear it and see strands. At the time it was absolute heaven.

I suffered with pica real bad as a kid, I used to chisel away at the plaster in my bedroom of my parents new build. Their flat we lived in before I removed the wallpaper and ate it. And as disgusting as it was I used to remove all the skin on the bottom of my feet with toenail clippers, collect it all on a specific china side plate and eat it. I'm pretty sure my parents thought I was a potential Hannibal Lector.
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I liked to lick coal, sniff the inside of my oak drawers and eat cheese dipped in mint sauce ....oh and pickles jars of the buggers and drinking the vinegar!! I was a burping delight for all five pregnancies !!
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Iconic Member
Pickled onions. I’d eat a jar at a time (and drink the vinegar). It gave me horrendous heartburn but I still had to have them.

Also, ice with my second.
Literally me.
Literally.......not pregnant 😂

pickles and gherkins are a gift from the gods.
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Not a craving but my Mum used to rub the dirty potatoes in the supermarket when she was pregnant with me. Weird.
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Chatty Member
I was just having this conversation with my friend who is 7 months pregnant and she confessed to me, she was eating SOIL.

Like. FROM THE GROUND and her doctor said it was fine but not to give in "too much". I'm gobsmacked. I googled it and apparently its normal?

I'm very curious. If you have kids, what were your weirdest pregnancy cravings? Or did anyone you know have any weird cravings?
I grew up in Zimbabwe and it was quite common for pregnant women to crave earth due to low iron levels and some women would crave It just before they came on their period .

My wife doesn’t eat bananas but when she was carrying our daughter she craved mashed bananas with sour cream, she would only eat them if I prepared it for her .
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I once read about a woman who craved petrol. She kept going to fill her car up for the smell, then started soaking a cloth in it to take away with her and smell and then she started sucking it. I think she went to the dr who had a firm word with her and she had to try to resist from then on 😲
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chocolate choux

VIP Member
Is it common to have no cravings at all? I never craved anything throughout pregnancy despite being anaemic. Had a few intense cravings post partum while breastfeeding though but nothing weird

I’ve heard of some women craving toilet paper 😖
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I would chew on rubber bands with my 2nd child, the stronger the smell the better, I even cut a chunk of rubber out of a hot water bottle to chew on that!
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VIP Member
Pickled onions. I’d eat a jar at a time (and drink the vinegar). It gave me horrendous heartburn but I still had to have them.

Also, ice with my second.
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VIP Member
Ew.... and I thought mango chutney on toast was weird! I know of someone who ate chalk, not that unusual though apparently. But soil 🤢
I've heard people eat chalk if they're extremely iron deficient and the same applies for soil apparently :oops:

Mango Chutney on toast - I've not heard that one before but I wouldn't mind trying it lol
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Came for the comments

Chatty Member
I craved eating the cement in between bricks it was the texture I think
When I was a kid I went to this weird after school club and we had to fish gherkins out of tubs of melted chocolate with out mouths. Never tried it since but still think about it! 😄
bloody he’ll was Jimmy saville at this club 😳 sorry do not mean to offend anyone x
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