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Thank you all for the messages and apologies if this is now more suited to the advice thread than rant as I'm providing an update as opposed to ranting.

I asked my manager if he could at least discuss it with HR.

HR were appalled and got me in for a meeting later in the afternoon as they didn't want to leave it with me worrying about it. I've told them everything. They declined seeing the messages as from a legal point of view they don't want me to get in trouble for effectively sharing the video with them.

They've said they will support me if I go to the police. They reiterated that it is unacceptable behaviour. They sent me home early as they wanted to discuss with the colleague today and didn't want me to be in office when they did/afterwards as tbh I am a bit scared of his reaction once they had spoken to him.

They've told me they will update me with what happens and told me that if he contacts me again they strongly urge me to go to the police if I don't already. They've said it is sexual harassment.
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Someone I work with is moaning about her teenage daughter and what she’s asked for for Christmas. Kid wants about a grands worth of shite. We’re talking gucci bag, a £40 insulated mug, expensive make up etc etc.

She’s fucking 13 and sounds like the most ungrateful little shit I’ve ever come across. At some point you have to manage your kid’s expectations and be like “erm no you ain’t getting that, that’s my entire months wage gone right there love”

But instead all day today I’ve heard her mum bleat on about how on earth she’s meant to afford everything on her list. Rambling on about maxing out her credit cards. How she’s really worried if she doesn’t get everything she’s asked for.

So I lost it.😂 Told her her kid needs to suck up the fact that “I want doesn’t get” and to fucking get a grip of herself.

Didn’t go down well 😂 but seriously getting yourself into debt because you can’t say no to the ridiculous demands of a teenager?
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No one knows this but I am so lonely. I have no friends. I've got my husband and children but I feel like I need a friend and everyone around me is an acquaintance. It's just got me down a bit the last couple of days
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spag bol

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I lost my horse on the 17th of Nov. It was very unexpected and very traumatic circumstances. I'll never forget the things I saw that day. It's absolutely broken me. He was my world for 20years and suddenly he is gone in a horrific way. It's really messed me up. But what I want to rant about is in the 2 weeks since that awful day, not once has my best friend reached out to me. Not once asked how I am. Yesterday she randomly sent me a Harry Potter meme. That's the first I heard from her since I told her how devasted I was and how I wasn't coping with the trauma 2 weeks ago. I had suspissions our friendship was no longer important to her, I guess this proves it.
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Gentle fucking parenting. Just watched a Tik Tok from a “parenting expert”about getting a little girl to put on a coat to go out to play as it FUCKING WINTER. This so called parenting expert is all airy fairy and is like “oh ok, we’ll just take it with us so when you want it you can wear it” She then goes out to play and then surprise surprise eventually she puts the coat on.

THIS is exactly why teachers are leaving the profession in droves. I’m sorry but children need to learn that adults are in charge. It’s cold, you wear a coat. End of discussion. You get too hot and want to take it off? No problem. But I’ve asked you to put on your coat so do it. I’m not constantly bargaining with a 3 year old. We’re raising a generation of children that think they can do what they want and simply ignore any adult instruction. I work in education and having 30 kids bargaining with me over what they WANT to do rather than what they NEED to do is not helping their education.
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Chatty Member
Found out on Friday my husband and I are expecting our first baby, we're both very excited. Had to attend an in law's event on Saturday night and felt uncomfortable from start to finish. My husband's aunt and uncle in law pounced on me straight away when my husband got me a diet coke instead of an alcoholic drink. Non stop questions, why are you drinking that, why aren't you drinking wine? Something to tell us?! They knew I wasn't driving as we live close by and wouldn't accept the excuse I was out with the friends the night before. Even asking me what I had to drink the night before and how long I stayed out til.

This went on for ages until I asked the barmaid to make me a ginger ale with lime in a jameson glass. Came back to the table and the uncle in law was questioning if there was really whiskey in it because it looked diluted. As other cousins and aunts arrived they all piled on the questions too asking what I was drinking, offering to get me a wine etc. After about 4 ginger ales I switched to water and that caused another round of questions. I was stuck at a table with them and couldn't get away. We ended up leaving early which don't go down well.

Both of us are very annoyed by the whole thing. It's so rude and insensitive?! Like why are people trying to force you to tell them your plans? We've been married for two years so we're well aware they're all on "baby watch" with us. Thankfully my MIL wasn't there as she would have been the worst of all.

We've now decided to not spend any time at all with his extended family over Christmas and potentially none with his immediate family either. Neither of us want the stress of being probed and questioned so it's not even worth spending time with them.

Rant over!
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It's a year today that my Dad was admitted into a hospice, and his 1st birthday tomorrow without him. I've been feeling wobbly all week so had planned a family get together today with a walk to the churchyard to lay some flowers all together on Dad's memorial. Then my stupid arse of husband comes down with Covid so we had to cancel it all. He's upstairs sniff sniff sniffing and although I know he can't help it, I'm feeling absolutely murderous....
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A friend of ours has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She's put a post on Facebook to let everyone know in one go, and given a bit of background about her diagnosis and the specialists she's seen etc.

The amount of comments on that post going "they can do allsorts these days", "keep fighting", "my friend tried xyz and she's fine now." Fuck off. She's seen the top people in this type of cancer, they've done every test, they've explored every avenue. They don't just chuck a terminal diagnosis at a person and think "ah that'll do, we can't be bothered to help them."
Just send your love and kind wishes and stop with this positivity bull shit.
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Fucking parents letting their fucking children ride balance bikes around supermarkets in probably the most busiest weeks of the year. They are 2 ffs. Shove them in the trolley. Just whizzing up and down, getting in everyone's way and crashing in to everything
I posted similar to this on Tattle thread a while back and was told I must hate kids.
Drives me up the wall when people let their kids treat shops and supermarkets like a playground. There's a woman I see in our local Lidl most weeks who actually sends her kids to climb on the packing shelf while she puts her stuff on the belt. One week one of the little darlings started climbing over a man's shopping, and when he asked them to stop she started shouting at him that nobody tells her kids off apart from her. Which she clearly doesn't do very often 😒
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More of a moan than a rant but I got bollocked at work today for referring to a colleague using she/her pronouns (as that's how they present) but they're actually a they/them. The thing is, I am a respectful person & had I known I would have used their preferred pronouns.

I don't think I deserved to be read the riot act, I think it would have been much fairer to have pulled me aside and just said "for future reference please can you refer to [colleague] as they/them as that's how they identify"
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I've got a work colleague with a nearly 4 year old that won't sleep and keeps them awake all night. He's a permanent zombie due to exhaustion. He asked the other day how I managed when mine were that age, and I don't think he liked it when I said they slept well because they didn't get chatter/screens/attention if they woke at night and they slept in their own beds. They soon learned that night time Mum was boring as shit if you woke up and an awful lot nicer to be around if she'd had a good nights sleep :ROFLMAO: it's as if parents are terrified of their kids hating them if they set rules. I dread to think what these kids are going to turn into as adults....
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I'm sick of people thinking they can dictate other people's Christmas traditions because they think think their way is the best or only way.

Want to do Christmas Eve boxes? Do it! Don't want to? Don't!

You fill your stockings with special gifts? Fine!
You don't do stockings? Fine!
You use stocking as decor then shove all the little bits in on Xmas Eve so they don't go missing under the tree? Also fine!

Turkey? Yes.
Buffet? Fine.
Indian restaurant? All good.

I'm really not arsed if you spend your Christmas day dancing naked round a statue of Jane McDonald while you eat boiled slugs on toast, but don't lecture other people on their Christmas traditions, and don't pressure people into doing shit they don't want to because you think it's better!
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Fucking parents letting their fucking children ride balance bikes around supermarkets in probably the most busiest weeks of the year. They are 2 ffs. Shove them in the trolley. Just whizzing up and down, getting in everyone's way and crashing in to everything
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Idiot, entitled parents at school.

We were offered the chance to do a Christmas craft session at school with our kids. There are 2 sessions, only 8 spots available on each slot, open to kids from year 3 to year 6, so I was very lucky to get a place.
When you put your name down it was very clear that spaces were limited, would be assigned first come, first served, and if you didn't hear back asking for the £5 payment for materials, then you hadn't been successful.
After we'd signed in and were waiting for the staff to come get us, 2 Mums turned up to join in who hadn't actually been given a place. One had obviously misunderstood, apologised, and left. The other one kicked off at the headteacher. "I put my name down, I've told my kids we're doing it, I'm here now, you can't turn me away, you better go break my daughter's heart then, I'll be telling her this us your fault." Then she stormed out, shouting and swearing as she left.

We were still waiting for one parent, so the headteacher rang her. She told her she'd made other plans. Her kid, who was waiting patiently with all the others, piped up "she was going to *local pub* for dinner with Auntie Kirsty today. She must not be back yet." So this poor kid had to sit and make his stuff with the teacher, surrounded by other kids and their parents, because his Mother thought the pub was more important. From the way he spoke, it appeared he's used to being let down. I felt awful for him. A couple of us asked if he wanted to join us, but he didn't want to.
Someone else could have had that spot. Selfish cow.
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The weirdness that is my sister. Saw her yesterday at my mum and dad’s. She hasn’t actually spoken to me since early February 2022 because she realised she can’t manipulate me and get me to agree to everything she wants. She’s mega selfish, thoughtless and extremely rude to my mum. She talks as though she’s the authority on everything and she’s so desperate and needy for validation it’s ridiculous - for example, my dad was talking to my nephew (her son) about his training in the gym and my nephew told my dad he got a PB in lifting a certain weight - she jumped in with “did you tell Grandad Mummy’s PB? I’ve started heavy weight lifting classes too!” Like wtf, let your kid have his moment, he’s 17…. Then spent most of the afternoon calling him useless. He is such a lovely boy, I couldn’t imagine being such a massive cock to him.

Her and her husband just dominate the conversation in the house and it’s always so loud and always them complaining about something and her trying to demonstrate she’s really clever and intelligent even though she’s extremely unremarkable and a bit forgettable with fucking awful dress sense.

Thanks, I feel better now.
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A guy in Tesco just hit me in the stomach with a bag of frozen peas.

He was dicking around and showing off in front of his wife/girlfriend and spun round really fast, throwing the peas across the aisle into his trolley, except I was walking between him and the trolley and got whacked in the stomach.

I know I probably shouldn’t be as annoyed as I am because it was obviously an accident but there’s no need to be pissing around and throwing things in Tesco 😡
More and more people seem to go around acting as though there's nobody else in existence except them. It's very bloody annoying.
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Millennial Pink

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Behaviour in restaurants...

We went out for a lovely romantic meal the other night at a small restaurant (intimate, candles on the table- all very nice). Was all great until a family showed up (this must have been 8pm) with two kids in tow. The daughter, who must have been two or three was wearing pjs, a dressing gown and was missing a croc. She went round the place knocking cutlery on the floor, trying to blow out candles, gurning at us and other diners. The parents responded by calling her name occasionally but mostly leaving her to it. They then got served their food and started blasting children's tv on a tablet over the music that was already playing. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. This shit is bad enough in those chain pubs during the day but in a tiny bistro type place in the evening it's just annoying.

Shame the staff didn't tell them to do one, but if I were 19 and waitressing I wouldn't want to deal with them either.
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I feel like like the world's worst parent at the minute.

We lost our dog earlier in the year, and of course everyone was devastated and probably still are tbh. Other half said straight away we'll get another, I'm not too sure. But he had my son have literally been badgering me non stop about it the last few weeks. Today I lost it a bit and just laid it out that I don't want one.

I know it's a bit selfish of me but I feel like it will be the equivalent of having a toddler again. The brunt of the work will fall to me, my son says xyz but it won't happen. Husband is out all day, daughter hasn't said a word because she knows full well she won't do anything with it.

I feel like I'll be going backwards with my freedom, one child has left home and the other 2 are at an age of independence. I just don't feel I will have the time to give to a dog.

Arghhh I feel bad 😭
We have 2 elderly dogs, and I've already warned my Husband that I'm about 95% sure I don't want any more in the future.
We were young and a bit stupid when we got them, and I don't think we'd fully considered what having a dog would involve. I love them both, and I'll be gutted when they go, but they've been really hard work for nearly 14 years now, and I don't want to do it again.

This stage of owning them is as hard as the puppy stage was. The big one is either losing bladder control or forgets she's supposed to pee outside, so I'm regularly cleaning up after her. The little one went blind about a year ago, and still hasn't fully adjusted, so she spends half her life walking into stuff, and sometimes can't find her way in from the garden. I've had to go out in the dark and pouring rain on several occasions to find her and bring her in.

I totally agree with the freedom thing. For me it's holidays. We've had to take them away with us for the past 4 holidays now, as they're too old for kennels. It's really limited where we've been able to go, and what we've been able to do. My Husband slept on a sofa for 2 weeks on one holiday because the big one wouldn't settle when we went up to bed.

You're not a bad person. If anything, you're a good person for recognising you don't want another dog. If you got one you didn't want you'd probably end up resenting it, and your family for taking you into it.
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Bloody clothes shops - I can fit in size 14 trousers in one shop, in another I need XL. I’m wearing size 14 jeans while I’m shopping, can’t get 14s or 16s round my belly when I try them on. Oh but only black jeans, in blue in the same shop and same style the 16s fit me. But are too long. So then I go for jumpers - XL in one shop, M in another, a 12 for one thing, need a 16 in another style. FUCK OFF and make clothes in actual sizes!! If I’m a 14, I should be a 14 in *MOST* styles so I can buy online and know where I stand. Ugh.
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