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Chatty Member
Next doors brats. Sitting in the garden after I got home from work and I get “oi juicy tits, I wanna suck on them and bend you over” from A FIVE YEAR OLD ffs. Mum just laughs at him. 😑
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Picking up on something from the other thread, a few years ago I ended up with an argument with HR when they insisted I add an emergency contact to my personal info.

I put the name of my (then 16 yo) son. Told this isn't appropriate, should be 'a family member over 18'. As the patronising twat from HR put it, 'normally it would be your spouse, but some people put their parents or siblings'

The normally was like a red rag to a bull to me! So I replied pointing out that I didn't have a spouse, or siblings, and my parents died when I was in my 20s. So it would be my son or no one. They backed down.

But honestly, yet another example of stupid policies making single people feel like at best an inconvenience.
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Just taken my kid to a birthday party, was talking to my friend there, both our daughters have the same name and then birthday kids mum came over and was talking to us and said my daughter had been invited by accident because she meant to invite my friends kid and nursery gave the invite out to the wrong kid. Wow thanks for making me feel incredibly awkward 😳
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It's 1am and I can't sleep. My mind won't shut off. I've rung the taxi company, who said they aren't allowed to give me his name and number (?!) But I've spoken to the two girls from the next flat over who witnessed it, and they got a picture of him and his licence plate. They tried to show me the footage but I couldn't watch it, it's horrific, my sister is screaming worse than I've ever seen her. For context, she is really sweet and intelligent and likes to just get on with her life quietly. She has support workers in a couple of times a week and she needs to live on disability money, but also does a few hours of cleaning work a week (that is allowed in the benefits rules). She's mostly just a bit quiet and eccentric, she isn't going into meltdown all the time.

For her to be in that state on the video, she must have been terrified. The girls said he was threatening her and calling her all sorts. One of them confirmed that she hadn't started screaming until he had begun shouting at her. She was saying stuff like "I don't know what to do" and "I don't want to live". I think I'm more upset than I've been in years.

It was £fucking7 and she did have money in her account, the card just wasn't going through! Shit happens! She says she'd been on her feet for hours working and because her shoes are new, they'd cut the back of her heels, so she didn't want to walk the mile home. I don't know how to explain it to anyone who doesn't have a relative with a similar condition, but I'm just so heartbroken that she was doing something good and normal and some bastard had to ruin it for her? She was out independently, doing her job, wearing new shoes that she bought herself, budgeting her money, making a good decision not to further get cuts and blisters - all good, normal stuff. Why did he have to call her a "mongoloid"?! (It's not ok to say that to anyone, to be clear, I mean that she was doing all this stuff to live her best life and not be defined by her autism, so this fuckface has to come along and define her by her autism?)

We had some McDonald's tonight and she took a diazepam and went to bed. It was such a shit night - she was cycling in between silence and crying. Normally she talks and jokes a lot. I'm on edge waiting to see if this is all better in the morning or if it's the beginning of a long mental health spiral. I'm too angry and on edge to sleep. I've been messaging with friends and they all say stuff like "Oh, you both need a blanket and a hot chocolate" and I know they mean well, but for someone with certain disabilities, that just doesn't cut it. People are so used to thinking that autism is just being kooky that they've forgotten it can be a serious condition. My parents are kind of shit, so I don't want to get them involved. I feel really stressed and alone. I guess I might phone the support workers in the morning and see if they can send someone out urgently. I've been in all sorts of trouble with my asshole bosses, but I don't know if I can go to work tomorrow because I'm worried about leaving her alone.

Sis is very conflict averse, so she probably won't want to complain or go to the police, but I really feel like I have to. I'm wondering if I can do that without her having to get involved, maybe the neighbours evidence will be enough. She's kind of bad at putting things in perspective, like she worries that if someone is angry at her, they'll come to the house and attack her or something. It's also just really hard to convince her that things aren't her fault. It's part of the black-and-white thinking, if someone tells her she's being a bitch, it takes ages and ages to explain that it's not true, it's just that person saying shit for the sake of making themselves feel better. I have to talk round in circles for hours or days. So I'm looking forward to that - not.

I'm wondering where this fucking asshole is right now and if he's proud of himself for yelling at a vulnerable young woman half his age for ten minutes and using a slur that sounds like it's from the 19th century. I bet she's cleverer than him by a long way! He had to drive back here and give her her handbag back, then he apparently sped off without taking the payment anyway, so he's wasted more than £7, which he could have had if he'd just chilled out for one more minute and maybe thought of the possibility that his machine wasn't working!

I can't believe how long this rant is, sorry Tattlers. But this is what I want to rant about today!!
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Took my 3 year old to the library today and it was SO loud. A family had taken a trike and their kids were running riot - screaming, running all over, ramming their trike into things. Another family were also so loud and munching away on a massive share size bag of crisps and chasing the trike family round. My little one likes to sit and read stories and I had to leave because he couldn’t hear me reading.

Told a family member who said I sound like a Victorian for saying libraries are quiet spaces - am I wrong?! I’ve always taught my child to be quiet in a library but apparently this is an old fashioned view and they are there for children to enjoy books and get used to being around books - which is obv but not to use as a play gym at the same time 🙄
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Chatty Member
My autistic sister just got called a mongoloid by a taxi driver because her card wasn't working. I am beyond furious. Apparently one of her neighbours got it on her phone. We phoned the taxi company to complain, because he had driven off with my sister's handbag and debit card still in the car. The taxi office told us that he had told them that he did it because she didn't have any money. She did have the money, he just needed to wait a moment and not yell at her, because once he started shouting at her, she had a meltdown.

I am so angry I can't even function.
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The law in this country.

The flat underneath me has been vacant for a year as apparently it’s not habitable to live in because of damp. Last night, I noticed the kitchen window was open and the lights were on. Smell of strong cannabis all through the night. Came downstairs this morning and the front door was open. Very suspicious so called police. We’ll send someone out. Waited in all afternoon- They didn’t send anyone out.

Phone up the council to say erm- someone’s clearly broke in to the flat downstairs and so someone needs to come and change the locks/make it safe.

Tradesman comes this evening, gets the fucking fright of his life as he enters it and theres someone still in it! He shuts the door and effectively the person in there is trapped as there’s only one exit route. He calls the police. I call the police. My neighbour calls the police. Police eventually arrive-then have no idea they were meant to come earlier!

Gain entry, there’s a guy in there who has broken in.
I’m thinking he’s going to get charged for drug possession, breaking and entering.

Nope. He gets a lovely lift in a police car to a hostel with no absolutely charges.

I’m not a heartless bitch before anyone gets at me. It’s a vacant property and he clearly needed a home. But seriously, where’s the consequence? He’s broken the law. He’s broken into a property. He’s in possession of drugs. What’s to stop him from doing this again?!

Sick of it. Had another neighbour who got blind drunk and decided to wank off at me at 8.30am in the morning when schools kids were on their way to school. Called police. The consequence? Oh He’s very sorry and can write you an apology letter if you like. No charges for sexual harassment! I wanted him fucking charged. A apology letter is all I would have got.

It’s a joke. No wonder this country is absolutely fucked. Seemingly you can just do what you like now and get away with it.
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Took my 3 year old to the library today and it was SO loud. A family had taken a trike and their kids were running riot - screaming, running all over, ramming their trike into things. Another family were also so loud and munching away on a massive share size bag of crisps and chasing the trike family round. My little one likes to sit and read stories and I had to leave because he couldn’t hear me reading.

Told a family member who said I sound like a Victorian for saying libraries are quiet spaces - am I wrong?! I’ve always taught my child to be quiet in a library but apparently this is an old fashioned view and they are there for children to enjoy books and get used to being around books - which is obv but not to use as a play gym at the same time 🙄
I was complaining on another thread about our local library, it has been turned into one of these modern shared space things, and has a coffee bar in the middle of it.

I know I'm old, but the beauty of a library was always the peace and quiet. I love seeing children in libraries enjoying books, but I agree they should do so quietly and respectfully.

Unfortunately in recent years, especially the last decade we seem to have created a world where everyone makes as much noise as possible all the time, and the only ones who ever seem to be told to pipe down are middle aged opinionated women (as a middle aged opinionated woman i am very aware of this!)
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I'm just feeling absolutely broken at the minute. So much going on in my life (nothing major or unusual, just i have a lot going on with job, domestic tasks, parenting two teens) and I'm a massive overthinker. So the last few weeks I've been suffering work related panic attacks as my work has been the target of some obsessive social media accounts and this has triggered a depressive episode which has been such a fucking struggle to pull myself out of. However I have turned a corner and feeling better but it was a gargantuan effort.

Visited family this evening to discover a close family member is having what I think are paranoid delusions and I'm the only one they are confiding in.

I'm just so broken and exhausted from dealing with the last few weeks emotionally and mentally that i simply can't cope with this. I feel like I'm being a drama queen even writing this as objectively nothing bad has happened, just dealing with my emotions and thoughts have left me a shell of a person.

I have so much shame around my feelings and behaviour and am a massive people pleaser. So now I'm back on a downward spiral of sadness anger and frustration.

Hate my brain sometimes. I don't know where to turn. I have a partner and friends but I don't even want to talk about how I feel as it all seems so trivial and pointless when there are people out there with much bigger worries and problems.
For the last paragraph, something I read or someone told me, I can't remember, but I found helpful is
"The worst thing you're going through, is the worst thing you're going through, you can't compare your pain to someone else's"

For example, my stepdad dying was one of the worst times in my life, my MH was absolutely shit & I couldn't function. My friend, he has PTSD from being a para in the army. His worst time and mine are not comparable, but we both felt the worst we have ever felt. Our situations were different, but the pain was not.
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Daisy Uncle

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I'm in hospital, the 5 person bay is hotter than the surface of the sun. 2ineffectual fans, and a window that opens about 3 inches. We're in full Sun most of the day. I'm in as an emergency, need surgery, they ran out of time on friday, so it's Monday morning. I'm not thrilled, but hey ho. Then yesterday the weekend Dr bounces in, says hi, you're all better we're stopping meds and you're going home! I struggled to be polite, explained awaiting surgery etc. He said oh, k and left. Then last night at midnight I queried where my antibiotics were, oh Dr reduced them. Me, well he's obviously made (another) mistake, but I've got to wait and see whoever Dr turns up today to rectify it.
Tbh I could rant about various things for another ten posts, but I'll spare us all.
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I have had the annual horror this week of trying to book the work Christmas Party. I have successfully bypassed requests for carveries, dinner dances at the local old people's home, somewhere that does "proper English food", and found a pub that's in a central location between everyone and does great food with a good range of choice. I've even blagged a private dining room as we've booked ahead.

Then one sparks up this afternoon "is it Ok to bring my 3 year old". And the crafty fucker has rung the venue themselves and sorted out a child's meal and highchair. Now everyone else is kicking off and saying they're not coming because they don't want to spend the night with a kid that should be in bed. Deep breath.
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Chatty Member

Seeing this has really annoyed me this evening!! I want these “influencers” to die a death!!! Not encourage more of them to think it’s an actual worthy career. Like these narcissists need any further encouragement to their already inflated ego- “ohh I’ve got a degree in influencing, I’m so important” ffff off.
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Dog prams for elderly dogs aren’t that bad surely. Where is your heart you monster 🤣
Keep them at home then. It’s creepy AF glancing into a pram expecting a baby and finding some ratty, smelly, bug eyed little bischon frise looking back up at you.
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So mine might sound a tad dramatic, (blame the heat!).
I placed an online order for the following items from a well-known High Street chemist:
1 Electric Toothbrush
8x replacement heads
1 bottle of Lube.
On paper it sounds like I may have a bit of a kink but the Toothbrush and heads were a gift and the lube was for me as I'm menopausal and lubricant is a godsend.
My parcel arrived today damaged and partially open with outer wrapping from the courier with- guess what missing!!?
So I've now had to email (between cringing), having to state that my "Lovehoney play water-based lube" is missing" and could I have another please?
And I'm now paranoid that someone is having a right laugh that It'll be a really rough night trying to get an electric toothbrush and 8 heads up without it 🤣🤣.
(From under my shame-blanket),
Captain H 🙂
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Elle Woods

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My bfs sister just came round to collect something she’s borrowing off me and whilst she was stood in the front room waiting for me to grab it she blew my candle out and said “I hate that smell” and I just think that it was really rude 😂
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Chatty Member
I know this will have been said before but people who record themselves crying and make a bloody montage out of it 😭😭 how are you inconsolably crying and think "hold on, let me get my camera out"? When do you decide you've recorded enough and end the recording? Do you stop crying once you've stopped recording?? I just can't. I see influencers doing this all the time and I'm like WHY!?
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Can I rant about the incredibly irritating adverts that pop up at the bottom of the Tattle page 🤬
You click the X then they appear again 2 seconds later.
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Chatty Member
You can guarantee that if anyone HAD reached out to grab or stop her child she would have kicked off about that too 🙄 ridiculous woman.
If someone had tried to stop him she would have started shouting Dont put your hands on my precious Xbdurifmdhegeh ( pronounced John) or I will have you arrested.
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People talking loudly on their phones on public transport. No one wants to hear about your crap. Use text message or facebook messenger like a normal bloody person.
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