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Years ago my parents went to a birthday party in a community centre/hall type of place. While they were there a couple had a row and the man stormed off somewhere, the wife well sod him, let him stew etc. About an hour or so later the man then fell through the roof and landed on the dance floor. God knows why he’d climbed onto the roof? Lucky someone wasn’t killed really.
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It does sound like something from a morecombe and wise sketch I won't lie 🤣 🤣 🤣

I've remembered another thing. I went to a friends sleepover at 13 and a family friend was there who was 35 with his 19 year old girlfriend :)oops:)
and they stayed the night in the spare room.

Didn't think much of it at the time but now I'm like whyyyyy were they are a 13 year olds birthday party?
Ew. Nasty.

I went to a party when I was student nurse, the radiographer invited me and some fellow nursing students, it was her husband's birthday. She seemed really nice and even said we could all stay over, so no need for taxis home. Off we went in our party frocks and heels, nicely lubricated with a few glasses of wine before we arrived.

Her husband was much, much older than the rest of the guests, we were all 18 - 20. The lights were dimmed and the TV went on, and we were treated to a delightfully graphic porn film. Then we were offered the opportunity to have some fun with the birthday boy :sick: :sick::sick: We all politely declined - much to his disgust. The rest of the evening was spent plotting how to leave - their house was in the middle of nowhere and this was pre-mobile phones (yes I am ancient). We decided we'd walk back, regardless of how long it took, and as we all left, we nearly fell over birthday boy humping one of his party guests by the bins.

I would have felt sorry for his wife, but they obviously had an open marriage. I wish she had told me at the time of the invitation exactly what sort of party it was :D :D
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Mrs Cucumber

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I think the weirdest party we went too was with my daughter, the invites had no names on, they just invited the whole year group with a added note saying absolutely no siblings as entertainment wouldn't stretch that far. Got the party, it was a empty hall in the local community centre, no decoration, no music, just about 10 balloons floating around the room! Party food was just Jaffa cakes, choc fingers and party rings. No birthday cake, no entertainment nothing! All parents got a text after saying thank you z had the best day ever!
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I read this post on reddit and thought it was bizarre so I was wondering if anyone had any weird birthday party stories to share!

"Earlier today I went to a birthday party for my daughters (6) friend from school. The party was being held at Build a Bear, but it wasn’t run by the employees. We had cake and pizza in the food court, then went down to BAB to make bears, then back to friends house for the rest of the party.
The invitation said each kid (about 8 total) would get to make a Bear, and I just assumed they would get to take them home, since that is what happened at another BAB party I went to. Me and my husband even pitched in about 30 dollars as we know these things can get expensive.
We get to the store, and the kids go wild getting their animals and accessories. As far as I know the parents didn’t really put a limit, but I made my daughter stick to just a standard dog with a shirt, which about half the parents did as well. All is well, we leave the store, then friends mom announces that the kids need to give all their animals to her daughter. Cue the upset and angry kids. They all disappointingly handed over their animals, and friend wasn’t even being nice about it either. Another little boy didn’t want to, and friend ripped it out of his hands. I probably should have said something, but I didn’t. The other parents seemed pretty baffled too.
We get back to friends house and our kids are watching as friend plays with all her new animals. I left with my daughter pretty quickly, and once we got back into the car she just started bawling. I felt bad so we went to build a bear and got her a new one.
I’m just wondering if this is totally normal and I should have expected this, or am I being an entitled parent?
This afternoon at school pickup me and another parent had a chance to talk with the mom of the party. It wasn’t a long conversation, but I’ll do my best to re-enact it here. Moms fake name will be Karen.
Insert awkward small talk here
Karen- ... I hope the girls enjoyed (daughters) party the other day. I know (daughter) had lots of fun.
Other mom- Haha yeah I was actually wondering about the whole (daughter) getting all the bears thing. The kids seemed pretty upset afterwards.
Karen- Oh yeah we wanted (daughter) to have a special animal decorated by each of her friends.
Me- Oh okay. I was just wondering why the kids didn’t get to keep their bears. I even pitched in a little bit of money, assuming the bears would go to the kids.
Karen- Well I didn’t have enough money for each of the guests to make their own, that would get pretty expensive! If you want your money back I’ll see about getting it back to you. I don’t really see the problem though.
Me- Okay, well the kids were forced to give away their new creations, obviously they are going to be upset about it. I also don’t see why your daughter needs all these animals.
Karen didn’t respond and walked away right after, probably offended.
What bothers me is she said she “didn’t have enough money for all the kids to have one”, but she did have enough for her daughter to get like 8 bears. Just doesn’t really make sense.
Now I admit I’m not the most confrontational person, so I probably should have talked to her more about it. Anyways, I guess we sort of worked it out, no ones fighting, so I’m not sure I’m going to mention it to her again. Sorry this wasn’t the most satisfying ending. But thanks for all the love and support, it means a lot."
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My friend's husband used to be a DJ (weddings and stuff, not raves and dance parties :D ) and he offered to provide the music at my son's 5th birthday party at the church hall. My friend worked at a sweet factory and offered to provide some goodies using her staff discount. Imagine 40 over-excited 5 year olds dancing to the birdie song and Oops Upside Your Head, combined with god knows what E numbers and and an overdose of sugar...oh my God, the noise, the shrieking, it was pandemonium - the kids loved it, mind. I still have the video of it. After that, parties were very low key. Two or three friends, a DVD and a pizza, nothing more.
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The weirdest for me was about 15 I think. Got invited to a friends house for a party and her mother let us out onto the street and told us to do what we wanted until our parents picked us up. It was 8pm in September! My dad walked past on his way to the pub and went mental 🤣
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Chatty Member
I love this thread 😂 been to a few a birthday parties as a youngster (I’m talking 12/13) where we were literally left to run riot through the streets. The parents literally didn’t give a shit! One girls birthday I was 12 and we went to her house for a sleepover. I have no idea where her mum was but we were still outside messing about at 4am. This was July so it was practically daylight and we got stopped by the police. They were probably like why the fuck are 10 twelve year olds skipping down the main road?
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I think the weirdest party we went too was with my daughter, the invites had no names on, they just invited the whole year group with a added note saying absolutely no siblings as entertainment wouldn't stretch that far. Got the party, it was a empty hall in the local community centre, no decoration, no music, just about 10 balloons floating around the room! Party food was just Jaffa cakes, choc fingers and party rings. No birthday cake, no entertainment nothing! All parents got a text after saying thank you z had the best day ever!
Gosh this sounds like the same kids party I went to years ago... my son had an invite to a party from a child who's name I hadnt really heard leaving my boys gob so I assumed it was a whole class invite. Same, destitute, barely lit, grubby community hall with a table of jaffa cakes and cheese and onion crisps, a whole class of kids running amok for a couple of hours. Souless, no music, no entertainer, nothing! I left very greasy, exhausted and with the worlds worst headache .. even though I didnt talk to anyone, sat twiddling my thumbs (the school he went to, the parents were quite cliquey) the parent in question didnt welcome anyone, thank anyone, etc. Infact it took me ages to work out who the birthday child was.
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Well-known member
Years ago my parents went to a birthday party in a community centre/hall type of place. While they were there a couple had a row and the man stormed off somewhere, the wife well sod him, let him stew etc. About an hour or so later the man then fell through the roof and landed on the dance floor. God knows why he’d climbed onto the roof? Lucky someone wasn’t killed really.
7 am and I’m absolutely crying at this 😂😂😂 this has cheered me up, thank you!!!
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VIP Member
I think the weirdest party we went too was with my daughter, the invites had no names on, they just invited the whole year group with a added note saying absolutely no siblings as entertainment wouldn't stretch that far. Got the party, it was a empty hall in the local community centre, no decoration, no music, just about 10 balloons floating around the room! Party food was just Jaffa cakes, choc fingers and party rings. No birthday cake, no entertainment nothing! All parents got a text after saying thank you z had the best day ever!
Jaffa cakes, choc fingers and party rings sound like my kinda party food :D
So no musical chairs, pass the parcel, grandmother's footsteps, farmer's in his den games? No party bags at the end? How disappointing. Apart from the food, obviously.
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Chatty Member
My friends family is pretty messed up, she had a 21st birthday party and in the middle of the party her step dad proposed to her mum. She was fuming and the step dad cheated literally a couple of weeks later anyway!
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VIP Member
I love this thread 😂 been to a few a birthday parties as a youngster (I’m talking 12/13) where we were literally left to run riot through the streets. The parents literally didn’t give a shit! One girls birthday I was 12 and we went to her house for a sleepover. I have no idea where her mum was but we were still outside messing about at 4am. This was July so it was practically daylight and we got stopped by the police. They were probably like why the fuck are 10 twelve year olds skipping down the main road?
I had a similar experience. My dad walked past on his way to the pub and lost his mind when he saw us roaming the streets in the rain at like 9 in the night.

The girl who's birthday it was like "why would you tell your dad it makes my parents look bad?"

I was stood there like I've got bad news for you hun he saw us and your parents are bad.
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I imagine I'm the weird story people recount from birthday parties.

Being coeliac, I have to be very careful what I eat and what I eat from (cross-contamination is a thing), and find it far easier to take my own food, plate, glass and utensils (I always make sure there's plenty of food to share with others though - I'm not mean about it). I always tell the host beforehand and say to them it might be easier if I don't come as I don't want to offend anyone (friends and family are very understanding of the situation), but I still get weird looks from other attendees. Sometimes an explanation suffices; other times they just look at me in sheer disbelief.

I much prefer to stay home nowadays for this reason. The only time I feel I can really relax is when I host the coeliac group catch-up at my house and know that everything is completely safe.

~ ~ ~

Not my story, but heard firsthand ... a lady I know accompanied her six year old to a party at a very flash house. They didn't know the people so well; the kid was quite new at their school. The house was absolutely gorgeous and in show home condition because - you guessed it, it was a show home. Sneaky woman worked as a cleaner for the show home company and didn't want to mess up her own house or hire a hall or something, so used her work premises. The white carpet got tomato sauce all over it and damage was caused to one of the glass balustrades ... it would've been interesting hearing her try to explain that.
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That's so funny! Kids don't even really dance either they just run around, I bet it was chaos! I think I'd rather soft play 🤣 🤣
Yes, when I say dancing, it was more racing around the room, getting each other into headlocks and doing 5 year old versions of rugby tackles :D :D Soft play is tame compared to that bloody party! ;)
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Omg she was basically trying to pimp you all out to her husband!
I know, I think she'd told her husband we were his birthday present. Unfortunately she neglected to tell any of us :D And the subtlety of the porn film, supposedly to get us all in the mood...still gives me shudders of revulsion even now!
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My friend's husband used to be a DJ (weddings and stuff, not raves and dance parties :D ) and he offered to provide the music at my son's 5th birthday party at the church hall. My friend worked at a sweet factory and offered to provide some goodies using her staff discount. Imagine 40 over-excited 5 year olds dancing to the birdie song and Oops Upside Your Head, combined with god knows what E numbers and and an overdose of sugar...oh my God, the noise, the shrieking, it was pandemonium - the kids loved it, mind. I still have the video of it. After that, parties were very low key. Two or three friends, a DVD and a pizza, nothing more.

That's so funny! Kids don't even really dance either they just run around, I bet it was chaos! I think I'd rather soft play 🤣 🤣
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