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VIP Member
I agree it must be awful but sweet jesus on a camel she's milking it! The sad video with puppy eyes, oh I'm in pain. She's a scrounger. If you're in pain, put your phone down and have a kip, get yourself right for your kids. She's had her teeth out not a tumour removed. A follower wrote 'my hearts breaking for you'. Really? Really? Oh get her kids a christmas present off her wishlist. That'll help, or bung her £20 so she can get off her shed. And who are all her recent love songs about? Katie? Wouldn't surprise me it's a money maker for them both.

Katie is a true narcissist. People throw the word around tiktok for fun but Katie is the true version of the word. She's manipulative and dangerous and what you see on TT is not the true Katie. Her mask slips from time to time and you get a glimpse but her adoring fans are under her spell. It's bizarre, it narcissistic and I hope to god she gets caught out.
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They are all as bad as each other, sit about all day long doing nothing but beg online for people daft enough to be sending them money and gifts.
Katie’s latest tik tok ‘oh I’ve got to get the kids ready for bath and bed and sort lunches and everything else’
Yeah so do the rest of us hun as well as working a full time job 🤣
it’s so wrong! Absolute begging scruff bags the lot of em
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Active member
Katie has just been live saying the police are logged in & watching all her lives!!!
That’s the hugely underfunded & stretched police force having officers sat waiting to watch TikTok lives …… alrighty 🙄
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New member
She is the most toxic person on the app! Linda is a fool for constantly going back considering she breast fed Linda’s kitten and is horrible to one of her daughters. She claims to keep her private life off social media but can’t help herself…then preaches mental health and be kind when it all goes wrong and people have there say! She’s going on about how skint she is and struggling for kids birthdays and Christmas yet she’s planning her next hair braid session. She is a compulsive liar and the worlds biggest attention seeker who’s whole life revolves around social media….
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Katie finished her live last night with the “I feel a little dizzy guys think I am having a seizure coming on” 😴the level of manipulation is crazy with this girl and people are so stupid believing her “I am so kind and want to help everyone”
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VIP Member
Oh funny Iv saw this. I'm seeing a lot of lesbian creators talking about gay bars & how they don't want straight people in those spaces. Okay valid. But one of the points they make is if they hit on someone and it's declined or not reciprocated that's just a straight person coming to a bar to avoid straight men. But what if, might be a crazy concept not everyone who's LGBTQ+ isn't at a bar to get hit on? Maybe they are jus there to have fun. Not wanting to be hit on or chatted up doesn't make someone straight. So I find that way of thinking very toxic
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Katie Bailey is one of the biggest narcissists I've ever seen, she went from showing all her notes on TT, to saying how well off she is, to making a clothing brand now eating beans on toast. She was with Linda, left Linda got with her best mate, left her best mate got back with Linda, left Linda got with Riley, left Riley now looks like back with Linda and this is what I've seen in the past 6 months. And yeah I saw the pictures that Leo posted of her breastfeeding the cat WTAF. And now she's set up a go fund me to get Linda new teeth????
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Exactly , yesterday she said she was taking time out from social media for her mental health Problems, stating that she’s struggling and for people not to worry that she will be back, she was crying and saying she will still support people when she has come back from her “ self care “ few days but within 2 hours she was back doing tiktoks ! Plus the other day saying her sister was complaining about not having money for the latest things / fashion etc and saying how she herself sacrifices everything for her kids and eats beans on toast , while sitting in a Nike hoody and braided hair , very manipulative! The things she quoted when she was with inked Reilly how she was fantastic then boom she was dumped people are fools falling for her bullshit ,
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I can't be doing with them, but I was flicking through lives and Katie was joking how the tax payers were going to fund their new home together. Them poor kids must wonder who the bloody hell she's bringing home next 🙄
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New member
Katie claimed she was so skint she put up an Amazon wish list for ‘help’ for her boys birthday, yet she goes to Linda’s and proposes, buys Linda’s kids new toys etc! She moans when people ask personal questions but she’s the one putting her personal life on social media. She’s come back from Linda’s trying to be like Linda which isn’t funny at all 😂 her kid also never seems to be at school and she puts up zero fight to get him there.
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VIP Member
I feel really sorry for Linda. I hope things work out for her. I don’t think she’s that bad to be honest. I quit like Hannah too but there is something about Katie Bailey that unsettles me.
I’m exactly like that too, Katie gives me bad vibes too. All the taking her little boy his food and him saying ‘thank you mummy it looks beautiful’ looks a bit staged to me, it might not be but it just gives off these vibes.
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I hear Katie bailey is very manipulative they say ,first she was in a relationship with Linda Rawlings then they split up , then they got back together then they split again and Linda Rawlings said it was one big game plan , then 2 weeks ago she was with inked Riley who is very delicate frame of mind lately the they fell out and she’s back “friends” with Linda Rawlings again , and she claims she’s super nice and does so much for charity and then she was saying that she hasn’t got much to buy her little boy presents for his birthday,then boom this morning lots of presents in the post , and when she has fallen out with these girls they all have the same theme they say she’s manipulative and calculating and narcissistic, yet she comes across super nice , I cannot keep up with it all, but all her ex “friends” say she’s a master manipulator!
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VIP Member
She is an absolute twat and absolutely EVERYTHING that is wrong with the world.
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Katie and Linda need their own thread on here , I wonder who made the most in gifts/money/wishlist items this past year ?
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Well-known member
Just googled the mobile number that Katie was apparently saying was from a DV lawyers that will be representing her and it’s actually a debt collector…it also said something about Family lawyer and tech discount? Girls a nutter, definitely a compulsive liar, if you watch her lives all the way back she trips herself up constantly yet these people still seem to lap it up?!
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VIP Member

This woman is a fake! Honestly have never seen so much bu**sh*t in my life. The way she talks to her sons in so forced and cringy. The way she spoke when she proposed was so false and patronising.
she was on live earlier crying she couldn’t breath and cld barely walk she was so ill then next minute she out shopping with her mate! I honestly don’t understand how people are so blind to her, I find it weird
I agree think her followers are just as bad, she’s very sly she deletes every negative comment she did it with mine and a few others who called her out, can’t believe how narcissistic she is x
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I think Hannah just has manic days where a lot will happen in a day, it’s mental health and if she’s on one then it’s best to avoid the lives, but when she’s ok she’s lovely on there, I’ve spoken to her a few times before on live. I think she’s paranoid as well as she still has Katie’s trolls coming in.

Linda, well. I think she is a nice girl but the smoking weed in your kids bedroom and all around the house whilst her 2 year old is there is pretty disgusting, and the whole hinting that she has no money and then people are asking for her PayPal, I can’t believe people just part with money like that to random strangers.
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Well-known member
How gullible are those people who give money to this beggar?! She’s cutting about in Balenciaga trainers and designer clothing every day yet claims to be on the bread line. She used to flaunt her notes yet now she’s living hand to mouth. She’s one of the biggest con artists I’ve come across.
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New member
Have you lot seen her TT about how people gifted her 6 carousels in her latest live and how it costs people £44 to send yet she only makes £8 per carousel. She said she's heartbroken as that money was for her children for Christmas, she's now put her PayPal in her bio.

And have you also seen the TT where she said her breathing was really bad, yet in a video posted an hour later she's speaking normal?

Shes a vindictive horrible woman
Just seen, pretty sure in the past she has slandered people in the past about having wishlists and PayPal in bio, she’s a hypocrite! This girl needs serious help, she is mentally unstable, what’s worse is people actually believe her, it’s all for attention
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