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Newmember you are welcome
Love the kits actually that’s not true I have been called the C word which is bad. Been told to F off and a few others. It’s fine I just wanted to share I am really Ellen.
I told you to fuck off and I stand by my comment.

Let's say for a moment that you ARE a legit early retiree from a 32-year career with an aerospace company - a retiree who somehow doesn't know how to use basic punctuation.

It's one thing if you give your opinion (example - Trackers are awesome!); it's one thing if you correct someone's inaccuracy (example - the building was red, it was not blue)

YOU, on the other hand, flat out shut down anyone who offers even the smallest objective criticism or honest observation or genuine opinion of the content of a vlog that the Trackers put out - or even something one may see with Jackson.

YOU offer snark back to them.

YOU disallow someone to have their words read by others, as that person typically - like magic! - gets deleted and banned shortly thereafter.

The Trackers do not walk on water. The Trackers have done TONS of things that render them complete hypocrites during this pandemic (and you know that). The Trackers have been flat-out awful to people in the past. The Trackers have put their child out into the public realm literally since birth. If one puts content out there into the world, expect others to comment - and that includes both good AND bad.

If someone has a difference of opinion than yours or makes an honest observation, it is NOT your personal duty to constantly monitor the comments section of their vlogs OR this board for reasons to respond in a snarky retort to shut them down.

As I said previously, I suggest you get a hobby as the early retiree you are. You cannot use COVID as an excuse for boredom. You can get a hobby that doesn't involve spending all your time refreshing comments sections to offer snark responses to people who are voicing honest opinions or concerns.

Because you know what you're doing when you do that? You're simply driving more people to sites like this. People see how you responded to their comment (and read your response to others), get the impression the Trackers have wacky sycophant fans defending their every move, get even MORE disillusioned with the Trackers, and find us. Be aware that the GREAT majority of people on this board (including myself) used to be loyal fans of the Trackers.
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They regifted Jackson’s own birthday gifts as his Christmas gifts! 😳
Because Jenn says in the most snarky tone ever that grandpa & grandma gave him too much for his bday! How ungrateful can you be! There are plenty of grandparents who don’t give a F about their grandkids. Could she be a bigger bitch?
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Hello everyone!
Short time lurker, first time poster. Today was the day I finally unsubscribed from TTT. I hate to say that I feel sad, but I do. I had been a subscriber since 2016 but I can no longer support the hot mess that is their channel. I used to watch their videos everyday, they were by far my favorite YouTubers, and super cringey to say but I used to think Jenn was great lol. We’re talking like 2015 purple hair Jenn. The first red flag for me was I saw one of Jenn’s infamous twitter wars happen in real time and it was horrible. Then Jenn treating Tim horrifically about their stupid couch buying fiasco. And finally their godawful first podcast episode when they were fighting. All of that was super cringe but I somehow still hung on lol. But the final nails in the coffin for me have been their hideous thumbnails of Jenn, the way they exploit Jackpot 24/7, and the way they bitch about everything even though they drop tons of money and live a life that most people would be over the moon with. Their behavior, especially Jenn’s, is just something I absolutely can no longer support. Thanks to all of you for opening my eyes and fighting the good fight lol
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Merry Christmas & Happy holidays back to you brokenYeti (love the name) and to All on here.
May we finish out this year in a positive light and start off 2021 with hopes and dreams revived in the New Year.

View attachment 359389
Merry Christmas to you all and happy holidays too. Being banned by the trackholes led me here to you guys and I’m glad for it. Here’s to 2021! hoping health and happiness to my Tattler thread crew.
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The Tim Slacker is at Gatorland to see some of their Holiday offerings.

Tim is excited because it's been awhile since he's been.

Tim is getting a tour for the Holiday Ho-ho-ho-Down

Tim is thoroughly amused by all the little baby gators.

Tim likes they cross "Claus" and replace it with Claws because you know alligators have claws.

We get to see the Holiday Skunk-Ape sing Christmas carols by grunting random things.

Tim really likes Gator Claws...Tim is confused does he only bring gifts to gators or to everyone?

We get footage of Timbo doing his best glamour shots poses in his 2 sizes too small shorts putting his enormous dumper in the face of one gator.

Now it's Adam's turn and he's struggling to keep his balance for the pose. It's not until nearly 11 minutes in that Tim acknowledges Adam is also there.

Some of these gators are enormous chungus's. They have the mobility and reflexes of Jennbo after she slept for 12+ hours.

Adam is using Timbo as a human shield. Smart move.

We get to see the Capybaras who are apparently babies of the Capybaras' that the Slackers sponsored at that Animal Rescue thing.

Tim and Adam have a debate on how to pronounce "emu"

Tim is very excited to see the white alligators....I wonder why *wink wink*

They are going to enter the Saltwater Crocodile exhibit. Tim is doubly nervous.

Tim is no Steve Irwin.

It's ridiculous the power and speed of these crocs...

The crocs somehow eat more gracefully than Jenn.

They then go on the Gatorland Christmas Train.

LOL Tim's food review was like 5 seconds long.

So much of this footage was trash tier due to harsh lighting conditions.

LOL everything TImbo showed is only happening on the weekends, and there is only one weekend left....Great job advertising something that when it goes up, will give people 24-48 hours to go experience even if possible.

They are trash tier people, vloggers, and everything in between.

It's an absolute sham they've sat on this footage for so long when they were #hosted to show off these offerings.
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I just got back from 12 nights at Disney world which were amazing and me and my wife ran into the trackers on our last day on our way out of Magic kingdom they were just standing off to the side by Tony's.
The wife pointed them out since we've been looking for vloggers our whole trip and we ran into a few but these were the big dogs that we loved to rag on while watching their crap.
They were pleasant surprisingly, Jen was definitely more engaging Tim was kind of standing there. We pretended to enjoy their videos but I had to ask a couple hard hitting questions. The one that I really had to ask was do they read the comments and cringe at the ones that gush over Jackson and they said they really don't notice that many and I happen to say really since we see quite a few but maybe you guys don't read them all and there was a little hesitation in their answer I can tell.

I also just asked a couple bullshit fluff questions and I did notice that Tim's voice did not sound so much like Kermit the frog in real life so it he's definitely putting on more of a persona with that voice for the videos which was kind of surprising. They both looked a lot more frumpy and fluffy I guess from eating all this shit in the Parks all the time Jackson was there and I did ask do they find it weird to be in the Parks all the time with the kid and the virus they said they were leaving cause they thought it was too busy which the park was that's why we were kind on the way out. but it was our last day at Disney world so we already been here 12 days.
I asked if they had any staycations planned kind of as a jab but they thought it was a legit question so they said they were just at one night at Bay lake tower and they were heading back over there since the park was busy.
I did ask if they were going on rides anytime soon, they kinda implied they might. I asked if they went to the universal Orlando informer and they thought about it and asked if we went and we did fri 11th and told them a little about it and they asked if it was busy which it was and Tim said glad they didn't go, wonder if they didn't go since they were not invited and Jackie was. I ran into her and the woo at wilderness lodge and she is awesome in person too. very happy and thrilled I told her we watch her videos.
Thought I give my run ins if anyone cares to read. thanks
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Just to put this in perspective for any tracker fans lurking 👀: Imagine how many groceries $300 can buy for those “furloughed” employees. Not to mention that staycation “they deserve”.
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RE: the bankruptcy thing - Jenn just quoted the Michael Scott "I... DECLARE... BANKRUPTCY" line from The Office. She was trying to be funny but it just came off as super insensitive and shows her default level of humor is highschool mean girl.
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Long time lurker and previous poster on GG here...I was a fan of the Slackers a year or two ago and, like so many others, was put off by the constant flexing and multitude of "home vlogs" (does anyone actually give AF what these rednecks are doing at home? So fucking self indulgent). Anyway, the real turning point for me was when Tim filmed the birth of Jackson and uploaded it to their channel. I have a serious issue with any new dad that would rather view the birth of his child from behind a camera lens than in real life (but I expect nothing less from money grabbing Dim), but to then upload the content to their channel and make money from it? Disgusting. And for the first year of Jack$on's life they have continued to disgust me. That kid is nothing but a prop to them, and more importantly, he can't consent to this footage of him being used. I wouldn't dream of putting my kid on YouTube for random strangers to fawn over (and they have some weird ass stans). The whole situation is massively disturbing.

Although...I am looking forward to seeing Jack$on at aged 2/3, as that's when having a kid really does become all consuming. If Jenn can't keep a tidy house or find 10 minutes to wash her hair now when he's still not fully mobile, she's going to have a rude awakening in a years time.

And I can't fucking wait! :LOL:
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Oh & does anyone else feel sad that Jackson spent his Christmas Eve stuck in a stroller in
theme park? There was no setting out cookies for Santa. There was no watching of Christmas movies or reading him stories. No start of new traditions.
They could have done an outside visit to his grandparents for Christmas Eve & instead spent it lugging him around with thousands of strangers. Yuck.
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I hate Gatorland with a passion. All that hick shtick and using animals for money. They're not a rescue or a sanctuary, just a sideshow.

OT, and I'm not sure if you've ever been to Gatorland in person, but it's not entirely what these dumb vloggers always show. In fact, they typically show a small fraction of what's there.

It's more than just hicks too (I presume you're implying whites). One of their longest and most loyal and beloved employees was a hugely awesome and memorable African American man and his kids and grandkids have worked (and grandkids still work) at Gatorland to this day.

Also, they actually *do* do rescues (even traveling out of state sometimes) and they regularly take gators into their care who have been deemed nuisance gators thanks to people's treatment of them and they'd otherwise be destroyed / euthanized. Some of their longest lived residents would have been killed years ago due to people's stupidity if it weren't for GL saving them and caring for them. They also have more than just gators there - animals who they've worked with FWC or other organizations who have been deemed non-releasable due to injury or human imprint, or animals that were from other rehab facilities deemed non-releasable due to human stupidity.

They also have an extremely well-known, huge native-birds (nontagged; they can come and go as they please) breeding marsh and rookery on property that sees hundreds, if not thousands, of birds annually flock there to give birth and raise their young. It's really a sight to see. Nature photographers come from all over to photograph there. It's listed in numerous birding sites and books.

There's also a beautiful and peaceful swamp walk - an elevated walkway you walk through of acres upon acres of natural wetlands - I've seen racoons, otters, snakes, different frog species, etc. doing their thing back there - it's actually a marsh that is protected and serves as the headwaters to the Everglades. There's even a 500-year-old Cypress back there to view. It's all quiet back there and no one really even goes back there much.

And no, I'm not affiliated with Gatorland or anything but I did have a close friend who worked there years ago and it's just a wonderful group of really caring people - super serious about animal conservation, education (vloggers never show all the educational placards all over), and protection though they present a jokey, lighthearted "hick" front.

I just know it's been around for 70+ years, is an Orlando icon, and they do so much good that they don't get enough credit for or the average person knows much about, and vloggers don't do it justice 99.99% of the time. :)
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Long time lurker (from GG) and first time poster!
I think he might've pigeon-holed himself into moving. After that recent road trip with his *cough* lady friend *cough* I think he got bored in California after being on the road and going places then coming back, to what seems like a complete shutdown of his area. Filmed the video thinking out loud and felt the need to commit possibly, especially with being back in Florida? That's a huge statement to make then just leave it and continue on..

Maybe I'm just cheap (lol), but 2 leases at "homesteads" you'll barely stay at seems like a lot. He mentioned so much he wants to do in California but then jumps at theme parks in Florida at any moment. I used to enjoy his livestreams from the Hollywood area and seeing that part of Los Angeles. I give it a year at most in Celebration but wouldn't surprised if it was somewhere else in Florida or Southern California.

IMOH too, I think the whole "why I'm single" in that video from his original announcement was little "me doth protest too much" but hey, its fun to speculate on here haha

*Merry Christmas Eve/Happy Holidays to all who celebrate!*
Merry Christmas & Happy holidays back to you brokenYeti (love the name) and to All on here.
May we finish out this year in a positive light and start off 2021 with hopes and dreams revived in the New Year.

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Oh geesh - :rolleyes:

Amy Rezulak7 hours ago
Anyone else experiencing when you watch Tim, Jenn and Jackson other negative video offers pop up as "recommended watches" of mean spirited people making videos about them? I have been a long time fan for years and am just a human who believes in kindness is always so that was so alarming to see people are so fixated on mean or negative things in a world when we need to help not hurt and heal the world together. Is there a way to report or remove those kind of videos or like it is up for grabs because it is an opinion based video? I just feel it is so inappropriate and unfair to their family because they are PEOPLE not just entertainers/celebrities/YouTubers
Why would you ever put a pic of your kid on your comments?
If making fun of other's content was against the law SNL would have been out of business long ago.

FRE... thank you for your videos, they're entertaining and hold a certain component of truth to them. If I don't like one, I just move on, but the effort is always appreciated.
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Nice! (y)

william8 minutes ago
Long time subscriber and really loved the videos for years but recently I'm Getting fed up of the constant showing off "look at what we spent a load of money on" particularly when u do a segment at the end of your vlog. Come on now trackers !!!

Amy Jacob28 minutes ago
Guys I've been watching you guys for years and never really comment on anything and I especially don't like to be negative but i really think a 300 dollar jacket is a bit much - i don't think its really necessary to show those kinds of purchases on your channel especially when so many people are struggling at the moment 😒

Capragore57 minutes ago
I must preface this by stating that we love the Trackers. We have been watching them for years and will continue to do so They seem like a lovely, humble family. However, it has become increasingly difficult to watch their seemingly endless extravagance during this pandemic period. In times when people are cutting back because they have lost their jobs or are in fear of losing their jobs, do we really need to see them buy a $300 jacket. Surely this part could have been edited out. It just sticks in the throat a little when they end the videos by shining a light on people or enterprises that are struggling to make ends meet. It just feels wrong and a touch insensitive. I hope this comment gets back to them so they can reflect. They seem like good people who would welcome this feedback.
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Well it's a Christmas Miracle, the Slackers put out a video featuring something brand new the same week it opened.

They get there 15 minutes after "Gideon's" opened so they are hopeful they'll only be waiting an hour plus.

They finally found the line, and it turns out they cut off the line, and are now doing a virtual queue...

The wait? 2 and a half hours for Cookies.

Tim sounds dejected there is a 6 cookie limit.

Jenn is super excited to see the theming.

Tim shouting "THIS IS GREAT" over and over reminds me of the Frasier episode with his Fan Club.

Jenn asks Tim "If they should eat sweets all day?".....isn't that what they always do?

They got to the Wondermade Marshmallow Pop Up Shop.

We get a frightening image of Jenn dancing holding the bag of marshmallows they bought.

It's $13 bucks for 7 chocolate covered marshmallows. You can audibly hear Jack$on in the background crying out for attention in the background.

Jenn is super glad to help a small business.

The footage jumps a bit ahead and Tim is so happy they got Jack$on to fall asleep in his stroller because his winging was bumming him out and ruining the vlog.

They wanted to go to the Food Truck Park at Disney Springs but they don't open until 5PM...once again the Slackers only do the best research, the bestest research.

LOL They go to the one treat store to get the Pecan Pie Rice Crispies treat, and it turns out they don't have anymore. Slackers strike out once again.

A bug flew into Jenn's eyeball. Such a brave insect taking one for the team to injure the Dairy Queen.

Tim says Everglazed Donuts looks like it'll be open I'm guess they'll open Winter 2021.

Tim tells us about Brunch at City Works. They serve Brunch every Saturday and Sunday 9 to 3....Jenn says it's NOT ALL DAY...Um Brunch has never been an all day offering anywhere.

LOL Tim talking about the time he had something from City Works during a Media Event...ooh the days when they were routinely given free stuff.

Tim who is afraid to ride rides, does into an indoor store and starts touching all the merchandise.

They found out the Dark Saber is only THIRTY DOLLARS!!!

Tim is shocked how much Child merchandise there is versus the Mando.

They are eating lunch at Wine Bar George.

First up are Fried Mac and Cheese balls, Jenn reminds us how much Tim hates pasta.

Apparently Jack$on has been asleep for over a hour. Jenn is so proud of him.

Jenn got the Octopus Salad...she wanted something light, after eating the gut bombs fried mac and cheese balls.

Tim got the BLTC sammich, Jenn exclaims how much she loves Wine Bar George, and how much of a treat it is.

Tim raves about the potato chips...I think the two are putting on an over the top showing of support to get back in WBG's good graces after being hosted, leaving early, and getting the most expensive thing on the menu to go without tipping the staff.

Jenn and Tim exclaiming "WE DON'T DRINK!" and we LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS PLACE!

They finally got paged to get into the end of the physical line. Tim is way too excited for cookies that he could get from the regular Gideon's location.

Tim walks in and immediately exclaims "HE LOVES THIS PLACE!"

He sees a print in a frame and exclaims "IS IT A SHIRT? I THINK IT'S A SHIRT!, I'M GOING TO BUY THIS SHIRT!"

Jenn asks Tim are the other Gideon's like the one in Disney Springs? Tim retorts he doesn't know because he's never been.

They bought shirts, cookies, candles, and cakes.....

They are going to eat one right now, and save the rest for later.

Tim wants to go on a diet after Christmas....Tim says it'll now be after New Years.

Basic Bitch Tim wants to just try the regular chocolate chip, Jenn wants to try the Holiday cookie.

We get a random cut of the Slackers showing the cookies at home.

We get like 20 "So Delicious's" out of Jenn

They also got a slice of the Peanut Butter Cake.

They bought some t-shirts, to which Jenn claims they can now be Number One Fans because they have the Merch.

They also got a candle....

The footage goes back to Gideon's and it turns out they were with Jim and Nichole as well.

Jenn struggles to get the cookie into her gaping maw....she states "It's soooooooo good"

Jenn gives her thoughts to which Tim gives the most uninterested "That's nice"

LOL After 10+ years Timbo covers his mouth while chewing and talking...

Tim complains that white chocolate is way too overpowering of a flavor.

Jenn wants to save some of the cookies for Christmas.

Tim says "Why don't we buy these instead of making cookies" to which Jenn replies "WHY NOT BOTH?"


Jenn tells us that she quit caffeine 2 years ago....BULL SHIT

Jenn also got the Peanut Butter Cold Brew Coffee.

Tim claims he hasn't had caffeine since the last D23.

Jenn doesn't realize that their coffee beverages at Gideons are Vegan by default since they don't use regular dairy.

They also go into the new Running Store because you know the Slackers are fitness fans.

They show off Jack$on in his "fancy jeans" and Tim is like "Oh no he has a stain on his shirt"...apparently Jen spilled food on Jack$on while feeding him at Wine Bar George.
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