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Shorter, dark curly hair, Hispanic looking VERY YOUNG woman. Holding J$ hand.

And Jenn is gigantic.

Tim and Mike walked by. About 5 mins later, Jenn came past.
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I cannot share what I would like to share right now. I actually have two stories on my list of things to spill when I get home—-but he fucking hates her. He absolutes cannot stand her. Do you know when you are near two people and you can just feel the negative energy between them? That. 1000 times that. It’s all a show folks. It’s all for the clicks and views. She may or may not be into him….he fucking cannot stand her.

Im going to add—we are skipping dinner tonight because even though it is only Day 4, I cannot eat anymore. I was laying in the rainforest room trying relax and the woman next to me was snoring so loud I’m ready to kick her. So I’m bringing my rage here.
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I’ll share two little sips of tea this morning:

Over heard last night—two guys talking: Hey do you see Tim Tracker sitting over there. Yea, that guy is a DICK. 🤣🤣🤣 I almost struck up a conversation but I convinced myself if could be a trap. 🤣

Second—just an observation…Tim does not like to be in a room full of people who know more than him. He is a visible sore loser. Every single person was laughing…Tim looked pissed.
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I’m waiting on my family to get dressed for dinner, because we dont wear graphic tees in the dining room… I just clicked the most liked posts and you guys—-it’s just about only my posts for the entire first page!!!! I never went back to see if anyone liked my posts because I was hopping on quick, posting and leaving. I feel the love you guys! ♥ Tim would not like it though, he does NOT like when other people in the same room as him get more attention than him. Witnessed it myself.
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I’m going to go off for a moment on Tim showing that misspelling at Cabanas. Go Fuck yourself Tim. If you haven’t cruised before, 99.99999% of the food service workers are from non English speaking countries. Mostly Southeast Asia has been my experience with Disney Cruise line. My server and asst server are both from Indonesia. For a majority of these folks, we aren’t just talking about a different spoken language, we are talking about a different alphabet/writing. These people bust their asses. They are trying to make the most particular folks happy because their jobs literally depend on it. They are carrying heavy, overloaded trays through a room full of people and running around kids over and over again for hours every single night. They do it with a smile. They will do whatever they need to in order to please their guests. Big fucking deal, someone spelled a word, not in their first language, incorrectly. Go Fuck yourself Tim, seriously, every one of those people works harder in one hour than you have worked in your entire life, you entitled fuck. You love to cruise so much, supposedly, how about you have some tolerance. I have zero tolerance for you.
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Today’s tea is piping hot yall. I’m fairly certain this isn’t Rosie. It could be Jess or another college student. Long, well done nails. I’m going to say this though,, no one here will speak unkindly of this Nanny. Seriously, I will fucking go off. This girl is good with J$, she gets him. She’s very engaging with him and reacted appropriately when he threw his fit. 1000 times better than what I’ve seen of his parents. Nothing bad about this girl—got it? I have a pic, I need to edit her face before I post it.

That said, Jenn sucks as a mother. I just saw her walking on the path with a completely naked baby. Naked. Carried on the path. She was also carrying him in chest deep water without a life vest on him and I think that was completely irresponsible.

More tea to come! Today was a day…I’m starting to think they are stalking me.
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But I guess Tim focusing on someone else error tracks with his absolute distain in trivia the other day. I’ll tell that tale tomorrow. He’s a dick. He’s an asshole. His entire Tim Tracker persona is just a character he plays for YT. I’ve watched it for a week now. Camera off, demeanor changes. There is no joy in his life when the camera is off. That dude the other day said it best—that guy is a dick.

Holy fuck this entire ship is talking about the churro Mickey waffles. Cabanas was opening at 730 and there were at least 30 people waiting. 🤣 I’ll leave you with a pic of my coffee, tomorrow it will be tea.


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I’m like 4 pages behind. But I just want to say thanks. The last 8 months have been hell for me. My mom got cancer, had a heart attack and almost died. In that span, my husband decided to leave me for his boyfriend that I obviously didn’t know about. It’s just been fucking hard. I’ve been to Sydney, Paris & all over the USA to keep busy but fuck. It’s sucked ass. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone here in the TTT thread and also to t3a if she still reads here.

My now ex always liked Dim and Ginn. I should’ve known 😂
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I’d be shocked if Nanny was 20. I have another story…I’ll be home Saturday. 😜 I’m making an actual list now.
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I’ve spent most of the day exploring and now I’m relaxing in a chair but I could not wait to come on here. First, the internet package works on the island!!! Ok…so we were within the first 100 or so off the ship. We were on the second tram out. The merch scene was inane but we were early and didn’t have to wait too long. By the time I paid, it was nuts. Ok—my big news. Still no Jenn and the children. I found Tim—big surprise at the character dance party thing for kids. He did not have his kids. He was with Mike recording other peoples children dancing with the characters. I’m hesitant to even posted this because it really grossed me out. The sheer joy in Tim’s face watching the characters dance was troubling to me. Like, maybe he doesn’t k is those chipmunks are 20 year old girls in a furry suit? Joy. Beaming with joy. Like when a kid sees a toy he really wanted and gets a present. Joy. So the characters start doing the limbo. The kids are doing the limbo. Goofy is doing the limbo. Tim WITHOUT HIS CHILDREN is doing the limbo with the other strangers children. He’s fucking weird. That is all. I have to say.

I have no clue where Jenn and the kids are. If I didn’t see on insta she was there, I would have thought he was cruising solo with Mike….who is a very sweaty guy.

The walk wasn’t bad at all. There were people struggling. They had cold towels midway. The flies. Oh the flies. I didn’t personally see flies in the serving area but when you got your food on your tray, the flies came from all over. The trick was to throw your napkin over your tray. People with no napkins had flies everywhere. People with their tray covered were fine. I don’t know how they are going to fix it. It was bad. It wouldn’t stop me from coming here…the island is really beautiful. I’ll post my full review after our second day.
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My plan for Saturday posting is to make each “story” its own post. You guys, I have laundry to do!!!! I can’t spend the entire day writing one post!
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To be clear on the naked part—walking down the path, Jenn was holding him, we (and everyone else) saw his butt. His boy parts were pressed up against her. You couldn’t see that.

As far as the lack of life vest—I was watching thinking—she’s going to lose her footing and drop him. She’s chest deep in that water…she’s gonna drop him. Or he’s a slippery little human….hes going in. She didn’t drop him or fall though—so maybe I should give some credit? Nope, the kid should have had a vest on. They were available. J$ had one on.

And J$——not a good swimmer. Very very hesitant, even in ankle deep water. Not at all comfortable in the water. And Nanny was a fucking champ reassuring him. Like, really, really, really amazing. Like seriously—I cannot even begin to tell you how much I like her just observing her interactions with him. She’s a queen. 👸🏻
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If you happen to see the nanny with J$, you should tell her how great she is with him. "You're such an amazing mom! You're so good with your son."
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Just saw her again now, my daughter says—that girl is well dressed. Always. She makes Jenn look like even more of a slob with that graphic t she’s wearing, probably right from dinner.

J was rolling around on the floor of the atrium/lobby. 😔

Guys—I’m gonna need a vacation from this vacation. I’m working harder than I thought I would here. They are seriously everywhere I go.
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Couple of quick comments: I do not think they are in a suite or that they have a cabana. Those cabanas sold out in about 2.5 seconds to the Pearl cruisers.

Jenn could have been on the island. I did not see her. I saw Tim with Mike about 5-6 different times. My daughter’s comment re: Mike. That guy is old. He looks and dresses young, when you look at him. He looks rough. And he had sweated through the back of his shirt like really badly. He also wears a diamond stud earring. I will check for a wedding ring next time we see them.

I have photos…of the island which truly is a natural beauty. It’s just gorgeous. And of Tim being a creeper. I’ll post those when I get back, Pic don’t upload for me right now.

I also apologize for all the typos. I hate typing on my phone. I’m literate. I promise.
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I just want to say—we got on the island before 9. Got the spot on the beach. Did the 5k. Got a Konk Kooler by 10 and watched a wedding where the groom came out to Mandos theme. 😍 Then I went and sat in my chair. They came to me. I did not look for them at all. They literally came right to me.

Mike and Tim arrived on the island when we were finishing the 5k, about 10. Jenn was not with them.

Lunch—-holy fuck what a shit show. The whole fam, nanny and Mike sat at a table. Tim and Da baby stayed behind while everyone got food. Everyone came back with food. Tim left and never came back. He didn’t eat with them. An hour later we walked past again, Tim was sitting where they all had been eating—alone. They are some weird fucking people.

To be clear—Jenn and da baby were together. nanny and J were together all on the same beach . I saw Tim and Mike a few hours earlier, together, alone. They were not in the water with the kids, Jenn and nanny. They were all together at lunch, but Tim disappeared and didn’t come back while we were there.
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That’s kind of what I meant—they figure out who I am, I wear my room key around my neck sometimes, they could see my name. My first name is on my door because it is heavily decorated. Not necessarily doxxed—here’s my name, address, make/model of my car kind of dox. I should have said I don’t want to blow my cover. 😎

Off Jenn’s tray.
You could always wear a disguise 😎
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