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Imagine having an accident and being injured and your mum makes you stand still for a photo of your cuts and scrapes. Despicable.
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I know, all anyone has to do is look at how old Chris is and then Noel & Sue lol not sure how they can say it’s slander or whatever
Chris has more than double the age gap between him and his youngest sibling (31 years) than the age gap with his own mother - 14 years - just!
That alone is complete weird.
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Coming from a family where all my siblings have different dads I find the comment about Nicole quite harsh to be honest. My mother didn’t have a great upbringing not sure if that may be why she struggled to find someone who treated her nicely but as siblings we all loved each other and her and are still very fiercely protective of each other. My mum has settled down and married a lovely man and as her children we couldn’t be happier for her.
I too am pregnant and it was from a one night stand (which can I add is NOT like me I’m a complete prude). But had I not seen my mum be so strong and independent I don’t think I’d have been as confident that I could do this on my own. I’m not proud of my situation but then again it’s my life and all I know is I’ll be a great mum. I think I struggle with this thread at times because the attitudes towards life choices can be hypocritical.
my opinion of Millie’s situation isn’t because she has two baby fathers and two young children, my opinion is watching her ring her parents and showing absolutely no knowledge of how to look after a poorly child. Or how to cook a simple meal. My opinion of sue comes from watching her put on some fake ideal when if she was just an honest person maybe I wouldn’t care as much about her attitudes towards things.
noel is just a nonce so can’t even find anything to justify him.
but yeah my point is that some of these comments can be pretty derogatory towards all women if you catch my drift.
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It really boils my piss when they diss anyone on benefits. This is why I disliked them from the word go.
We had several kids, a larger than average family and a comfortable, if not well off life. My husband worked freelance and I looked after the kids so very traditional roles, then a few years back he became seriously ill and only just pulled through. He now needs constant care and I'm his carer and a wife and mother. We are now one of those large families living on benefits, even though most of the kids are now living their own lives and just the teenagers left at home.
I never looked down on anyone surviving on benefits, never minded our taxes paying towards others who needed support, but I also never dreamed we would end up needing that support ourselves. Our savings had gone by the time we'd navigated the minefield of claiming disability benefits as it took years to sort out some things.
Sue and Noel look down their noses at people like us, but they never seem to give a thought to what would happen if either of them became disabled or died. Hopefully it will never happen when all those kids are young but life is full of nasty surprises.
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Fucking disgusting the things that bitch puts on social media. Is nothing sacred.
Get your own house of feral and bloody lazy kids in order before you condemn others.
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch.
Chris has had a few “issues” shall we say. Anyway he went AWOL a while back. Sadly the best mum in the world wouldn’t inform the police incase the papers got wind of it.

There you go! That’s how much she values her kids, will go to any lengths to save face.

Thankfully he was ok but still. As a parent you do all you can, no matter how old they are. Priorities you skank!!!!
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In local news, a big white telecom box has been planted in the street. If the Radfords living here helps us get full fibre broadband because of a deal with EE, I take back everything I've ever said about them.
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I’ve absolutely no interest in where they are off to, it’s just another flex.
What pisses me off is the fact she has the audacity to moan about the price of electric and in the next breath fuck off to Disney.

So, so relatable 🥱🥱🥱🥱🙄🙄
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This is probably going to get some negative replies but it's been on my for a while. I completely understand baby Alfie should be counted and never forgotten, but why do they always say oh we've got 22 kids to feed or we've got 22 kids this that and the other. I 100% get they never want to forget Alfie but they don't have 22 kids to feed. They only have 19 at home. They aren't taking 22 kids on holiday etc.

I've had miscarriages myself, not a stillbirth though, and i count count miscarriages in the number of pregnancies I've had, but not in the number of kids living my house.
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My grandma told me she was gonna complain to offcom because she’s sick of seeing them on tele 🤣🤣🤣 she said they’re not special just because they didn’t know when to stop having children and she isn’t surprised she’s only in Labour half hour cos she’ll have a fanny like blackwall tunnel 😅

I’ve honestly never ever seen the appeal, I don’t buy into the whole we were adopted so needed loads of children sob story. Their daughters are all doing the same now, just churning out kids. I also don’t believe you can spread your love between that many children/grandchildren either. Sorry long time lurker but they just piss me off. Big sue looks so haggard for someone whose kids do the majority of the childcare
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People are worrying about the war with Russia & the Ukrainian.
If they will be able to afford to heat or eat!

The Radfords brag and fuck off on another holiday!

Read the room Sue!
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Coming from a family where all my siblings have different dads I find the comment about Nicole quite harsh to be honest. My mother didn’t have a great upbringing not sure if that may be why she struggled to find someone who treated her nicely but as siblings we all loved each other and her and are still very fiercely protective of each other. My mum has settled down and married a lovely man and as her children we couldn’t be happier for her.
I too am pregnant and it was from a one night stand (which can I add is NOT like me I’m a complete prude). But had I not seen my mum be so strong and independent I don’t think I’d have been as confident that I could do this on my own. I’m not proud of my situation but then again it’s my life and all I know is I’ll be a great mum. I think I struggle with this thread at times because the attitudes towards life choices can be hypocritical.
my opinion of Millie’s situation isn’t because she has two baby fathers and two young children, my opinion is watching her ring her parents and showing absolutely no knowledge of how to look after a poorly child. Or how to cook a simple meal. My opinion of sue comes from watching her put on some fake ideal when if she was just an honest person maybe I wouldn’t care as much about her attitudes towards things.
noel is just a ponce so can’t even find anything to justify him.
but yeah my point is that some of these comments can be pretty derogatory towards all women if you catch my drift.
It’s easy to judge when you don’t know the situation, I have a friend who has 3 children to 3 men, which might sound bad until you know that her first husband died leaving her with a disabled child. Her second partner had an affair with her sister whilst she was pregnant and then disappeared. She’s still with the second husband, third partner, who has been a dad to all 3.
As long as they are loved and cared for, that’s all that counts. And Nicole does seem to love her children.
Good luck with your baby x
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