The Naked Doula

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I find it weird that Adam went home during the night and that he didn’t go in to theatre. Feel like they’ve a strange relationship
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I thought the same. That they prioritised a PHOTOGRAPHER over a father seeing his baby baby born?!
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i cannot believe they chose a photographer over the father. Fucking weird. Shows her priorities. Content (money) over memories
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So, the cervical exams that she's said numerous times are risky and unnecessary... actually proved to be very useful and heavily guided what happened in the end? Interesting.
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It’s like she can’t get her head round the fact that statistics exist for a reason. That there is evidence behind a lot of the procedures and recommendations.
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She pulls a baby out of her open stomach, ends up with a pph from infection and has the gall to kick off about the hospital not letting her have a private side room whilst they save her life.

Fucking DICK.
Reactions: 18
She pulls a baby out of her open stomach, ends up with a pph from infection and has the gall to kick off about the hospital not letting her have a private side room whilst they save her life.

Fucking DICK.
Did she have a PPH? I imagine she wasn't wearing gloves either..

I just read her birth story posts..she comes across as stark raving bonkers. All this airy fairy bollocks about her smiling loving life and dance parties etc.. Not surprising staff didn't want a photographer in theatre really..I mean it is an *operation*..a complex medical procedure..i doubt they'd want some photographer darting around them shoving their camera near what needs to be as clean an environment as possible. Not like it'd be distracting or anything. She's such a narc and clearly more worried about what people think of her, being a "statistic" and she just has to "forge the path for others". Bet she's gutted she didn't get to feel the "ring of fire" whilst grinning maniacally to encourage her inspirational floppy fanny to birth her child.
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I think the reason she’s taken so long to share her birth story is that it’s taken her a long time to accept she couldn’t manifest her child out of the womb and she wasn’t able to give birth vaginally pain free while dancing and fingering herself.

i bet now she’s has a second section she wishes she’d just done in straight off so sh didn’t have to wait
Reactions: 18
Yes and she kicked up a major stink and prepared a letter to send to the chief of the hospital because she wasn't allowed a private room with her baby who was being treated in the paediatric ward also and she (boo hoo) had to sleep on a metal bed with no head rest
Tell you what it couldn't have happened to a better person. Karma.
Oh no it's all good because her kid is practically walking and doing algebra now because he stayed inside her womb for a few extra weeks
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I just don’t get how she can now continue to preach to people about natural birth when she’s had 2 c sections herself. There’s obviously absolutely nothing wrong with c sections, but she’s telling people how easy giving birth vaginally is without ever having experienced it. I actually really like hypnobirthing and found it very helpful with my births, but her approach to it is all wrong. She comes across as judgemental and living in a dream land. I think she sets women up for failure to be honest by making it seem like some amazing magical easy thing, whereas in reality it can quite literally push you to the edge and be the hardest thing you’ve ever done both physically and mentally.
Reactions: 24
This^^ I followed her in my third pregnancy last year, even bought her flash cards. But only recently I realised how wild it was that people were listening to her advice about vaginal births having never experienced it herself. I'd had two previous vaginal water births, one of which a planned home birth - I was more experienced than she was! She didn't talk much about her first birth then so I'm sure many women didn't even know she'd had a C-section before. She can't hide away from it now though. It's all a bit awkward!
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Lurker on this thread since Lauren G’s experience with her as a Doula. The second Emma announced she was pregnant I couldn’t follow through pure anxiety that she would put herself and her baby in a dangerous or life threatening situation.

Thankfully the baby arrived safely in the end.

I am so shocked by her birth story, I myself have had two spontaneous vaginal labours, no pain medication, not my exact choices. Being at the hospital I’m sure is the only reason both my babies arrived safely. Emma’s advice is so dangerous.

Just to add both my children have been born with a tongue tie, plus I also had one as a baby. I have a very short tongue no lisp but both children do have a little lisp eldest is growing out of it. Both had problems breast feeding my eldest had the tongue tie cut at around 1 month old on advice from our NHS midwife to see if we could establish a better latch. Whereas my youngest had it cut around 1 week old. Although the tongue tie wasn’t the only issue as much later the gp diagnosed a cows milk protein allergy.

I think she is giving doula’s a bad name and just so passive aggressive with it.
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Has anyone seen that she’s changed the business name? Not only that, but she’s changed it to the same as another birth coach. She’s now The Naked Birth Coach rather than Doula, and her company name is now Naked Birth. I’d be fuming if I was the other birth coach and I had her trying to pinch my business name.
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I think doulas are physically there for mothers before, during and after birth whereas she seems to have stepped away from that and now gives out questionable advice on the Internet which is why she is now a ‘birth coach’.

Of course she is doing a caesarian course - why not make money out of her experiences
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I wonder if it’s because of what happened with Lauren that she’s gone for the big change
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I wonder if it’s because of what happened with Lauren that she’s gone for the big change
And with ex-Lauren’s boyfriend’s/Baby Daddy’s court case next month. Is she afraid of what he’ll reveal about poor Lorena’s birth?
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Definitely think it’s to do with LG’s upcoming court case unless her ex pleads guilty it will go to trail and all the details will be made public including Emma’s role maybe ?

It’s just all a bit suspect, her business name the Naked Dula is still on company’s house and showing as active. There is yet to be a company with the new name! Somethings definitely up, I smell a !

Dangerous advice can put you in a dangerous situation! Funny how she promotes that floppy fanny comb over due date pro choice bullshit but has giving birth by Caesarean section twice. Although she is superwoman so this time around she was giving “special treatment” and delivered her own baby by c-section apparently.

If she had anything to do with the death of poor little Lorena she should be ashamed of herself and her dangerous practices/advice!

Everyone has a different birth story but to loose a baby must be heartbreaking for all involved, Emma only talks about the success stories but what about the ones that go wrong ?? like Lauren G she waited too long and it’s resulted in her loosing her precious baby and not one word from Emma!
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Do you mean Lauren G's baby was overdue or labour took too long? Still don't get what happened to the baby.. Was all quite unclear sounding.
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I read an interview with LG where she said (without naming the ND) that she was encouraged to stay home after her waters had broken and 24 hours had passed to try and encourage labour naturally. It was while she was at home then that the midwife struggled to find a heartbeat and she was blue lighted in but it was too late. At the time nothing was said as to whether if she’d been in sooner they could have done something to save her but I don’t think they would have known at that point as it was quite soon after!
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Do you mean Lauren G's baby was overdue or labour took too long? Still don't get what happened to the baby.. Was all quite unclear sounding.
As PP said it’s not entirely clear, according to speculation her dates would coincide with her being overdue at time. However we definitely know she was waiting for her labour to progress this is the type of dangerous advice Emma Spouts off. Even though her waters had broken 24 hours prior she would have advised no to internal examinations citing its causes infections and so forth. I have no idea how monitoring happens with home births but at some point there was no/lack of heartbeat and the baby was born at hospital with the cord around her neck. 🤍

In both my pregnancies I was advised by my midwife to monitor the baby through kick counts anything unusual straight to hospital! Imo Emma let her down, any additional checks to keep mum and baby safe were avoided as emma is all pro choice and Lauren’s not exactly the brightest. I assume she was with her monitoring the baby as she was her Doula but what actually happened has been kept completely quiet but what we do know sounds traumatic to say the least!
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