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Chatty Member
Omg, they are fucking thick!!
35 mins whilst wandering around the tribute store Nick: “I didn’t know ghostbusters was Universal” then both proceed to talk about how wouldn’t it be great if it were featured in the park and whether they’ll put it where Simpsons is when that closes… ffs!!
Nick, ghostbusters was actually in the parks and it closed in the 90s to make way for Twister. The firehouse still stands present day (rip, ride rockit) goes through it, you thick twat.

FYI knobheads, I’ve reported your channel to universal for filming on the rides, I’ve made them aware that you’re AP holders too and provided them with your full names - let’s hope you get a telling off.

And he’s lucky the parents of that kid he muscled out the way at creepers house was laidback cos I’d have knocked his block off if he barged through my kid like that, fucking cunt.
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Chatty Member
So far the Caravan turds 5 day prior acclimatisation (for heat and jet lag) has looked thus….

Day 1. Disney Wives arrive after flight (in which they awoke at 5am) to go straight to Disney Springs and outlast the weakling gays where Baldy was just too tired and started pulling a strop at 9.45pm cos he couldn’t handle it. The Wives pushed through to try and catch the 10.45pm drone show showing.

Day 2. Disney Wives up and out and at Universal first thing. The Turds get to the car park after 9am. Do nothing but moan about the heat. I lost count the amount of times it was 32 degrees, then 33, then 37.7C. We fucking get it. You are a pair of pathetic delicate flowers. You know it’s hot there. At that time of the year it’s always hot. Once again the Wives are going strong. Prickolas then obviously gets the worst headache known to man. No-one has ever had a headache like this. It’s a migraine times 5000 and he needs air con. Viki and Emma aren’t suffering from pretend headaches and not once whinged about the weather. The Alky Prick is then fine after an hours nana. Headaches gone. Just like that. On the drive back from Wal-Mart they both cry off like a couple of pansies that they simply cannot do Volcano Bay with the Wives tomorrow as they are so exhausted (So why did you get there those 5 days before then???) and it took SOOO long to get in. I’ve been plenty of times you sad sacks! You park up at Universal. Bus is waiting. At the very max 10 min transfer. Then a few min walk to the gate. It’s decided that they are gonna have a chill day instead. Another fucking one! You mind how you go! Prick mentions that the Wives may only pop into VC for an hour anyway.

Day 3. This is clearly bullshit AGAIN as the Wives open up their vlog by saying they will be spending most of the day in Volcano Bay, not a fucking hour Prick you Pinocchio nosed fucking alcoholic cunt.

Why do they bother? Their patheticness is off the charts. Only ever happy when they are chilling, bimbling around shops fingering the merch, liking everything, buying nothing, or poncing something for free.
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one big schoolboy error is saying they have private plates on the tin can. Will be easy to spot them. Can’t be that many wrapped piles of junk with private plates.First tattler to spot them and post the reg here gets a prize!
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Jeeeeez. They really are past it all now.

They treat Florida holidays like I treat my weekly shop.

All that money to nana nap, moan, walk around aimlessly and share toasted sandwiches to save the pennies.

What a miserable pair of bastards.
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I think they share the same Dentist
Ok - there is absolutely no way their Disney fowk will be happy with these vlogs

They are making a day at Universal seem boring as fuck! Genuinely offering nothing like what other Universal vloggers do.

Also their eating won't relate to how any of them eat (who buys a baked Tattie in Orlando FFS) and spicy tomato soup with cheese toastie then a very cheesy, bacon/chilli potato lathered in butter. Nagasaki arse will be destroying Bazzas bog whilst saying "I've no idea what it could be"
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Mrs Mooch

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Can’t even be arsed watching them anymore, skip through at double speed. Did watch them at Dockside. Wasn’t that where the Wives stayed yet Prick was lording it up walking around like he was a guest. Talking about facilities and menu items - trying to steal content from the Wives, such a sly but predictable move!!! God I hate these twats…
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Nick was not happy that his AP ended up more expensive than if he had bought it direct :LOL:

Great memories of a hotel that you have never paid to stay in.

And the cheek of saying DW have money to burn if they decide to go to a disney park and pay day prices. They work for their money and can spend however it makes them happy. Not everyone is content with temu shite and knock off brands
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Chatty Member
This is the most pointless trip they've ever done. Why are they even at Universal at all, it's all so aimless and boring.

The pointlessness of their entire existence is really coming through in these vlogs. They haven't actually done anything they couldn't do at Bridlington: mooched off other people, penny pinched to a ridiculous extent (they know the cost of everything and the value of nothing), shared food, went to cafes, met up with fucking idiot "friends" who they can take advantage of.
Out nice and early says Pouty. 8.56am!!! That's only really early to you cos you have no concept of real life or what a holiday is. A lot of people get to the Universal gates for 7.15am ffs. Park up for free using Parkopedia app. Walk 45 minutes to Studios. Buy AP. Walk 45 minutes back to car. Now can park for 'free.' Go back to Studios. Ride Minion Blast and E.T. Home for a nana nap cos we just cant adjust (after 3 days of being there!!!!!). Never met a bigger pair of boring babies. It really is just an extension of their normal tedious lives.
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VIP Member
Agree, the Disney Wives can do what they want, they earn every penny. Same with Theme Park Bazza, he is a smug twat but whatever he has came from him and the same goes for anyone else who uses their own money for trips. They all annoy me and infuriate me at times but they have absolutely nothing on this pair of freeloading testicles.
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Chatty Member
Can't wait for more weather update vlogs every 30 seconds

It's 32 degrees in france that's same as flurrrrida

I'll say it now for the people at the back


They're going to come out looking like 2 pieces of boiled ham in the back of that van - I cant believe ole Prick never thought of air conditioning, ffs he has added everything else, what an oversight :rolleyes: not looking for an excuse to come back due to being too hot in the van are we.
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Can't wait for more weather update vlogs every 30 seconds

It's 32 degrees in france that's same as flurrrrida

I'll say it now for the people at the back

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Active member
Should we go on the Trollacoaster Nick???

“No it’s for kids”

Having just come off minion blast and about to ride ET with Fake names…..

Absolute weapons
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VIP Member
Can’t even be arsed watching them anymore, skip through at double speed. Did watch them at Dockside. Wasn’t that where the Wives stayed yet Prick was lording it up walking around like he was a guest. Talking about facilities and menu items - trying to steal content from the Wives, such a sly but predictable move!!! God I hate these twats…
I said the exact same thing, getting footage of the hotel before the Wives......what a knob
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But why did both of them have to walk back to get the car?! Why didn't Nick just go collect it since it was his AP and leave Lee in the park? Oh I know, because you can't see the other one get something over you. It still always comes across that Nick can order and buy whatever he wants and Lee has to ask permission and justify the purchases
Yes, I am aware that Lee edits and can make it look that while, but for nearly every single vlog!? When they leave so much other wrong information etc that he chooses to leave those parts in
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VIP Member
Prick and Pouty are promoting this lifestyle where you’re basically just preparing for and waiting to go on holiday. That’s fine for them, they have fuck all else to do, but I do feel like the sheep who live their whole lives trying to build up Tesco points to get a free upgrade on a plane are missing out on real life for the other, what, 48 weeks of the year when they’re not on holiday. And for what? So they can show off to a load of strangers in a Facebook group that they’re flying Virgin Upper Class? Quite sad, really.
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Chatty Member
This is the most pointless trip they've ever done. Why are they even at Universal at all, it's all so aimless and boring.

The pointlessness of their entire existence is really coming through in these vlogs. They haven't actually done anything they couldn't do at Bridlington: mooched off other people, penny pinched to a ridiculous extent (they know the cost of everything and the value of nothing), shared food, went to cafes, met up with fucking idiot "friends" who they can take advantage of.
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