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VIP Member
Lack of judgement or killer American good manners? Fawning is not exactly how a vice president at Christie's parts the richest people in the world from their billions, selling fenced national treasures. And Waddell has brought in the highest prices for silver ever. Seeming to fawn while relieving you of your wallet is a highly remunerative skill. Waddell is the power player here, working the narc, not Jarvis.
Reading the CCTV cameras on Jarvis and the power dynamics in her relationships is Tattle's greatest skill. Being good at it is a talent to which we should all aspire.
You are so right and this makes me think that Jill probably made Steph buy all the things she intended for the 4th vignette and that's why there are only three now.
So next video:
Dear Patreons,
I am taking 4 months off to pick up my buys from Christie's. The reason is I need to go via cruise ship because it would simply be too complicated to fly everything in and this way we can quarantine on board.
But the good news is I got a mayor discount with my local van rental since I am a regular customer now.
Phil will accompany me because I am scared to drive the van off the ship. There will be no vlogs because there is no historical architecture on board. We might make a stop at the iceberg where the Titanic sank but I can't promise you to see more than 1/7 of it.
But every now and then I can show you a glimpse of the sea-it so reminds me of the lost lake at Lalande.
I booked an inside cabin, of course, but guess what, they gave me an upgrade and I got the ocean view crystal suite instead which comes with a beverage package so we saved alot.
Nati will film how Selmar screws the screw (I mean in the downstairs loo) so hopefully I will find time to edit during the captains dinner. Unfortunately it's not a costume ball but I make sure to bring some weird inappropriate clothes.
A huge thank you to all of you to make this possible!
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Green Fairy

VIP Member
OMG Just noticed I've become a chatty member.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the Academy for this great honour. I'd also like to thank my parents, my friends and my family for their loving support on this journey. And of course thanks go to fellow tattlers who have helped me rack up 500 messages of outrage, conjecture and sheer speculation based on the outstanding sleuthing skills of some members. Couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for all the laughs 😘

😜 😜 😜 🥳🥳🥳💜💜💜
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
She makes videos on youtube for a living. Wowo_O, that a rare concept right there. :ROFLMAO: digging up stuff on her ancestors? OH please don't hold me to what my ancestors have done.
You need to read the past Tattle threads, just the highlights, then you will see what this site is about, and why we are looking at family records. If you just came on to the site, as a fan, to see what the Tattle site is about welcome, but it's best to read and find out what we are about, rather than just randomly putting angry posts on or you will be suspected of being someone from the chateau or a troll.
Most of us are disillusioned Patreons and subscribers to the YouTube channel, disappointed with the way the vlogs changed from renovating a chateau, with some local trips, a few nice costume parties to the revenue being spent on luxury holidays, costume parties and travel in the middle of the pandemic! . Our very likeable chatelaine became a spendaholic, buying overpriced luxury items, neglecting the renovations and repairs, most have not been completed after 2 years. She appeared to flout the Covid rules in France. We are all fed up of this disregard for the safety of others shown by the Lalanders. I had Covid myself. Its horrible. I also attended the funeral of soneone who died from it. 45 years old and fit and healthy. Tragic for the family.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I think it’s fascinating how SJ keeps showing us her own mistakes (literally at the end of last nights flog) and demise.
She’s only as good as the last dress she bought (that white thing she rustled en route in Italy in the outlet) and she knows it, so she wears it over and over again. Also, the content of last night’s episode was filmed months ago, when she was still supposed to be in lock down or at least restricted to necessary travels only, but we already know she’s always determined not to be hold back by rules and regulations meant for common people, never for her. If you deemed her intolerable back then as much as I did, the upgraded current version of the shittelaine will push you further over that edge of disgust, leaving no room for doubt she will take care of her own downfall one way or another. Better spend those bucks people keep throwing at you, right SJ? And keep showing us those shittoos that are much nicer than your own farmhouse, if only to raise some understanding for the plight you find yourself in.
Hope you had a nice fancy ball at Versialles (thanks for that modernization, Floral Moron) SJ, it might or might not be your last, you never know.
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Clara Burnett

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Apologies for being absent without permissions ;-) Family matters to deal with. I have caught up a little bit.
I am also not happy with the way the threads have turned.
I assure people that I am not in anyway endorsing violence against anyone, male, female or anyone who identifies as either sex. I am pretty sure some subtle and not so subtle agendas are being introduced.
It has already been said by @Jeeves and others on here. We use the Ignore button, as i am aptly reminded at times-i don't have to attend every argument, although sometimes i do have to have my say.
These monkeys flying around, combined with some remarks of @Seeingitasitis, made me realize it might be good to further explain my motive for writing here, that twofolds into categories we can probably all relate to one way or another: concern for the people who get hurt by her appalling and limitless hunt for self-glorification and outrage over the misuse of funds trusted to her to do good with.
I have always been too strong minded to ever get trapped as narc supply, but have personally witnessed the devastating influence that has on a particular kind of people, the ones SJ seems to love to collect around her, apparently by chance but more likely because they suit the definition so well: forever greatful (Thanks FRK!), cheerfully positive and very pliable when made complicit.
Obviously this view of SJ and her motive is open to question and discussion, as we all do regularly when we write here. Some of us are not convinced of her evilness and ulterior motives, sort of keeping their observations in line with a more positive outlook on her character, saying they like her enough to forgive her for her many missteps. They also like to point out that the people close to SJ have a mind of their own and are willingly participating and/or donating. I have no problem with those statements (even though I don’t agree at all obviously) and I especially like it when those remarks shine their light in the dark tunnel where my vision all too often hangs out.
However, we seem to all find common ground in SJ’s handling of her gift-grab-monstrosity, tit for tat at the shittoo or whatever it's called, the way she uses the promise of giving to charity (always unclear who she is giving to, if she gives anything at all) to gain personal gifts and treasures. This behavior has been called out by many around her (yes, elusive or not, he tried), but she just rejects these arguments because it’s bringing her so much joy and if she’s happy, we all should be. There is no liking someone who is that bold in continuing to abuse goodwill and generosity, it’s truly hypocritical to say you don’t like this persons appalling behavior, but you still like her and her vision of how the world should evolve around her and her alone.
It’s about time that gift-grab-channel gets shut down because it’s immoral and unnecessary wasteful.
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Waddup, Yentas?

scammed ryan.png

Oh, the irony!

Dear Ryan, If you want a genuine H&M, go to freakin' H&M, not a night market!
Most of your scam claims aren't scams by definition. You're just an idiot.
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From the comments of today's gift grab...😂

Virginia Hello

18 minutes ago
The quarentine has created the longest hair there. You could DONATE Nattie's hair. Stephanie could donate too. Selmar also has grown a long length. Wow. You all have healthy going on. Be safe and thank you all.


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13 minutes ago
Charity begins at home. Maybe you should donate hair to Philip first.


Tony InLosAngeles
Tony InLosAngeles
3 minutes ago
@Iris Philip hides behind what’s left of his hair…
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VIP Member
You can donate coloured hair! Certainly did when I donated. It was a natural dyed shade.
My 8 year old grand-daughter donated her hair to the Princess Trust in lockdown last summer and raised over £1000 at the same time for the children's hospital where her little sister had been treated earlier in the year. (Sorry for masking her features.)


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Chatty Member
I’m on Grammy duty for a few days and am away from my gardener duties so I have a lot of time to ponder things. Whenever I hear or read comments about how hard the “princess” works and how she deserves expensive trips and holidays, I want her to walk through a day in my daughters life or any nurse on the front lines. You’re a spoiled bitch SJ and your trotting around and others like you, puts my loved ones in danger. I sat last night with my daughter, after a 13 hour shift, and heard the exhaustion in her voice. Well, there it is, the ugly truth of the grifters for all to see. Up against the realities of the world right now, they should not be our heroes. We should not be hanging on their every word or whim. When I read those comments on the vlogs it’s nauseating. Sorry, in advance for ranting. But, not sorry for the content. 😔
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What is going on? The vibe of this thread has changed.
I agree with you @Rory and @NotAChatelaine, both of you have been here from near the start of the CD threads. (@NotAChatelaine and I joined the same day, halfway through the first thread.) The nature of the threads has changed from those very early days and is suffering as we lose valued and much loved Tattlers. Newer Tattlers now seem content to post their various theories as fact instead of doing their homework. We had posts very recently for instance talking about the hypothetical effect of boarding school on SJ - it would have taken very little to establish the true facts there - facts that have been established in earlier threads. It's gradually becoming a platform for people to promote their own interests and agendas and I find myself increasingly scrolling through repetitive derailing posts . Isn't this just what the flying monkeys want? Not all posts are to everyone's taste and these are usually few and far between, so no hardship to scroll by. I agree that some posts (by women as well as men) exceed the bounds of what I personally would consider to be good taste but this can't be laid at the door of just one 'offender' .There now seems to be a pre-occupation with racking up high numbers of posts in a day as quickly as possible (and I'm not referring to a well-known Tattler's campaign for VIP status here, as that is clearly intended for amusement) nor am I referring to multiple quick responses or repartee). No wonder the threads are whizzing past now! There is no seniority here, so I can't see the appeal? It's time to get back to the humour, observations and posts that call out the antics of the Chateau-land characters that attracted Tattlers here in the first place.
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VIP Member
Unbelievable…viewers begging to know what’s going on with MPK but no response. And no one else in the family can be bothered to say, either…other than a couple of terse comments from Biffy that MPK will reappear whenever he wants…and he’s not beholden to anyone. Not a good look for someone who depends on the generosity of others.

View attachment 765114View attachment 765115View attachment 765117View attachment 765118
They seek him here, they seek him there, superfan seance on YouTube.

Knock twice if you're there Michael.
One knock- for can't be bothered
Three knocks for a Biffy excuse
Four knocks for Andrew made me do it
Rattle if Tattlers made you leave

I couldn't resist:

Just caught up with Dan's vlog.

100 days of daily Vlogging and today he Twiddled his nuts.

Michael- 8 days nearly of daily Vlogging then he went off to get his nuts twiddled.

I'll shut the door on the way out.

Night all. :)
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Interesting article about what could be Derek Jarvis’ background?
Pretty sure the article is about the family of SJ's father. It also states that his mother was Alice Bergen, Irish by birth, trained as a nurse at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London, where she and Reg Jarvis met and married, brought together by their love of ballroom dancing. We know SJ has an Irish grandmother...
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It's been almost a week since Sillyman posted. Has Tatty bumped him off and absconded with the Selmobile and Diesel? Should we alert Interpol?
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
I'm SJs age, and I feel for her looks going south (at an astonishing rate). Face it, we're all getting older. That said, my eyes are not bugging out of my head and my nose hasn't hooked like the Wicked Witch of the West. Yet. But, we're all headed in that direction, and since the PC police have reared their ugly head, perhaps we oughtn't tease Miss Jarvis for her incredibly fast decline into Dorian Gray-ish decrepitude?
I agree. I'm 70 and although I am told I look younger I am still an older woman, I gave wrinkles, my face has dropped and yes you do age and unless you want to spend a fortune on cosmetic surgery, everyone ages. That's life. I also think cosmetic surgery can look strange. I don't want to look like a cat. I don't want strange stretched shiny skin. I don't want a young looking face and a wrinkly neck and hands. You can't stop time. Just give in to it, we all get older. Stop stressing over it and accept it.Its not fair to criticise Stephanie for something she cant change. The main thing is to keep fit and healthy, a good diet and regular exercise, fresh air, positive thinking, good social life, hobbies.
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🚨🚨🕵️‍♀️ agents MIA
@Gibson @Heathcliffe @Marquis de Potpourri @Jikki2 @Rory

gone off grid and no it’s not bloody french leave - very suspect 😈

use all available assets want last known location

Spare no one ☝
My apologies for being out of circulation lately, and will even be off the grid for the next three days.
The high holy day of Yom Kippur begins tomorrow, and family is prepping for it.
But I will say, today's CD vlog gave me a headache!
Whoever gave SJ the idea of interspersing videos from Lalande and Christie's and calling it "The two sides of chateau life" belongs in vlogger's hell!
SJ very obviously tried to achieve what Nicki Positano did on her latest vacation vlog, interspersing videos from her holiday in England, her daughter's trip to Malta, and Carlo's stay in Positano.

SJ probably read on Tattle Life that her viewers are far more interested in reno vlogs at Lalande than her travels, so she decided to mix videos from both, and failed miserably. She could have edited that a little better! There was no creativity and coherence. She just threw everything together and uploaded it!
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You are so right and this makes me think that Jill probably made Steph buy all the things she intended for the 4th vignette and that's why there are only three now.
So next video:
Dear Patreons,
I am taking 4 months off to pick up my buys from Christie's. The reason is I need to go via cruise ship because it would simply be too complicated to fly everything in and this way we can quarantine on board.
But the good news is I got a mayor discount with my local van rental since I am a regular customer now.
Phil will accompany me because I am scared to drive the van off the ship. There will be no vlogs because there is no historical architecture on board. We might make a stop at the iceberg where the Titanic sank but I can't promise you to see more than 1/7 of it.
But every now and then I can show you a glimpse of the sea-it so reminds me of the lost lake at Lalande.
I booked an inside cabin, of course, but guess what, they gave me an upgrade and I got the ocean view crystal suite instead which comes with a beverage package so we saved alot.
Nati will film how Selmar screws the screw (I mean in the downstairs loo) so hopefully I will find time to edit during the captains dinner. Unfortunately it's not a costume ball but I make sure to bring some weird inappropriate clothes.
A huge thank you to all of you to make this possible!
Hahaha so spot on..i actually can hear her say it...

and then the patreons remarks...

Oh darling marvellous you could buy all those priceless things for Lalande..i am sure it will look great in the Grand salon.. be carefull you dont get hurt by lifting all those heavy things...and my dear you so need a break after this long and tiring voyage...we so hope you enjoy your tour in the orient express the next day you come deserved...big hugs and kisses also to mummy and percy and all the lovely people at Lalande..btw you helped me so keeping sane through lockdown i increased my patreon account to the highest level...and i even have send you some nice gifts to open before Christmas...i will be so much fun..see you opening them...i can tell you one present...i send my grandmas old fur coat to you to keep you warm and snug this coming cold winter...its very ancient and has some mothholes in it...but i am sure you love it......much love to all the Lalanders....we are such a nice, positive and warm family..keep safe !!!
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She makes videos on youtube for a living. Wowo_O, that a rare concept right there. :ROFLMAO: digging up stuff on her ancestors? OH please don't hold me to what my ancestors have done.
I disagree. I don't mean to insert religion here, but, you used a concept from the story of Cain and Abel in the Torah (Jewish Bible and Christian Old Testament) as your defense. In that story, Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. G-d asked Abel where his brother was and he retorted: "Am I my brother's keeper?" The answer to the existential question Cain asked is, YES, you are your brother's keeper.

The theological concept in that story is that human beings are supposed to care for one another and not harm or abuse each other, that's why we strongly DISLIKE grifters here because grifting is a form of abuse.
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