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Teabeg's video and failed attempts at whipping cream and blaming the French for the lack of whipping cream availability infuriated me because it just reminded me of a general problem I have with SJ and him. I'm not British although I have many British friends, and I love visiting the UK, so I don't want to seem like I'm bashing the British in general, because I'm not... but WTF? Why are these fools living in France if they need to live as Brits...British food, only British friends, always speaking English without immersing themselves in the language and culture of the country they're living in?

The number of times SJ has shipped food from the UK is absurd. Easter candy was a standout of how ridiculous it was because it didn't arrive in time.

Teabeg is always making underhanded comments about France versus the UK. He can't speak the language so he is automatically isolated in the Pathetikeric family world view that people need to speak English.

My heritage and ancestry goes back to Central France and the other "half" to Rome, so I am second generation American from European immigrants. I am hyper sensitive to "bashing" of other cultures, like French, from Americans because I see it as a lack of understanding and displays their sense of exceptionalism to other people.

I'm ranting, so sorry. But I do like Dan and Annalise and Sean at Begmania but I have to ask why, especially SJ, are they not hiring local French workers....which supports the local community? Even when I'm visiting a new country, I prepare by learning at least some of the language and I seek out local people to meet and interact with. If I went somewhere only to search for fellow English speakers, it's sort of a disservice of experiencing a new culture.

Ok. The moral? I can't stand their "air" of poshness and their sense of superiority.
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Clara Burnett

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Yet another failed attempt by TrotterBoy. Let's rule out cooking video's as a way forward for him, he's too stupid to whip cream without turning it into butter and eagerly blames it on the French. By now it's not even a matter of lacking interesting content anymore, the moron lives in a chateau but his life is too boring at any angle. He's auditioning for the spot FlowerDestroyer left open by leaving and since they share the same low level of intelligence he probably will get hired.
Dana's cooking was only remotely related to anything French, at best it was her attempted interpretation. I'm sure it tasted okay although it lacked Dan's finesse in presentation, but I found her recommendations of her own efforts annoying and pretentious, which are actually better characteristics to describe her presence anyway. I know some of you find her sexy and interesting, but in real life she really is not perceived that way. SJ's revenge on Dan was but a pale infusion of his tongue-in-cheek intro and as she has proven before in that weird movie we all enjoyed clips from and that unsurprisingly never got a proper release, an actress she will never be, at least not a very credible one. But her trying, I will admit, made up for some of the boring content she offered lately. Still, SJ should pay close attention to TrotterBoy's downfall, because the same faith is rapidly rising for her too.
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Marty McFly 9

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I watched Success Stories, as I really enjoy Anna of Le Fleur, and I enjoyed hearing more of her story. Anna was, as one would expect, neat and fashionable, appropriately dressed, sitting in her very fresh, clean, classily decorated chateau. She sat with great posture. And maybe all that is Anna really made Marie look very unprofessional. She looked mussy and unkept. Her hair looked like it had static in it. Her blouse is gapping, her skirt way too short to be professional on a camera, and her posture, non existent. She really should have asked Anna for styling advice. Anna carried the interview. Sigh. I really want to stop having to read about Marie, but here I am typing about her. Like I want to move on from Cara, I want to move on from Marie ... now that her last interview with a French Chateau owner or character done, I shall move on.

Today's CD was SO much better than most of late. Stephanie seemed calmer ... being on screen with the salt of the earth types like Dan and Kirstie reall helped with this. I didn't like Philip when he first arrived last fall. Seemed he was such a know it all and tried WAY too hard to be a version of SJ ... but he sort of just became part of the picture for me, and I stopped being so irritated by him (I know, most of you will find this shocking!), but today was so refreshing not having him interact or be on screen with SJ for the first about 17 minutes of the vlog. It felt much more like the vlogs I enjoyed earlier on ... conclusion: Philip is BAD for SJ's brand and Dan & Kirstie are great for it!

Billy's vlog .... his stylizing just was too much for me. I like a good DIY of a room, but the close up of dripping paint etc etc .... ugh, I just felt like he tried too hard. I also don't care for his musical selection. BUT I did like that there wasn't talking for a lot of it, and a lot of know it all stuff that I find with the 2 Pethrick boys.

Thank you to the Patreon's who shared this weeks CD video for those of us who don't Patreon.

Still enjoying Dan's vlogs. They are a nice fun length with good music and photography, and an enjoyable person, even if the van going home footage has started to be a bit dull, I won't ever get tired of the drone footage of the French country side, nor the gardens and flying over the chateau.
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God I can't stand Phyllis. That's all I can think of when I see that pic. So smug he is.
I need to get over it. He will last longer than I will!!!! 😅
Not a great pic of Ruthy... But I am SO not photogenic I have no room to talk.
At least Potty looks like Ruth is his #1 in this photo!
Unless we find out his hand was up the other guys bum😲😯
Oh stop being mean to Phillip. Can someone join me as a non-snorty basher? He was bullied as a child, probably because he was granny's good boy, a bit too feminine and into singing etc. Now I think he should enjoy having found his place with Stephanie, they suit each other it seems. Let's be happy for him, come on! He is nice to people, polite, sings well and knows how to lay a table. He is a good listener, has a sense of humour, and seems quite frank and honest. Ok, he snorts. Ok, he can be smug (so? I am smug at times too!) and he choses clothing that we can laugh of. But he ain't no gangster!
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I wasn't going to watch MPK's latest masterpiece but I was bored. Over-whipped cream aside (what a performance, he really is a turbo-charged ignoramus), my WTAF moment was the booze he bought for jam making.

Bombay Sapphire Gin?
Hennessy cognac?
Moët et Chandon?

For. Raspberry. Jam. Money for jam takes on a whole new meaning.

Everything revolves around labels, names, brands. And there are still supporters who lap it up, thinking he's some sort of suave, sophisticated man-about-town. When he's just a dodgy jack--the-lad milking his moment.

Two comments which seem ripe for deleting. Perhaps Ma Trotter is too busy crafting.

Good God, that is going to be a bloody expensive jam Michael ... Moët & Chandon Champagne, Bombay Sapphire Dry Gin and Hennessy Cognac. Once you start boiling your jam all the alcohol and unique tastes of these very expensive brands will evaporate. That is why in cooking you do not use an expensive wine but just a "cooking wine". So, there is no need for all these expensive brands, "no name" cheap brands will just be as good to make a tasty jam !!!
17 hours ago

In reply to the above:

Totally agree. Waste of money to buy premium brands for jam making . An extravagant affectation, particularly when Michael pleads poverty.
5 hours ago
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As per rules swear words aren't allowed in title

Congratulations 🥳 @Tellingthetruth123
The liar, the shit and the wardrobe

Most liked post previous 🧵

Well-known member
Monday at 9:45 PM

Thanks for the new thread @MojoDublin!

AAAnd thiiiiis iiiiis Gift Grab! *add ear-piercing laughter*

Welcome! We start with introducing today's contestants for the most plausible over the top screeches of "I love it!"
Center stage, as always, we have Stefanny! She brings a whiff of vintage with her floaty dress which was last washed in the 1970's.
Cara is there to overshadow Stefanny. Let's see how this plays out.
Sillymar with his daily glass of beer matching his red face and puffy eyes is nowhere to be seen.
We move on to Nutty who as per usual is not really following what is being said and retorts with the duck face.
Last we have a dying man in a ventilator behind the camera. I'm sorry, it turned out to be a walking mop with oversized nostrils. An easy mistake.

Let the excruciating OOHs and AAHs begin.
Let's see what's in the first box. And it's a humongous human head terracotta pot. Stefanny is finding it a little hard to tell how she loves it but luckily it will live in a dark corner of the garden.
Box two brings another poncho and, wait for it, toothbrushes! You can't make this sh!t up.
Now we suffer through sycophantic praise for the charlatan and uncover some sewing crap. I don't understand what it is but it will be thrown away for sure. Doesn't even..... THE SQUIRREL! Scream behind the camera for a postcard.

Gift for Davy but he has just left the Shitoo.
Then scraps of Chanel perfume that someone discarded. Really, they didn't like it so send it to the dump!
More stuff sent for Teabeg that he doesn't want.
And now the mop with nostrils opens.... yet more hedgehog gubbins. This time a mug.
More amazing "art". Looks like a scrap book on a frame. And it is decoupage of a mad tea party. Very apt.
Time for cheap jewellery. Nutty finds a lightbulb pendant. I wish a lightbulb would go on in her head, too.
The obligatory Spode moment follows with horrible trinket dish. And a second trinket dish.
Let's take a pause to munch some Philipino crisps before mop with nostrils gets a towel with a bunny. Not the sexy kind, just a bunny with a monocle because of a bunny with a monocle.

At this point the commentator has strained some muscles from rolling his eyes.

1846 lithograph with roses. Very, very pretentious sounding roses. She was getting her pants wet but in the end it looks very tatty.
There's a small package. Smaller than what Teabeg enjoys.
It's more seeds! No one cares anymore but she tries to make it sound like she's interested in the garden.
Line drawing of the farmhouse. Teenager level art. But guess who loves it?
Someone thinks Stefanny is doing good work with the gift grab. Oh the delusions of this person who has seen all the flogs. Ooh aah it's postcards and stolen photos made into a book. Dear Brenda style. They drag us through the past with the pics in the book. It goes on forever. And ever. And ever.

And what have we accumulated in the end? Just another abhorrent gag-inducing pile of mullock.

It's bed time for me. Time for a dose of Teabeg's daily flop. It's the best anesthetic I know. Selling it to hospitals would solve his money problems and he already has experience in the drug trade.
Last edited: Monday at 10:00 PM
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What is annoying is the offensive crying poor vlog is gone. No proof he ever said any of it.
Did he take the poor me video down? Why?? So brazen to film it and edit it why take it down. It was probably his only truthful, real Video he has made. It showed him to be what he really is. A scrounger, beggar, hard faced, money squandering, self important, self righteous, money grabbing, poor me, immature, irresponsible person he is. Deleting the video really shows how false all these people who vlog are. The one honest vlog is pulled and instead we'll watch the poor destitute in debt man child go buy Hennessy and moet and gin to use to cook with his kitchen aid while eating fine cheese in a cottage that was restored with other peoples money which he even raised about 10000€ more than his target and oh yes he can edit it on his MacBook he was also able to buy from his first beg which again he raised far more than the 1000€ I'm sure it was close to 10000 but do correct me if I'm wrong. So all in all the extra money easily could have paid for his builder and staircase second rant over and I feel an idiot I was invested an
The infamous begging vlog is out there ;)
He wanted to get rid of it because people were unsubscribing en masse after seeing it.

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Went diving …. Seems ppl aren’t so enamoured 😑

I’ve not commented on here, although I’ve read most of what you’ve all written, which is how I knew MP was going for a vlog a day as per Dan the Man.
Dan’s blogs are superb, the fact they are 10 ish mins is one factor but the content is also spot on.
So I watched Michael’s.
In my opinion it was the most boring video ever, and that’s including people’s school sports day home clips.
Look at me making a COFFEE, gosh, look at me putting something in a broken window, look at me , we’ll just look at me actually.
No thought, no planning, no interest.
Whilst I don’t like the MP bashing that happens, if this is his contribution to vlogging, he needs to retire. IMHO.

intresting ..😈
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You are truly obsessed with them.

Can‘t understand that behavior. Checking every step they do on Instagram and Rent Boy sites. As if you are hunting them. You should talk to someone about that.

Something else, I have a problem rearranging my apps in a logical way. Can someone help me?

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Selmar has a new flog. He finds a swimming pool at the new location. As he is preparing to go for a swim he cuts (@26:08) to a request to become a patron if you want to see him in his swimsuit. :eek: THAT WOULD BE A HARD NO!!!!
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Chatty Member
Selmar has a new flog. He finds a swimming pool at the new location. As he is preparing to go for a swim he cuts (@26:08) to a request to become a patron if you want to see him in his swimsuit. :eek: THAT WOULD BE A HARD NO!!!!
That is unbelievable. Deluded about his dancing skills, deluded about getting his own chateau, deluded (probably) about his girlfriend. And now deluded thinking people would pay to see him in a swimsuit. Who is this guy? A movie star he ain't.
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The Republic of France should deport Michael Petherdick and declare him persona non grata!
The reno-sans man keeps blaming the French for his inability to find things he couldn't find in France when in fact he's just too lazy!

1. You can't find dried oregano in France.🍃
2. You can't find minced lamb in France. 🥩
3. You can't find real cream that whips in France. 🥛
4. You can find English bread in France. 🍞
...what else can't you find in France (or England), MPK? I'll tell you, a real job that pays.
Yeah, yeah...We all know you pay for jobs (reno jobs and blow j**s). :m

Good thing France doesn't care about what silly foreigners say or think.
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We go south tomorrow to check out more chateaux.
Ivo’s castle is on the list our agent gave us! If my fiancee and I ever want to consider seeing it, we’d be so close to SJ’s HMN. We thought perhaps we could stop by for a wine and cheese snack for 40 Euros. 😆 But thanks to tonight’s vlog we don’t need to and might skip Indre altogether and head down to the Dordogne.

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If Fanny is so worried about her Patreons, she needs to do one simple thing - hire (and pay) a Project Manager. She can't do it with her ADHD and Davy is not it, no matter how much influence he has with her. She needs someone daily who makes the Ian's, the tree guy, Matt, etc stay on schedule, on budget and on plan. Seriously, what's the status of these "promised" goal projects with Patreon $:

The damn chicken coops. Selmar hasn't built them. Free samples haven't shown up. Those chickens won't have anything new by Winter.

The Chapel! The stained glass! Again, the Chapel FFS.

The new refrigerator in the kitchen.

The damn shutter dogs. Wasn't that New Zealand woman that posted her own video on what it's like to volunteer made to count them?

The terrace steps. And finalizing the support and drainage of the terrace.

The bathroom. I've never heard of a bathroom taking so long.

The china pantry.

The facade of the building...the crack Mr. Potts pointed out and structural damage that needs to be done.

The pergolas. Remember Selmar saying he'd build them instead of Dan just getting them done with metal?

She is so scattered and unable to stay focused. She needs to do OUTSIDE work now, in the Summer, and INTERIOR work in the Winter when outside stuff can't be done.

And seriously, her Patreons that think the Lake is going to be touched in the next 5 years or who think it's a priority are just delusional. Almost as delusional as Teabeg's Patreons who think he has any interest in finishing that cottage. The cottage is just a reason for him to keep asking for money.
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Regardless, pointing fingers at avatars, or suspecting people for having an alternative opinion Is not what we're about. It really doesn't matter as it is a commentary site of the vlogs we watch.

So if it annoys them that we don't agree with what they do, then tough. The world doesn't worship snowflakes, the papers are full of people (so called stars) who have fallen down, taken drugs, reached rock bottom. Their choice. The public seem to want to redeem and in a way it is some inbuilt function of help them back up to their stratospheric status.

Let's us all remember they aren't stars. They aren't celebrities except for a certain sense of entitlement in their own circle.

So after that boring ramble, if they want to be on here then let them. It doesn't alter freethinking opinion.
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