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Re: Kat and Dan. Not Good imo. I get that times and morality have changed, but, even when I was a young hottie, I would never go near a man with two little children. Married or not. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, or be the one who hurt innocent children. Whether directly or indirectly, involving myself in that type of situation. would affect those kids, and that for me, was a No Go Zone. Bad Karma imo.

As another poster said, No Man’s dick is worth that.
My Dad’s dick was apparently worth it, to several people. I don’t always necessarily blame the women though. Lord knows what they tell these woman.

One lady who called the house looking for my dad when I was around sixteen, and seemed to know all about me. She was working really hard to make me like her over the phone. I was a completely naive young girl but I figured it out. I just bluntly said, look my dad is married and this is not appropriate. Then I asked her “what did he tell you”? She said that he told her that my mother had died from cancer, and started crying. WTAF

I told the lady that my mother was very much alive and married to my dad and that she better not ever call our house again. She called back. I hung up on her. I then walked into the kitchen and broke every glass in the glass cabinet. I have no idea why I did that. Looking back now, I think I did that because I knew I was going to have to tell my mom. By breaking the glasses I gave myself no choice but to tell her, and he broke our family. I was pissed.

She stayed very calm when I told her. I was crying like wounded animal. She said, honey, your Daddy is a very good looking man, and I have always thought women might hit on him or dance with him, but I don’t think he’d do this to me. Just calm down and I will talk to him. So, she told him.

What followed was my first experience with gaslighting. By my dad. He claimed that all he ever did was talk to her - that he might have said that mother died of cancer. His mother, which was recent and true. That this lady who met him in New Orleans and tracked him down in South Dakota, was nuts.

I told him that I think we both know what happened and that ain’t it. I also told him he was a piece of crap to do that to a woman that did nothing but support and love him and make things nice for our family. My little mama. Who did not party or run around or hardly leave the house except for work. I was never really close to my Dad again after that. He tried to act like nothing had changed, but he knew I had his number after that.

My mom told me that it really shook him how upset I got over the whole thing. He couldn’t understand why I got so upset. That told me all I needed to know.

They’d be divorced by the time I was eighteen. Same scenario. Another woman. But my mom left him. He would have never left. She finally realized he was doing more than flirting or dancing. It took him saying I love you “wrong name” in his sleep. My mom left the next day. She didn’t tell us (me and my younger brother) right away. She didn’t want to hurt us. It came to a head about two months later. He said he couldn’t handle us and we needed to move to live with our mom (1500 miles away - her family). He told us in the morning and we were gone by that evening. Driving 1500 miles to our mom, 16 & 18 years old. Two dogs and a truck full of furniture. We found out later that a couple friends went by our house to visit the night after we left. They didn’t know we’d gone. They let us know that there was a woman there with my dad. The reason we had to go. He knew I wasn’t having any of it.

That was 35 years ago and I’m still pissed about it. When Dan’s studio flooded, I knew exactly why.
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Karma baby!

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Sorry i cant remember who highlighted this channel on the previous thread. Here it is with the photographic evidence of Dan and Kat together.
Jenny with the TEA!! ☕😂
Who would’ve thunk? SJ missed her chance of exposing them! 😆

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I would like to add to MrsP67's list of CD perplexities. I hope that's ok MrsP67. You inspired me. And by the way, Fanny will never address your questions with her Patrons. So don't hope for's a waste of your time and energy. (For you tattlers, there may be answers to these questions that I missed while I was away, and I also have some of my own answers based on pure conjecture, so just bear with...)

10. What happened to the gazebo you bought for the walled garden and the large octagonal cabinet that you purchased for the China room, and all the other countless swag you’ve purchased on your addictive shopping excursions?

11. What happened to the attic that you and Potts cleaned out? Not the Narnia attic, the other one?

12. Where have you warehoused the roughly 4 thousand gifts you have received from the Cadeau? (52 weeks times 3 years times an average of 25 gifts per week)

13. What have you done for the family of your scholarship recipient since her suicide?

14. Why do you have sheep?

15. Why are you incapable of seeing the people’s eyes rolling back in their heads when you and Philly come up with hair-brained ideas that require their heavy labor and little effort on your part? For that matter, why do they drop everything and succumb to your whims?

16. Why are you decimating your beautiful forest and paying the “arborist” to do so just because he tells you it’s necessary?

17. When are you going to do something about that god-awful tennis court?

18. What happened to the natural swim pond after you were shut down by the local government for lacking planning permission?

19. Why are you still letting people gather on the crumbling patio that was found to be structurally unstable?

20. Why don’t you embrace the community you live in by actually talking to people in the shops and cafés?

21. How is it that no one in your local Département has discovered how many labor and business regulations you are skirting? (I noticed the local Maire had a great time at your open house. Just saying.)

22. Why is “Nutti’s Apartment” renovation stalled when you were able to renovate Mummy’s apartment on schedule for Escape to the Chateau DIY? If you are waiting so long for planning permission for a door or window, or whatever, why don’t you just change the plan?

23. Why did you and Mummy do such a lovely job of being accountable for your Patreon money for the first few months and then after Mums left town, no more accounting?

24. Why do you not have door locks and keys for your paying guests?

25. What happened to the architect’s plans for a new façade, and balcony?

26. What have you done with over a million dollars of income from Patreon and YouTube (combined) Since 2021?

27. Why did you stop all work on the chateau when you discovered that the building was about to collapse during the renovation of the “grand salon”?

28. Is it possible that Ian the builder and Armour have a conscience and do not want to get sued or worse because they realized that your chateau is structurally beyond repair, close to being a death trap, and you being aware of this continue to use it as a money generator by blatantly deceiving your guests and patrons?

29. How much stuff is enough?

30. How do you sleep at night?
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Karma baby!

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I have to thank you tattlers for all this Philip sex talk… as a newly single girl, it is helping me a lot, by making me as UNhorny as humanly possible! 😂
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Here is some new info posted by Selmar in the Chateau Wrap Up comment section:

21 minutes ago
@Scotchette You have no idea how I felt after the conversation I had with Phillip one night. I was Shocked and I wanted to get out of that place. So Dan started with cat on Versaile and before that cat was dating with Marie. Phillip came to la landa for Michael Patrick. Did not even liked Stephanie. but he needs sex every day. So he turned on to all the ladies in the house. In the mean while when Michael Patrick was there. They had sex to and the next week he was dating Stephanie. Can you even amazing how it feels to be there and watch it all happening. I was sick of it and I am glad that i now on a verry nice place.
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T Rex

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I can't be mad at Dana- she was really lovely with the boys when Annaliese was colouring her hair. (Fanny makes zero effort when the kids come to visit.) Dana sees an opportunity for a side hustle of renting out a room, so why not? Dana isn't cyber-begging on Patreon, already is part of the local community, and can tailor any stay with anything from a cooking workshop, a trip to local historical sights, or a cheese/wine tour. The room looked clean and tidy, and Dana seems like someone who would go out of their way to make certain her guests had a good stay. If I had to choose between staying at the Shitoo or Dana's humble abode, I'd choose Dana's! (Plus, I'd give her copious amounts of alcohol and make her spill the tea on all of the Shitoo characters!)

While for a time many of us speculated Dana was "the other woman", I now don't see it as such. I think Dana is the Switzerland in the whole Dan/Annaliese break-up- friend to them both. Dana, like Tess, marches to the beat of her own drum, but seems like the type of person one can call on when things go bad in one's life.

I think it is cool Viv actually came to visit Dana- after all, they are both really positive and upbeat people. While Dana's abode is nothing grand, she makes it work, hosts everyone and makes it a welcoming place. No fancy tablescapes. Just good wine, cheese, food and conversation.
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Sorry i cant remember who highlighted this channel on the previous thread. Here it is with the photographic evidence of Dan and Kat together.
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Here is some new info posted by Selmar in the Chateau Wrap Up comment section:

21 minutes ago
@Scotchette You have no idea how I felt after the conversation I had with Phillip one night. I was Shocked and I wanted to get out of that place. So Dan started with cat on Versaile and before that cat was dating with Marie. Phillip came to la landa for Michael Patrick. Did not even liked Stephanie. but he needs sex every day. So he turned on to all the ladies in the house. In the mean while when Michael Patrick was there. They had sex to and the next week he was dating Stephanie. Can you even amazing how it feels to be there and watch it all happening. I was sick of it and I am glad that i now on a verry nice place.
Ewwwwww…..just…ewwwww. So…if PhiPhi needs sex every day, where’s he getting it? No way he’s doing Fanny every day…or is she doing him? Maybe Fanny begged Marie to come back and help out in the bedroom to satisfy PhiPhi’s insatiable urges. Pardon me while I get sick. 🤢 Can you imagine…PhiPhi going through everyone at the farmhouse, male and female? Oh, I can only imagine the diseases! The clinic is on speed dial, I’m sure.
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What is happening at our château renovation, I’ll tell you what isn‘t happening:

- rooms emptied / cleared
- company hired with deposit
- actual plans drawn up for expanded renovation including major reno of two guest rooms and two new bathrooms, which will need major plumbing, heating and electrical changes.
- setting an actual start date
- ordering supplies and materials …and I do not mean buying more beds that someone famous may have pissed in.
- hiring extra labour to help Amaury, Billy has a team which is why he can Crack on.
- lining up the plumber, electrician, drywaller, plasterer, etc
- configuring anything such as new bedroom and bathroom layouts with technical drawings, specs

As far as i can tell, they are still at the idea phase with Philly conjuring up new ways to delay this project until his testes drop when he hits puberty.

However Im sure Fanny has already started buying furniture and bidding on antiques while Philly thumbs through wall paper books and sources more hideous lighting, while they find out what brands will sponsor the reno with ads. Fanny is very busy planning what entirely innapropriate outfit she will wear to paint in.

This new cooked up plan had a very loose start date of when airbnb is closed which is….October, November?…but then It’s Advent! Then it‘s too cold to plaster, then it‘s the Easter party and a dozen other Delays! Parties! Weekends! colds and flus! Hangovers! Made up crises! And vacations!

$43K each month…plus all her other revenue…she will drag this out forever!
i cant see how any patron would watch that video and feel good about their contributions.
the GS has sat there boarded up for months and months. That was not an update. That was gaslighting patrons pure and simple.
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Our back family room has some ceiling problems ..... hubby and I are going out for lunch today ....... I Must ask the waiter what is wrong with the ceiling and how to fix it !
I see that waiter's know everything about construction and renovations. :rolleyes:
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Fanny saying she never understood math but her video sponsor teaching her math has enabled her. Okay Fanny where are the accounts??
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T Rex

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Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives... (Fanny really needs to change her intro music to the DOL one.) (For you non-Yanks, Days of Our Lives is an American Soap Opera that has been running since 1965.)

From @Selmar 's previous musings, the story is that Herr Nuti was picking up random dudes on Tinder during lockdown (she became ired that the humble Dutch carpenter turned down her many advances). When the Prince of Pubes arrived, he "hit dat", and then had a menage a trois with Kat and FRK (who allegedly were together, but decided to have a "sausage sizzle"). Then, Snorts bagged TeaBag (Michael Petherick, who was on the rebound from his failed relationship with the Spanish male prostitute that he blew all of his Patreon money on, which was supposed to be used to rebuild the gardener's cottage staircase.)

Snorts then proceeded to bag the biggest catch- the needy and narcissistic Chateaulaine! Somewhere along the way, Kat discovered she really enjoyed sausage sizzles, and hooked up with Dan. FRK was the odd person out, and became dour and angry (that chicken in brown sauce slapped down in front of guests was the first sign)- she couldn't high tail it out of there fast enough in her grifted van, but like a siren's song, no place was as magical as the Shitoo. And like a bad penny, FRK returned.

Hanni, who had been love-bombed by Fanny previously (and tried to woo her with many expensive gifts) was led to believe they would hang out, braid each other's hair and listen to Joni Mitchell soundtracks together, arrived to discover Snorts' presence as the newly guilded title of "Fanny's Lover", and departed early. Hanni has not been heard from since, nor seen on any CD offering other than Fanny attempting to "love bomb" her back into her good graces with old video clips.

Crafty Herr Nuti- the day she feasted eyes upon the Chateaulaine's beefcake cousin (apologies to Mac- I know you find him to be a "Delicious Little Snack", but he's a 6 at best- then again, compared to the males at LaLande- Snorts, Potts, and Bag Head Nick, he is a solid 10!), her talons came out to claim him as her love (and forever secure her place in the line of succession.) In the words of Kanye West, "I aint saying she a gold digger, be she aint messing with no broke..." While "Mac's Delicious Snack" is not a wealthy man, Chantal and Steven are so, and Fanny has no heirs apparent (but Snorts certainly is trying to weasel his way in, as he's literally pissed all over the Shitoo with all of his tat and making himself the Master of the House). In the words of Bey, Herr Nuti is looking to "put a ring on it."

Then, there is the wonky menagerie of background characters- the hot mess that is Tess (which could be its own spinoff series), Dana, Mason the Nekkid Stargazer, Potts and the tragic writer Ruthy (who I suspect may be a psychopath after reading her last book- sleep with one eye open, Potts), BagHead Nick (we've all seen your face- and you're no one special), Marie (she is far too nice and brilliant- what DOES she even see in Nick?). Maria the Soup Nazi (it's a Seinfeld reference), Pavlina, too many other Chateau owners who have kissed her arse (Puy Vidal, Fleuries, M&M, CL, BL- just do your own thing- nothing to see here, nor anything you want to be associated with- just watch the video with Bob's reaction! And no Shrek, it is never going to happen, so apologize to your wife for acting like a crazed teenager), Kirsty and her husband (who literally pops open a beer when he arrives to the Shitoo), Nick the Tree Surgeon, Omberline, Tomas (he is an odd duck, but was a really hard worker), Stuart (no girl, don't ever go back), Jared, Andi (I will give her credit- she's only there to promote her art), Josie (who let us know how she really feels about Snorts, but suspect she only returned to recover her tea towel!), Coco (who we all thought was Stuart) and those I have forgotten.

Good lord, Fanny is missing an opportunity! The Shitoo IS its own soap opera!
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If Dan truly cheated on Annalise, he's beyond shitty. If you fell out of love -which happens- just break up and then move on. Sadly and based on some of the evidence, like the perfume-gate, seems like Dan started seeing Kat before leaving Annalise. (can some super sleuth put a timeline together? from perfume-gate to Dan's announcement vlog?)

Unfortunately in my 30 something years, I have also seen many women cheating on their partners. being a shitty person has nothing to do with gender.
Just a reminder… (scroll down)

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Karma baby!

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It could be because I'm in a bad mood today...
It could be because sir snorts-alot won't stop saying "Amaury and I" as if he's some sort of fucking wonder child engineer...

But it was at this precise moment when I slammed my laptop close and chose to instead eat a massive bowl of Häagen-Dazs strawberry ice cream. I hope my laptop is ok, I don't dare to check! 😅

Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 12.58.18.png
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I will attempt to put myself into Fanny’s head and answer these questions…wish me luck!

I would like to add to MrsP67's list of CD perplexities. I hope that's ok MrsP67. You inspired me. And by the way, Fanny will never address your questions with her Patrons. So don't hope for's a waste of your time and energy. (For you tattlers, there may be answers to these questions that I missed while I was away, and I also have some of my own answers based on pure conjecture, so just bear with...)

10. What happened to the gazebo you bought for the walled garden and the large octagonal cabinet that you purchased for the China room, and all the other countless swag you’ve purchased on your addictive shopping excursions? The gazebo is rusting and overgrown with weeds; the octagonal cabinet is in the stable covered in bird shit…it will NEVER hold a piece of porcelain.

11. What happened to the attic that you and Potts cleaned out? Not the Narnia attic, the other one? It’s full of PhiPhi’s dresses and high heel shoes.

12. Where have you warehoused the roughly 4 thousand gifts you have received from the Cadeau? (52 weeks times 3 years times an average of 25 gifts per week). The good stuff (5%) has been stored away…the rest has been sold or carted off to the charity shop.

13. What have you done for the family of your scholarship recipient since her suicide? What family? Who? Gawd…such a Debbie Downer. That’s so yesterday…moving on.

14. Why do you have sheep? I forgot I had sheep!

15. Why are you incapable of seeing the people’s eyes rolling back in their heads when you and Philly come up with hare-brained ideas that require their heavy labor and little effort on your part? For that matter, why do they drop everything and succumb to your whims? Because…me!

16. Why are you decimating your beautiful forest and paying the “arborist” to do so just because he tells you it’s necessary? I hate the ecosystem. Hello! Lake?

17. When are you going to do something about that god-awful tennis court? I don’t look good in my tennis whites, so the tennis court will not be renovated.

18. What happened to the natural swim pond after you were shut down by the local government for lacking planning permission? PhiPhi uses it for her mud bath.

19. Why are you still letting people gather on the crumbling patio that was found to be structurally unstable? Better them than me!

20. Why don’t you embrace the community you live in by actually talking to people in the shops and cafés? I don’t associate with the local peasants. I know what they did to the nobility nearly 300 years ago…and I’m worse than that.

21. How is it that no one in your local Département has discovered how many labor and business regulations you are skirting? (I noticed the local Maire had a great time at your open house. Just saying.). I let the local Marie have his way with PhiPhi for favors. It’s part of Philip’s contract for employment.

22. Why is “Nutti’s Apartment” renovation stalled when you were able to renovate Mummy’s apartment on schedule for Escape to the Chateau DIY? If you are waiting so long for planning permission for a door or window, or whatever, why don’t you just change the plan? Why bother with Nutti’s apartment? She moved out of my lavish farmhouse to that teeny, tiny house with cuz.

23. Why did you and Mummy do such a lovely job of being accountable for your Patreon money for the first few months and then after Mums left town, no more accounting? I’m not good with numbers. Or money. Or men. Or projects.

24. Why do you not have door locks and keys for your paying guests? How can PhiPhi have his nightly trysts with locks on the doors? Duh!

25. What happened to the architect’s plans for a new façade, and balcony? Filed under “Garbage.”

26. What have you done with over a million dollars of income from Patreon and YouTube (combined) Since 2021? On my way to Christies in New York, I stopped in the Cayman Islands to open a bank account.

27. Why did you stop all work on the chateau when you discovered that the building was about to collapse during the renovation of the “grand salon”? “Don’t throw good money after bad” is my motto!

28. Is it possible that Ian the builder and Armour have a conscience and do not want to get sued or worse because they realized that your chateau is structurally beyond repair, close to being a death trap, and you being aware of this continue to use it as a money generator by blatantly deceiving your guests and patrons? They’re amateurs. Wimps. Only weaklings have a conscience.

29. How much stuff is enough? Are you kidding me? Serious inquiries only, please.

30. How do you sleep at night? I’m a whore…so…sleep? What’s that? There’s a reason I don’t get out of bed until after noon.
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That was 35 years ago and I’m still pissed about it. When Dan’s studio flooded, I knew exactly why.
I am just so sorry to read what happened in your life OhIDontKnow......... I can so understand why you are still angry.
My Father liked to drink and not work. My Mum left him when I was small but he used to come to visit us until I was around 12 .... not every week thought.
Thankfully , if he had a girlfriend I did not know . I felt so sad reading that dreadful women rang and would not take the message you told her and you were a youngster and his daughter !!!
I really dislike any women who messes with families like that . Its unforgivable to me !
I have not seen or heard from my Father for over 50 years - probably dead. He never bothered and its was probably a good thing too.
What you don't know cannot hurt you .
Sending you a big hug ! 🤗 -- I think that is a "hug" ... looks like it to me ❤ 🙂
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Sorry to tell you Phiphi but Grand Tour bracelets are not that exclusive. Got mine in your favourite place Emmaus, for 1 euro at their jewellery sale.

Sorry to tell you Phiphi but Grand Tour bracelets are not that exclusive. Got mine in your favourite place Emmaus.
Way back on page 16 of 29… Isn’t it every man’s ideal scenario to have sex every day? Also, who wants to have sex with Philip?🤷‍♀️
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What’s happening with our Grand Salon renovation?

caroline gooder
43 minutes ago (edited)
As the B&B is booked until the end of the season, understand that the additions that Amaury is making like edgeing and the new ceiling in the grand salon will happen when it happens. ❤

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