strange and peculiar workmates, past and present ...

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First proper “career” job out of uni and I was sitting down with the heads of department to scope out their jobs and what they did for the Business. Standard things like that. At the end of my first day the boss took me into his office and told me to tell him about myself. I paused and was about to start talking about and his interrupted me, “let me tell you something about me then”, he said. I thought; fine, that gives me a moment to think. He says; “I was in prison for killing someone ten years ago.”
Talk about an icebreaker...
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We had a new starter who, on her first day at work, went off for her lunch and never came back!

Then there was the guy who clearly didn't enjoy having women as his superiors. Would only take orders from men. Used to sit there reading the paper when clocked in. Didn't last long.
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We had one who was sought after by everybody (according to him) He was giving me behavioural advice on the most difficult kids (he had been teaching 2 weeks and me 13 years!) anyway his quit teaching because he was hired by MI5..... pretty sure if he had have been he wouldn’t be allowed to say. Why couldn’t he just say teaching‘s not for me! I was in stitches in the staff room when I heard.
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I was once helping an older more experienced colleague with something on the computer and used his mouse to scroll down and he said “wait, how did you do that, I’ve always wondered what that little thing did in between the buttons on the mouse”
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I was once helping an older more experienced colleague with something on the computer and used his mouse to scroll down and he said “wait, how did you do that, I’ve always wondered what that little thing did in between the buttons on the mouse”
Was he a bit older? I once told my mum to move the mouse up and she lifted it off the table 😂
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Yes - he was only in his 50s but he seemed a lot older - too used to having had secretaries he couldn’t cope!
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I work as a teaching assistant at a special needs school. One of my colleagues is constantly tired and falls asleep in the classroom. The teachers and kids are so used to it that they will just get on with the lesson while she snores at the back.

One male colleague will offer massages to the female staff. A colleague told me she allowed him to give her one. He told her to remove her top and bra and gave her a massage in the PE changing rooms. Then they both just went back to work 🤷🏼‍♀️
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We had a new starter who, on her first day at work, went off for her lunch and never came back!

Then there was the guy who clearly didn't enjoy having women as his superiors. Would only take orders from men. Used to sit there reading the paper when clocked in. Didn't last long.
That new starter was probably me 😂😂😂
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On meeting my (then) new boss for the first time, he asked me where I was from. When I replied, he told me that he had once dated a girl from that area. He then went on to say “she liked me to strangle her when we were having sex”..
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I'm sure I was considered a weirdo by my former coworkers. :p

I had an old colleague who was really inappropriate. He would make really lewd comments about women in the office, tell me about his sex life with his wife, make inappropriate jokes. It was incessant.
I tried to avoid him by working an early shift, so he started turning up 4 hours early to sit with me until the later shift came in (that later one being his actual shift, so he was at work for an extra few hours daily for no reason). I told him I took the early shift to get more work done and he's distracting me by coming in early just to chit chat, and he replied that he was just going to watch me work quietly so I wouldn't get distracted. He'd pull up a chair to my desk and just watch me work. :oops:
He would stare at me from across the room all day and I could feel his eyes on me. Sometimes he would turn up before me and unlock my office door (keys were all kept at reception) and sit at my desk until I arrived.
I told HR but nothing was done because he denied staring at me and he convinced them I was being overly sensitive.
After he left the job, he sent me a sketched photo of my face. No subject or text in the email, just this portrait of me he sketched. I was so creeped out, particularly given how I'd endured a couple of years of him speaking of aggressive inappropriate things he thought women in the office were doing with their partners, or similar things he wanted to do with this wife. So bleeping creepy.

There was another guy who regularly clipped his nails and toenails at his desk. :sick: To this day the sound of nail clippers makes me feel sick.

There was one temp I caught eavesdropping with his ear literally up against the door of the ladies loos as he tried to hear what the women inside were chit chatting about. I also found it weird that these women would gather to gossip in the loos everyday- of all places.
Two of them would often chat whilst using the facilities, sitting in adjacent cubicles doing their business and having a conversation. I found that so weird. :whistle:

One of the senior members on my team refused to work. He would accept every task delegated to him but never complete it. The rest of us had to scramble to get his bits done on top of our own. No amount of talking to management/ HR changed his behaviour. Yet every year he would get a promotion and a raise whilst the rest of us got nothing. I don't know how he pulled that off when there were so many formal complaints against him.

We had a new hire who would refuse tasks and watch youtube videos all day. She said she could do so because her husband also worked in the firm (very junior position in a different department) and he told her not to accept any task she didn't like the sound of. Entitled much? :censored:

Oh and there was one manager who was so cheap, he would take a train to a city an hour and a half away just to buy Chinese food. He said it was half the price and double the portion of the local Chinese. I tried to explain to him that he could always order extra from the local if he wanted larger portions, and that the extra cost would be worth it because he wouldn't be wasting 3 hours of his life every few days, but he was focused on the savings he made on the cheaper meal and didn't care about the time he lost.
He regularly got food poisoning and would be hospitalized due to eating from dodgy places that were running special low prices. SMH.
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We had a new starter who, on her first day at work, went off for her lunch and never came back!

Then there was the guy who clearly didn't enjoy having women as his superiors. Would only take orders from men. Used to sit there reading the paper when clocked in. Didn't last long.
Hahahaha ... I used to train Helpdesk Analysts and this was a regular occurrence! I took over doing the training from a lovely guy who the Team Manager wondered might be scaring them all of, but no; I had the same results.
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We had a new starter who, on her first day at work, went off for her lunch and never came back!

Then there was the guy who clearly didn't enjoy having women as his superiors. Would only take orders from men. Used to sit there reading the paper when clocked in. Didn't last long.
My friend did this a couple of years ago. They kept phoning her when she didn’t return, she didn’t dare answer lol I can’t remember now why she left though!
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When I was in my early twenties, I started a company at the same time as my new manager did, and he’s probably the closest thing to a psychopath I’ve ever met. Our little team were positioned in a remote corner of a massive open plan office, and he would fly into uncontrollable rages for the smallest thing. He completely terrorised us and I used to cry most nights on the drive home, as it was around the banking crisis time and there were no other jobs going in my city, as my job is quite niche. Most people thought he was a charming and charismatic guy, and generally he was in front of most people, his mask never slipped in front of directors and he always got out of trouble by blaming us for things. He relentlessly bullied me and the younger members of my team, by demeaning us and making horrible sexist, racist and just generally despicable remarks. I ended up getting made redundant and I was so happy to leave and never see him again. Out of curiosity, I looked on his LinkedIn and he’s had about 15 jobs since 2009, working in almost every company that does what we do, within a radius of about 20 miles and only lasting a few months. I don’t know how he gets the job, as I’ve had interviews before where companies have questioned my leaving after 2 years 🤯 I hope he is mellowing in his old age and not as horrible to younger staff members, as over ten years on I’m still traumatised and doubt my work, as he made me feel so useless at my job.
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I forgot about this one, I had a colleague who had a book that was marked private (but left it on her desk). It turns out that she had been writing down everything that people were doing wrong and every mistake they were making, including the date. She had a separate book all about one person :oops: it wasn’t as if she was management, doing it to keep a record.... she was the apprentice!
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I’ve worked in healthcare for over a decade and you would not believe how many compulsive liars I have worked with over the years.

One nurse hadn’t showed up to work for a week, then when they finally heard from her, she said that her brother was in a coma due to a road accident. Naturally, we all felt bad for her and the managers etc were sympathetic. So she was off work for a few weeks then when the manager called to check in on her and see how she was doing, she told them that her brother had sadly passed away. We all did a whip-round and bought a lovely bouquet and card. We truly felt so bad for her.

Then one day, a member of staff bumped into the nurse’s mother on their day off and naturally said, “oh I’m so sorry about your son.” The mother looked baffled and asked what was wrong with her son...

Turns out she had lied about her brother the whole time just to get time off. Who does that?? Sick, honestly.

Another senior member of staff a few years before that had faked a wedding then a miscarriage. Turns out she wasn’t even with anybody and there was no baby. She was a complete fantasist who had lied about everything for attention. The Matron of our unit had been so good to her, very sympathetic and tried to help her out a lot. When it all came out, the Matron was absolutely livid and quite obviously hurt as she’d trusted her. She was an awful senior though and got away with so much because the Matron had such a soft spot for her. When she left out of the blue after being found out, I don’t think they ever spoke to each other again.
We had someone who was a temp colleague, she was okay in the beginning then started having a lot of time off sick with depression and anxiety. Which is fair enough but then she was sending snapchats and posting pics on Facebook of her getting smashed in town. Eventually said her dad had died so she had more time off. Then it turned out someone on our team had previously worked with this girl at a different company and apparently she said the same thing there! Whether it was true or not who knows, why would you make up something like that just to get time off?
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We had someone who was a temp colleague, she was okay in the beginning then started having a lot of time off sick with depression and anxiety. Which is fair enough but then she was sending snapchats and posting pics on Facebook of her getting smashed in town. Eventually said her dad had died so she had more time off. Then it turned out someone on our team had previously worked with this girl at a different company and apparently she said the same thing there! Whether it was true or not who knows, why would you make up something like that just to get time off?
It’s a terrible thing to lie about someone dying no matter the circumstances. It’s funny you said that because that girl ended up doing the same in two other jobs afterwards too (I have friends/relatives who worked in both places who told me about her and when I said her name they were like “how did you know?!” Funny thing about it was she was a RMN. 😬
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I worked in mcdonalds when I was younger, we had a bloke there that was the customer care assistant or whatever fancy title they gave to the person who worked on the restaurant floor giving out balloons and stuff. Anyway, he would like creep up to the children, follow them around even when the parents told him it was enough. He'd do funny voices & scare the life out of them, we used to get so many complaints about him for scaring the kids & making them cry but they never done anything about him. He'd then spend his breaks listening to scatman on repeat even though people asked him not to because it's annoying.

One woman I worked with went off sick for months & told everyone she had cancer. She was lying. She played everyone for months and months with these lies about treatment and how it wasn't looking good then it unravelled that it was all a lie. Sick.

A woman I worked with in my current job had very poor personal hygiene, one day she was called into the office to talk about it & she blamed changing washing powders. So she goes home to change & comes back smelling of dirty, stale people, fish & clean cotton air freshener (which has put me off it for life which is so annoying). She used to admit she would get up 5 minutes before she went to work get dressed n come in, she never brushed her teeth. She used to sit & scratch her ears to get out the white gunky stuff and then eat it 🤢. She would tell us vile sex stories as well & would often show pics on her phone & 'accidentally' scroll too far so we saw her pushed into some ridiculously small underwear set with her boobs & stomach just rolling out everywhere (not body shaming but when you see those images & know how she smells it didn't conjure up the best image). She would make any conversation about herself & sort of latched on to me for a while, she would tell so many lies as well.

One job I worked in (care) we had an agency worker who used to tell us she would burn her furniture so she didn't have to pay for the heating but then complained as it meant she didn't have anything to sit on. She'd cook chicken nuggets for breakfast & other random stuff for the residents breakfast. She always had a funny odour like mould and she was just on her own planet.
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I used to work with a morbidly obese woman who suffered with type 2 diabetes. Every single day she ate 3 pop tarts for breakfast, followed by a massive shot of insulin. EVERY DAY FOR 4 YEARS!
I had a coworker that was diabetic and she would get a cup of coffee with splenda and heavy cream and a muffin every day. Plus, she was taking insulin too. She wasn't overweight but her diabetes was so bad that they wanted to put an insulin pump on her. She stated that she wanted to eat whatever she wanted to eat even though she was diabetic. SMH. Plus she didn't get a lot of sleep.
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Worked with someone who turned out to be a paedophile.

Started out by him getting lots of complaints from customers about him staring at women’s boobs whilst he served them. Then he faked lots of compliment cards to make him look better. Then noticed he bought lots of children’s toys and kids underwear even tho he had no family or friends with kids. Just lots of little weird behaviours!

Then one day he came in late wearing a suit and said he’d been to a funeral (he hadn’t) but he started to wear a different name badge saying he’d lost his. Couple of days later my friend was reading the morning local paper about a man who’d been found guilty of possessing 4000 images of children. He had the same first name and and she made a joke asking whether it was him as she couldn’t remember his surname or address (just that it was nearby!) and turns out it was. Nobody in the management knew about it or that he had even been arrested or charged months before so they had to “investigate”.

Obviously the gossip spread and people were threatening to beat him up. The management never admitted it was him but they tried multiple times to get him in for a meeting but he never turned up and nobody ever heard from him again.
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