strange and peculiar workmates, past and present ...

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We had a temp colleague just before Christmas who was soooo odd like he would literally just sit and stare at people all day. We called him the serial killer because he gave off such a creepy vibe. One day he was hotdesking next to a lovely guy who was quite chatty and a joker. Chatty guy asked creepy guy what he had for tea, creepy guy answered, why do you want to know? One day he sat at chatty guy’s desk and ate all his biscuits bar one 😂 he never even spoke to anyone on the team it was just so strange
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Oh god I have a few :
I ran some group interviews and as an ice breaker asked for a random fact. One person raised their hand and asked “what If I don’t have a random fact?”
Worked with a woman who’d ask me to do some random stuff with data and would then sell it. Worst one was asking me to amend spend figures by “dividing the Japanese market by 7 and multiplying Russian spend by 5”
Another woman used to pick her teeth using a post it note
Worked with a girl that would make up some utterly random stuff. Like apparently the bank knew her so she’d never get charged on over draft, her partner earned a lot of money and they were practically millionaires (not true) and she was a size 10 (but was definitely a 16)
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I had a frequent temp workmate who kept calling her answer machine to talk to her cat. She did other weird things too, so many that I blocked them out.
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I’ve only really worked with one person who was very strange. He was ten years older than me.

He had a seizure at the office when he was fairly new and I used to have seizures as a young teen, so when he returned to the office I checked in on him. He was feeling really embarrassed about it and I reassured him that he was fine and shouldn’t feel that way. After that, he became a bit clingy with me. We worked in an office of 40 people and sat at completely opposite ends of the room, so there was no real reason why we would have any interaction. He kept finding reasons to come over to me. He would regularly ask how things were going with my then boyfriend. I feel as though he had a fair bit of social anxiety or just didn’t understand how to be naturally sociable. He would linger a bit too much really. There might have been a mental health issue, but I can’t say for sure.

One day, a few of us went out for after work drinks and a team mate of this guy said that he had found crazed scribbling in this guy’s notepad. It was a story all about murdering a woman who rejected him and in a crazy scrawl. He had photographed the story and was showing it to us on his phone. It was creepy and knowing this person, none of us thought it could be made up for a prank. Nobody reported it to HR, although we definitely all went back and forth on it.

Six months later or so, I got a new job at a building three streets down from where I worked. The day after my last day, he messaged me on Facebook to say good luck etc. I said thank you and after that he sent me three hardcore porn videos. I didn’t open them, but I told him in no uncertain terms that he is disgusting and should eff off. I blocked him on all social media.

Shortly after that, I noticed that this guy would start turning up outside my workplace and follow me to the car park or bus stop. He got braver eventually and started trying to shout my name to get my attention. He would wait outside shops I was in on my lunch break or after work. It was incredibly creepy. I would ignore him and not make eye contact. One day on my lunch break, he was there again, waiting for me to come out of a cafe. He was saying my name louder and louder and I guess he got frustrated that I was ignoring him. He grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me backwards. I screamed at him to never touch me again and that if he did I was going to go to the police. I made a statement to the police anyway and they raided his house, taking his phone and computer. The police decided that it didn’t amount to harassment but I reckon it definitely did. Luckily, after the police went round, he left me alone almost immediately.

On a separate note and I can’t say for sure, but I’m fairly confident that I got a dirty phone call on New Years Day from a man I used to work with. His accent is quite distinctive and he knew my name. He was asking me if I liked all sorts of sexual acts, I hung up on him. He’s also business friends with my boyfriend. He had some pretty crazy views on women, including that he would slap his teenage daughter around the face for being out late and would regularly cheat on his wife when away on business trips. He would make sexual jokes with lots of women around the office. He made a lot of us uncomfortable. I reported this to the police because it made me feel really violated and also scared as it was an anonymous number that knew my name. I didn’t say who I thought it was but basically, get this, until you get three phone calls, the police don’t think it is worth their time to pay your phone network to trace the call. I feel like these creeps know this and just regularly change who they do this to. Yuck.
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I cant think of any which makes me wonder if actually I was the weird workmate 🤔.
I dont really like eye contact lol.

I'm self employed now working for myself 👍
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I’ve worked with a variety of strange people but 2 that stand out

-an older man who was temping with us used to sit at his desk and clip his nails. I swore if he started doing his toe nails too I’d demand to be reseated! He also once asked me how my bowel movements were when I mentioned I wasn’t feeling well one day and on another occasion proceeded to tell me about his. And just to be clear...I had not asked!

-a girl who was temping in another office I worked in became very clingy towards me after I went to lunch with her once. She asked me if I would come to her house and sleep in her bed with her as she didn’t like sleeping alone 😧 I politely declined but management had to talk to her in the end because she kept following me and another girl I worked with into the loos and just standing outside our cubicle waiting for us, it became very awkward and the other girl spoke to our manager about it as it was freaking her out!
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Oh I have so many.

Well first one, we called him Big Mike. He would sit at his desk and sleep. So they got him a stand up desk and he would sleep standing up. And the worst was that nobody called him out on it.

Next, this guy acted like everyone disgusted him and he couldn't stand talking to anyone or being in meetings. He later told us that he has severe anxiety. We also found out a few months later that he had been on estrogen hormones and is now a she... so maybe the hormones were part of his foul mood 🤷‍♀️

Then we had this tiny little old lady that worked with us. She told me that there is a bird sitting outside her house calling her name. But she can't figure out what kind of bird it is. She also told us in a meeting that she saw a squirrel with a glowing tail. Another lady busted out laughing and said she wanted to be on whatever she was on. She got very offended :ROFLMAO:. She also told us she did ancestry research and was related to Adam and Eve :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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I've had the weirdest temps in my work places...

One was definitely a sandwich short of a picnic, and I remember showing her how to do something once on her computer (this was an administration role) and told her she needed to copy and paste a number from one system to another. She proceeded to write the number down and then type it into the second system. I said to her "you can just copy and paste you know?" she just looked at me blank and carried on writing the numbers down...
She was then given a simple task of of reorganising and restocking the tall leaflet stand, but she found it difficult and asked a colleague for advice. I watched her take hold of the stand and wheel it away over to my colleague's desk to ask for help... I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I remember making the comment that I was going to wheel the printer over to my desk whenever I needed it 😂

Another temp in the same job used to lie ALL the time and make out she was stupidly rich when it was very apparent she wasn't. We caught her out on so many lies. I'll also never forget the day she was wearing a mid length skirt, and she was a bigger girl. She was sent on an errand and when she came back she was walking funny - her tights had literally fallen down to her knees and she hadn't bothered to pull them up!

Another temp in another job would also never take his coat off, even in the summer when we were all baking....
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Worked with a guy in an office who had pretty bad dandruff which everyone could see because he had a close shave haircut. Not his fault but his desk used to be covered in flakes and sometimes he would pick at them at eat them 🤢
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Oh gosh lots. A couple that spring to mind

If it had been raining, one ex colleague used to take her tights off and put them on the office radiator to dry, usually right next to someone else's desk. If she was tired she'd also just lie flat out in a corner of the room

I worked with a grown man who used to have a huge collection of teddy bears on his desk. When he went on leave he used to bring a rucksack in and take them all home.
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One ex manager would put the windows in the office open first thing in the morning as he would be there first...even in winter, and would regularly use his desk fan, and wear t-shirts. When we'd try to close them they'd be reopened whilst we were on breaks. :eek: I got used to wearing layers, or waited until someone inevitably had a go at him. A day later they'd be open again.

One coworker sitting to the right of me would regularly read out draft emails under his breath loudly. They were massively long. He'd spend all day drafting emails rather than actually completing tasks in our shared list of tasks (both same role and pay grade). I carried that guy, and when I exploded one day and asked my line manager to rectify this issue (bearing in mind at the time I was early 20s and he in his late 40s, so imo he should do better), they just let him be because they've never been able to get him to be productive other than write superfluous waffly emails. I quickly looked for a job after that.
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I used to worked as a teaching assistant at a college and one of the transport drivers used to make random unnecessary comments about my then boyfriend (now husband!), eg. If we went on a trip to the town centre or supermarket he’d say ‘you probably come here with your boyfriend don’t you?’ On my last day working there he found me in the car park sitting in my car and was talking to me (at me!) for ages I couldn’t get away! I ended up winding up the car window and mouthing ‘gotta go!’ Before driving off 😬🤭
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Worked with someone who was caught by one of those groups that pretend to be young people on chat rooms to identify pedophiles. He was in a job that potentially required contact with children albeit in limited capacity. He went to meet the ‘child’ after his shift at work and was caught and was charged for it. He never showed up for his next shift and was sacked but I remember he came in bold as brass to return his uniform a few weeks later. Safe to say it went straight in the bin! Horrible man
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I sat next to a guy who picked his spots, ears, nose, eyes, head and ate everything he harvested.

Years later I was in Oz and he was invited to a birthday dinner I was at. He was married with kids. I could not believe someone had not only married him but shagged him at least twice too.
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There’s a guy who sits across the office from me and he picks his nose and eats it throughout the day and is always first with his hands in to take cakes on office birthdays 🤮
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I’m just reading these trying to figure out how the hell these people past the interview stage!! 🤯
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I worked with a girl who without fail would do a giant tit that was often too big to flush every day. She also possibly had something wrong with her bits or vagina because you could taste the air after she’d been to the toilet the smell was that bad. You soon learned to leave it an hour after she’s been in there
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I used to work in a place that had its own photocopy room run by an oldish bloke and a spotty lad. They had porn pics on the wall behind the copier (not too graphic but plenty of boobs and racy underwear). There was a non-too-hygienic canteen run by a toothless scary lady, where even the water was cloudy. The two posh guys who were my bosses ordered greasy bacon sandwiches from there on a daily basis. Sorry, that’s more general than specific colleagues.
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I worked with a girl who without fail would do a giant tit that was often too big to flush every day. She also possibly had something wrong with her bits or vagina because you could taste the air after she’d been to the toilet the smell was that bad. You soon learned to leave it an hour after she’s been in there
I went to work the day after my anniversary. Had been out for a meal, big steak dinner, red wine, brandy later on.

All that had to come out and it happened at work. As I was leaving the loo a colleague was coming in and I told her to go to another one. There’s no way I was subjecting anyone else to that! She thought it was hilarious. I probably got the blame for all the smells after that.

ETA I left the loo clean ... only the air was rancid
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