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Guys, I just want you to know, if you've been worried about Paul today, fear not! This image was leaked from his private insta. He's currently enjoying some alone time on all fours in his room at the hostel.
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Guys I'm not from the UK. I'd be fucking fuming if that is what taxpayers money was being used for, helicopter searches, instead of a taxi getting a police escort home. (From not even local police)

I would pay money to hear that 999 call.

"Sorry a group of 12 year olds are shouting"chocky wokky wocky" at me and my chips are going cold, can someone escort me home"

I read about older people in the UK falling and ambulance taking hours to come, domestic violence cases that police never show up. This dude getting fucking taxis.
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I seen a video taken by one of the kids as he's being led into the van. The people surround him are about 12 yr old and there's like 4 of them, why'd he feel the need to call the police for back up 😂😭 all they done was shout hot chocky wocky at him, I've had more intimidating shites than them
What Paul experienced is mildly comparable to what most women experience walking past a pub at kicking out time. Except instead of kids saying hot choccy wocky they're men shouting "show us your tits love"
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Not my words, but from the site with the name thats what a frog says when its finished a book...

"Sorry but so f-ing what Paul. This is how the conversation should have gone (to paraphrase):

19 YO: Hi, I like you photos

Grow ass man: Oh thank you, that’s very kind.

19 YO: You seem like a nice guy!

GAM: I try to be!

19 YO: Take pictures of me?

GAM: No, sorry but that would be very inappropriate considering your age. I’m not a qualified photographer, I don’t have the equipment, location knowledge or would be comfortable with it. You must consider your own safety before asking random blokes to take your photo. Have a good day.

He could release a million messages of her begging him to do it, it was his responsibility as the adult to say no."

Exactly this!!
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Chatty Member
Paul’s bed is all stained with GRAVYYYYY
And after ALLLLLL
he will always be Pedalo PAULLL
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Had an early night so missed the Instagram bullshit.
Paul, I hope you read this. In my job I have dealt with many people that have turned to suicide, some made it and were fine, some made it but had life changing problems afters, some didn't make it at all. I once had to watch a mother be sedated after her son committed and we realised there was nothing that could be done for him, because she was completely overcome by her emotions and had lost all control, understandably too. I don't know if you actually realise the damage you are doing by threatening this. If your son sees your threats, it will traumatise him for life and he'll ALWAYS be on edge wondering if today's the day he'll get a phone call to break the news. If you're feeling this way, call the crisis team or see your GP, don't broadcast it on the Internet, that will not help you. It's a cruel game to play when threatening such a devastating event, and a kick in the teeth to people that are genuinely feeling this way and are not getting the support they need due to cuts and other barriers. Get off the Internet, get yourself sorted and stop putting your child through these games. We know your aim is to make strangers on the internet feel bad for you, but they don't feel bad for you because they already have a negative opinion of you and don't even know you, it'll be no loss to them. But while you're trying to get the attention of strangers, you're hurting your son. Get help and get off the Internet, this isn't fair on your family.
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5’1 & balding I’m crying laughing, but apparently he was in an altercation this was posted on a community page in Scarborough.
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The fact that she said “he had sex with me” not “we had sex” or “yes I did sleep with him” the wording alone speaks volumes. He’s a horrid little man.
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Just makes him look even worse tbh, the temptation of meeting a teenage girl was just too much for him. What he should have said is, ‘I’m not a professional photographer, you are very young I don’t think it would be appropriate’
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The more I think about it the more angry and upset I get. On a few occasions I've been having sex with my husband then suddenly just not been in the mood due to tiredness or having a thousands mum thoughts in my head and he will always sense this and say hey let's stop and do it another time if you're not feeling it. I never say anything or act any differently as I'm happy to have sex but he can always sense if I'm not fully in the moment and will put a stop to it. Why isn't this a common thing?
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‘I wish there was an off button’

There is, literally delete your social media accounts, go off grid for a while and literally the entire world will forget about you in less than a month.

Is it really that hard?
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Not sure what he’s hoping to achieve with these insta stories? Grace has said she first messaged him asking if he would take pictures, the onus was always on him to say no.
Honestly Paul, I don’t have time for your late night nonsense. Some of us have jobs, can you not do this at a reasonable hour instead?
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"Despite the shacket and long shoes, it did not take long for year 7 children to notice his presence."
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