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Cucumber and eggs

VIP Member
Hi sean and olivia

Im barely on this thread but have just seen your posts. I am an nhs worker, I came into work the other day to a complete and utter shit storm.

The crash team had been called (I work on a mental health ward so when the crash team are called you can only assume the worse) I can't say too much about the patient but she was young.

I walked in to her room and she was gasping for breath even with oxygen, she had wires and cannulas coming out of her, drs and nurses were frantically running around. I went with her to the emergency medical assessment ward where she was in so much pain and disorientated, she was trying to pull her cannulas out and her mask off. Later that evening it was confirmed she had covid.

No signs or symptoms beforehand, she had been the life of the party christmas day then in the middle of the night was found unresponsive. She is now receiving end of life care.

You and olivia are the biggest insults to society! I dont even wish for you both to catch covid because it's that brutal and disturbing to watch.
I am extremely high risk so I now have to shield until feb as we have several other confirmed cases on our ward. So you may not be affected by covid or have mild symptoms, but if I was to catch it from you it would more than likely kill me, leaving my 3 young children without a mum!

Also my 3 year old daughter lost her dad to a guy who was driving with his phone. It still has a knock on effect 10 years later. He never got to see her school concerts, take her to school, spend christmas and her birthdays with her, will never walk her down the aisle etc...

Just have a long think about what ive just written and how arrogant and uneducated you both come across. Your living in a world that revolves around instagram, image and materialistic things, maybe step outside into the real world for a bit, might do you both some good.
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Chatty Member
You couldn't make it up.

Olivia and Sean post the following online:
  • Go on holiday when there's a pandemic
  • Flaunt that they are out and about refusing to wear a mask even though they're fine to smoke and do laughing gas
  • Drive after drinking way over the legal limit
  • Have parties breaking covid rules on gatherings
  • Drive while using their phone
  • Escort and be sucked by clients
  • Spread anti vax memes
  • Spread covid conspiracy theories
  • Ignore covid rules designed to protect the public and label people idiots that adhere to them
  • Go around calling people cunts, sad and boring
  • Post horrible suicide memes
  • Their shity selfish behaviour goes on and on...
Oliva and Sean then Demand:
  • People only have positive things to say about them.
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To cat lady

Chatty Member
Hi there fellow scape goats 🐐
What we are witnessing here is a huge deflection from both of them. Katherine has “shown them up” about a completely different issue to Tattle. Instead of reacting or addressing what Katherine said they have tried to make a massive song and dance about tattle - why? 1) they are embarrassed 2) Sean in particular wants to paint himself as a victim immediately so he doesn’t have to address the issue (very similar to techniques recently used by the delightful Stephen bear) 3) by apologising so many times he wants to portray someone who is happy to apologise for things they HAVE done. Thereby further distancing himself from Katherines allegations (eg wow Sean is such an amicable guy, he can say sorry for his mistakes so he wouldn’t of done that etc etc)
I know this because while I don’t think this site is trolling, there was nothing worse said on New Year’s Eve/day than at any other point in the relationship so why make a big deal of it now? HUGE deflection from the real issue which is of course Katherine allegations.
How hypocritical of Olivia to say Katherine & her tick tocks are boring (never admit to the ex that you stalk their socials lol) Shes giving Katherine her OPINION on things she posts right.. is that not what we’re doing here too?
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Chatty Member
Thread title by @Gingercream

Using @Zantezoo 's roundup from the last thread

Questionable fashion choices

Olivia has removed her pre-teen MSN style SP 🔒 and is now filtering her face to the point that her nose has disappeared. You can book classes with the MUA herself. Now on a weekly basis she archives all her Sean photos for a few hours.

He says the UK is fucked and that's why he refuses to follow the covid rules. 🤪

Still changing the font for the cringy posts and Olivia has no idea what a lasso is.

He’s still a c*nt.
He’s happy.
Still claiming to be 6ft...don’t mention his height though, it upsets his family.
He’s happy.
He’s in an apartment in Manchester but as a serious business man, he’s also buying a house in Nuneaton.
He’s happy.
Still using the pump and meeting men for kicks (theirs or his 🤔) in hotel rooms.
He’s happy.
Disappointingly he didn’t swing by in thread 3 neither did his friends.
He’s happy.
Still importing China’s finest pants.
He’s happy.
Still touting the sex work on Twitter @onlyfansalpha
He’s happy.
Who could forgot his cowboy antics 🤠
He’s happy.
He’s about the head in his 4th holiday during the pandemic.
Still a serial pumper
Did I mentioned he’s happy?
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To be fair to Olivia, I thought she handled that question very maturely. ( See Olivia - we do write nice things here too! )
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Vanilla Ice

VIP Member
Sidandnancy - that’s certainly a little bit rich making the above comments when in your previous posts you have been calling her an fucking idiot/thick/psycho plus other derogatory names for them both like having bipolar - sounds to me like you have been found out and now your trying to hastily back peddle perhaps you are feeling a bit guilty for the things that you have written but that’s fine but you can’t come on here and start telling others what’s to say and do - no one asked you to join in on this particular thread and everyone has the right to choose what threads they contribute too - so it might be a good decision for you not to participate on this particular subject again and just move onto a new thread that’s more suitable for you
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He's complaining that he can't do twatty things without being judged 😆

He has a higher opinion of himself than Kim Jong-un 🤪

The guy is off his rocker, he's literally throwing a strop that he can't broadcast himself driving dangerously or endangering public health by breaking covid rules without people (quite rightly) judging it. There's no words🧟

This is nothing to do with tattle, it's Sean and Olivia having their chickens coming home to roost with the shadow banning, only fans money falling, shit unhappy relationship and the prospect of their tax being investigated. But because they are so arrogant and stupid they look to blame anyone and everything else rather than take accountability for their own actions. Sucks to be them.
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That Trans question is awful. I mean, I know we like to take the piss, but that's offensive & unkind.
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I don't know what made me laughcringe more Olivia's human centipede photoshoot or Sean's fashionable older lady on a cruise hat and kaftan combo 🤔
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To cat lady

Chatty Member
Can chat as much crap about apologising and tattle as they want... Katherine said you locked her in a bathroom with a knife bro! That’s not going away!!
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Chatty Member
The only time the sadness ever lifts from his eyes is when he's doing something malicious to harm other people. He'll only get sadder if he doesn't sort his awful attitude out.

You won during covid Sean and olivia and did exactly as you wanted to do regardless of the consequences. Enjoy the only fans money, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Sean. I hope now you can spend it on lessons in grace and decorum. Because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. So Sean, take your only fans money and get off the internet with your damaging behaviour

*Confused Olivia* "I don't get it"

You wouldn't! There's nobody up there love!

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Ok lets get something straight right now! We are not trolls, we are not sad or pathetic and are we fuck jealous 😂😂. They just dont get do they? The reason you get shit is because you post fake bollocks about covid. You travel from tier 3 areas to tier 2 areas and have helped to push these areas into tier 3. By doing this you're contributing to overloading the NHS and the people who work for it. You cry about mental health yet rip poor katherine to bits to 40k people(smacked of jealousy that little rant as well). I know exactly what type of girl you are Olivia, a nasty bully. How dare you both use the mental health card? How dare you. If you two actually took your heads out of arses for more than five minutes then you'd realise that theres much more going on in the world. You're two extremely dangerous individuals where peoples health and safety are concerned. By all means play the woe is me card. Those 'messages of support' simply mean the people sending them are justly as ignorant and thick as you both are. So god help us all.
And to the lady who posted here earlier who works for the NHS I'm so sorry you've had so much to deal with but I want you to know that you and your colleagues are fucking heroes. Every last one of you, you are what make this country great not these fucking influencers(which is not a job by the way!) Get your your head out your arses sean and olivia, you're both full of shit.
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Olivia’s bitterness and blunt disregard for anyone other than herself reminds me a lot of how Jordi acted after they broke up... and if you remember Jordi got VERY vile and very public about it. It’s just a matter of time till their own ugliness and self centeredness turn on each other, and when that happens it’s going to get very ugly. For them both to say Katherine needs to “get over” her trauma is absolutely offensive to anyone who’s ever endured trauma. Imagine a rapist telling their victim “quit wining about it, that happened years ago!”? Imagine a pedophile telling an abused child years later “So what? You’re grown up now, suck it up.”? It’s mind boggling how they lack the perspective to see anything outside their own self interests.

He’s right in his latest stories about having mental health issues, the dude is an absolute possessive narcissist with the temper and intelligence of a toddler when he doesn’t get his way. If you all remember he made a story telling all his followers to go harass Katherine on her page because after they broke up he sent her Valentine’s Day flowers and “didn’t even get a thank you”. Dude, you’re a creep.
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Well-known member
Olivia, nobody’s ‘angry’ your back on Instagram - I for one am fed up of some people using ‘Be Kind’ & talking about mental health - where was you kindness to others when you are laughing at COVID - what about those peoples lives it’s devastated?!

And you say if it offends us; for us to stop looking at your page?
Well darling; if Tattle offends you - stop looking here too! 😘
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Sorry state of affairs when Instagram is your ‘work’ she’s behind on ‘collabs’ please just fuck off with yourself
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Katherine is a 10/10 absolutely stunning, classy, mature and she has a proper job and makes her own money. Olivia on the other hand is a trollop, muddy makeup caked on her face, pretending she’s a model when she doesn't have the body for it (not shaming her it’s just the truth). She’s immature and an absolutely fuckin prick to boot.

Sean must be kicking himself...
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Hey Olivia 👋 the reason you are talked about on here is because you and your perfect boyfriend CONSTANTLY break covid guidance. Being a smug little bitch last night at a house party saying you were in a support bubble when you’re not at all. Do you not think I wanted a party with my friends??? Of course I did but I’m not a selfish cunt like you and Mr Perfect. The more selfish people like you breaking the rules the longer or will go on. So if you’re wondering why you get so much hate that for me is the NO.1 reason!!!
Stop being selfish and maybe people wouldn’t hate you. Your behaviour directly correlates to the attention you get online
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