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I’m pretty sure we’ve all read the trial. There’s 14 threads on it. One thousand posts on each.

Speaking of which, now that the trial is over this will be the last thread I make on it. Obviously you’re all free to carry on beyond this one, but I personally feel that everything that needed to be discussed has been. I fear that it’s just going to descend into petty squabbling and one-upmanship from here on out.

It has been a heartbreaking and often frustrating time, but thank you to everyone who contributed to what has been an interesting discussion over the last 8 weeks. I have to put Star’s story out of my mind for a while now.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for 2022. ❤⭐
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The trial into the murder of Star Hobson has now finished.

It has been great talking to you guys.

I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
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David said on Sky news the sentence was a relief. That Anita wanted SB locked up for life, he thought 25-30 years was more likely so a min 25 years is a relief for them. Also relief at the sentence for FS because he said she had chances to get Star away from SB and didn’t. If this brings relief to them, then their opinion is more valuable than mine
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In Arthur’s case, the sentencing remarks were clear and fair. In this case they seem completely topsy turvy. Savanna will be laughing her way back to the cell with the levels of stuff she got away with. If that was me I’d have said it was sadistic, beating a baby for 3+ months behind her mothers back. Sick. I’m glad she got 25 but it should have been more.
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I have literally no idea what SB was saying in that video but how anyone can bear to be around her for more than 5 seconds flat is beyond me!

When her FB profile was up though, there was a video on there of MK having a fist fight. So I guess they are all violent.

Also their dad has a post on his FB of himself holding and clicking a taser of all things!
It’s just another fookin world!!!! I would literally run a mile from someone like her. No wonder FS’s poor family were so concerned when they clapped eyes on her. Poor BE’s parents too.

As someone else said earlier, apologies I can’t remember who, SB must obviously be able to turn on the charm when she wants to. When you see her in all those photos at The Sun Hotel she looks good fun, smiley, chatty, friendly, affectionate etc. I bet people who only knew her on a surface level genuinely liked her, eg pub customers. She is in photos with loads of different people and they all look happy to be next to her. Like a true narcissist, she will have charisma, she will command attention, she will be confident, and she will make people feel great about themselves in her presence. She will charm them, compliment them, ask them all about themselves, and make them feel so good to have the attention of someone so important (ie pub bouncer, security staff etc) and popular.

Only, after seeing what we have seen, we know it was all front. All a ruse to cover up for a deeply insecure, inadequate, unfeeling, unhappy, jealous, bitter, violent, angry monster that lurked beneath. Seemingly, she only let her charismatic, charming mask slip in front of certain people. And when that mask slipped, it dropped into hell.

People on here said more stuff would come out after the trial and it has started already. Those two videos above that people have kindly shared on here…I watched them with my jaw on the floor. I live in ‘not very nice’ part of north west England and there are plenty of scrotes round here. However, I have never ever seen anything like those videos in my life. From grown women! Not teenagers in hoodies trying to look ‘well hard’. I am still shaking my head. The threats, the language, the…sheer childishness of it all when it comes down to it. She said this…he said that…she said the other. It is puerile. Utter nonsense stuff to be getting angry about. I understand people feeling angry about child poverty or wars or famine. But, almost bursting a blood vessel about ‘what Ann-Marie McGinnley said‘, is just outrageous.

On a lighter note, because the above is getting too heavy (and it woz me that rote it ya basturdz), was it Ann-Marie McGinnley who the Brockhill sister was disgusted at because she ‘had her tits out in the mirror’?!?!? What the shite?!?!?!

You have to find chinks of humour in all this or we would never stop crying. Three cheers for ‘Our Corrine’ ! (The ‘OC’). More to follow about ‘The OC’ later once I’ve edited wot eye scrinshotted. Ye fookin nons.
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So SB is worried for John Crawley’s safety? Then why is he on FB inviting people to meet him face to face so he can kick the sh#t out of them?
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I’m bowing out for now. This has been a really tough case to follow but there’s been so many lovely people on here to follow it with. I’ll be honest and say I’ll miss talking to you every day, I just wish it wasn’t about something so heavy.

Beautiful girl Star, rest in peace. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this case and the smiles of the little one who had her future stolen from her.
If anything positive could come from this, I hope it’s that measures are put in place to protect children and make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

And I hope Savanna Brockhill never sees a days peace as long as she lives.
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If she’s been having seizures for years, then why was she driving? You’re not allowed to drive if you’re having regular seizures…

this is the woman that drove drunk, beat her partner and murdered and tortured an innocent baby though, she clearly thinks she can do what she likes. She makes me sick. Evil horrible person.
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SB is worried about her family??? Maybe they should stop spouting all over social media if they are worried! Fuck off!!!!!
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Jordan couldn’t bring himself to make a statement, but could like porn/share memes/steal from charity throughout the trial quite comfortably.
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Who gestures and grabs their private parts in skin tight jeans on video swigging a can ‘o lager and uses phrases like, “Came out of my mother’s minge”!?!? And then shares it in public?!?!? Minge?!?! My Mother’s Minge?!?!! I take it that is the fragrant older sister Scarlet?

I think even ‘our Corinne’ would behave with more decorum than that! She might seh cunt but shi neva sed fookin minge! Speshulli not mi muvva’s fookin ming!
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I’m shocked at both sentences. I think SB should have started at 30 but I’m glad it ended up at 25 from a starting point of 15. She’s an utter twat with her behaviour in court.

I didn’t think FS would get 8 years but she’ll serve just over 4 with time on remand taken off. I can only hope that she doesn’t get bullied in prison as I genuinely believe she’s too immature and vulnerable. She was a shit Mum yes, but if SB hadn’t come into their lives, Star would still be happy and healthy.

I also agree with others regard The Judge’s comments on the DV not happening regularly enough!!! DV isn’t just physical, it’s emotional, it’s coercion, it’s control. I know because my ex husband was like it. Especially when you take into account FS’s low IQ, lack of emotional intelligence, gullibility and naivety, I’m actually quite shocked at her comments.

I really hope FS can turn her life around in prison and become a better person.
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Hmm. So Arthur's father got 21 years and wasn't in the house when Arthur died. He abused Arthur.

Frankie was in the flat and got 8 years.... She also abused star.
He got manslaughter. It was never proven that Frankie was in the room at the time of the fatal injury much less dealt it. Also, completely different case in that there was evidence of TH physically beating his son and telling ET to “end him” and “put him out with the rubbish.” I could go on but I won’t. I’m not sticking up for FS in saying this, I have always thought she should go down for causing or allowing and think she got the right sentence.
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I know we have all been posting here since the start with one common goal…Justice for Star.

The trial is now finally over, and like many of you, I don’t feel any relief, like I thought I would, I feel extremely upset and incredibly angry (anger for Fuckhill…a childish nickname, I know, but I can’t even call her by her first name. She will be Fuckhill to me from now on. Or Cockhill. In fact, Cockhill sounds better so that is what I will be referring to the murdering baby killer from now on. The evil to the bone Cockhill).

There is no prison sentence long enough to get justice for that little girl. However, I read that David Fawcett was pleased with the verdicts and sentences given out. I don’t think any one of us would/could or should be able to challenge him on his opinion there. He has seen, lived, and breathed all this for longer than we ever knew Star existed. He has had to pick up all of the pieces, not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES.

He held the family together and spoke up for Star when she was murdered. He was like the glue that held everyone together.

David supported Anita through that

Anita’s son (Frankie’s dad) then killed himself clutching Star’s coat on FS’s birthday whilst she was on remand.

David supported Anita through that

Anita’s granddaughter (Frankie) was suspected of, and eventually found guilty of, allowing the death of her child.

David is still supporting Anita through that.


That poor, broken, lovely man (who is not even a blood relative of Star) has been carrying part of FS’s family all the way through this. Everyone has been leaning on him. He has even had to brush off the attention seeking dickheads on FB. Who will be there for David when the realisation of what has happened finally hits him?

FB campaigns and photos keep things alive and comforting. Alas, all those people will eventually move on to something else. Poor David will be left managing that FB group with thousands of members, of which only a handful will still post. He will end up bewildered. Where have all those supporters gone?

As reluctant as I am to say it, knowing first hand how fickle can be regarding someone who has died, David has not experienced his real grief yet. all these FB campaigns and balloons, and court hearings have suspended it. It probably felt like Star might be coming home today after the sentencing, silly though that might sound.

When all the FB posters fade away, when people stop getting Star tattoos, when people stop releasing balloons, when people clear away their Christmas baubles, they will all move on for a Happy New Year! Poor David, Anita and Holly etc will not be packing up their trinkets to remember Star. Their trinkets will not be going in the loft for a year. Their memories will not just shift over to the largest live trial.

Sorry if the above sounds deep. I feel deep. I feel bereft. It isn’t a relief. This is just the start of a harrowing life sentence for people like David and Anita. This isn’t the end, it’s just the beginning.

I had better get back to OC again! I’m getting down and maudlin. I must not allow myself to go there. Sorry to everyone, please scroll on by if my post is far too dour xxxx please don’t argue with me if you disagree.

I thought I posted the video but I didn't, it was someone else who just mentioned about it but didn't post it. I've gone back to his FB and looks like hes deleted it now
Cunt u member?
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I’m pretty sure we’ve all read the trial. There’s 14 threads on it. One thousand posts on each.

Speaking of which, now that the trial is over this will be the last thread I make on it. Obviously you’re all free to carry on beyond this one, but I personally feel that everything that needed to be discussed has been. I fear that it’s just going to descend into petty squabbling and one-upmanship from here on out.

It has been a heartbreaking and often frustrating time, but thank you to everyone who contributed to what has been an interesting discussion over the last 8 weeks. I have to put Star’s story out of my mind for a while now.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for 2022. ❤⭐
Thanks @LittleMy for all the effort you’ve put into these threads & the links to the live transcripts everyday ❤
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Every time I read those dumb comments that people make on FB, I realise precisely why the inept and self serving government we have keeps getting voted in.
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