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As an aside, anyone else notice that ignorant cunts who post racist shite online often don’t have even primary level spelling skills?
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Orange Creme

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I'm happy to be educated on this... but I dont understand why white people are so offended? A friend of mine on facebook was so angry yesterday that little Britain had been taken off screen yet it actually did have very racist scenes.
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chocolate choux

VIP Member
I didn’t find Little Britain funny and it shocks me that it was acceptable to do blackface on TV so recently. Same with people defending Justin Trudeau’s blackface costume from the same era. I’m from a very white area and don’t remember it being considered okay at that time 🤷🏻‍♀️

As for White Chicks, I only vaguely remember watching it (also not funny) but firstly, it speaks volumes that this is the one example of ‘white face’ that keeps getting brought up vs a whole culture and history of blackface. Secondly, the ‘chicks’ part is integral but for some reason ignored. Blackface targets black men and women indiscriminately, whereas White Chicks targeted a very specific subgroup of white women. I don’t think it’s the same as blackface at all, but if that argument is going to be made then why aren’t there claims of misogyny? The film would be completely different if it featured white men rather than women, who are also a marginalised group
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I like how people are defending certain shows being removed but when it comes to White Chicks for example that's allowed to stay up when white people call for it to be taken down also.. yet it hasn't.
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What I don’t understand is why all these programmes are suddenly offensive, weren’t they racist all those years ago when they first broadcast? Just feels like jumping on the bandwagon
That’s exactly what it feels like. Why not then? Why now?
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I'm not sure that it's the right thing to just remove everything and pretend it never happened. I saw this disclaimer Warner Brothers put up before some of their cartoons (not sure when this was or which ones) and think that this is a sensible approach. Acknowledge that these things came about at a different time, that it was wrong and that going forward we can learn from our past mistakes.


Although Little Britain has always been unfunny trash so should be removed permanently😂
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right, I was trying to explain the issue and difference between white chicks and little Britain on fb, and they seemed so angry, why be so triggered
I've found the same people getting angry about this on my facebook are the same people who want the statues to stay up, are calling protestors 'animals' and are insisting that the UK isn't racist.
I've noticed a pattern.
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It's all getting out of hand, this is the UK, why are we pandering to the minority?

Our historic statues are being removed, this is our history, for those that don't like it, either don't look or move elsewhere.

Half of the idiots protesting haven't a clue why they are doing it, just jumped on the bandwagon.

What next shall we change,
White wedding, white as snow, snow white, The White House etc etc
It's ridiculous, they are trying to wipe out our heritage & history.

Saw a couple of horrific videos on Twitter this morning, one a White officer being beaten up by a black man, where's the outrage.

The 2nd was a old black lady sitting on the tube being kicked in the face and head by a black man, where's the outrage 😡 😡😡 😡 😡

Just glad I won't be around in 30yrs,but I fear for my kids & grandkids growing up in what could well become a 3rd world country with people so feral running around attacking & killing each other.

More riots to come this weekend, all over a criminal who was a nasty piece of work dying 4000 miles away.
And they say racism doesn't exist in the UK!
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You don't know me, it's so easy to call anyone a racist that doesn't have the same view as you. It's the buzz word atm, anyone dare speak a word about any non white and they are automatically a racist. 🤔
Sorry to break it to you, but you are being racist. Everything you’ve said so far on this thread has been racist.

“Why are we pandering to minorities?”

“If they don’t like it don’t look or leave.”

Dress it up however you like, that’s racism and it’s disgusting. Such a backward, outdated view of the world we live in.
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You don't know me, it's so easy to call anyone a racist that doesn't have the same view as you. It's the buzz word atm, anyone dare speak a word about any non white and they are automatically a racist. 🤔
No hun, you're being called racist because you are a racist.
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I think we should remember that nothing is being banned, no one is gathering up all the old Little Britain dvds and burning them. If it doesn't offend you and you want to watch it I'm sure you can find somewhere to do that.
This is one company saying they don't want it on their platform, as is their right.

I think if I were a minority in this country, and I walked around my city and saw statues of the people that enslaved and tortured my ancestors, and I turned on the TV to see people blacking-up and acting out stereotypes, and then I went to school and people in the playground used those same stereotypes and catchphrases to mock me, I would feel that constant "othering" and judge that I am not truly a part of my own country.
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It's not bame groups who are removing statues and banning shows. They've got bigger issues to deal with right now, life and death issues. The statues removals has been led by white people, as has the removal of tv shows which are deemed racist. I've seen so much 'remove the mosques' posts on social media this week, but I don't see any Muslims throwing statues into the river. Let's face it, this is just another excuse to batter bame people, the racists are loving the patriotism. The irony, of course, is that Britain is the master of destroying history. It's completely whitewashed it's colonial and brutal past and destroyed thousands of historical documents detailing the horrors it inflicted around the world. And don't even get me started on rendition and secret torture of people which is ongoing. The hiding of evidence relating to historical child molestation/ abuse, hiding evidence about Prince Andrew etc etc. I could go on forever.

Racists really are dumb. I pity them all.
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Well-known member
I was shocked but not surprised to see Little Britain removed from streaming services. Just seen Netflix has now taken down League of Gentlemen and Mighty Boosh?? Is this getting a bit ridiculous? I’ve never thought of either of those shows as racist. I’m assuming with LOG it’s the Papa Lazarou character. I thought he was just supposed to be the complete antithesis of a happy entertaining circus clown? He’s not meant to be a black character. Am I super uneducated? What do you guys think?
I feel exactly the same as you tbh LOG's papa lazarou and the boosh's spirit of jazz are both brilliant bizzare other worldly creations to my eyes, I can't imagine Pemberton, Shearsmith, Gatis or Noel Fielding and Julian Barrett having nasty racist intentions when they wrote them but as you say we could be wrong .
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Of course they are, as the programmes that we once watched and enjoyed are all of a sudden rasist and so now been pulled, hence they are telling us what we can and can't watch.

We are on a very slippery slope.
Really? A slippery slope to what? Calling out racism? :rolleyes:
Sorry you feel offended that the shows you watch and enjoy were actually racist all along.

Just 3 per cent of the UK's population is black. What right have they got to tell the other 97 per cent of us what we're allowed to watch or find funny?
Jesus F'ing christ. I can't even.
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chocolate choux

VIP Member
I hope this doesn’t offend but genuinely... why is it offensive to dress up as any colour or race? I totally understand if you’re saying offensive things or being racist but my daughter dressing up as moana, tiana, Mulan... surely it’s the same? If you’re just dressing up for a show why is it offensive?
It’s a multifaceted issue, the main one being that it reduces entire ethnicities down to (often stereotypical/inaccurate) costumes or characters, which a white person can play about with then choose to discard without facing any of the issues that BAME face for being their race, wearing their traditional clothing, partaking in their culture, etc

If all races were on an equal footing in society, maybe it wouldn’t be so offensive

Another issue regarding white people appropriating other cultures for TV/films is that it takes work away from BAME actors who have less opportunities in the first place

A child dressing up as a character isn’t an issue unless they're also doing blackface (though how sympathetic or accurate Disney’s portrayals are is another conversation)
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Just 3 per cent of the UK's population is black. What right have they got to tell the other 97 per cent of us what we're allowed to watch or find funny?
It's not black people telling you what to watch (although do definitely do need to check your racist attitude). You're pretty stupid if you think it is only black people upset by racism.
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Because there is a movement happening where black people are finally being listened to.
it has always been offsenive but people were gaslighted POC by being told things such as ‘don’t be so sensitive’ or ‘they’re not even racist it’s just a joke’

this also stands for other races as Ant and Dec’s Japanese impersonation has been removed too.

black facing never has and never will be funny.

You could contact Netflix or Sky about showing Netflix?

Just out of interest is anyone who has commented so far black?
I’m not black and I don’t make this kind of comment on these matters. I sometimes wonder why certain things happen/matter but wait until a post like yours to help inform me. I’m aware I’m in need of educating but that doesn’t make me an ignorant cunt, I don’t think.

All of Little Britain made me uncomfortable and I will admit I didn’t notice the racism until it was pointed out to me. Probably because I have the white privilege of not having to notice it. I’m female so the misogyny I could see, clear as day.

I’m dismayed at the amount of all lives matter shite I see on my fb timeline. Even I see how fkn crass that is.

I absolutely agree with the BLM protests but I won’t take part in one physically until the pandemic is over. Then I worry about anyone BAME thinking the white people taking part are doing it because of a need to be seen to be doing it rather than actually giving a shit.

My 15 year old asked me if she could attend one at the weekend and I’ve agreed as long as she keeps to the social distancing rules.

I felt a lot of emotions when I watched George Floyd being murdered but the lasting one was shame.

I’ve always thought of myself as not racist and I’ve been anti-racist some of the time but not always. I’m nearly 50 so speaking my anti-racist mind all the time from here on in shouldn’t be any trouble for me or others like me given recent events.

I’m Scottish and one of my favourite things is when I meet someone with brown skin with a broad Scottish accent. It’s unexpected and so cool. I don’t even know if that breaks the offside rule or not...obv other accents are fine too.

Bit of a ramble there. I was a waitress in an Indian restaurant as a teen and lost count of the number of customers who said “what you doing working for P£&@s?” My best reply was to say “ what you doing eating here?”. I did drinks service so these customers would get blank drinks where I could do it (blank = very small amount of spirits rubbed on rim of glass, mixer and ice in the glass then a fraction of a measure on top) - arseholes.
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