Qanon and other theories

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Manchester and Liverpool also drew huge crowds and still nothing has been said.
Think back to BLM, everyone was panicking about covid spreading, even though a huge number of them wore masks. Looking at the pictures from yesterday not many people are wearing masks at all. I'm not judging that, but normally the media would, and still not one little mention šŸ¤”
What was Manchester and Liverpool about, same as BP?
I hear you. Itā€™s an important movement, However I stopped support the second it got highjacked. Looking at whatā€™s occuring in america right now is not something i would want my name attached to. itā€™s actually heartbreaking that such an important Movement has been weaponised the way it has, i fear a civil war occurring and more racial hatred coming up, from both sides. Itā€™s the classic divide and conquer tactic.

It was horrific, he stopped to help a transperson who was being attacked by protesters and now it looks like he might pay with his life. They beat up his girlfriend too.
Donā€™t even get me started on the children who have died during all this as well that is not being reported about. Heartbreaking.
out off al the police arrests, I do wonder why George Floyd use rather then Elijah McCainā€™s death to kick start the movement. What happened to him absolutely broke my heart and he was completely innocent so there would have been no counter argument.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This happened outside Buckingham Palace today THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH, PEDOPHILIA WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#SAVEOURCHILDREN</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#PEDOGATE</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#StopChildTrafficking</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Mikeylus (@mikeylusmusic) <a href="">August 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

I never knew this happened yesterday, wonder why itā€™s not being reported........šŸ˜’
To clarify, yes I agree the group BLM has been hijacked and I wouldnā€™t donate my money to them specifically, the general issue of supporting POC with racism and equality, absolutely.

So many important things arenā€™t reported on šŸ™ the media is a joke.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, here or in the other thread. However thought I would here just in case. I find there is enough evidence to make peopleā€™s blood boil, yet there will be some for whom there is not enough evidence to convince them.
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Not sure if this has been posted yet, here or in the other thread. However thought I would here just in case. I find there is enough evidence to make peopleā€™s blood boil, yet there will be some for whom there is not enough evidence to convince them.
How people do not believe this šŸ˜³ absolutely disgusting, i donā€™t know about you but what I hate about knowing about this is how helpless I feel

Why would Instagram allow those disgusting and vile post be allowed but any Qanon or CT post be took down? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
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How people do not believe this šŸ˜³ absolutely disgusting, i donā€™t know about you but what I hate about knowing about this is how helpless I feel

Why would Instagram allow those disgusting and vile post be allowed but any Qanon or CT post be took down? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
Itā€™s crazy. I just wonder how many people we watch and see on the daily will soon be exposed. I think itā€™s earth shattering if you really look at it, which maybe why people turn away and ignore it?! i really hope this all comes to light soon. Itā€™s awful.
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Yeah people really donā€™t want to know (not that they donā€™t believe) but are choosing to not want to know,
do you think the whole lockdowns around the world had something to do with it? Seen a few things saying itā€™s connected but canā€™t work out how
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The incident that sparked the protests now looks like it wasnā€™t a racially motivated attack, it was a pretty routine arrest that had a horrific outcome. At the time it happened the narrative was twisted to fit a cause, black lives absolutely matter, but this was weaponised for political agendas. There was media silence when more information and the full footage came out which painted a different picture.
Itā€™s disgusting when you think about the amount of subsequent lives ruined off the back of this, be it someoneā€™s livelihood set on fire or smashed to bits or people killed in crossfire, historical monuments being destroyed, people getting on their knees for something that their ancestors (not them) may or may not have done. Ordinary people being followed home and having their home address made public knowledge by being recorded on camera and framed as racist so some ā€œinfluencerā€ can make money off the back of it with merch.

Why do the media keep fanning the flames, what are they gaining from winding people up to the point of hatred for one another?
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Itā€™s disgusting when you think about the amount of subsequent lives ruined off the back of this, be it someoneā€™s livelihood set on fire or smashed to bits or people killed in crossfire, historical monuments being destroyed, people getting on their knees for something that their ancestors (not them) may or may not have done. Ordinary people being followed home and having their home address made public knowledge by being recorded on camera and framed as racist so some ā€œinfluencerā€ can make money off the back of it with merch.

Why do the media keep fanning the flames, what are they gaining from winding people up to the point of hatred for one another?
Distraction, and from chaos comes order šŸ™
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Yeah people really donā€™t want to know (not that they donā€™t believe) but are choosing to not want to know,
do you think the whole lockdowns around the world had something to do with it? Seen a few things saying itā€™s connected but canā€™t work out how
from what I have read itā€™s Was to do with children being rescued from under ground bunkers/tunnels etc. Not sure if this is true or not. Though recent events in Australia seem to fit the 5G being installed agenda. I am not sure whatā€™s going on, but itā€™s not sitting right either way.
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