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For some reason it won't let me link a screenshot to this thread but it was basically a video supposedly yesterday of people protesting outside BBC studios shouting 'hey weirdos leave our kids alone'. If this is true then I do find it interesting that these kind of things aren't covered on the news. Also I'm sure there's been a few protests recently for save the children one in Hyde Park and Manchester (unless they haven't happened yet) you don't hear these mentioned either do you .
Nope - and that’s what makes it all the more fishy.

A HUGE noise was made over BLM protests. All over the news. Celebrities getting involved.

Yet when it comes child abuse and child trafficking - silence. Makes ZERO sense and only fuels the fire that there’s major corruption going on
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But the George Floyd protests were not just about George Floyd but about much wider issues to do with race.
What would you be protesting about in the awful sad case of Cannon Hinnant? It's a truly horrible incident but surely a stand alone one.
The incident that sparked the protests now looks like it wasn’t a racially motivated attack, it was a pretty routine arrest that had a horrific outcome. At the time it happened the narrative was twisted to fit a cause, black lives absolutely matter, but this was weaponised for political agendas. There was media silence when more information and the full footage came out which painted a different picture.

My point is more about how things can be twisted to suit when you’ve got crazy billionaires bankrolling the protestors and news reporters. George Soros in this case.
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@Keepitw0nky i know exactly what you mean and very true with soros
Thanks 😅 the people pleasing introvert in me is very uncomfortable with touchy subjects and heated discussion, I don’t usually say anything provocative so I appreciate you getting what I mean. I’m not minimising the importance of BLM - just annoyed how the people in power control the public.
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All the protests over George Floyd (I don’t condone what happened) and they quietly released the full footage a couple of weeks ago, showing how obstructive he was being, was high on something and the fact the neck hold is actually a technique the police are taught and allowed to use in that state..

5 year old Cannon Hinnant is shot point blank in the head by his next door neighbour while playing in his garden the day after his family had the neighnourround for dinner.

No protests, no shares, no prayers because it doesn’t fit with George Soros’s plans.
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@Cupcakemum I think a lot of the big QAnon accounts have been removed on Twitter and have moved to Instagram or Parler instead.
Makes you wonder doesn't it. I understand not everything said might not be factually true, but there are just too many coincidences with some things.
The account I follow on Instagram was shut down, but she reopened it under a new name.
How they can shut QAnon accounts so quickly, but fail to shut others that are far more dodgy speaks volumes
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How is he getting away with this? If he does this in plain sight, wtf is he doing behind closed doors?
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Thanks 😅 the people pleasing introvert in me is very uncomfortable with touchy subjects and heated discussion, I don’t usually say anything provocative so I appreciate you getting what I mean. I’m not minimising the importance of BLM - just annoyed how the people in power control the public.
I hear you. It’s an important movement, However I stopped support the second it got highjacked. Looking at what’s occuring in america right now is not something i would want my name attached to. it’s actually heartbreaking that such an important Movement has been weaponised the way it has, i fear a civil war occurring and more racial hatred coming up, from both sides. It’s the classic divide and conquer tactic.

I haven’t seen any mainstream coverage of the guy in Portland who was kicked in the head, the whole incident was caught on camera, blood oozing from his ear, and the protesters are doing very little to help, the guy who attacked him has been identified on twitter etc, and nada.
It was horrific, he stopped to help a transperson who was being attacked by protesters and now it looks like he might pay with his life. They beat up his girlfriend too.
Don’t even get me started on the children who have died during all this as well that is not being reported about. Heartbreaking.
out off al the police arrests, I do wonder why George Floyd use rather then Elijah McCain’s death to kick start the movement. What happened to him absolutely broke my heart and he was completely innocent so there would have been no counter argument.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This happened outside Buckingham Palace today THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH, PEDOPHILIA WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#SAVEOURCHILDREN</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#PEDOGATE</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#StopChildTrafficking</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Mikeylus (@mikeylusmusic) <a href="">August 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

I never knew this happened yesterday, wonder why it’s not being reported........😒
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Currently about half way through this book on recommendation from a friend 🤯🤯🤯 finding it very interesting but can be hard to
Follow. New to all this Q stuff
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It doesn't matter if he was high. People around him were begging the police to get off him. The full footage is horrific, how you can watch that and feel the whole thing has been twisted is beyond me.
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Who do we think is behind Qanon?
I read a theory on little.miss.patriot instagram that JFK Jr is behind Q and that he faked his own death in 99. Wouldn't that be a turn out for the books! Would love it to be true, there's interesting evidence.
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If it wasn't true then why sensor it all? Thats my biggest question. They want to brainwash and control us all. Other than our time on the planet.. who the fuck knows what is real in the history books/science etc. When I fall down the rabbit hole I fully believe the adrenochrome theories, cloning.. but then week by week forget about it and think it sounds ludicrous.
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Watched the fall of cabal last night on youtube, bloody hell.
Unbelievable isn't it. I watched that, and then Out of the Shadows. Definitely food for thought!!
Its a rabbit hole I almost wish I hadn't gone down, but I'm lost at the bottom of it now.
Not sure if we can mention instagrammers on this thread, but theres a few good ones to have a nose at over there
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Chatty Member
But the George Floyd protests were not just about George Floyd but about much wider issues to do with race.
What would you be protesting about in the awful sad case of Cannon Hinnant? It's a truly horrible incident but surely a stand alone one.
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VIP Member
Nope - and that’s what makes it all the more fishy.

A HUGE noise was made over BLM protests. All over the news. Celebrities getting involved.

Yet when it comes child abuse and child trafficking - silence. Makes ZERO sense and only fuels the fire that there’s major corruption going on
You’d think they’d make the news just for even being a crowd of people in a time when crowds are frowned upon. Strange.
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Active member
For some reason it won't let me link a screenshot to this thread but it was basically a video supposedly yesterday of people protesting outside BBC studios shouting 'hey pedos leave our kids alone'. If this is true then I do find it interesting that these kind of things aren't covered on the news. Also I'm sure there's been a few protests recently for save the children one in Hyde Park and Manchester (unless they haven't happened yet) you don't hear these mentioned either do you .
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I haven’t seen any mainstream coverage of the guy in Portland who was kicked in the head, the whole incident was caught on camera, blood oozing from his ear, and the protesters are doing very little to help, the guy who attacked him has been identified on twitter etc, and nada.
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👋 planting myself here x

How is he getting away with this? If he does this in plain sight, wtf is he doing behind closed doors?
Honestly baffles me how people can still support this man, you have video evidence in front of you and you can see how uncomfortable the people he does this too are, practically squirming in some of the videos I've seen.

I've said it in the other thread but twitter is great for all this kind of thing. There's loads of rabbit holes to fall down over there.

I know I've openly expressed that I'm not sure on qanon in the fact that they seem to be very pro trump to the point of they will have no wrong word said about him and when it's comes to conspiracys you have to be open minded to questioning everything even your own opinions. This is where I struggle as no one is holier than thou, Donald trump included. You don't get to the position he is on hard work and good intentions alone lol. You also don't get to that much money and power without having a bit of savvy about you and so he's clearly not as stupid as the media like to portray him. I do still follow there posts with interest though because aside from being hugely one sided they do talk alot on the same subjects being spoken about in all the other theories too.

@Brie97 saw your posts in the chrissy tiegan thread and thought I'd direct you to this thread over here. 😃
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