Don't even think about it if you're both working full time either.
I got a dog (chocolate labrador) with my ex and we had a big garden. We put a dog flap in so she could come and go as she pleased during the day. He knew more about dogs than me, having had a lab before, and said she'd be fine.
But she suffered from major, major separation anxiety and totally destroyed the garden, garden fence and probably a million dog beds although she never really bothered with anything else in the house when she was alone (she was restricted to the kitchen but never bothered with the bins or anything although she did chew the skirting boards)
When we were around, she was always really naughty, badly behaved, attention seeking (positive and negative) and just generally a bleeping nightmare. I would be in tears most days. We read all the books and even sent her to a boot camp for three weeks. Nothing worked.
As an absolute last resort, and against my wishes (I wanted to rehome her) my boyfriend got an electric collar. To be honest, just the warning buzzing (before the electric shock) from that was enough and we didn't actually use it for long. She turned into a different dog within a few weeks. He still has her now, as I knew I'd be moving into a flat after we split up and knew it wouldn't be fair. He rented a house with a garden. She always preferred him to me anyway! Whenever I think of her, I am still so overwhelmed with guilt that I got her without really even thinking about it and she suffered because of it.
So please, please no matter how much you want a dog, they are far harder work than you think and a massive commitment. They are incredibly social, pack animals and need to be around people otherwise they are just miserable and act out. If you're going to be away from it got any longer than 4 hours (6 tops) then I would strongly urge you to think again.