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Haven’t fully caught up yet but wanted to add an early thread suggestion

PTWM #83 Slagatha Christie…Adventures on the poverty express
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Thanks to @Sausageface for the thread title (so glad that Bob Geldof is in there 😂)

Last thread recap:
- Raychaellleee remains a massive cunt.
- Confirmed that Jordan is accompanying R on the poverty porn tour. No wonder Josh is coming along, seeing as how she was all over Jordan on her birthday night out, and she has form for shagging other women's husbands 👀
- A bit more excellent parenting, giving Wobbly a cup of tea and then being surprised when he spilled it. It's almost as though he maybe needs to be taught and shown how to do things 🤷
- Nina from Eat That Frog has been awarded a BEM for her work supporting the community during the pandemic. Ratshit is probably so engulfed with jealousy she can barely drag her leopard print Adidas leggings on. Oh well.
- Edie read aloud the first page from R's new book. Yes Rachaele, entirely appropriate to let your 7 year old read the background of her stepbrothers, but with your evil spin on it 🙄
- After Tattlers pointed out how everyone had to sit on the floor for their shit barbecue, R and J now have more seating in the back garden than the local beer garden, unfortunately to fit it all in they have had to get rid of almost every trace of the 6 children that live in the house.
- Rachaele was posing with yet another full glass of gin, while pretending she doesn't drink. Ok hun.
- Lula has been staying with Cocaine Katie.
- Family trip to the beach! Poor Wilby was just wandering silently, with Rancid filming and not interacting with him at all 😔
- Edie seems to hold the esteemed title of "favourite kid" as she's willing to be in crappy ads (including one for Teenzshop - clothes which won't fit her as they're for teenagers).
- Josh said goodbye to Seb before heading off on the poverty porn tour - unfortunately Seb had no idea they were going away (conversation filmed covertly by Rachaele - excellent safeguarding there hun)
- Stabby Jo appears to be the lucky childminder for the week - usual skivvy Emily seems to have fallen out of favour (probably for daring to have her own mates)
- First stop on the the 🌟needless Covid super spreader poverty porn tour🌟 was Chester and Liverpool. Where Rachy visited a gym and a bar. The obvious places to "raise awareness" or whatever bollocks she's pretending to do.
- Next was a lovely trip to Chester zoo, followed by twatting around on electric scooters (Joyce didn't wear a helmet, wonder if that surgeon from "Nottingham hospital" who wept at Raq's feet will be in touch).
- Having filmed the peasants on a housing estate, they all headed off to a swanky bar/restaurant with some of Queen Rancid's loyal subjects, and probably spent more on one meal than what some of the people she's pretending to help don't even have for a month. Cue all the huns frothing at the gash that if they keep commenting on her posts, they might be allowed in her presence in the future.
- Tattle's new hero Debs commented on Ratchet's grid post, questioning whether it was appropriate to be showing the downtime of gym, cocktails and a zoo visit while supposedly highlighting poverty. This prompted some passive aggressive replies from both Joyce and Rancid, with R comparing herself to Bob Geldof 😂 and assuming that Debs is one of the evil trolls who "fill Rach's inbox daily with poison". Deb's comment was not malicious in any way, but Josh replied with a threat of the account being traced. Yes officer, we are all scared.

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page
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Hence the ex, they are rough as shit haha, hope you ok though
I'm okay thank you.
My ex was and still is a fucking psychopath.
Which is actually nothing to do with growing up on Maes G.
His evil mind was there from birth.
He is ashamed of coming from Maes G.
He left Bangor and went to university to make something of himself.
He's now a dentist & has got rid of his Bangor accent.
He's now on his 3rd wife, I was number 2.
Each wife has & is being abused.
The reason why I originally followed PTWM was because he abused me in every way possible & tried to kill me
& I thought Rachey stood up for victims of domestic abuse.
I thought she cared.
I got that bit wrong.
I bought the book and the calendar and probably would have given money to her if I'd had any.
She has to be stopped, she's giving abused women false hope.
A false sense of security.
When in reality she's as bad as the men (& women) who abuse and murder their wives and partners.
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Who the fuck does she think she is 🤯

View attachment 620954
The saviour of the world. Obviously. Did you not know Sunday schools up and down the country now teach this prayer:

Our Rachael who art up in the hobbit loft, hallowed be the extra e on thy name, thy queendom come, thy will be done, up north as it is in Devon. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our poorness as we forgive whose who poverty shame and blame us, and lead us not onto tattle, but deliver us to Instagram, for yours is the PayPal, the flowers and the glory. For ever and ever, because you’re the lushest, amen. 🙏🏼 💜
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Betsy is amazing with them all BUT it's totally inappropriate that a 16 year old has needed to ring her younger sisters head of year. It's also totally fucking wrong she will be going in with Tallulah tomorrow. My eldest is an incredible older sibling, fiercely protective of their younger brother. But it's my job to sort out things to do with school, to ring if there's an issue etc.

This whole thing is completely ridiculous. She's swanning around pretending to be important, when her kids are at home needing parental support. And a 16 year old is picking up the fucking pieces!
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Mrs Fudge

I've been lurking on these threads on and off since her Tattle snot fest but haven't posted before as, generally, you all tend to say what I'm thinking! But seriously, where to start with what's happening this week... who the hell does she think she is?? Poverty, deprivation and inequality are not fucking spectator sports. These are real people with real lives and they don't need her performative activistism. She doesn't care about them, she cares only about raising her own profile and has surrounded herself with enablers (who no doubt all feel indebted to her in one way or another, that much is clear from the comments you see on her SM) to the point where it feels she is almost untouchable. And the huns just lap it up!

She's dangerous and it makes me genuinely concerned for the women and children who will be walking through the door of the women's centre believing she can help them, when all she has only ever been interested in is helping herself.
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1. Why is she filming the mortuary? So disrespectful!

2.Why does she need to say ‘four Muslim men’ and not just four men?

Shes ignorant beyond belief.
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She’s infuriated me tonight. I’ve honestly been trying to type a message for an hour to get my anger out (sorry guys). It’s annoyed me more than usual.

I think because food poverty is a topic I’m so passionate about (think, got a commendation at my uni graduation for a scheme I came up with in my uni city, and on first name terms with all my MPs wherever I’ve lived because I’ve been in regular contact with them on the issue level) her absolute shambles of covering it with the sensitivity, respect and dignity it deserves has tipped me over the edge. Why is she swanning round the country like “omg these people don’t have a microwave and just eat beans can you even imagine it?” when she’s literally lied said before that she could not only imagine it but had lived it?!

What is her obsession with doing a quarter arsed job (because it’s not even a half arsed job) of mentioning a massive topic like food poverty, Domestic Abuse / Violence etc pretending to have some unique insight into it, then mentioning it a couple of times at a time convenient to her, to boost followers of ad views etc, then dropped again until it needs to be wheeled out again.

For gods sake R, do they job properly or don’t do it at all. Personally, I won’t shut up about food poverty until we stop getting headlines like “woman found dead in flat after starving to death, after giving what little food she had to her child”. 😤
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I’d love to be their waitress at one of their meals out this week.
I’d start by saying it’s you isn’t it? I can’t believe it can I have an autograph, my mum loved you in hi de hi. Then ask them is this your eldest, pointing to Jordan. Wow you almost don’t look old enough to have a grown up son.
The oh so expensive red wine would have a top up of vinegar for Joyce to enjoy.
Madam would have a few extra ingredients in her meal, my long hair gets everywhere!
The bill would be massively inflated, and I’d say, sorry we don’t accept PayPal hun.

Finally I’m getting a little clumsy I just know I’d trip up and that cocktail she doesn’t like the taste of would end up all over her £1000 clown outfit and in the Jedwood hair.
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Aside from this trip clearly highlighting she’s never really had to worry about the roof over children’s head or putting food in their mouths, what I don’t understand is what is the aim of the CIC?! What actual services will they provide?! She’s all over the place at the moment, shadowing mental health assistance (the gym), food poverty & environmental issues, fleeing DV, that’s a very broad spectrum to provide genuine assistance for, each with their own huge complexities & systematic procedures to navigate carefully.
Jack of all trades master of none!
Surely she’d be better concentrating her efforts on one sector & become clued up as she can on that?
Oh wait, I forgot, she’s gonna dedicate herself to sending fluffy clouds & face masks out & save the planet & people’s lives that way! 🙄

I don’t think she can focus on DV as u can’t just dip your toe into DV-you need to refer to Marac, children’s services, adult services, legal advice, housing advice, police.
If you don’t refer to Marac, children’s services, adult service & police women & children will die. There will then be a domestic homicide review/child practice review which are made public & she would be criticised. Also, to refer to Marac, POVA etc u need to sign up to information sharing protocol.
DV is very complex & needs to be well thought out.

Also u cannot be publicly sharing DV victims on your social media.

Much easier to just fanny about with donations, coffee mornings, offering hugs & tears. No strategy or hard work involved & will look fantastic on social media.

CICs seem dangerous to me. Will undermine the whole voluntary sector-some voluntary organisations are shady as it is-and divert funds from well established, well intentioned & well run organisations.

DV needs more & more funding into a wide range of services if we’re gonna reduce the amount of victims. So funds being diverted away from legitimate organisations (to PTWM, a fucking fraud) really irks me.

I don’t comment often here (not one for commenting on looks, parenting etc) but she is dangerous in this respect. I have workedin DV for a long time & would be fuming if she was operating in my local area.

Rant over! 🤪
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Just caught up on her stories from yesterday and one of the things that really angers me about her is her attitude towards the people who might need to use a food bank. Any one from any walk of life might need to use a food bank at some point in their life, and what these people deserve is your respect and empathy not your pity! I reckon most of the people in this country are a paypacket or two from needing to use these services and if I ever had the need to use one I’d hate to feel pitied or someone crying over that fact! She is completely clueless 🙄
Years ago someone at an event I went to (told you I was a bit involved with it all 🙈) said that most people in the room were only ever two pay checks away from struggling to put food on the table. It’s so true, the average persons savings (if they’re lucky enough to have them) may cover the bills for a month or two, but then things get real. You can’t not pay your rent or mortgage, because the consequences are dire, yes you can reduce your water / electric / gas use, but you’ll still have a bill to pay at the end of the day, you often can’t reduce spend on travel to and from work, because you’d loose your job etc. The one thing you can “quick fix” is your food bill, cut it right down. Eat the bare minimum, feed your kids not you.

This was another thing that annoyed me in her coverage, she was making out that it was “the poor people from the poor estates” stuck in the cycle ... which is utter rubbish. It’s the nurses and teaching assistants, who spend all day taking care of others but the often low wages against the long hours they work don’t enable them to meet the ever increasing house bills / costs, it’s the thousands of people who last year had to take a sudden and significant loss of earnings or even total loss of business, it’s the lovely sweet old man from down the road who used all his savings to pay for his childhood sweetheart to have the best care for the last few years of her life, it’s the students leaving uni unable to find work in the worst economic crisis many of us will ever live through with a host of student debt behind them and trying to get somewhere safe to live on whatever wage they can find, it’s the individuals who don’t get the support they need to access the government help available (I’ve lost track of how many individuals have come into ours and said “I didn’t know I could get that, I don’t read well or I don’t have any internet to complete the form”), it’s people like me and my neighbours last year where a complete disaster happens and you go from having everything to nothing in the space of a couple of hours (all sorted now, I was lucky I had insurance, many didn’t because it’s so expensive it’s a risk they take 😔).

I could go on all day, but she needs to leave this to the people who truly care because I’m fed up of her dipping her toe in the water, making a few uninformed and often triggering comments, then moving on to the next “gram worthy saviour moment”.
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Fucking hell 😂😂😂
That was like watching a parody mockumentary.
I don’t know what to say really. I have so many questions
Jordan is not packing much brain power is he?
Why did Josh looked like someone had taken shit on his capsule wardrobe?
“Four Muslim Men.” Do we use this for everything now? So if four men from a C of E church came out to retrieve Lurch from the car, would she call them “Four Christian men.”
Do I call my Nan and Aunts “Catholic Women,” or my Husband “My Atheist Husband?”
Our Rach and her single handed rollback on years of inclusivity & progression 😂🙌
That puff pink monstrosity was as inappropriate as Josh’s shorts and no socks to be honest.
Who is that absolute div behind the camera? “Over to you Rach” hahahahaha.

It’s just pure Partridge all of it, they can sell it as a comedy to BBC Three, it will go down a storm with an episode This Country

Those stories have literally made me rage!! 'Look at us in a Mosque' 'these are Muslim men' 'muslims are kind'
I felt so sorry for everyone involved. Great people who do amazing things and those two who couldn't even have the respect to think about what to wear.

Wasnt it J who followed some right wing woman on social anyway? Doesnt surprise me.
Yes Josh is a big fan of resident Islamophobe and budget Katie Hopkins, Julia Hartley Brewer
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What baffles me is they’ve literally taken Debs comments on board so why did they behave like dicks towards her in reply and then block her? Why not just say “fair point, thanks for commenting”? Rachel is completely unable to respond to criticism in a normal way, and Josh is just as bad for responding on her behalf.
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It just goes to show how royally she has fucked up in the last few months. I think this is the most new members that have popped up since her tattle rant? Obviously more people are getting fucked off and googled her and lurkers are finally speaking up, its a step further in her karma I guess, even if it is just a little step
Absolutely. She can cry troll all she likes but there’s no smoke without fire. I’ve contributed to Katie Ellison and Theonlygirlinthehouse threads before but they are basically static, they’ve been on the same thread all year and go months without even one comment and that’s because, even if they can be annoying, those ladies haven’t hurt anyone and they aren’t conning innocent people out of money or trying to pretend they’re anything other than an influencer using their accounts to make a living.

You don’t get to thread 82 of people slating you if you’re a kind, honest decent person.
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I feel sick seeing her broken heart emojis over food bank posts like she gives a fucking crap. I’ve fed my eldest beans on toast many times, tinned ravioli and bread, spaghetti with sausages etc, and that’s not just necessarily when we’ve had to rely on food banks (which we have, multiple times). It’s quick, easy and cheap and tbh it’s more nutritious than fast food.

Not everyone can afford to feed their kids roast dinners, steak and prawns every night, Rachel, you insensitive bitch.
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Mrs Fudge

And now she's showing off her heavy duty period pants and telling people how much cheaper they are than sanitary products.

Only £62 upfront rather than the £80 you'd spend over two years.

On a tour to highlight poverty.

What a twat.
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Chatty Member
Quick scroll of the hobbit room ...dyson air purifier noted ..retailing btw £500 to £800...cunts !!! Enjoy your sea views we have seen so many times it actually gets boring. Just remember we saw your son ignore you after a week away, sleep well 😂
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She has got this so wrong. To the point she couldn’t have it more so even if she tried. She’s missing the mark spectacularly. I’m a little bit lost with what to say to be honest. Something about this is leaving a rotten taste in my mouth and is actually quite uncomfortable. These people she’s ‘interviewing’ (and I really do use that in the loosest possible way) are clearly passionate about what they’re doing and appear to be in it for the right reasons. She’s come along, patronising as fuck, making it all about her and turning it all into the Rach show.
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