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Long time lurker here, posted a few times.
I followed this woman for years and used to donate via PayPal 😫🤦🏻‍♀️
I don’t follow her any more, as I don’t have the words to describe how toxic and evil I find her.

Anyway, I’m going to step back from this thread etc for a while I think.
Hope this makes sense, but I’m really struggling with how it makes me feel to see someone like her receiving plaudits and having everything fall in her lap, despite being the person she is. Meanwhile,any others are caters struggling along without help and not looking for praise or reward.

I have 2 children with SEN (one also has a serious chronic illness) and my husband has ASD and ADHD. Life is hard, as it is for many others. However, I try to be a good person and to still give my time and support to others. That’s not me virtue signalling, just saying that I think it’s important to be aware of the needs of others.

I don’t expect help, but it is so hard to keep going at times and at the moment, I’m mentally and physically exhausted trying to meet the needs of my children and husband.
Then I see this bloody woman making out that she’s a saviour - and so many other people are taken in. It makes me wonder what is wrong with the world and why I bother at times, as it appears you are better thought of if you are a total twat!

I’m also a DV survivor and it constantly shocks me what she gets away with in that arena. Josh is clearly abused, as are her children, yet she gets away with hiding in plain sight.

Sorry, I know this is a ramble but I’m sick of seeing her gurning face and all the praise heaped on her - something feels very wrong in the world if people can’t see what she is.
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New thread title thanks to @Noseycow2020 🥳🥳🥳 short and sweet, I love it! You've won your very own unsafe coffee table and a boot full of mouldy pumpkins!

Last thread recap:
- Rectum is still queen of the cunts
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- in London, and Rancid said we need to set alarms for a big announcement she's got coming up. Will it be the release date for her next book of lies? Or the REBL clothing line? Or is she finally going to wash her hair? Stay tuned to find out!
- off they went for dinner and drinks with Alan from the management company, and brave little Rumplestiltskin forced herself to knock back some fizzy cat's piss, even though she doesn't drink. She didn't even bother to get changed, still wearing the VB t-shirt she'd travelled up on the train in.
- apparently Alan has told her that her engagement is best when she posts about Gravy Jug Gary cooking, and what she's wearing, so she needs to focus on those. As if anyone wants cooking advice from Boring Brian, or fashion advice from someone who looks like she gets dressed in the dark 🤷
- the trip to the pumpkin patch was all so she could post a reel, as that works best for the algorithm on Instagram these days. Of course it was never about doing something with the kids.
- in a PatreCON live, she was waffling to the camera in her hotel room about how Sloshy went off by himself to go clothes shopping, and she argues with Jo all the time.
- apparently she got her vile VB jacket cheap on depop because it's a couple of years old - except it's from this year's collection, so can't be more than a few months old 🤷 maybe Alan also told her to stop flaunting all her expensive designer gear, so she's lying about it instead.
- the Tattler who was recently "outed" by Racket has been in contact with the Tattler who was doxxed by her, and confirmed that Rambo has gone out of her way to try and destroy as much of her life as she can, including threatening minors.
- the £50 worth of pumpkins that were bought simply for Insta are still sitting in the back of the Volvo.
- BeKind has got some nice new trainers from Foot Locker, straight after huns bought a load of vouchers for that very shop 👀
- Wiblet is still squished into his high chair in front of the iPad in the kitchen.
- Seb told Sloshy off for saying "Adidas" wrong - "you're not American"
- Raffleticket showed a load of animals that Wibble had apparently lined up on the kitchen table. But then he started moving them all, almost as if it was all set up without him for content...
- Bratsy's gone off to Liverpool for the weekend. Still waiting for her ticket to Australia then.
- despite apparently having a level 3 autistic, violent toddler, Rectum has decided to get a glass coffee table in the bare, echoey lounge. How long before it's broken?
- despite taking a "career break to spend more time with Wilbur", Sock Tagging Steve deployed to operate the till at the tat shop, leaving Top Knot Theresa unsupervised and filming a rambling load of dots of doom up in the sex loft. Apparently her manager Alan told her she *had* to go to the Apple store and get a new phone, because the one she had wasn't good enough 🙄 poor Rachey pops, having to drop a grand on a new iPhone instead of yet another ugly jacket! The new table is already filthy because Lula ate chicken nuggets over it and left it all greasy. Bratsy's "gone Liverpool" to stay with a couple of people Rambo met when she was on her book tour, who became some of her (you've guessed it) best mates. Jenna's son has just moved out to go to uni, so BeKind is staying in his room. A few sweeping stereotypes about Scouse women ("fake tan, contouring, lashes, all at 2 in the afternoon"). While Sloshy's slumped over the counter at the shop with his red wine hangover, she's got "all the kids" (except Betsy's not there, and Seb and Isaac were picked up by their aunt). Clearly unable to cope on her own, she's dragging her poor, toxic old mum round to help, even though she's not well and not very mobile. Of course it's been another "bad week" with Wilberforce. "Meltdowns" left, right and centre, and tears from poor Rancid. She's got the forms for his educational assessment to see what support he needs when he starts school (which the private diagnosis may not help towards). Label Whore Lisa has always loved Victoria Beckham, admired her growing up (even though Spice Girls weren't a thing until Rectum was in her teens, and Victoria on her own as a celeb wasn't until even later 🙄). How she'd be if she met old Vicky is apparently what Wilbur was like seeing animals at the zoo. His first "meltdown" was on the way in (of course), but the woman at the till was really lush so it was all ok. She said she was off to "blitz the house " again, either Linda's been given the boot, or she's got an ad for cleaning products coming up.
- with Edie, Wobbly and Toxic Mum in tow, off they went to the shitwork shop to make sure Sloshy wasn't balls deep in one of the customers. Luckily his condom style hat was enough to keep all those hordes of women away! That fucking "Unbelievable blue eyes" song is back, we obviously reminded her of it the other week.
- meanwhile, the thread took a turn for the bizarre, with someone claiming that "a friend of a friend" had made some kind of report to the local MASH about the Shambleton/Marshall/etc kids being left unsupervised. There was a lot of debate over whether they knew the patchwork piss artists in real life or not, and whether a report was appropriate or not. Either way, lots of Tattlers were either confused, or bored by the back and forth over it.
- it seems the meeting with Alan may have been a bit of a bollocking over the state of her content - some of her posts have been deleted (notably the "German Me" where she sang Incy Wincy Spider to Wilberforce in a bad German accent, and ended with the glorious "Lula! Tea's ready!" when we all knew she wasn't there). There has also been a steep decline in mentions of trolls, including an absence of "notafuckingadipaidfullpricedickheads" type hashtags. Maybe he's told her it's not a good look and driving people over to Tattle.
- on Patreon, she said that Wilberforce is "non-verbal", then goes on to say "yesterday he said 4 words". I live about 6 hours away from you Rancho and I can smell your absolute bullshit from here. It is very clear that Wilbur is in no way non-verbal, if Tattlers can clearly work out what he's saying, why can't his mother?
- Seb's had his girlfriend to stay over for the first time, which Racket seems unnecessarily excited about 🤷 I wonder what the poor girl thinks of that shitshow house/family.
- she later claimed that Wilbur had "the biggest meltdown" and cried all the way home from I Bounce saying "oh shit". Edie helpfully piped up that he'd fallen and landed on his head and neck, so he was probably crying because it hurt rather than a meltdown 🙄 Edie then encouraged him to say "oh shit" again on camera. How delightful, having your 9 and 3 year old kids swearing.
- Rasputin has still got all the pumpkins in the boot of the car, how long before they go mouldy and Tic Tac Teeth Tony is complaining about the smell? Never mind the fact it's a total waste of money and food, all so she could make a reel for the 'gram like Alan told her to.
- off out for lunch (with 3 of the 6 children), and Sloshy was picking on Lula for having a hot chocolate before her lunch. A laptop was brought for Wilbert, because heaven forbid his parents have to entertain him, along with a selection of 64279 of his favourite animal toys. He also had a packet of Percy Pig sweets, and Lula was making him laugh by dropping his toys into a glass of water. Expect some "FML" content coming soon of him throwing things into people's drinks.
- a hun messaged to say that having a heavy backpack helps her autistic child with meltdowns, and Rumblestrip agreed. Although it's quite usual for toddlers to want to carry a backpack full of shit around, but anything to push that "level 3 diagnosis" eh Raq.
- Rabies posted something about people being allowed nice things, and if you're envious then it's your problem. Here's the thing though Rectum - we're not jealous, we can just see that you're constantly begging your followers to donate money "for the warriors" with absolutely no proof that their money is helping anyone other than your personal fund for Gucci bags, VB jackets and shit renovations on your murder mansion.

I don't seem to have saved many pics/videos this time, so have a bonus "oh, are we" as that always cheers everyone up!

Just a reminder that a D&C police officer was dismissed for misconduct, with the date of this article being the same date as a certain person started their career break...👀

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
October - Herpes Lodge (weekend), mid week night in London with PA Jo.

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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I don’t want so send this thread south, dilly dally etc, but isn’t it weird that all this poop is coming out, rachaele new book, fridak going MIA, has someone slipped up?
Something stinks!
Hi 🙋🏻‍♀️. I am in attendance. Not MIA at all.

(My post yesterday was in the top ten most liked on Tattle. Literally the only thing I could do other than that to make myself more visible on this website is post a full frontal nude in the manner of Sloshua circa Dec 2021.)

I am standing back a bit as I was really pissed off at the end of the last thread and I don't like losing my temper. I'm realigning my Tattle chakra's 😂.
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We all know she's nasty as we've seen it but I think she's fucking vicious behind the scenes. That's why they all pussyfoot around her. Linda looks scared of her. If L was my mum there would be big trouble if I saw that. And T being ignored again so she can prance about
She said at the end there that Talulah hadn’t left the house all half term… I guess we just imagined her at the pub, pumpkin patch, supermarket and out with a mate on her insta… 🙃
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This is for anyone that feels like she’s got the perfect life going on… hope it makes you feel better.
I’ll throw my two pence worth in first but there’s a lot in here…
1) ‘we don’t name call DICKHEAD’ 🙄😂
2) couldn’t resist a little troll dig, Alan won’t be happy!
3) writing without a ghost writer is the new teeny tiny ‘size 6 on top, size 10 on the bottom’ 😂
If Josh was at work the first time Seb tried weed, he must have been in about Year 4.
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Just so you're all aware, the "Rach loves Wayne 4eva" thread suggestion is the current frontrunner 🤣🤣🤣
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Those messages from seb breaks my heart. As a mother of 2 boys, I always treat both of them equal and discipline them equally. If one is winding the other up then they get a talking to and vise versa, I would never ever take anyones side and I'd hate for them to think I favour one over the other.
He's literally crying out for them to put their foot down and admitting that betsy is bullying him (the girl who went on national TV claiming she was an advocate for anti bullying 🙄)
At this point they just need to allow him to go stay at his grandmas which he obviously loves to do. I will never forget that footage of him that time where he physically felt he had to get in between josh and R once and when he pulled Wilby out of an arguing situation and now its just coming across like he's become the punch bag so to speak from everyone in that house.
No wonder he's calling them all pricks 🤷‍♀️
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Here we go…..
Oh give over rach. Its boring now. The business was affected because the owner was hiring teenagers to work without a permit (and making them lock up alone). You highlighted that yourself on a public Instagram page.
If you don't break the law you won't have repercussions. Its as simple as that 🤷‍♀️
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If she hadn’t given her child (at the time) a public Instagram account and encouraged people to follow her in their tens of thousands, Betsy would never have received messages calling her names. It’s not right but it’s understandable and as adults we know it happens and we have the tools to stop it, one of them being to limit the access strangers have to our children online.

This is all on you, cunt face.
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