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Let me just say this about Laura. If she had one iota of self awareness she hold her tongue over ‘trolling.’ Her entire persona and 80% of the content she posts is ‘trolling,’ other women under the guise of parody. Parody much like I do when I script or rewrite things on here that Rachael has posted about. Only I do it without getting my kit off.

Laura not only parodies these women, she also tags them into her posts. Why? Because she wants them to feel as though what they do is irrelevant in the real world. The women she ‘trolls,’ are professionals. They don’t just wake up looking like that. They clean eat, exercise, spend time and money preserving their craft. They go on casting calls 7 days a week sometimes to get a job. They are consistently rejected for someone with the right look, that they don’t have. They fund most of their promo work themselves and they by enlarge work their arses off in low paid jobs just to keep their heads above water till they catch a break. Unlike Laura, who sits at home feeling sorry for herself because the children I’m assuming she chose to have and the Husband she says she loves have not met her need for validation. AND she does this because those women, the ones that like her, chose their lifestyles, happen to be more attractive than she is. Plus because of that, because they look better, the people that follow Laura all think that her page is fair game and funny.

Couple that with the clear rage she has for anything that makes her feel moderately uncomfortable (see her recent post about another possible lockdown,) and the inability to express herself enough to stand out without obscene profanity, you have one largely unstable peri menopausal women with a fucking gigantic chip on shoulder that makes her breathe out negativity out of every orifice she can display. I don’t give a shiny shit whether she has had mental health issues, or has to pay for her own therapy, and how dare she pontificate about what she needs funding government to suit her needs.

Fuck off to the back of the queue like the rest of us dear, it’s called a socialist health care system. We all need it and guess what, your ‘breakdown,’ which frankly you talk about so inconsistently, I can’t work out at all what happened. Well that doesn’t take priority over someone else’s acute schizo affective disorder. The same way my need for reading glasses doesn’t supersede someone who is blind. These women have let this job that they have go to their heads, they are not special, super talented, or even significant outside this free app. We are all no one in a world of 7 billion no ones, suck it up 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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What the actual hell 😂😂😂😂
They look like the sisters out of American Horror Story Freak Show looooool

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I haven't posted before due to my social anxiety but I am feeling brave today! so please be nice (after all you tattle bastards are horrific 😜). Yes Rach you are right Hindley did live in the Gorton area of Manchester where your family are from and Brady did work in Gorton for a time (yes I found that on the internet too) but both moved away from the area in the early sixties years before your parents had even met. So when was it her Dad was neighbours with Brady and why was he so traumatised that he had to uproot his family to move hundreds of miles away? I'm from the Manchester area by the way so have grown up with the stories about Hindley and Brady. Sorry if it's a bit of a boring post just wrote what I felt.
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Apparently we don’t hate her because it’s her, we just hate for the sake of it and if she disappeared we would just find someone new to hate. I mean that’s not true for me because I hate scammers and I don’t know of any others online.

She sends screenshots of messages people send her to her solicitor to see if she can take action 🤔 and her solicitor managed to trace someone to Wales.

Ben admits he read here hence knowing his nickname. He accuses people like Dipsy Doodle of behaving like the influencers they purport to despise by “building their own little following” on the Tattle community.

Rachel reckons she’s blocked Tattle off every device they own and even if her kids searched for it they wouldn’t find it. She only knows of what is said because her followers send her screenshots.

They don’t open their women’s centre to the public because then trolls would be able to turn up so they go through GP surgeries and have so many referrals they are now fully booked.

Laura: “Their hatred of you comes down to jealousy”.
Rachel: “Yeah, yeah of course it does”.

Brands work with her and say “what level of trolling can we expect?”

Mrs Hinch name drop, evidently they’re besties now due to “Ronnie and Wilby”.
Oh my, I'm a Tattle influencer and I didn't even know it 🤣🤣🤣 so who's first to gift me some shit I don't even want but I'll accept because it's free, talk about it once and then get my local Hermes driver to take it to the tip?
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New thread title thanks to @ShipShapShep 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Hermes Kevin is on his way with a #gifted Christmas tree just for you!

Last thread recap:
- Rancho is a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- A rare weekend at home for Rancid and PC Merlot, so of course it was off out for a pub lunch with Arsetrid and Simon. Haven't been invited round theirs in a while, have we? Raq and Asteroid made an HILARIOUS mistake of "accidentally" wearing the same blouse. Who wore it better? Quirky, stylish Astrid, or try-hard wannabe Rach?
- Rambo has finally retired her ugly "going out" mules, and instead was wearing the new boots she bought when she went shopping with Hannah and her husband, a Tattler found them online for £690. Just the other day a hun bought a brand new oven after Rancho begged for one on behalf of someone from the launderette, yet she's walking around in £700 boots 🤷
- Seb got roped in to an advert for a tutoring service, let's hope he refused to cooperate until he got his phone back!
- Rochelle filmed herself being kissed and cuddled by Wilby, unfortunately the sweet moment was ruined by her saying "why do you have to do it with so much force", and paying more attention to the phone than her son showing affection 😔
- The Clampetts were off to pick a Christmas tree 🎄 bit premature to be buying a real one, but luckily Ranch has eleventy billion #gifted vacuums to clean up all those needles! Joyce did the manual work of going through the trees, while the most beautiful woman in his world filmed and whined. #couplegoals
- she plugged the Patreon with a rambling answer to a question she'd had about the school playground. She reckons some of her "worse online trolls" are there, and referred to when she was heavily pregnant with Wilbert - which funnily enough was the same time people started asking questions about the PayPal money and where it had gone 🧐 she said she didn't go to the school throughout the whole month of July 2019 because of it (even though the school would have broken up half way through the month, a couple of weeks doesn't sound so dramatic though, does it?).
- Lunch out with Arsetrid and Simon for the second day in a row, this time with tagalong Stabby Jo (probably hastily invited after Tattlers noted that after being a permanent fixture in the hamster cage house she hadn't been seen since the Halloween party).
- Seb was telling Joyce about his train journey, unfortunately Joyce was pissed and slurring while telling his son that he was boring and monotonous (takes one to know one Sloshy), while Raq filmed and snorted.
- Gangsta Granny dropped round some home made flapjacks, which Wilby threw all over the sofa, and then piled up in his bowl. Instead of taking them off him and giving him a healthy breakfast, Rachey just filmed him. Clearly she can't deal with him when he's told "no".
- Time for the dots of doom. This time, a video she had already posted on her Patreon account, but decided to share on her main page as well. Wilby's had a review with the health visitor, and he's missed all his milestones, scored very high on some aspects and very low on others. Cue much lip wobbling, gnashing of (too many) teeth and hand wringing, so much so that some Tattlers started to feel sorry for her! Never fear though, not a single tear was actually shed, despite her best efforts, and she followed it up with a plug for the Patreon. That's right folks, she's happy to share "Wilby's World", but only if she can make money out of it! Whenever you think she can't get any lower, she manages to pull something else out of her arse.
- Rejoice! Wilbert can feed himself a yoghurt! If only they'd let him try before instead of wandering the house playing in the toilet, he could have been doing it for ages 🤷
- Raq, Emily and the two Jos farted about putting a Christmas tree up at the launderette (with Rach making sure to mention "that's an expensive tree!").
- Dots of doom, with Wilby on her knee watching Peppa Pig. Then she started blowing bubbles, and he didn't know whether to look at the bubbles or the screen. She said she went to the cinema with Josh (for only the second time in the whole time they've been together). What a coincidence, she bumped into a hun who was there with an autistic child! She's had loads of questions about taking Wilby out. He has a routine and doesn't like it being interrupted, and will bite and kick if she tries to pick him up. But before Wilby if she'd seen someone with a child she would have gone over (would she bollocks, she'd have texted her bitchy little group of employees slagging them off). She then compared him to a dog on a walk not getting tired 😬 and said that one day about 50 people were staring at her because of Wilby. Raq hun, if anyone was staring it was probably because of your ridiculous scrunchie and ugly cardigan combo. She said Wilby doesn't understand anything that I'm saying to him". She's "frightened to go out because it's embarrassing". What a delightful way to talk about your child.
- Wilby is "obsessed" with the Christmas tree. Rach filmed him looking at it, and she asked him 3 times "do you love it".
- Finally, she's done a story about domestic abuse (you know, that thing she promised she would 'shout about" and then didn't mention again for weeks).
- They're already looking at another property to expand the patchwork shitshow launderette. Maybe do something useful with the one you've got, hun.
- Turns out the Christmas trees and decorations for the launderette and Ratchet's house have both been donated 🙄
- Ratshit and Emily announced their Christmas campaign for the Patchwork cafe/launderette/shitshow centre. They want to give gifts to the families that use the centre, and instead of giving lots of people small gifts, they want and give fewer families their "dream Christmas". So they've set up an Amazon wishlist, including items such as Kindles, expensive hair and shower gel sets, gift cards for Vue, Costa, Asos, Primark and H&M, Xbox live and restaurants. There are also items such as wrapping paper and scissors. A Tattler added up the cost of the gifts requested and it came to £15,000. That's not a typo, it's FIFTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS. Considering that just last week, Racket showed over £1000 worth of toys from Very that she was gifted and paid to advertise, and she's now asking her followers to donate a disgusting amount of money that she can take all the glory for. Her and Emily are going to dress up as elves to deliver items to the families. They also shared the full address of the launderette so that people can drop donations in. So secure!
- Raq filmed Wilby feeding himself cereal with a spoon. He's gone from being unable to feed himself to using a spoon in a few days. Who'd have thought a bit of help and encouragement could make such a difference? All of bloody Tattle, that's who. Unfortunately he was still transfixed by the tablet screen so he soon lost interest, but it's a start for the poor lad.
- after pretending to cry all week over Wilby's needs and his love of routine, Raq ditched him to catch the train to London with Edie, Joyce and Stabby's son. Edie annoyed all other travellers by singing out loud on the train. Turns out it's all for some PR event (no idea what for as I couldn't be arsed to watch it all). Apparently Edie and Stabby's son are now besties, thought he was Isaac's bestie 🤷 she probably didn't want to take I on a trip away over one of her own spawn.
- She did a shout out to some PT who's "come on board" with the patchwork shithole launderette. No idea how or why a PT fits in with the cafe/launderette/drop in centre/venue for Rachey's adverts vibe of the place, but here we are.
- she quickly dropped in that Betsy moved out for a week.
- over on the Patreon, Rancid posted a long, barely legible monologue about how she had a shit childhood because her mum had had a shit childhood, basically throwing all of her family members under the bus and blaming them for all her issues. And she might re-write her first book (no doubt because she's fallen out with some of the people who featured in it now, so wants to add in how they are toxic as well).

Many thanks to @Lucyinthesky88 for being our super secret undercover mole on the Patreon account 😂😂

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page
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“I get my nails done every week and the girl who does them is always telling me how everyone else asks her if she’s the one who does my nails and they’re really starstruck. Betsy is at an interview today and it’s in a public place and I told her so many people are going to see her and want to speak to her but we’re just normal people.”

(slightly paraphrased)

Fuck me.
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Didn't she just recently do a post highlighting different forms of abuse, accessing a bank account being one 🤔 Never mind making it public...and the way she talks to him is awful.
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Does anyone live near her? Surely residents of Paignton can somehow bring this absolute shit show down?
We get it Rachel, you suffered in your childhood. Pretty sure lots of us have. You, however, are lucky you had family. By the time I was 6 I had lived in 7 different Foster homes (neither parent wanted me but they were making sure the other couldn't have me) my adoption broke down when I was 15, I've lived in hostels, I've been homeless, been married to an abuser, I've got a variety of mental health issues (Emotional unstable disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Anxiety etc) and a few physical issues, but you know what? I DONT SELL MY LIFE ONLINE and I certainly don't sell my kids out either. I'm also I'm a similar position to the boys mum. Lost custody because I had breakdown, 9 years and counting in court, their step mother is like you. Refers to the children as hers etc I can guarantee it will be killing her to see how you are treating her kids. Like their an inconvenience to you and your alcoholic twat of a PC Twat husband.
Like you I rely on my partner but because i have ME (a condition you probably know nothing about but will magically have next week) but unlike you, I trust him, I don't have to be on the phone constantly when he's out. Heck our texts are along the lines of 'forget coffee and your on the sofa tonight' I trust him, he trusts me. Something that is missing from your joke of a relationship. For God's sake your a woman of nearly 40. I'm a couple of years younger than you but dont act like a love stricken puppy of 16. My advice? Get off all social media and fix your family
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I’ve mentioned before the Brady/Hindley thing isn’t true. At first she said her dad lived next door to Brady, however he didn’t live in gorton (where her parents are from). That’s now changed to they lived next door to both of them but Brady and Hindley never lived together. If your gonna lie Racheleeeeee, at least look up the fine details first
Just for good measure I'm surprised she didn't say Dr Shipman was the family gp😂
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Who put 50p in the dickhead?


There’s literally no services, social workers are set up to fail, they can’t manage their caseloads, when they phone us they don’t bother doing home visits because they don’t have the time, but they’re also removing kids left, right and centre from women down at the patchwork shithouse who are actually good mums because it’s safer to do so than have a child slip through the net?

Which is it? Are they too busy to act at all or hyper vigilant and removing kids unnecessarily?

Also implying that the teenager who left her child home alone to travel miles away for a party sesh was just a young mum who didn’t know better is bollocks. There are thousands of young mums out there who had difficult childhoods and still manage not to leave their infant home alone to starve to death.
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I just went back through her FB page to the beginning (snoring husband, couldn't sleep)
and she was close with her sister nights out, watching each others kids. Plus I'm sure she's a hairdresser who used to fo Rs hair.
I've no words for them leaving Manchester because her dad was neighbours with Hindley and Brady. They were jailed in the 60s. I don't get it 🤷‍♀️
ETA lush, amazin recap @DipsyDoodle. The first line is always my favourite 💜☁
I’ve mentioned before the Brady/Hindley thing isn’t true. At first she said her dad lived next door to Brady, however he didn’t live in gorton (where her parents are from). That’s now changed to they lived next door to both of them but Brady and Hindley never lived together. If your gonna lie Racheleeeeee, at least look up the fine details first
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If she is meeting missgreedy tomorrow then looks like a dinner in Manchester for her clothing launch. So rach will be in her element brown nosing with all them and trying to get herself an inthestyle collab 🤣
And yet again, leaving the kids mid week..but Wilby likes routine 🤔
Wait, they are leaving the kids mid week, travelling 400 miles in stormy weather to go to a PR event for an online market stalls 20 or so new items by a woman they have never met?

This can now be crowned as the most desperate trip so far 😂.
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Reference her pity party story of growing up, sorry to say Rach but your kids and Josh and Sams kids get top trumps there. 😕

Imagine if your dad had taken to shagging a pregnant woman in the woods, he leaves your mum on your birthday. Then said woman takes you away from your real mum, only to treat you like shit for the rest of your life. Dad never wants to spend time with you, in fact actively shows he can’t stand you and the home wrecking woman is his priority over everything (along with the baby she was pregnant with whist shagging him)🤢

Not only that but every aspect of your life gets put online and in a book so all your peers can see you being humiliate no your background story all without consent.

The girls and Wibble will also have their own stories of shit childhoods to tell.
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Possibly the biggest load of bollocks I’ve ever heard in my life 🙄
KDIL “I didn’t know if I was gonna make it”
*returns to Insta getting her minge out
Rach “I couldn’t do the school run I was so bad”
*never off Insta whoring the kids out

Just doesn’t add up does it? And Rach just spent the whole time spitting at the microphone talking over Laura, with the other idiot sat there nodding along 🙄 fook me just tell the truth and say we love the money pissing around on the internet give us, the end 🤷🏼‍♀️
And why has she called herself Mum on his Go Henry card when she isn’t? She’s barely a step mum and he calls her Rach.

Not one inch of me has any ounce of jealousy for that shower of shit. Seriously, she’s just living in what can only be described as a renovated nursing home with a bird shit filled zoo in the back garden, her step son has a front door in his bedroom and she can only access hers by crawling into it 🙈

Oh and Edie singing on the live is as boring as looking at someone else’s holiday pics - just fook off with it 👋🏼🖕🏼😴
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Shes such a cow posting comments like that. No, he most definitely didnt create his two boys just for her to love. It was in fact their mother who created them you psychopath. The way she tries to rewrite history. I hope the lads been with his mum all weekend or at least that side of the family getting lots of love and attention cos somethings certainly rattled both their cages. Could they not take a photo of him cuddling his son ... no it's got to all be about Rachels ego.


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Chuff offohc

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Mothers should keep their children with support?
What like sam with support from her ex husband and his New tart new wife?
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I finally unfollowed last night (I know, should have done it sooner) but I can’t even hate follow now.

I find her so fucking crass, it’s sickening. I used to work for a charity, we received funding from the local authority and we had a strict social media policy because asking people for donations whilst flaunting things is gross and doesn’t encourage people to give. Her arrogance is ridiculous. To put a begging post on, asking for shite for a family after an ad and sandwiched between posh hotels and meals out is just disgusting. It doesn’t work but she thinks she can get away with it as it’s her and she’s got this little army of people telling her she’s amazing and how har she works. She doesn’t see it will be her downfall. She should either use the ad fee for the centre (was this not implied recently?) and says at the end of the ad “I will be gifting these products to women at The centre” or she stops the ads or the begging. Doing both does not work.

Her and Josh having sooooo much time away together is what brought me to tattle. I can’t watch her be called out again and make out she’s mum of the year deserving a break. We’re all fucking sick of life right now Rach, exhausted from working or surviving life in a pandemic, looking after our kids, worrying about money, the new strain - all the things that she never thinks about. She just gets to swan off for “work” and take that useless sack of shit with her, leaving SIX children at home. And play the victim to her huns when called out? I just can’t.

Keep me updated tattle bitches as she’s rattled and her time will come. I’ll host the party when it does ✌🏻
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Today's stories are as horrific as usual. I honestly don't think anything she could do would surprise me, even my wife piped up that she was making this about her too when she heard her rambling on. R tripped herself up left right and centre.

The one thing I did pick up on was the recent ss referral she said the thing a few of you have mentioned about throwing water over the kids to get them out of bed but she also said that they apparently didn't want to return to the family home. Now, in my mind at least, that is not the sort of referral that would have come from a troll or anyone outside of the family. That is something that would come straight from the mouth of one of the children. Either I or T, Issac seems more likely with it being Josh who got the call but T has been noticeably absent lately too!

I've mentioned before that I do know R IRL, she is even more chaotic when you spend time with her than she is on screen I think. the things she told me, on only the 4th/5th time of meeting her, with no prompting from me, about the boys, their past and their mum made me feel sick! She has no idea when it comes to appropriate behaviours, and I dread to think how she behaves when she is alone, we see flashes of the real her all the time, the video of her in the car the other day was disgusting, the way she was belittling Josh, whilst I and W were sat with them made me feel sick and it felt wrong to watch. She isn't very clever at hiding the real her and I've no doubt at all that eventually as the kids get older and move away from them the truth will come out.

She has none of her family around her, other than her mum, and mum's forgive us almost anything don't they? And her poor mum really has forgiven more than most. Hannah doesn't actually spend that much time with them as a family more just the boys, and the only people who you see with her are those she employs, I think that is very telling!
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