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VIP Member
I know there is a similar thread about Mumsnet and how some of you have come over from there. I used to be on Babycentre and it was just as bad! šŸ˜‚

I saw a picture online of a woman giving birth with her own dad right next to her but he was looking down ā€œthereā€ and her entire family were sat watching too! I said I personally found it a bit odd as I wouldnā€™t even want my dad in the room never mind have him actually watching the baby come out! (personal opinion) Anyway everyone on there pretty much disagreed with me and got really nasty šŸ™„

What dramas/arguments did you guys have on parenting forums and what made you leave?
Jeez I'd have rather given birth on the bus than have my mum there never mind my dad!
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Active member
I know there is a similar thread about Mumsnet and how some of you have come over from there. I used to be on Babycentre and it was just as bad! šŸ˜‚

I saw a picture online of a woman giving birth with her own dad right next to her but he was looking down ā€œthereā€ and her entire family were sat watching too! I said I personally found it a bit odd as I wouldnā€™t even want my dad in the room never mind have him actually watching the baby come out! (personal opinion) Anyway everyone on there pretty much disagreed with me and got really nasty šŸ™„

What dramas/arguments did you guys have on parenting forums and what made you leave?
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MN is the worst for judgemental bitches. People post looking for genuine advice and get shredded to pieces.
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I used to be on baby centre, Iā€™ve made two really close friends on there that live in the same area as me and we get together a few times a year and talk every day so thatā€™s a positive side to it.

Once babies are born a lot often move onto Facebook and make their own group and bitch about everyone else on the site šŸ˜‚

I remember when I joined the site with my first born all the babies were around 4 months and this one girl posted saying her boyfriend had been in a car crash with the baby, he sadly died and the baby broke their legs. A few of us was a bit skeptical about it how ever others started to light a candle and decided to round some money up. I never contributed as you just donā€™t know with these things. Anyways someone else that was questioning it decided to do some snooping. She found this girls Facebook account which wasnā€™t private. Just a few hours ago the girl had posted a video of her apparently dead boyfriend doing the ice bucket challenge and him saying who he tags and then another status later on she had put up was that she was at the pub with him and there was a photo of the baby with no broken legs.

Admin found out, banned her account and Iā€™m sure the ones who contributed some money never got it back. I know someone contacted the police regarding it but they said there wasn't much they could do due to the girl not originally asking for the money.

I also remember mentioning my auntie had got my daughter a ā€˜boysā€™ outfit it had footballs on it and something along the line as soccer boy written on the front. Anyways this one person started messaging me saying Iā€™m a bad parent and Iā€™m worried if I put the outfit on my daughter it will turn her gay? Very confusing šŸ˜‚ I just ignored her and stopped going on it after that
Yeah we had a few scammers making up the most amazing stories. Twin pregnancies, baby loss and baby death. Vile people.
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I came off babycentre when LG was 4 months as I was sick of seeing all the early weaning. I get it if you've been adviced by the appropriate channels, but mums who ignore guidelines and can't just wait 6 weeks really pissed me off.
"Mum knows best"

Along with "happy mum happy baby"

We had all sorts of dramas from stalking, bullying, suicide attempts posted online, an affair between one member and another members husband. God it was never dull
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VIP Member
I used to be on baby centre, Iā€™ve made two really close friends on there that live in the same area as me and we get together a few times a year and talk every day so thatā€™s a positive side to it.

Once babies are born a lot often move onto Facebook and make their own group and bitch about everyone else on the site šŸ˜‚

I remember when I joined the site with my first born all the babies were around 4 months and this one girl posted saying her boyfriend had been in a car crash with the baby, he sadly died and the baby broke their legs. A few of us was a bit skeptical about it how ever others started to light a candle and decided to round some money up. I never contributed as you just donā€™t know with these things. Anyways someone else that was questioning it decided to do some snooping. She found this girls Facebook account which wasnā€™t private. Just a few hours ago the girl had posted a video of her apparently dead boyfriend doing the ice bucket challenge and him saying who he tags and then another status later on she had put up was that she was at the pub with him and there was a photo of the baby with no broken legs.

Admin found out, banned her account and Iā€™m sure the ones who contributed some money never got it back. I know someone contacted the police regarding it but they said there wasn't much they could do due to the girl not originally asking for the money.

I also remember mentioning my auntie had got my daughter a ā€˜boysā€™ outfit it had footballs on it and something along the line as soccer boy written on the front. Anyways this one person started messaging me saying Iā€™m a bad parent and Iā€™m worried if I put the outfit on my daughter it will turn her gay? Very confusing šŸ˜‚ I just ignored her and stopped going on it after that
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I've read plenty of articles on the Daily Mail about various posts from Mumsnet, the impression I'm getting is that some posters there are a few fries short of a happy meal.
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I have teens and the advice then was 16 weeks, the HV said that my August born could have his Xmas dinner.

I mentioned it on mn and got abuse for it. Some posters unable to grasp that advice changes.
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
I have teens and the advice then was 16 weeks, the HV said that my August born could have his Xmas dinner.
Thatā€™s a bit different given it was what was advised at the time. Whereas now itā€™s recommended around 6 months/showing signs of readiness etc the troops come out with the ā€˜never hurt my baby, a rusk mixed with milk before bed meant mine slept through, it says 4 months+ on the packaging, they wouldnā€™t sell it if it wasnā€™t okā€™
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Canā€™t stand mumsnet, apart from the odd bit of gardening advice šŸ˜‚ the irony of it. Couldnā€˜t stand mother and baby groups , nct, the list is endless. I also dislike school WhatsApp groups and am not involved in them! I much prefer a few friends, with or without children, that you can get together with and chat things through.
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
I came off babycentre when LG was 4 months as I was sick of seeing all the early weaning. I get it if you've been adviced by the appropriate channels, but mums who ignore guidelines and can't just wait 6 weeks really pissed me off.
Not from a forum but I know somebody who started weaning her son at 10 weeks just to try get him to sleep through the night. She fed him purĆ©es until 4 months and then started ā€˜BLWā€™ with him and just giving him MASSIVE meals
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Netmums it was either too cliquey, full of judgement and bad advice. Also I don't even reply to texts regularly let alone forums so gave it up
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Chatty Member
I came off babycentre when LG was 4 months as I was sick of seeing all the early weaning. I get it if you've been adviced by the appropriate channels, but mums who ignore guidelines and can't just wait 6 weeks really pissed me off.
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chocolate choux

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I never joined MN as Iā€™d read many threads over the years (came up in random Google searches) and just didnā€™t feel like Iā€™d belong. I did sign up on Babycentreā€™s pregnancy app, not realising that it also registered you onto the forum. Found my default due month group a bit boring so ventured out into the forum... wish I hadnā€™t :ROFLMAO: Nothing wild happened, just learned that it was a toxic place and certain users would take issue with anything a less well-known user would say. It was very negative so I left

Also found that the popular posters on there seemed to hate their kids, probably why they were bullies on the site. Iā€™m not talking about the normal feelings of being fed up of little Johnny and just wanting a cup of tea in peace... some really seemed to despise their children. As someone who was mentally struggling with pregnancy, it was a bad environment

I avoid all that these days though I do have the mummy meet up apps which also have the feature of posting publicly. I largely ignore that side of it though as like @Niamhm I get fed up of the early weaning posts. They really touch a nerve with mešŸ˜¬

Also couldnā€™t be dealing with the dramatic and likely to be untrue tales. Sadly they seem to be common across the internet
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I think Mumsnet has ALWAYS been a really unpleasant site. Users would say that Penis Beaker, Cancel the Cheque etc. was the turning point but it was always a pile on site that advertised through passing their threads along to the Daily Mail as ā€œnewsā€.

To this day, I have always been convinced that the majority of the threads are from Mumsnet staff and fed by their own sockpuppets to give the impression that they are busier than they really are. It seems that a lot of the content on the forum gets recycled every 2-3 years, with some stuff cut and paste from Reddit.

And the ā€œMumsnet Royaltyā€ clique can fuck right off. The only thing that made me cringe more than when a ā€œknownā€ poster would descend from their tower to impart their wisdom to the great unwashed, was the super lame suck ups dancing for attention.
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Thereā€™s so many judgemental women out there, obviously advice changes , my dh was given baby rice from 6 weeks old because he was such a greedy bugger, so what that was the advice at the time, thereā€™s no need to be a know it all bitch in replying. Scroll on by

Most of those women will end up on threads like the ā€œWhatā€™s the worst thing your mil has doneā€ on here
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