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As a Victorian with elderly parents live in Queensland and who had to be double vaccinated just to see family at Christmas within their own country and then have a PCR test before they returned, it's pretty disgusting that this feral can come here knowing what the rules are to enter the country, have paperwork that the dates don't add up on, have an incorrect visa and now it looks like the judges arse has been greased enough to let him out of detention and into our society. Should he be given the opportunity to play, the rest of the world will see and hear the hate and disgust that Victorians who do the right thing and have for 2 years have for this person and the mockery he has made of our system. We love our sport in Melbourne and it shows with the crowds at all sporting events, but this behaviour just puts a bad taste on everything.
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You can’t be medically exempt from something on the grounds of your personal beliefs. That is not how medicine works
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Limpy Love

VIP Member
How he is being treated yes (although everyone should be treated like him being unvaccinated isn't a crime and so why treat people like a criminal ) others have exemptions that have not mattered,so is he also being treated like this because of who he is

Is he being treated better or worse because of who he is?
If you wish to enter Australia you need to be fully vaccinated or spend time in quarantine on arrival.
You also need to apply for the correct visa for a medical exemption, which he didn't, therefore he is an illegal non-citizen.
Novaxx has a medical exemption to play at the AO but he doesn't have one to enter the country.
As far as I see he is being treated like any other person who enters my country on the wrong visa.
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I don’t wish bad things on others as a rule but I really hope he does himself a serious injury as in able to play again the arrogant piece of shit that he is. He is an absolute cunt. It’s one thing to not want to be vaxxed for whatever crackpot reason, but to think the rules of a country don’t apply to him and he is special and he can do whatever the hell he likes. Fuck off.
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Good send the arrogant prat back home he thinks he can do what he likes because he's NO1. Now don't get me wrong if you don't want to take the vaccine that is your own choice but if Australia's rules are no vaccine no entry then fair enough!

Nadal has also commented saying if you want to play in Australia get vaccinated!
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Iconic Member
Why stop there? I say execute him and be done with it! Australians, many of whom have Covid, need protection from a man who doesn’t have Covid!
you seem to be missing the point entirely.

hes such an unlikable shit 😂 I don’t even know why I enjoyed the mental image of him eating normal people food while he waited in his hovel hotel for kisses from mommy and his private chef…..
Suck it up and eat your peasant corn flakes Novak
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Well-known member
Good. He's an arrogant wanker with no thought for others. Why should everyone have to deal with his ignorant and wilful travel to a country struggling to contain Covid.
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Chatty Member
My favourite bit today is the Serbian Prime Minister that said: "Australian Government are all liars! They said the vaccination percentage in Serbia is 50%. That is not true! It is 58%" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :LOL:
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VIP Member
why would he need to be under armed guard, are they afraid he might batter his way out with a tennis racket?

it's not as though he's unrecognisable?
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I fully agree with Alan Jones

"It may be unfashionable to make the point but we should be seriously concerned, not about why Novak Djokovic was granted an exemption but rather why he is now being treated like a virtual criminal.
Whatever emotions might dictate, the image to the rest of the world is of the police state that we have seen operating in Victoria for some time.
In these things, facts go out the window.
The first fact of significance is that Tennis Australia has imposed far tougher rules for those seeking exemption than would apply to any other Australian entering the country.
All applications are what is being called "blind", that is, all personal details - name, country etc. - have been redacted.
It is clear that the bulk of the applications for exemption by players and officials have been rejected.
The Djokovic application was approved but, repeating, the approval was granted without the expert panels knowing the name of the applicant.
So, Djokovic arrives in Melbourne with an exemption. Then he was told his visa application was flawed.
But those asking Djokovic to give reasons why he has been granted an exemption are now not giving reasons why the visa application is flawed.
It appears that other players, unnamed, with similar visa applications, have been allowed into the country.
But all that aside, is this an appropriate image for Australia? That the world's leading tennis player, with no convictions of any kind other than the fact that some may disagree with his views, is now being treated like a criminal; firstly, reportedly, hauled up in a room at midnight with armed guards and then, reportedly, being told to leave the country tonight.
And now, politically, it is being weaponised.
The federal government are trying to say the Victorian Labor government were prepared to let Djokovic in when, in fact, visa matters are a matter for the federal government.
It gives every impression, as with so many issues, that governments are prepared to abandon facts and cave in to pressure from the left-wing Twitter mob.
Admittedly, people are angry that apparently unvaccinated people, be they tennis players or anyone else, are allowed into the country when other Australians have made massive sacrifices.
But Djokovic did not make the rules. He just applied for an exemption.
The exemption was objectively assessed by "medical experts".
Djokovic was granted an exemption.
Now it appears that the visa rules which have applied to others who were granted exemptions, do not apply to Djokovic.
It is easy to see Djokovic as the villain; but the image of an Australia treating a bloke like a common criminal owes more to the behaviour of a police state than it does to a liberal democracy.
You either have rule by law or rule by the mob.
Which is it?"

You're hilarious. Police state? WTF do you read? Dan Andrews has made it clear from the beginning, that if you're vaccinated, if your visa paperwork is correct, you'll be allowed in. its the Federal Government that stopped Novax, not the Victorians.
And as I work in the Department Of Health, mining and collecting data, I'd believe what I read daily over that than Alan Jones.
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Anyone thinking poor Novak got the tough end of the stick should remember that Katie Hopkins was kicked out of the country for being an arsehole.
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VIP Member
Zero sympathy. The bloke tried to circumnavigate the rules because he’s unvaxxed. Simple - follow the rules or don’t come.
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VIP Member
It depends on the country, America allow it and also religious exemption they’ve all got their own set of rules.
Well yes, all countries have their own individual requirements for entry. Novak knew he was going to Australia so he needed to fulfill the requirements of entry to Australia. He only fulfilled the requirements to enter the Australian Open not the Country. If he had not gloated on Instagram then he probably woould've got away with it but alas he is stupid and arrogant and now he is stuck in a crappy hotel with refugees. He is still very lucky as officially he has been denied entry and anyone else would already be on a flight home.
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This is exactly what gives me mixed feelings about vaccinations and those who choose not to have them.
I had covid back in September 2020, I wasn’t vaccinated back then and had very mild symptoms. I’ll be honest, it made me less scared of the virus - but it didn’t make me less scared of passing future covid infections on to someone vulnerable.
I am now double vaxxed and had my booster in late October and then just before Christmas a lateral flow tested positive.
However, I had to isolate as I can still pass it on to vulnerable folk.

After already having had covid pre-vaccination, I may not have bothered with the vax if I realised that I could still infect people.
I initially thought folk were being selfish in not being vaccinated, but now I know we can still infect others I am leaning more towards personal choice, with no penalties for those who don’t want to have it.
There is a ‘penalty’ though, take my line of work for instance, healthcare. The non vax people had significantly more time off work when they caught Covid (one was in ITU for months) and they now have long term health problems. The vaccinated staff who caught it were off for their isolation period then back to work no long term issues. It has a significant impact on employers and colleagues, amongst a whole host of other things

as above, it was never meant to stop you catching it, it was to lower the severity And impact
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Chatty Member
He shouldn't be punished for not taking something forced on him to live a normal life. USA should be as ashamed as Australia for not letting him play.
I find this view so odd.

Novak is free to make the choice not to have a vaccine, but Australia and the US should be forced to allow him entry? Surely if it's his choice over the vaccine then it's equally countries choice if they allow him or not. To think he should be above immigration rules because he's good at a sport is baffling.

He chose not to have the vaccine and then did all he could to try and circumvent the rules.
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I'd kinda enjoy if a decision is made while he plays his opening match and gets dragged off the court
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